Saturday, April 12, 2014

Breaking, Enbridge loses bigtime in Kitimat Plebiscite, Northern Gateway Pipeline Is Dead!

Despite Enbridge bringing in hundreds of propaganda agents to knock on doors, PR spindoctors, over 20 public information open houses(Although Enbridge representatives failed to answer any questions, like how do you clean up the inevitable spills)...

Enbridge spent near $1/2 million dollars on PR..on advertising, on spin and bluster...

Not to mention Enbridge`s $60 million dollar provincial advertising campaign, endless streaming ads online, on TSN, on Global, on CTV, endless radio ads on CKNW, print ads, everywhere Enbridge ads and still.....

Kitimat city counsel also prevented the Haisla and Haida First Nations from voting on the plebiscite question, absolutely disgusting move by Kitimat city council as the Haida/Haisla traditional coastal lands are most at risk of complete annihilation by a tanker spill...

And despite all of Enbridge`s dirty tricks, Kitimat city council dirty tricks, they lost the plebiscite bigtime.....

60% against northern Gateway....40% for.....

The grassroots organization Douglas Channel Watch had but $1,500 dollars of money to compete against the corporate thug Enbridge....$500,000.00 against $1,500.00 ....

Stick that in your pipe Janet Holder.....I hope you are listening Stephen Harper...This pipeline insanity will be the death of both you and the Federal Conservative party..

To the fine people of Kitimat.....Grant G and the Straight Goods thank you...Cyber hugs and kisses are on the way..

Good Day




  1. that was a pleasant surprise. who knows there maybe hope for Canada after all.

  2. Problem is with the Enbridge pipeline? The final decision will be made by Harper in Ottawa.

    We all know Harper and the Campbell/Clark BC Liberals, will use every dirty tactic in the book, to force the Enbridge into BC.

    It was said the F.N. were not permitted to vote and still the vote was no. However, I am glad BC citizens are supporting the F.N. against the Enbridge pipeline.

  3. A good first step towards for sure.

    HarperOliver expected to wade in some time in June.
