Saturday, February 25, 2012

Kevin Falcon, Stephen Harper, Jack Mintz, Incompetent Corporate Shills

Before we get started let me say this, ANYONE WHO BELIEVES or DEFENDS Stephen Harper and his CON party on Bill C-30 and doesn`t believe there was an organized effort by to suppress voters when thousands of calls were made in a dozen plus tightly contested swing ridings is either lying to themselves or is mentally deficient and utterly delusional with no grasp of the real world....Someone who resides in a SEWER FANTASY LAND...

Kevin Falcon does not want to remove the HST, it`s clear with his comments, his attitude, Falcon has always been a corporate stooge, a ruthless lying S-O-B,...I have caught Kevin Falcon in so many lies, Falcon is an habitual LIAR, and even if Falcon replaced Christy Clark the BC Liberals are doomed, if Falcon joined the BC Conservative party it wouldn`t help them either...People get a visceral response just looking at Falcon, he`s hated, not respected, not admired, Falcon is hated by British Columbia...Falcon throughout the HST wind-down has called going back to the HST..

"Foolish, an old clunking archaic tax, an outdated step backwards"

Are those the words you want to hear from your chief negotiator with Ottawa?..Considering Stephen Harper loves the HST, the HST is a Federal want, we have Falcon claiming he`s bargaining hard for us when even as late as last week he talks of regrets returning to the PST/GST .....When one thinks about the complicated smoke and mirrors transitional rules for the homebuilders and all its intricate parts....How on earth can anyone believe that restaurant meals can`t have the HST removed tomorrow, a flip of a switch on a cash register and it`s gone, that is too complicated to remove according to birdbrain Falcon, the BC Liberals and the Federal Government are lying their faces off for one reason, they still want the HST, it`s still here, they`re trying to save it ...

HST/Fraser institute  pimps are crawling out of the woodwork trying to save the HST and even  expand it...Where are those millions of promised jobs the HST was going to bring  Jack Mintz, how is Ontario doing with the HST, BC like Ontario bled thousands of jobs over the HST, consumers pulled back as prices rose across the board on everything, nothing went down in price, no jobs created, everything about the HST was and is a lie...

Another corporate stooge has crawled out of the woodwork, Kesselman, that`s right, John Kesselman had an opinion piece in the paper 2 days ago, the gist of his article was ...Poor people in BC(which there are millions) are so going to be hurt by returning to the PST/GST...He goes on a long drawn-out spiel how when poor people lose $230.00 dollars per year their lives will be shattered...

Hello Kesselman, hey wake up, people living in dirt poor conditions are not going to benefit from your corporate HST tax sop, $230 dollars per year, 75 cents per day will not save these people, one major purchase like a used car would wipe out that money in a blink, poor people buy food, there is tax on food, on vitamins, many poor buy small portions, Kesselman is so far out of touch, he too must believe in the tooth fairy...

You can read Kesselman`s garbage here..

It`s all coordinated between Kevin Falcon, Jack Mintz, Kesselman, Stephen Harper, we still have the HST in BC and believe me, the BC Liberals and Stephen Harper still want the HST, in fact they want it expanded...

There was another Fraser Institute initiated story that came out at the same time...Firstly though, the Fraser institute`s stated goal and purpose on earth is to have corporate tax levels reduced to 0..To ZERO, that is their goal...In an article that first appeared on the Fraser institute`s web site then the Globe and Mail...

The gist of this story is...Barack Obama is wanting/proposing lowering corporate tax rates in the USA to match the level of Canada, if that happens Canada will be forced to lower corporate taxes by another 10% percentage points or more because we in Canada have poor productivity, and for those that don`t know what poor productivity means in the language of corporate, right-wing Governments..It`s code word meaning, WAGES ARE TOO HIGH!...That`s what poor productivity means...Even Caterpillar who made $billions last year used that excuse to kill 500 good paying jobs when they up and left for Muncie Indiana where good paying jobs were turned into McFlip jobs..

Even the widely publicized Drummond report for Ontario, Drummond recommended cutting and slashing services, wages, everything, but what few realize is that Drummond was prevented from even suggesting raising corporate taxes..

" Economist Don Drummond, who recently provided detailed cost-cutting advice to Ontario in advance of its provincial budget, was not allowed to recommend higher taxes in his report."


