Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Salmon Run..

Nature calls, time for a salmon run, mom and good friends will be fine company...

My omega III level is dangerously low...For my own survival west coast air and fresh wild salmon are on my immediate menu...

Talk to ya soon, with updates, below are two stories about where we`re off to...

Enjoy the reads, let your mind go and imagine....

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide OPen


  1. Have a good one Grant.

    Your Mom, friends and good fishing? You can't have a more wonderful time than that.

  2. Another booth to rise early inn the morning means fishwrapper one thing to the trout angler.
    No need to go out and go. Aromas are of strawberry and a hont of lime.
    My target audience has been primarily anglers, says Manny.

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