Monday, August 29, 2011

We Are Not Alone/ We are 6 Billion Strong and Growing

We as a collective group have reached the crossroads of change, Greece, the UK, the middle east and yes, British Columbia......

For far too long facist leaders have been spinning their voodoo economics, I admire  and greatly appreciate the perspective of a Mr Ed Deak , he talks about wealth transfers and wealth theft from the masses, the man has lived under the tyranny of brutal facist leaders, today in the west we don`t call them facists, we call them Republicans and Conservatives, the title might be different but their goal is the same, WW I and WW II were waged on foreign soil, WW III will be waged everywhere, including here in Canada.....

I was listening to Sean Leslie(filling in for John Macolm) this afternoon, Bill Vanderzalm is threatening to mobilize his army if the PST isn`t restored much faster than the 2 year time-line...Sean Leslie asked for listeners to call in and express their views on a speedier demise of the HST and....And I was shocked with what the staged callers had to say, one woman called in and said..."The Government should stall and delay and collect as much tax as possible".....Another caller said that there will be a short term boom as business spends money but in 4 years BC will crash and die...And then there was the most interesting and disturbing call...

A man called in and said...."I was on holidays when the referendum results were announced and was horrified by the outcome"....He went on to say that his wife is a public servant feeding off the public trough and he was far from finished, then the man said that his short term, medium term and long term business plans are screwed with the demise of the HST, and this bozo was just getting started....For what he said next almost floored me, he said as a result of the HST being voted down, and I quote....

  "I laid off an employee and another position is tenuous"

Let`s examine this phony caller and dissect it....

The first thing this Chamber of Commerce stooge said was...."He just returned from holidays"....Well, he obviously isn`t suffering, how many fixed income seniors and minimum wage workers can even afford holidays...And then the man called his wife a trough sucking public servant with COPE, does that sound realistic to you?...How much of his wife`s public money has gone into his so-called business, who knows....Now let`s really rip this SOB and get to the guts of the matter....The vote went down on Friday, we thrashed the HST and won handily, but, but the Jim Dinning group and Birdbrain Falcon have stated that the HST will be here until March 1/2013...A whole 19 months away, so think about this kind, caring thoughtful employer, he said he laid off an employee because the HST was rejected yet the HST is still here, and possibly here for 19 more months, and he is threatening another so-called employee(slave) and stated that his job is "tenuous" .....What a kind caring employer is this, he returns from holidays and whacks an employee with the excuse it`s because the HST was voted down, ....If it doesn`t make sense it isn`t true, it was a staged call from the Public Affairs Bureau, and a very poorly thought out staged call at that, these cry babies just don`t quit...

This is a very common occurrence with CKNW and with Ben Meisner`s radio show, phony PAB callers pretending to be real people.

Class warfare, that is what`s going on, Harper is scared, the Republicans are scared, Facist Governments around the world are scared but those fearing the new reality the most are the elitists, the rich, the spoonfed members of society....There wasn`t one media outfit in Canada that didn`t by a wide margin endorse the HST, not one, so where did the public get their information?

From us, the internet, the blogosphere, it`s absolutely ironic that the corporations built the devices that will ultimately bring them down, the modern Trojan horse, the Ipad, tablets and computers, that genie will not go back in the bottle.

Can you imagine where we would be today if the internet never existed, I do, we would be in the dark, left to rely on a corrupted media controlled by the same corporations, we would be helpless, blind and naive, there is a backroom push going on right now as I write this, a push to end internet news being reported by freelance writers, a group in Quebec is attempting to give accreditation to only those special enough to be club members, this group wants these special journalists to have sole access to Government stories and anyone who hasn`t been given the two thumbs up by this group are to be labeled as kooks.

And if you think I`m crazy, if you recall, last year Stephen Harper`s Government tried to pass legislation that would allow TV news personalities, Radio voices  and newsprint writers to spin, distort and lie without any consequences, the legislation went too far, infact there was a provision in the legislation that said....If a news broadcaster lied and was proven to have lied would face no penalty unless...Unless the public was harmed, and just how is "Harm" to be measured....You can lie about taxation, you can lie about anything on air with that legislation, the bar was set so high that ethics and morality in journalism would have vanished, a news broadcaster would have had to have told people to jump off the Lions Gate bridge and tell them no harm would come to them.....

Thank goodness Harper couldn`t ram that legislation through but....But now he has a majority and....

A source from back east has told me a new version of this draconian legislation is being worked on as we speak, Harper controls the media in Canada, the mainstream media, the last threat to Harper`s agenda is  internet news, Al Jazerra, the Tyee, BC Mary, Ross K and even The straight Goods..

