Sunday, April 7, 2013

Special Prosecutors, Special Courts, Justice Denied, Time For Star Chambers

John Les as Mayor of Chilliwack was allowed to keep the proceeds of crime...

Robin McFee...What a good name, because what Robin McFee did was ........He robbed the taxpayers of heavy fees and delivered nothing, he failed miserably, a pathetic investigation not worth the paper it was written on, let me explain.

Robin McFee(The special prosecuter assigned to the John Les corruption scandal) had no mention in his report that John Les`s real estate agent Lorraine Dyck presented a small in scale development plan for the Rosebank property to Chilliwack council, 6 days later John Les`s real estate agent Lorraine Dyck presented a much larger in scale plan to Grant Sanborn, a new plan that Chilliwack council never saw, it was for Grant Sanborn`s eyes only, Chilliwack council voted for the first plan, but the development plan that was given assent was the plan that only Grant Sanborn, John Les and Lorraine Dyck saw.....And of course John Les was aware that Grant Sanborn had in his possession a new, larger in scale plan, a plan that John Les`s real estate agent presented at the request of John Les.......There was no mention of that by Robin McFee........And the failure of McFee`s report has just gotten started....Strike 1....You can read how John Les and his real estate agent Lorraine Dyck played bait and switch with city council here

Strike 2.....Robin McFee also failed to mention that Corney Les(John Les`s brother) was a real estate agent and John`s other Brother Larry Les is a land developer, why should that matter? Here`s the deal......John Les when asked about doing business with his brothers stated and I quote......"They are not in politics with me and I`m not in business with them"......But minutes from Chilliwack council in May 2000 tell a different story...

A letter of support from applicant John Les was presented to city council, and the then developer of the property was no other than Larry Les, hmmm, I guess John Les was mistaken folks! .....

Strike 3.....Robin McFee in his pathetic eyes closed report failed to mention the most damning aspect of the whole affair.....And here it is.....Robin McFee states that under John Les there was a

"Pro-development culture being fostered in Chilliwack"

"Bylaws and rules were only guidelines".........So McFee claims that everything was skewed towards development, but what Robin McFee failed to mention is that the culture of development, that pro-development seems to be for a select few people only!.......

Because Wilmer and Karen Rasmussen.......Who were the original owners of the Rosebank properties ....They wanted to keep 2 acres of the property and sell the remaining 11 acres .....They wanted the money for their retirement, and they tried multiple times through Chilliwack council, while John Les was mayor, while Grant Sanborn worked under John Les to get the land removed from the ALR through the Agricultural Land Commission but were denied over and over again, they didn`t even have a big old development plan like John Les did, no siree Bob.....They wanted to sell 11 acres of the 13 and were denied, denied ,denied, they ultimately sold the property to their daughter and son-in-law, who then flipped and sold to property to John Les....You can read about John Les`s false statements and how Wilmer and Karen Rasmussen were denied rezoning many times and how John Les succeeded, and on his first try...Here

Strike 4.....John Les ....Bait and switch, tries once to get the land rezoned and has success....

So indeed friends, Robin McFee has failed on all accounts to report these pertinent facts, without these facts in his report it`s not worthy of being on the bottom of a bird cage, and Les Leyne..AGT....And the big media has failed the public......You can read Robin McFee`s lacklustre report here

The best special Prosecutor money can buy...Robin McFee...

Kash Heed was allowed to keep the proceeds of crime too...

Well isn`t this story getting interesting, first off Terence Robertson(The Mike De Jong appointed special prosecutor) is being officially disciplined for ethics violations, Terence Robertson is being punished for not admitting he was in Complete and Total Conflict of Interest when it came to the Kash Heed election fraud case.....Read about Terence Robertson being disciplined here
Not only did Terence Robertson not admit to donating money directly to Kash Heed`s election campaign, Terence Robertson claims he was too stupid to see the conflict at all, according to Robertson it wasn`t until a respected colleague informed him(Terence) that he was in complete conflict, a conflict in reality and appearance....

