Thursday, November 22, 2012

Global BC and Propaganda, tune in at precisely 6:45 pm Thursday nights

Did you fine folks catch that Christy Clark ad tonight on Global BC at precisely 6:45 PM?

The one The Straight Goods warned of...And guess what, that my friends is indeed breaking news, and exclusive!

I did, it was disguised as programming, for shame Global BC, for shame..

The news hour went directly to this commercial at 6:45 pm, if you didn`t know better you would think it was part of the newscast, and guess what, every Thursday at 6:45 pm Global BC will pull this same stunt with a different Christy Clark commercial in the form of a weekly provincial update, and deliberately and blatantly disguised as news hour programming....!!

I repeat, in all my life I never ever heard of a news station actually advertising a commercial, the time, the place, an ongoing commercial, and actually disguise it as regular programming..

Like I said on Monday November 19th, my source at Global news was himself disgusted with this blatant propaganda..

The audacity of promoting a weekly provincial update on Global BC, an update by Christy Clark, disguise it as programming, when it fact it`s a BC Liberal Government commercial, paid by the taxpayers..

And here I thought Sun News channel and CKNW was alone in this type of propaganda, I was wrong..

You have some serious explaining to do Global BC...

Ahh, nevermind, we know you are true BC Liberal party pimp and whore..

And guess what, you are a precedent setting news station, for no news station in history have ever promoted, during the newscast, upcoming propaganda commercials from a corrupt and on its way out Government, the time, the place, the exact night, and use an on air news hostess to promote it..

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open

1 comment:

  1. I saw that segment Grant,you were bang-on,it did not look like an ad it looked like part of the news,not until the ad ended did you realize it was an ad,total global news bull.

