Thursday, August 1, 2013

Welcome To 2001, Christy Clark Redux

I do recall Christy Clark stating during the 2013 election writ period that a fall(2013) legislative session would be held, in fact Christy Clark said fall sessions would be a regular occurrence in British Columbia, and now that the electorate has granted the BC Liberals another term in power those fall session promises made by Christy have been tossed aside, thrown into the gutter, ....and if one asks the Liberals about their statements confirming fall sessions will be held..all that can be heard is banter like this..

"what, who, me, you mean us, the ruling Government holding fall sessions, are you serious, you actually believed that load of hoo...y...cmon, we as Government have lied about holding fall sessions for years..."

And so it goes, the start of a 4 year term in power and Christy Clark cancels out her first legislative session, and who can blame her, Keith Baldrey, Vaughn Palmer, Sean Leslie, Bill Good and the other MSM stooges have talked in terms as business as usual, meaning who cares, ....Meaning the corporate owned media doesn`t care to make it an issue..

Deja vu...Time to redo 2001 to 2013 only this time ....Goddamn it we`ll do it right..

Before we get started, let me say....Thanks Adrian Dix, on behalf of teachers, on behalf of seniors dying by the truckload in dirty uncleaned care homes, on behalf of hydro electric customers and all those needing or soon to be needing healthcare, a big rip-roaring thank you from all of us to you and your friends Adrian...Well done, give my regards to Topp, Kool and O`brien...And thanks for giving us all a deja vu decade to relive...

Christy Clark in 2001 started the hatchet job on the teachers, however, she never did get to shove the knife deep in their back, that was then, this is now...

Time to highlight some fighting words and strange interpretations from our ever bright-eyed media ..

 "B.C.'s education minister is proposing to give teachers back the right to strike with legislative amendments planned for the next time the legislature sits, part of an effort to reach a 10-year contract agreement.....

In a letter to school board chairs and superintendents Wednesday, 

Education Minister Peter Fassbender said the amendments will reflect what he calls "innovations," including allowing teachers to negotiate directly with the government.

He also told reporters later that teachers have asked for the full right to strike, a right the union lost after the Liberal government came to power in 2001.

"We're wide open to that discussion as we move forward," he said.

In the past, the BC Teachers' Federation has negotiated with the BC Public School Employers' Association, which has acted for boards of education.
But Fassbender announced Wednesday that group has been pushed aside, and he named Michael Marchbank, CEO of the Health Employers' Association of British Columbia, the public administrator of the school employers' association, too.

Marchbank will assume all responsibilities of the BCPSEA board of directors.

The contract with teachers expired at the end of June.

In January, Premier Christy Clark promised her government would make an effort to secure lasting peace with a long-term contract agreement, and an attempt to reach a 10-year agreement with teachers was part of the Liberal's election platform.


First off, the media doesn`t care that none of the new handcuffing legislation designed specifically for teachers won`t be rammed through until spring 2014...
" He also told reporters later that teachers have asked for the full right to strike, a right the union lost after the Liberal government came to power in 2001."
My oh my,  the BCTF have been looking high and low for that "lost" right to strike, where oh where did they lose it, in the forest, under the couch cushions, maybe it was left in the glove compartment...

Are you kidding me, fine, let Fassbender rewrite history about the teachers losing the right to strike, but shouldn`t the media report that the BC Liberals and Christy Clark illegally stripped the teachers labour code rights, an illegal bill the supreme court of British Columbia struck down, a ruling that gave the teachers back their "lost"rights...Let me refresh the mainstream media`s memory..


BC Supreme Court orders remedy for teachers  

It took a decade to get through the courts, but a decision finally said that the BC Liberal government acted illegally when it took away the right for teachers to bargain important learning and working conditions.
Christy Clark, as Education Minister, brought changes to the law in 2002 that stripped the teacher collective agreement of many guarantees that had previously been negotiated.  The law went even further, decreeing that these items could never be negotiated in the future.
Madame Justice Susan Griffin said the government was wrong.  It did not have the authority to take away collective bargaining rights because they are guaranteed to Canadians through the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Justice Griffin referred to a decision the Supreme Court of Canada that says that “recognition of the right to collectively bargain as part of the freedom to associate ‘reaffirms the values of dignity, personal autonomy, equality and democracy that are inherent in the Charter.’”
The Justice had this to say about the impact of Clark’s contract-breaking law:
“The legislation undoubtedly was seen by teachers as evidence that the government did not respect them to be valued contributors to the education system, having excluded them from any freedom to associate to influence their working conditions.  This was a seriously deleterious effect of the legislation, one adversely disproportionate to any salutary effects revealed by the evidence.”
The Justice declared the legislation invalid, but suspended the effect of the judgment for one year to address a remedy to the deleterious impact of the legislation.
The BCTF has held several meetings with representatives of the province on remedy, but so far the province has not given any sign that it will act in a way that shows the respect that the Justice has said comes from teachers being able to influence their working conditions through collective bargaining.
The full text of the judgement is available here."