But it now appears that Terence Robertson has bigger problems, not bigger legal problems but bigger personal and professional problems, maybe Terence Robertson (a Mike De Jong hand picked special prosecutor) saw no ethical or legal problem with personally donating money to Kash Heed`s election Campaign, but certainly Robertson must have been concerned with the conflicting statements Kash Heed made to the police contradicted by direct testimony from Dinesh Khanna`s son....

And what about copies of the illegal hate flyer`s that were found in Barinder Sall`s home, what about Barinder Sall asking Dinesh Khanna to lie about who bought the flyers and how they were paid...
And there is so much more to this case, there is also Kash`s signature on documents directly related to the illegal flyer....And it`s getting worse for Kash Heed and Terence Robertson by the minute....
And there is the damning testimony to the police made by Amit Khanna, Dinesh`s Khanna`s son, a key player in the Kash Heed election campaign.....Amit testified that Kash Heed had indeed seen the flyers, well before the election, yet Kash Heed said different to the police....

So here`s the deal....Mike De Jong appoints a Big BC Liberal party donor and Kash Heed election donor Terence Robertson to be the special prosecutor but sees no conflict over these financial contributions to Kash Heed....

Terence Robertson knows that copies of the illegal flyers were found in Kash Heed`s campaign manager Barinder Sall`s home.....

Terence Robertson knew Barinder Sall instructed Dinesh Khanna(owner of the print shop) to lie to the police about who bought the flyers and how the flyers were paid for....

Terence Robertson knew that Amit Khanna stated to the police that Kash Heed had indeed seen the illegal anti/ndp flyers well before the election...

Terence Robertson also knew that Kash Heed`s signature was on documents related to the illegal flyers in the blue file...Flyers that said the NDP were going to make drugs legal, prostitution legal, raise taxes and a bunch more lies, filthy flyer`s full of illegal hateful propaganda accusing the NDP of a secret drug and crime agenda....

Terence Robertson knew of Amit Khanna`s confession to the police directly contradicting Kash Heed`s statement..

The BC Liberal money donator and TAINTED Special prosecutor Terence Robertson dismissing all charges against, or should I say not laying or even recommending any charges against Kash Heed!!!....Clearly Terence Robertson is too corrupt or incompetent to fullfil his legal duty

What did Terence Robertson miss? Smoking gun flyers in Barinder Sall`s home, Barinder Sall advising Dinesh Khanna to lie to the police,........Dinesh Khanna`s son testifying that Kash Heed saw the flyers well before the election, Kash Heed saying the complete opposite to the police....And then there is Kash Heed`s signature on documents directly related to the illegal election flyers....

All that evidence, direct testimony, Heed`s signature......Yet Terence Robertson recommended no charges against Kash Heed......

And coincidentally, Barinder Sall worked on Wally Oppals campaign, Barinder Sall is no rookie, Dinesh Khanna is a BC Liberal printing favorite, again no rookie....

Yet Terence Robertson gave Kash Heed a free pass, I suggest that Terence Robertson be stripped of any legal standing he has, obviously Terence Robertson`s decision making abilities have been blinded by politics and his own agenda!....

Kash Heed must resign, charges of election fraud against Kash Heed must be filed, anything less is nothing but law corrupted...

Robin McFee might have cleared John Les of land fraud, but John Les is guilty, anyone who believes junior employees who worked directly under John Les when he was Mayor of Chiliwack are the only guilty parties are delusional!.....Charge John Les`s employee for charges related to John Les illegally taking land out of the Land reserve for him and the Les brother`s to develop for big money!....The only idiots and incompetent fools who have exonerated John Les is Robin McFee and rightwing hacks, another oh so special prosecutor....Read the evidence against Kash Heed here

And if anyone wants to know the real John Les land fraud story, read it here

As for Kash Heed and the oh so Special prosecutor Terence Robertson, throw the book at both of them....

As you know Kash Heed was allowed to stay in office, collect his $100k plus salary for 4 years, Kash Heed is ne better than a common thief..