Stephen Harper, Kevin Falcon and these phony voodoo economists are using troubles in other parts of the world to achieve the Fraser institute`s stated goal, that being no corporate taxation, in a systematic campaign being launched simultaneously around the world, the lowering of corporate taxation while increasing record corporate profits while Governments rack up huge deficits then in turn go crying the sky is falling and we must slash healthcare spending, slash education, slash wages and little guy`s pensions, corporations have infiltrated Governments around the world and in fact, in South America where corporations controlled and decimated countries a 100 years ago are now more progressive and fair than so-called western democracies...Will this con ever end or will we, we the people have to rise with pitchforks and torches and burn the mother #$^&*^** to the ground?

Now out comes Jack snake oil Mintz, from the university of Calgary, Stephen Harper`s economist, Stephen Harper`s economist of choice, the author of Canada`s HST Jack Mintz came out with a story to coincide with the Globe and Mail piece, with Kesselman`s piece, a coordinated campaign designed to not only sell the HST but to expand it by proclaiming Canada must now tax all groceries...What Jack Mintz is proposing is a $40 billion dollar per year tax hit on Canadians, Mintz claims if this is done income tax can be lowered, and whose taxes would be lowered....High earners and corporations...People have no choice and must eat, poor people and seniors and million s more have no income to tax, this is another Kevin Falcon, Stephen Harper, Fraser institute regressive tax,....

These phony Voodoo economists playing both sides of the coin to rob and steal from you, Jack Mintz Claims Europe taxes food and we must follow suit and yet our Provincial and Federal Governments are at the same time speaking out the other side of their mouth and saying we must slash, cut, burn education, pensions, wages, services or we will fall like Europe...Yet Jack Mintz and Harper are proposing following Europe`s taxation model, the hypocrisy is stunning!

You can read Jack Mintz`s garbage here..

This friends is why the NDP will and must take power both Federally and Provincially because right-wing, corporate profit driven, corporate owned Governments are selling out our future...

Time to rise up Canada, time to tell these corporate pigs that we won`t take it anymore...

Time to tell hose that live and dwell in the corporate sewer that enough is enough...

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. You nailed it Grant G. Add to these co-ordinated moves with a global strangulation of free speech online. UK, US, Canada Australia...

  2. hmm, go figure, Christy and falcon is getting help from the (H)arper (S)ales (T)ax gang of Cons who used taxpayers money to make a deal with Gordon Scampbell to Lie and screw the voters.

    Have a look Grant.

  3. Another fine post, Grant. I am so sick of this NeoCon crud-fest. People really do need to wake up to these clowns. They are wrecking our beloved country.

  4. I think that I have a counter study to offer Mr. Mintz and any of the other jackasses you mentioned in this article.

    My study, which I present with no outlandish projectionsis, is as follows. Instead of our provincial and federal governments creating more and more different ways of emptying our wallets under the guise of looking after our best interests, why don't they just tax income in a fair and equitable manner. That would entail less bureaucracy and staffing to only have to manage one type of tax. And no special rates for capital gains or dividends. A buck earned is a buck earned, and all bucks are created and treated equally.

    I understand that would mean that income taxes would increase for everyone, but at least we would all be treated equally instead of the divide and conquer method employed now.

  5. Didn't Minz charge Ontario $7,000 to say the HST was harmful. He charged BC $11,000 to say the HST was good? I have never again have believed anything Mintz said.

    Harper has been caught in election fraud. So Harper has passed the crime onto his patsy. Campbell did the same, shifting the blame, of his theft and corrupt sale of the BCR, onto his two patsies.

    The Campbell/Clark BC Liberals are deliberately killing what is left of BC. Harper and Campbell couldn't finish their destruction of BC, before Campbell got the boot.

    Christy is selling off, all the rest of the buildings and Real Estate, owned by the province.

    Christy has timed everything out, to stick the next pay back the HST, Campbell and Harper thieved from BC citizens. Christy is making sure, there is nothing left of BC, for any party to work with. Perhaps she was instructed to do so, by Boessenkool...Another of Herr Harper's favorite henchman.

    We also know what a vindictive little boy Campbell is. Harper is no better.

    All of them had better know...When people have lost everything, and have nothing left to lose...they lose it.

  6. And more Cons working with the lieberals:

    Former federal cabinet minister Stockwell Day has traded in his retirement wet suit and Jet Ski for a spot on Premier Christy Clark's new B.C. Jobs and Investment Board.

    The former Conservative MP, who was most recently Treasury Board president before choosing not to run in the 2011 election, is one of 17 people on the board, charged with identifying trade and investment opportunities.

    Also selected was a former Canadian ambassador to China, the chief of the Haisla Nation, the former president of videogame company Electronic Arts, as well as timber, bank and natural resource executives.

    The arrogance and deceit never ceases to amaze me.


    We demand the report released to the citizens of this country. What are you hiding? We want answers.


    A must read.
