Monday, May 13, 2013

Christy Clark, She`s Come Undone(reposted)


 Written by grant G

The entire BC Liberal Government and party are in disarray, words and phrases are being tossed around like final death throes, end of a dynasty, thunderstruck, dying days, point of no return and they are all fitting though I prefer to use phrases and words like crime family gunned down, corruption rooted out, zombies exposed to sunlight melt and my favorite, ding dong the wicked witch is dead..

Scandal and organized crime, it`s as simple as that, I still remember the headlines after our BC Legislature was raided by police "Organized crime has infiltrated the highest offices of the BC Government", those headlines were more than eye catchers , it was all true and the saddest part of the last 8 years. It wasn`t quality governance or decisions for the common good that kept the party in power it was a coordinated media effort, a shielding of the sins committed, cover fire for active criminals provided by the biggest media players in the game, Vancouver Sun, Global television and cknw, a radio station that turned stacking calls and promoting red herring stories to an artform..

There is no need to highlight individual crimes committed by this outgoing organization, we lived through the violations and there are far too many to list here.

Gordon Campbell`s operation was no different than that of a criminal gang, he was indeed a mafioso godfather, vast tracts of land given away, revenue sources costing the treasury hundreds of millions of dollars permanently shifted to party insiders, run of river, smart meters, tree farm licenses transferred to corporate donors, communication teams numbering in the hundreds employed to monitor any inhouse leaks, loose lips ostracized, villified and humiliated, on call bought media was quick to respond, willing partners that abetted and enabled the crimewave to continue for far longer than anyone could have imagined.

Maybe it was the departure of Gordon Campbell, maybe some realized it had gone too far, guilt ridden members of the family perhaps thought with Campbell`s departure the cleansing would begin, a renewal, a new path forward not riddled with overt corruption but with the insertion of Christy Clark by the same handlers that placed Gordon Campbell in a position of all encompassing power panic set in, fear for future generations and the health of both treasury and Democracy set in motion a series of events leading to the demise of a corporate Government mafioso, an endless flow of leaks and information that even a corrupt media couldn`t squelch..

We already had witnessed a massive expansion of gaming under Campbell and when he departed the push for more massive gaming outfits was on, players Coleman and Patrick Kinsella, public outrage and leaks prevented these schemes from proceeding, a proposed giveaway and gifted monopoly on liquor distribution was schemed and plotted, Coleman and Kinsella again, names attached to both hideous forestry giveaways and gaming casinos rose to the top again, land, liquor, gaming and revenue streams all gifted to friends of the mafioso, even the backdown on the LDB selloff wasn`t officially gone only postponed until another term of terror was granted, or should I say handed to, by an enabling media....Only with the help of a flood of leaks from an angel with a conscience in the highest office of our province, only with screaming blogging voices, impassioned pleas from those most affected will bring this reign of ruin to an end..

Organized crime is very hard to root out and this BC Liberal organization wasn`t going down without a fight, they brought in friendly fire spotters from across the nation, from Alberta, from the highest offices in Ottawa, nasty vicious well-oiled smear machines hired with public money, slimers whose sole purpose was to assist by hook and by crook in controlling and maintaining this criminal gang`s provincial death grip..

Leaks, exposure and bright lights shined open air into dark dank corners where the red eyes of cheese eating rats glowed like the embers of hell..

Christy Clark inserted to smile and wiggle, to distract and confuse, to put on a facade of change where none existed, only with the help of internal firestarters who regained conscience and soul, a one or a group that lit fire after fire in an attempt to force change and force change they did.

Winks, smiles and pearly whites couldn`t hide Christy`s inability to speak or think, a woman over her head, unqualified, uneducated, unelected and unmoving, a power junkie addicted to the sugar of fame, recognition and her own reflection..

Too many fires to extinguish, like the boy with his finger in the dam, once removed the cracks grew and grew until a mountain of water burst through to flood the town, to drown an entire village, Christy Clark possessed not the ability or skill to sell the sham, she failed at faking authenticity, female eyes were first to recognize that christy was not a mother and gender equal, they saw through staged photo-ops to see a power hungry puppet monster..

Christy Clark, she failed to win student-body presidential elections at S-F-U- she was caught cheating, Christy failed in her power grab of Vancouver city and now she has failed again, leading to a total collapse of the corrupt BC Liberal crime family,..Two years ago Christy Clark was a radio media superstar, big salary, Government pension, huge alimony payments from her millionaire ex and now..

Today the last hopes of any BC Liberal comeback vanished, floodgates are open and the mass exodus has begun, there will be no salvation, no miracles, it`s too late,...

 the party of crime and Christy Clark have both become,....... Undone..

The below link is to a radio interview with Christy Clark lying her face off, again!

Advance polls open up tomorrow(May 8th), go vote, vote for change, one practical step at a time!

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open

1 comment:

  1. I see a couple of Kuljeet Kaur signs plastered on the Surrey Memorial Hospital construction site yesterday.
    Bad move Ms. Kaur. We will remember the slimey way those signs were posted.
    Another B.C. Liberal Dirty Trick
    7 days left in the CC regime!
