Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summer of Discontent

Surrounded by betrayal, crowded by conmen, dryer lint political parties, what I mean by that is lame ducks, irrelevant mouth pieces speaking from the political graveside soapbox..

There is no need to bash Christy Clark, a foot-note of the past, a wannabe ego-maniac with a itchy finger that regularly cut-off radio debate, silenced intelligence, Christy who`s best years are now gone, no one will remember Christy, a dumb radio voice incapable of debating anything on air, an itchy call-in telephone delete trigger finger that cut-off anyone who bested her, and that is just about everyone, a planted political stooge, a poor mother who strove for money and fame, and her child was merely another cash register tool used for her own personal advancement...

There is no saving Gordon Campbell`s crime cartel, despite the now docile, reformed and wanting to play nice guy politics, Martyn Brown having layered his own skim line in BC`s toilet bowl of politics is now wanting peace, brotherhood, cooperation, let`s be clear, BC Liberals didn`t make mistakes, they were on-purposes, theft of a railway, $billions plundered from our provincial purse, BC ferries treated like an ATM while friends of Gordon Muir Campbell lined up and fed from the hand of a corrupt adulterer, there will be no revival of John Cummins and the walking dinosaurs, there will be no new light shone on Christy`s burnt star..

Vengeance be mine, revenge is a dish best served cold, Stephen Harper too will fall, his ideology faded long ago, if you or I acted like Enbridge we would be jailed, if we polluted the environment through negligence, if we hid oil under sand, under grass, if we lied to Government, regulatory processes, if we bullied citizens in countless towns we would not only be jailed but also prohibited from doing any business at all....

As reported here and elsewhere, there will be spills, tanker spills, pipeline breaks and more spills, dangerous waters, rough isolated terrain, a dangerous product that can`t be cleaned up...

Weasel words from has-beens, talk of oil response clean up crews on standby, like an egg, once broken broken it remains, bitumen can`t be cleaned, Orca can`t be replaced, millions of sea birds and coastal bears all relying on a vibrant fishery for life, take away the vibrant fishery and take away all life...

Alberta made money on the tar sands when it was a small operation, the larger the tar sands grow the lesser the people benefit, when Enbridge spills a million barrels in a river do they stop, no, they hire lawyers and carry on, when a super tanker splits open in the Hecate strait will oil tankers cease, no, they will spill and spill again...

Gordon Muir Campbell is a criminal, a felon, a liar, an adulterer, a human species disgrace, he sold out British Columbia to Stephen Treason Harper, a corrupt Federal politician who is literally selling out Canada to China, a bribed politician who believes his prosperity is worth more than those of Canadians, of First Nations, a denier of science, a denier of morality, of law, of rule, a man in charge who in my opinion would look very tony with a blindfold on standing before a firing squad..

WE ARE NOT CHINA....We have rights, we don`t deliberately poison our own citizens, we don`t watch babies get run over in the streets over and over again, we don`t fear Government, we won`t let a lame duck prime minister have his illogical way, a vacant national energy plan tossed aside for bribes, Clement, Oda, Moore, Oliver, Kenney, Toews, creatures who slithered their way into Harper`s armpit breathery...

Yes indeed, Enbridge was neccessary, Enbridge exposed a level of corruption within both the Federal AND Provincial Conservative parties, a fantasy Government land where criminality has run wild, corporate run Government, corporations for corporations where the individual right, the over-all common good is disregarded, where the only matters discussed are bottom lines and corporate grease required to maintain the status quo...

The days of listening to Ezra Levant, Michael Campbell and Michael Smyth are over, when brains are removed for Fox news like rancor, where strawman arguments are the norm...

The days are coming, the day when lead paint salesmen, absestos peddlers, toxic pet food providers and lame duck politicians will not be permitted to harm the public on the way out the door..

Where the face of racism is recognized, Stephen Harper, Harvey Oberfeld, Michael Campbell, Michael Smyth, Hocstein, Christy Clark...Where blathering pundits are required to think..

China won`t get it`s oil through Gateway and Kitimat, Enbridge will never be sanctioned to poison our land, Harper will fall hard, a one term majority then reduced to a footnote of history...

China can take Stephen Harper to court for return of bribes, or they can assassinate him, it matters not to me.

Stephen Harper, the Federal laws you changed and enacted will be undone by Thomas Mulcair and the big orange star...

Just imagine, the honour, the pleasure, the right to fight for clean air, clean water and unadulterated food, will Canadians sit back and watch a bribed and bought Federal Government shoot and kill those protecting drinking water and food...

We are not China....

We are united for the right cause at the right time...

The summer of discontent will cede to winter`s war against lame dicks...

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. I guess that about said it all. Nothing else to add.

  2. Very well spoken.
    thank you.

  3. It's all very sad, but all very true. You hit the nail, directly on the head. We are living in very evil times.

    I see the Federal Liberals and NDP, being nailed in the robo-call election cheat. While Harper pays for none of his. I read, Harper had two Americans P.Wenzel and Mathew Parker, working directly for him, in fourteen of the Conservatives campaigns. Robo-calls came out of the U.S. too. Harper had that criminal Bruce Carson, working for him as well.

    I didn't know there was a poll, 50% of Canadians fear eco terrorism. the only threats I have heard, were from Oliver and Harper.

    The Campbell/Clark BC Liberals and Harper worked together, to purposely destroy BC.

    Canada and BC, are being governed by monsters. I hope they change the name of this country. This is no longer, our good and decent Canada.


    No to Enbridge. No to fracking.

  5. And we wonder why there are so many people at the food banks, hungry children, seniors and average citizens having to go to the food banks:

    I've said it so many times I was a lot better of 12 years aog than I am now. Politicians of every stripe are robbing us.
