Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pamela Martin campaigning with Laurie Throness in Chilliwack bi-election, all being paid for by the BC Taxpayer!

Well well well, the mystery has been solved, everyone has been wondering why Pamela Martin was being paid $140,000 per year(plus expenses)....

Pamela Martin who is paid a small fortune by the BC taxpayer, media, the public, everyone has wondered why Pamela was brought on board the BC Liberal Government, she`s written roughly 1 email per month..

Well, as I stated last year when Pammy joined Christy Clark`s leadership bid..

"It`s to garner voters for her gal pal Christy Clark"

That was bad enough but tonight it has been confirmed that Pamela Martin is..

Pamela Martin is paid 140,000 dollars years to...

To campaign for BC Liberals..ON YOUR DIME.

On the Global 6:00 pm news tonight (Monday April 16th)....Global news ran a story on the upcoming Chilliwack bi-elections and...

Drum-roll please..

Pamela Martin is accompanying Laurie Thronessas as he knocks on doors and campaigns in Chilliwack/Hope trying to convince Chilliwackers to vote BC Liberal...

The 6:00 PM newscast for Monday April 16th is unavailable at this time at Global`s website...

But perhaps someone could ask Christy Clark to explain why the BC Taxpayer is paying for Pamela Martin to accompany BC Liberal candidate Laurie Throness on a door knocking campaign..

Is this illegal, I think it is, BC Liberals aren`t paying for Pamela Martin`s pay-cheque, we are, you are, the taxpayer is...

Since when did public servants get hired to stump for candidates in bi-elections...

Christy Clark and the BC Liberals have some explaining to do to the people of British Columbia..

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. The LIE-beral leader (Ms Christy Clark) will probably claim that Pamela Martin was "on holiday" from her government job that day. I would love to see some before-the-fact proof that she submitted her holiday request before the actual day of the dirty deed. Mike

  2. The LIE-beral leader (Ms Christy Clark) will probably claim that Pamela Martin was "on holiday" from her government job that day. I would love to see some before-the-fact proof that she submitted her holiday request before the actual day of the dirty deed.

  3. I just read your column about "the deal". What is going on? Is there more background on this?