These crimes were sanctioned by our courts, sanction by oh so special prosecutors appointed by a corrupt BC Liberal Government..

Robin Mathews has literally been the only man who has the balls to call out our justice system, his exemplary work on the removal of Justice Bennett in the Basi/Virk corruption trial...The only man in BC to holler loud about the treasonous bastard Stephen HARPER messing with judges in Alberta, that post directly below..

The courts under pressure from Stephen Harper allowed Air Canada to commit frauds against workers, they betrayed Canada and Canadians, a scheme, a plot with backhanded dealings to destroy...That shocking viral story was produced here, read by every flight team, every pilots forum, everyone in the air travel business...The tentacles and pure outright fraud committed by Air Canada, Stephen Harper permitted this assault on Canadian workers to go unchallenged..

Read the shocking exclusive here..

The betrayal by federal Conservatives under the whip of Stephen Harper, BC Liberals and the Tumbler Ridge coal mining foreign worker fraud, done with the blessing of Pat Bell and Christy Clark...These are but a few examples, there are thousands more cases in Canada unreported, ..

Now we have the Royal Bank of Canada assaulting Canadian workers, a bank that has been making over $1 billion dollars in profit every quarter, they too assaulted Canadian workers all in a effort to make a couple $million more dollars per year..Again, Stephen Harper gave his blessing and allowed it to happen, the foreign worker program is under his purview,,

This is what occupy Wall Street was all about...

But even more hideous than these corporate betrayals, corporate betrayals applauded by Stephen Harper, what`s more dangerous is the corruption of our courts, when our last resort for natural justice turns kangaroo the people become enslaved, chained to tyranny, robber barons and serfs, masters ruling peons, Canada under Stephen Harper is nothing but a glorified modern day prison, not bars and razor wire but acceptance of place, we have become the lessor, a generation where masses are beholden to crumbs, a Canada where laws apply only to petty misdeeds committed by those enslaved.

Stories of a cheap dresses, or a handful of dinner donations for admittance to a party, a baseless Facebook pages containing nothing, innuendo hearsay blather while wholesale destruction of Canada happens before your eyes, these important stories ignored by most, but not by Robin Mathews speaks through time, through a lens most don`t see or understand, he risks persecution and death for speaking truth, this blog talks of and exposes the grand crimes of Canada`s Leaders, of mining giants who commit crimes against humanity, of big oil`s crimes against the environment, where is the outrage, there are those fake pundits who preach of the public good while nary laying a glove on Dictator Harper, hypocrisy personified..

The "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" policy of deliberate ignorance and favourtism doesn`t apply here, whether Liberal, Conservative or NDP sins will be exposed, yes, where is the outrage over the big picture, while you politicos fret and frolic over good hair or dress colours your future is being hijacked by criminals occupying the highest political offices in the land..

Ah yes, the grand illusion of care and concern while beneath the covers payments flow, diversions and distraction, illusion and traffic, fiction versus reality, media is propaganda and subtle washing of brains is fare for the weak and feeble minded..

A limp microphone, a babbling bobblehead, a BC Rail trial that was never about BC Rail, $6 million dollars to end a trial which had it continued would have resulted in a mere misdemeanor charge against two lowly serfs..

Eyes watch bouncing balls, ears hear screaming hyenas, necks turn to see overt distractions..

While courts vanish, justice dissolves and humanity itself is thrust backwards in time to a world of privileged slavery...

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. Due to entry unlicensed real estate agents,the ministry is trying to adopt some kind of strict regulations real estate agents.It will be an issue for those who are going for buying a home.

  2. here's one for you. dna testing facilities are completely unregulated,do not keep records of errors or even investigate them.. and if they had somewhere to report errors and fraud, where would that be? this violates the standards of evidence required to be admitted into a court of law. if evidence can be produced without these safeguards it cannot be unproven, since it not in fact proven. to be correct. our courts, do not want to hear this, and will boot you out the door if you try asking for the files to review them. the courts are themselves not following their own guidelines for the production of court admissiable evidence.
