Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tar Sand Devils, Christmas Edition

 Well this story sure was a welcome surprise, Stephen Harper and his Oil Mafia have been pushing real hard......

"Breaking` Secret report from  Environment Canada"

The Story is a must read, I mentioned how hard the oil whores have been pushing pipelines and tankers and I`m sure you`ve noticed that we`ve  been pushing back hard too...

I hope you realize the importance of this "Secret" report.......I`m thrilled,  I,   No, make that we have been busting our asses kicking back and it seemed for every story we enviros wrote on the tar sand habitat destruction at least  five pro-oil Government spin jobs were fired back at us...

Environment Canada, this damning report won`t stop Alberta and the battle is early but it might get them to pause, although I do have grave worries about Environment Canada, Stephen Harper was coming at them with a sharp knife and was preparing to neuter them and I suspect this "secret report" was leaked before the Haperites buried it in the dust bin of denial....

Vengeance is thee and I fear with Stephen Harper Environment Canada will bleed..

But for now I`m grateful some still possess courage...

Enjoy your candy canes and turkey dinner, watch the children play and laugh, take a picture don`t be shy, say cheese and remember to smile no matter what your wife thinks is your style, a tip of good cheer,  spend time with good company and friends you hold dear....

My gift was just delivered by Environment Canada and I just put it under the Christmas tree.

The Straight Goods

Eyes Full of Cheer


  1. Grant, sure looks a hell of a lot different than the picture Peter Mansbridge depicts on CBC. You know the one where he flies over a cluster of trees and states he is flying over the tar sands in fact. Thans for the extra hard work you do on this matter Grant. We plan on taking our holidays to protest this disgusting pipeline, when need be. Have a great X-mas Grant.

  2. Thank you Grant. You spend hundreds and hundreds of hours to research, on behalf of the people in this province.

    You have lost so much this past year. How you have coped with it all, blows me away.

    Have a wonderful x-mas Grant. This New Year, is going to be better.


  4. And today, and we all know what the governments and companies are telling us is too good to be true. You can't get it all, or even most of it. Yet we're paying in the end to clean it up through our taxes and then taken over when the area is clean, by private Co. (See Britannia minesite). Companies get grants and tax incentives, cheap electricity, and free reign pretty well of anything they want to do with their government(s) in place. Absolute shame.
