Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Record BC Coal Exports to China, Record Chinese Deaths Attributed To Air Pollution

Update "A blanket of toxic air that has blocked out the sun across most of north China is dominating social media and looming as a serious health and political challenge.

Visibility was reduced to a few hundred metres for much of the weekend in the Chinese capital and many of the city's 20 million residents went online to vent their frustration about "apocalyptic" and "post-apocalyptic" conditions.

The Beijing News covered the story with the headline "Blown the Charts", showing that several air monitoring stations were recording levels higher than their indexes could cope with.

Pollution was the top-ranking story on the country's most popular news portals.

Analysts said censorship of air pollution problems has eased since President Xi Jinping raised "a more beautiful environment" as a priority in his November 15 acceptance speech and then ordered official news outlets to report more genuine news.

The story was also the lead item on China Central Television's midday news on Sunday, in place of the usual reports of senior leaders in important meetings.

Even the Communist Party's staid official mouthpiece, The People Daily, headed a page-4 article today with "What's Going on With the Air?"

Monitors at the United States Embassy in the suburb of Liangmaqiao, in Beijing's inner east, said the concentration of airborne PM 2.5 particulates reached 886 micrograms per cubic metre at 8pm on Saturday night, believed to be the highest since it began measuring in 2008.

"I can tell you the machine is working properly," confirmed US Embassy spokesman Nolan Backhouse.

A concentration measure of 500 corresponds with an Air Quality Index of 500

An AQI reading above 300 is classed as "hazardous", according to US environmental standards, but the AQI does not compute concentrations above 500, which in developed countries is normally associated with bushfires.

PM 2.5 particulates, 2.5 microns in diameter or smaller, are considered the most harmful to health because they can penetrate easily into human tissue.

Last month a Lancet study said a record 3.2m people died worldwide from air pollution in 2010, four times the number in 1990, with 1.2 million of those deaths in East Asia including China.

This ranked pollution for the first time in the world's top 10 list of killer diseases, mostly because of vehicle exhaust."

Read more: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/world/toxic-air-blocks-out-the-sun-in-beijing-20130113-2cn72.html#ixzz2I4T4oan1

Click the above link and watch the stunning and shocking video...

This is madness, Chinese people, average people are on the verge of either standing up and revolting, or lay down and doing nothing,  and die of air pollution..

How goes our record coal shipments to China Christy Clark?.All is well?

How about you Stephen Treason Harper, your entire, very limited economic plan, that being ship poison to China plan(wow, what a economic wizard you are Harper, a peanut sized brain, the diversity of a one way road)

A Canadian economic plan all in one basket, a plan that focuses solely on toxic exports to China..

News Flash Stephen Treason Harper...

China will either be in a domestic civil war or imports of poison will be halted, and you are your big oil cronies are selling out Canadian manufacturing and harming our international reputation, we are now seen as an obstructionist, a polluter, a denier of logic, of science, the only 21st century developed country that`s falling back into a world based on religion, scripture and the big space ship....The big space ship to save those Christian Fundamentalist believers..

Yea Harper, the world is round and the earth isn`t the center of the universe..

And earth sciences is not a cult movement..

For Shame Canada, for shame.

Only an economic fool would put all his eggs in 1 basket..

Meet Stephen Harper, liar, conman, corrupt, economic court jester..

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. But what we hear is that, by importing LNG from BC, China can shut down its coal plants.

    Sure, so here in BC we can waste huge amounts of water, hydro, natural gas, flood agricultural land for Site C, allow many more rivers to be dammed for IPPs.

    Just so we can export LNG to China. Makes sense - not.

  2. irssch 36960I thought I read? The Site-C-Dam was for fracking gas? There will come a time when wars, will be fought for clean drinking water. China has huge gas fields of their own. Are they exporting their own gas and taking our gas very cheaply?

    Russia signed a deal with China. They will give China all the oil they need. Harper is giving China the tar sands. They are bringing their own cheap labor to work their tar sands. I believe China will own the Enbridge pipeline. China will refine the oil very cheaply, and make a very tidy profit on resale. China will lead in oil sales. They will sell our oil in the Chinese yaun, instead of the dollar. China expects to be the world currency, within a decade.

    Harper does not believe in global warming nor pollution. Even with BC's multiple earthquakes, he will still try and force the Enbridge pipeline into BC. China's pollution, has even drifted into BC. The Enbridge pipeline, must be stopped.

    Alberta's lakes are all being polluted by the tar sands. Will Premier Redford do anything about that? Alberta can easily lose their clean water supply. Alberta lost clean water, with a pipeline burst. The huge Athabasca watershed is also contaminated. Has she or Harper considered that? Absolutely not, they could care less.
