Tuesday, February 19, 2013

CKNW`s Question Of The Day

Will LNG be the lifeblood of BC`s economy by 2020?

Results at 10:30 am....

68.2 %-no


We shall see how long it takes for Christy Clark`s team of freepers and cookie cutters to sabotage the question..


On another LNG related note, Bill Good had on air Calgary Herald`s energy expert Mr. Ewart, not for long, a mere 10 minutes, between 8:49 and 8:59 am..

He was very good, meaning quite honest, meaning more bad news for our Governing party of unicorns..


You know the routine, cue-up 8:00 am, February 19th, fast forward to the above noted time-slot..

Still on LNG, ....

Terrace Daily in the last week  posted 2 of The Straight Goods LNG articles..


These are the articles..

This one after the groan speech


This one the day before the Throne(groan) speech


The Abbotsfordtoday also posted..



And speaking of golden unicorns and flying pigs..



And as for LNG and natural gas, the persuader was ringing the alarm bell over a year ago..An article that is one of The Straight Goods`s top viewed posts..


I`ll do a couple of updates on the cknw question of the day throughout the day..

Updated..6:40 pm...



 It appears that BC Liberal PAB left this one alone...It also means that very few are buying Christy Clark`s LNG fracking dream..


Water, fracking, toxins flowing underground...Once in a lifetime...Super Natural British Columbia..

"Same as ever was"---After the money is gone?

My Gawd, what have we done..

Today`s question period from our legislature, a must watch..


The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. "Folks that are looking for a budget that includes truckloads full of cash promises to British Columbians are going to be disappointed, because we are simply not in a position,”

    de Jong said,".....

    because we have already given the cash to the IPPs and other companies.

  2. Don't you mean Thrown Speech.... at least that's the way John Coleburn for the Province wrote it.... must have been another one those subliminal messages... eh

    In her thrown speech in October, Premier Christy Clark said ...
