Monday, April 29, 2013

Adrian Dix Wins Debate, Christy Clark Snickers(Updated 9:00 p.m.)

Adrian Dix was the clear winner tonight, Christy Clark did too much giggling at inappropriate times..


UPDATED 9:00 p.m.....According to Kyle Braid of Ipsos Reid.. ..At 9:00 p.m...He conducted a quick post election debate poll, and according to Ipsos Reid,...The question was, Who won the debate?...The winner was...

Adrian Dix..35%....Christy Clark..30%

A second question, Who has the best policies...the winner was..

Adrian Dix..37%...Christy Clark..24%

Forget Alise Mills, all spin, no substance..Forget Baldrey, he was having hair issues.....

This pundit called it seconds after the debate ended


The line of the night was delivered by Adrian Dix..

Christy Clark talked about growing the economy, Clark stated

 "you don`t rob Peter to pay Paul"

Adrian fired back..

In British Columbia.."neither Peter nor Paul is working"..

But by far, the most exciting line of the night was delivered by the moderator Jennifer Burke, a line she threw at Christy Clark..

Jennifer Burke said to Christy Clark....

"The people of British Columbia deserve.....

The Straight Goods"

And I couldn`t agree more..

Thanks for that Jennifer Burke, I really didn`t think you would cooperate..

More to come later, or tomorrow..

And a rare thing happened tonight, Harvey Oberfeld has seen the light, Thanks Harvey Oberfeld!

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open

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