Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wheelchair Fees For Seniors and Pay-Raises For Friends, Christy Clark`s Agenda

Well, it`s official, Christy Clark has announced July 10th as the date for the byelection in westside Kelowna..The NDP candidate is Carole Gordon..

I don`t have much hope for the dippers to win the riding, especially since Adrian Dix hasn`t stepped down and a new interim leader been put in place..However..

Christy Clark has already enraged all voters by gifting massive pay-raises for political friends and insiders, a $50 thousand dollar raise for her new chief of staff, a raise that is more money than your average single worker makes in a year, Clark`s chief of staff will be making more money than Barack Obama`s chief of staff, clearly these pay raises were/are an attempt to buy friendship and loyalty from those not too happy or impressed with Christy Clark..

Clark ran on a platform of fiscal prudence, of tightening the purse string, soon after her party won the election, in an article by Vancouver Sun`s Jeff Lee....Christy Clark claimed she was going to be the premier of saying no..and I quote..

"speaking to her Liberal caucus on Thursday for the first time since the election, Clark said British Columbian`s made it clear the economy was Government`s driving mandate, but she also said in order to meet that mandate and balance the budget, her newly elected MLAs are going to have to say "no" a lot more than they say "yes"


Ok, so the first thing Clark does is hand out massive raises to buy favourtism, so much for saying no, ...It will take over 200 seniors paying wheelchair fees for a year just to pay for the $50 thousand dollar raise to Christy Clark`s new chief of staff...

And when Mike De Jong was questioned on these blatant ugly raises blathered this gobbilty goop utterance....

"The increases in pay won`t cost the Government anymore money, budgets haven`t been increased"

I have a hope, and request from all Westside Kelowna voters, we just had a general election, your riding was represented by Ben Stewart, a rather likable fellow, even for a BC Liberal...Now your local candidate has resigned, cost taxpayers money, the price of a byelection, he has resigned to make room for Christy Clark, the unelected premier who ran in the swanky Point Grey riding, a riding she didn`t even live in..Christy Clark won`t be moving to or living in Westside Kelowna, her family won`t make roots in your community, the truth be told Christy Clark asked Ralph Sultan to stepdown/resign from his West Vancouver riding, he refused, Andrew Wilkinson refused to resign for Christy Clark too...Christy Clark quickly ran out of safe , and I mean really safe Vancouver area ridings to run in...

She pleaded for Ben Stewart to resign for her, Christy Clark forced to leave the lower mainland and jump to Westside Kelowna...

Hello Kelowna, the provincial general election is over, the BC Liberals have won, they have a rather substantial majority, 49 Liberal seats to the NDP`s 34 seats...You Kelowna voters have a real opportunity to do two historic things, you can reject Christy Clark and force the BC Liberal brass to choose a new leader for the party, second, you can make your voices be heard loud and clear that these massive pay raises for political insiders is unacceptable, totally unacceptable when the BC Liberals have to sell near $1 billion dollars worth of assets just to balance this years budget..

These political staffers don`t deserve the money they get now let alone massive pay raises, not when the province is running up massive debts..

I know you voters in Kelowna are not too keen on the NDP, there will also be a BC Conservative candidate running in the byelection, there are at present no BC Conservatives elected to the legislature, the Conservative party was shut out in our general election, I am urging all Westside Kelowna electors to vote for anyone but Christy Clark, vote NDP, vote BC Conservative..Your protest vote won`t change which party is in power, it will however send a very loud message to those politicos in charge that massive pay raises are not acceptable while our province is hurting..

Here`s a little more Christy Clark thumbing her nose at you, remember Christy Clark talking about "families first"...Talking about "Family affordability" ..Talking about "Open and transparent Government" during the election writ period...

Interesting, Christy Clark before the election had cabinet committees to address those particular issues...Well well well...Everyone of those committees have been scrapped, in other words Christy Clark no longer needs to keep up the facade of actually caring..

When British Columbia Premier Christy Clark announced new cabinet committees this week, she dropped four that had existed before the election, signalling the government's shifting priorities.
Gone are committees on Families First, Jobs and Skills Training, and Open Government and Engagement, as well as a working group on Family Affordability.
- See more at:
When British Columbia Premier Christy Clark announced new cabinet committees this week, she dropped four that had existed before the election, signalling the government's shifting priorities.
Gone are committees on Families First, Jobs and Skills Training, and Open Government and Engagement, as well as a working group on Family Affordability.
- See more at:

Do you care Westside Kelowna?

Time to send Christy Clark packing

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open

When British Columbia Premier Christy Clark announced new cabinet committees this week, she dropped four that had existed before the election, signalling the government's shifting priorities.
Gone are committees on Families First, Jobs and Skills Training, and Open Government and Engagement, as well as a working group on Family Affordability.
- See more at:


  1. Absolutely bang on! "Superb Comment! Required reading, etc"
    Especially by electors in Westside Kelowna. The Dippers should opt out and let Ben Stewart run as an Independent along with the BCCP candidate. And this article should run as a paid ad in the Kelowna newspaper if they won't run it as a service to the rest of the Province.
    And lest you think I'm some kind of NDPer, I've voted Social Credit or Liberal all my life (except the last fiasco)
    John's Aghast!

  2. Are you listening, Kelowna? Seriously! Please think about what she is doing. You in the ED please think before you cast a vote for this woman. The events in the past few weeks should tell you that CC is not capable of balancing this provinces books.
    If the Libs had any brains, they would have saved this province $500K and selected a premier from within.
    Kelowna, you have a choice. Please make a wise decision. Anyone but the Liberals. Thanks.

  3. It needs to be stressed that we are $170 Billion in debt ,that works out to $40,000 per person. It would take infinite balanced budgets to erase the debt. With regards to the LNG, you have done an excellent job reporting the topic. "If it sounds to good to be true", it is. I guess it will take the Real Estate crash to eke up the citizens of BC(too bad it was 6 months late).

  4. People were stupid enough to vote for Gordon Campbell, the out and out, blatant liar and thief. The BCR wasn't for sale. They were even stupid enough to vote Campbell back in. His second election lie, the HST wasn't on his radar. Campbell still had a lot of dirty work, to do for Harper.

    CSIS even warned of, China's huge inroads into Canada. BC was specifically mentioned, Campbell had already given BC resources to China.

    With Harper's Omnibus Bill that permits China to sue Canada, if anyone blocks China's intrusions into our country. With that and, Harper's FIPPA deal with China? The people who voted for Christy, will certainly get what they wished for.

  5. erm...she meant they have to say "no" to us! She'd never deny anything to self and for thinking Kelowna would tell her no...forget it. Alberta has moved west..and with them, their attitude. Christy is a useful tool to have around, and they'll keep her. They used to call Kelowna the city of newlyweds and nearly deads...soon we'll be able to add 'brain deads' to the title.

  6. I urged Kelowna voters to to do the right thing, I hold out very little hope.

    Voters get what they deserve, I will wear no guilt..

    When these Liberal cons and media enablers start killing seniors through medical cuts, when education declines to pathetic staffing levels..

    Don`t come crying to me, the sheep public can choke on BC Hydro bills and natural gas fumes.