April 2011...The supreme court gave the BC Liberals 1 year to fix their illegal bill, that was 2 years and 3 months ago and today...

And today Fassbender states that he is "pushing aside"...

In the past, the BC Teachers' Federation has negotiated with the BC Public School Employers' Association, which has acted for boards of education.
But Fassbender announced Wednesday that group has been pushed aside, and he named Michael Marchbank, CEO of the Health Employers' Association of British Columbia, the public administrator of the school employers' association, too
And placing a BC Liberal person, not a group, a single person to negotiate and to possibly give the teachers the right to oh my, but to strike over what?, the new legislation coming down in the spring 2014 legislative session states as such...Teachers cannot strike over class size and composition or compensation....
And I can safely say that I am right, the reason is obvious, you can`t have a guaranteed 10 year labour peace deal if the teachers have a right to strike..unless they don`t have a right to strike, or the right to strike is in the summer only,or on Sundays, or when pigs fly..

Do you see, zebra and spots or leopards with their stripes, Christy Clark has retribution and revenge on her mind, call it unfinished business, let me remind you of the recent past, supreme court of British Columbia ruled in April 2011 that the education bill Christy Clark authored and signed in 2002 was illegal, the court gave the Government 1 year to fix, but therein lies the problem, courts are too cowardly to actually render a fix or compromise, insurance agents, governments and those who don`t want to pay or cooperate use this fatal flaw as a what education minister Peter Fassbender said today and more importantly read the sly and flaunting tone, read this long distance telegraph and message to the teachers and the BCTf...

'VANCOUVER — B.C.'s education minister is proposing to give teachers back the right to strike with legislative amendments planned for the next time the legislature sits, part of an effort to reach a 10-year contract agreement
In a letter to school board chairs and superintendents Wednesday, Education Minister Peter Fassbender said the amendments will reflect what he calls "innovations," including allowing teachers to negotiate directly with the government."

 Fassbender is "proposing"  returning something the court ruled must be returned, and that new amendments coming will enable teachers to bypass the union, bypass the BCTF, .....we are talking about union busting, how could teachers negotiate directly unless the BCTF was powerless..

and why is Christy clark not adhering to our supreme court, ...well, here`s the technique used by those corrupted and powerful, yes the teachers won the court battle, the court gave the government 1 year to fix the problem, they gave no remedy, the court said...go negotiate something different...and that is exactly what Christy Clark will do...
BC Liberals will bring forth illegal labour legislation, a similar but slightly tweaked education bill, meaning even though Bc Liberals broke labour law with the teachers when push comes to shove the BC Liberals can present illegal labour bills again, at worst they find themselves back in court and...

and that can stall, delay, postpone any progress or agreement for another decade..

Spring 2014...3 years after the court ordered the BC Liberals to fix clark`s education bill and Peter Fassbender is proposing returning a stolen right, and new amendments allowing teachers to negotiate individually, to a one-person Government friendly...

are you kidding me!.....Again, yo Adrian Dix, the teachers say thanks...

No urgency, right media, no need to have a fall session, nothing happening man, like wowsa, 2001 all over again, Gordo Campbell and christy Clark, let`s go get those teachers and....

and let`s do core reviews on all the crowns and ministries...


Every hospital, university, crown corporation and government ministry will be under scrutiny in the provincial core review planned for this fall.
Energy and mines minister Bill Bennett announced today the terms of reference for the review, which aims to reduce spending by $100 million over the next two years.
"We intend to leave no stone unturned. We know government has already done a good job of managing costs, but we also know more can always be done. This review is about putting the taxpayer and families at the forefront of our decision-making process," stated Bennett in a press release.
According to a ministry backgrounder, among the objectives of the review are:
- to focus ministry programs and activities on "achieving government's vision of a strong economy";
- to eliminate overlap and duplication between ministries;
- to reduce red tap and unnecessary regulations that hinder economic development;
- to ensure public sector management wage levels are appropriate.
The review will also "confirm government's core responsibilities and eliminate programs that could provide better service at less cost through alternative service delivery models" a move which in the 2001 Liberal government core review meant privatization.
- See more at:
Every hospital, university, crown corporation and government ministry will be under scrutiny in the provincial core review planned for this fall.
Energy and mines minister Bill Bennett announced today the terms of reference for the review, which aims to reduce spending by $100 million over the next two years.
"We intend to leave no stone unturned. We know government has already done a good job of managing costs, but we also know more can always be done. This review is about putting the taxpayer and families at the forefront of our decision-making process," stated Bennett in a press release.
According to a ministry backgrounder, among the objectives of the review are:
- to focus ministry programs and activities on "achieving government's vision of a strong economy";
- to eliminate overlap and duplication between ministries;
- to reduce red tap and unnecessary regulations that hinder economic development;
- to ensure public sector management wage levels are appropriate.
The review will also "confirm government's core responsibilities and eliminate programs that could provide better service at less cost through alternative service delivery models" a move which in the 2001 Liberal government core review meant privatization.
- See more at:

Ensuring ministry programs and activities are focused on achieving government's vision of a strong economy and secure tomorrow.

- Confirming government's core responsibilities and eliminating programs that could provide better service at less cost through alternative service delivery models.

- Ensuring public-sector management wage levels are appropriate.


I would like to remind you that in 2001 Gordon Campbell did complete core reviews on all crowns, ministries, that resulted in illegal bills written, legislation that attacked the HEU, the BCTF, both bills ruled illegal...The start of outsourced hospital services, privatization, outsourced hospital and care-home cleaning, that has led to hundreds, thousands of needless deaths, including 9 who died in recent days of norovirus..

Outsourcing is killing your parents...

Near 100 hundred elderly were killed at Burnaby hospital from germs, from outbreaks, all caused by a lack of proper cleaning, a service the BC Liberals outsourced, my dad was one of them..

So, in 2001 Gordo and Christy attacked teachers and the HEU and conducted core reviews, now after 12 years of BC Liberal rule Christy clark is attacking teachers, writing illegal bills and not holding fall sessions, while starting a new round of core reviews..

More privatization, more outsourcing, more trickery and the mainstream media could care less, who needs a fall session, nothing going on here, same old same old, move along, nothing to see...right media, the three blind mice..

You see...

Christy Clark is not capable, she is following the same script Gordon Campbell did, it`s as close as she can come to thinking, she thunk about doing what Gordo that`s leadership..

LNG, perhaps you wondered why I haven`t written anything, because there is nothing going on, the world LNG players are frozen in their tracks, Japan restarting their nuclear facilities and ocean methane hydrates has the big boys shaking in their boots..Everything is in limbo,

Christy`s LNG dreams are over, meaning coleman and his ministry of LNG has nothing to do, no legislation to bring forth, no announcements, all the core reviews, the audits, the nickel and diming of teachers, cutting front line workers is all for naught..

Because we have a $170 billion dollar debt, a debt rising by $5 billion dollars per year and there is no plan B...Every BC Liberal economic disaster was to be fixed with LNG revenue, there will be nothing online before 2021, at the earliest, and more likely than not nothing online at all..Nobody asked what we would do if LNG was a bust..

And now no questions will be asked or answered until next year..

Well Christy Clark....Gordon Muir Campbell, his golden decade... he dedicated each year to something or someone special in his throne speech...He had a year of the child...the year of science, the year of climate change, the year of education, he had a year dedicated to seniors too..your throne speech for 2013 was the year of LNG, so you said...perhaps your 2014 throne speech will be dedicated to the year of the senior(again)...C difficile, norovirus and wheelchair fees not withstanding..or maybe another year for LNG, heck, why not another year of child....After all, we are number 1 in child poverty in Canada, again,

"B.C.'s child and youth advocacy coalition First Call says newly released Statistics Canada numbers reveal B.C.'s child-poverty rate rose to 11.3 per cent in 2011, up from 10.5 per cent in 2010.

First call says the figures show that B.C. has had the worst child-poverty rate in Canada for nine out of the past 10 years among the provinces, with B.C. rising above last place only once in 2010."


The more things change the more they stay the same....

Welcome to 2001.....Again.

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open

1 comment:

  1. Grant,glad your back but as a teacher I'm sickened by this news.I teach in a inner city school in Mission and have experienced 12 years of doing with less and less resources every year. Of course our last superintendent stacked the board office with cronies and got the elected board to give him a 5 year $1,000,000 contract which also hurt students.He and his cronies are gone now and we have a new elected board but we still have to deal with a government that DOES NOT VALUE TEACHERS OR PUBLIC EDUCATION! Thanks adrian and moe for helping to screw students for another 4 years,and just you watch teachers pensions(along with all public employes) are next on the "review" list!