World war III won`t be tanks and bombs it will be food, water and your ability to purchase these items, the BC Liberals 0 0 0 mandate for all employees is just the start, that mandate was here before the HST was defeated, remember our paramedics, now Falcon and PAB spinners are claiming it`s because of the HST defeat nobody gets anything and there is another stealth taxation assault being planned as we speak, perhaps you heard of the municipal auditor general, the BC Liberals are going forward on this and you might ask what is the purpose, that answer is simple....Shifting the property tax burden from corporations to the homeowners, Powell river, Port Alberni, Campbell river have already made concessions but it`s not enough, and the reason I say this is.....

As it stands now municipal Governments are not allowed to run deficits and they are already audited every year and that information is made public, so what other possible purpose could there be for a municipal auditor general?...

Think about the timing of this proposal, the Government knew when the first HST referendum ballots came in( Early July) that the HST was being voted out, this is a backdoor maneuver to give authority to a BC Liberal appointed auditor General that trumps taxation decisions of local Governments....

Salvo after salvo of stealth attacks against a not-so naive anymore public, we are but in the first leg of this battle, it`s going to be ugly and at times we will feel helpless and alone but as a group, an interconnected worldwide group of information distillers we will prevail....

Anyway, cue up the CKNW audio vault and listen to this staged call from the public affairs bureau, it`s good for a laugh....The segment is between 4: 35 pm and 4:53 pm(August 29th)....the staged caller I highlighted starts at exactly, 4:47 pm, I urge you to listen to these fake calls organized by the BC Liberals.

I`m not sure if I will have anymore posts until next week as I am getting ready for a road trip to Vancouver island.

Anyway,  I would like to thank all of you for the kind words and ask you to bear with me through this personal emotionally trying time.....War we will wage, we`ll use words, ballots and if it comes to it......pitchforks

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. If, as the Liberals threaten, there will be service cuts as a result of scrapping the HST, I suggest the first service to be cut should be PAB. Every one of them should be sacked before truly essential services like health care and education are considered.

    I'm sure there's lots of other pork that could be trimmed. For example, Pamela Martin - what exactly is it she does again? Are my tax dollars paying her salary? There must be a ton of people that could be booted off the Liberal gravy train and never missed.

  2. BC is hopelessly corrupt. The HST was the worst thing the BC Liberals could have done. Campbell, Hansen and Harper were insane to impose the HST onto the people, during this recession.

    BC has done the worst of all the western provinces, because of the HST.

    The PNE numbers, are really down. The HST is named as the cause. Restaurants and small businesses closed their doors, because of the HST.

    BC has lost a huge chunk of revenue. Citizens are shopping in Alberta, the U.S. and on line, tax free. On the news they say, credit card debt in BC is really scary.

    Since the HST. Big businesses have not provided any jobs, as promised. No money has trickled down to the people, as promised. Instead of HST lowering prices, as promised, costs have gone way up.

    The money big business saved off our backs...We have bought them new vehicles, bigger bonuses and reno's to their places of business. Our HST will also finance, Harper's wars, planes, ships, his gulags and his stupid fake lake.

    Canada for some reason, has produced the worst crop of politicians, ever known in this country's history. The old timers say, this is the worst mess they have ever seen in Canada.

  3. I can assure your readers that the Far Right is doomed. I noticed at a Conservative rally on the weekend in Surrey that at least 80% of the folks there were over the age of 70. Time will fix this problem along with free speech.
    It's too bad that there are still a few sheeple that listen to the static from NW. Time will fix that too!
    On a funnier note. I was watching CNN this morning about who's the dumbest in the Republican Party. Turns out it's Rick Perry! He even beat out Bachmann.
    Back to the HST. Why is it that the HST HAD to increase the taxes to consumers? Simply combining it without expanding it would have worked, right? But, sadly it was this or back to the separate taxes. Meanwhile at the Border, the Monday night line-up was unbelievable. I even know several people who supported the tax the way it is and still travel to the US for deals. How do you spell hypocrite?

  4. Hopefully this is an R&R trip, for you Grant?

    We will wait impatiently, for you to come back. Why do I get the feeling, you are off to investigate?

    Hope you took your fishing gear with you. You need some healing time.

  5. How do you spell hypocrite?


  6. Have a good road trip Grant. I'm already on mine. At my nephews in Quesnel. Much needed R&R and I hope to have some news on the government suppressing their own reports on Prosperity amongst other things.
