Sunday, August 7, 2011

Send in the Clowns......(updated at bottom)

The world is not flat, Thomas Freidman was wrong, nothing but a corporate mouthpiece, Ronald Reagan was clueless about economics and his policies set the stage for the slaughter of the middle class, Gordon Campbell and Michael Campbell are demented criminal liars....

BCLC year over year gambling revenue declined, the New Westminster hospital lottery draw lost money, even with the addition of BCLC`s online casino gambling revenue fell, the saturation point to BC gaming arrived 2 years ago, there is no more money to be siphoned off in BC, the public is broke, any new casinos or additional gambling games will merely feed off each other rather than add to the pool of money.....

Lou Dobbs, the one-time CNN personality, despite the fact that Dobbs was some-what of a American Redneck he was bang-on on most of his assertions, Dobbs for years complained about the Government allowing corporate America to outsource jobs to the cheapest labour market, year after year of shipping manufacturing jobs out of country has finally come home to roost....Yes indeed folks, I can remember very well, George Bush and Dick Cheney telling the American public how they are going to be ..."A service based economy"....What the hell does that mean, burger flippers, dry cleaners, what service, call centers?...Call centers go to India, maybe George W Bush and the Republicans thought every American will be a short-seller on Wall Street or perhaps financial advisors, gawd knows we need more "Economists".....

What we are witnessing today is the deliberate take-down of the middle class societies, I listened again to the Michael Campbell money talks show this last Saturday and I can tell you the Michael Campbell is a rude liar, he cuts off callers and refuses to listen to anyone but fellow members of the CKNW LIARS CLUB....Ozzie Zurock(peddler of fraud)...Michael Levy(spokesperson for the Fraser institute)..Michael Campbell(wannabe member of the Bilderberg group)...every week it`s the same group of hacks patting each other on the back for spewing the same lies week in and week out...

Michael Campbell is filling the time slot of the soon to be departed Michael Smyth, and I find it hilarious, any caller who calls in and refutes the HST fraud Michael Campbell cuts them off, talks over the caller and ends up calling them stupid....The Yes vote to extinguish has won the day big time, it wasn`t even close yet every CKNW radio host claimed on air to vote to KEEP the HST....Not one legitimate reason was given, Sean Leslie used these lame excuses..."Governments need money, the PST exemptions won`t come back, we have to payback Ottawa"....Not one of the reasons are accurate or acceptable, CKNW has decided to snub to public of BC and call us stupid and naive....What really has turned Michael Campbell into a hateful angry man is the fact that the "economists" and paid liars couldn`t convince Joe average that the HST is good for you.....In fact on Michael Campbell`s Friday show at 2:30 pm Michael Campbell had a segment on the HST where he described the HST debate as....And I quote...

"The stupidest political argument ever"....Michael the Liar Campbell(and I can prove it you are a liar you brother of an asshole, so bring it on) was saying on Friday that.....

"In the last 2 years of the HST debate no facts were presented, no discussion on the pro-HST, it was all negative and political"

What a load of crap, Opinion 250 in Prince George pimped the HST, the Vancouver Sun was relentless with Don Cayo spewing lies, John Ferry, Fazi Mihlar and the Fraser institute led editorial board of the Vancouver Sun pimped the HST with lies, Global News cheery picked HST stories, even Ian Tostenson of the restaurant association surgically removed his own balls and placed a picture of Gordon Campbell where his balls once resided....And then there is CKNW...Michael Campbell claims the HST wasn`t debated on air....How many times was John Winters on the air on CKNW, tax lawyers, accountants, representatives from mining, from forestry, from the natural gas drillers, from the movie industry,....All those hacks, hundreds and hundreds of them on air promoting the regressive HST...All of those "Clowns" telling to stupid public how the HST evens the playing field and makes it fair to all businesses, no pitting exemption-less companies against those who have exemptions.....Yet that there is the biggest fallacy in the whole debate....The movie industry wants the HST input credits and all their labour tax credits, the oil n gas industry want their royalty relief, the banks want the minimum bank tax permanently removed, and Ian Tostenson is asking the BC Government for labour tax credits for restaurants, all these big businesses wagging their tails asking for assistance from a bankrupt public......

In the Spring of 2008 the "economists" told us to buy, buy houses, stocks, the world was booming, triple AAA securities, really funny, the same economists and rating agencies gave Lehman Brothers a triple AAA rating 2 weeks before they went bust, the same rating agencies and economists gave Bernie Madoff and Enron a two thumbs up too..And we should believe them now?

So the whole world melts, the bankers get bailed out to the tune of $5 trillion dollars by Governments, the bankers and economist stated if we didn`t bail out the big boys things will get worse, much worse....9 $trillion dollars later and now it`s the Governments that are broke, Greece is no longer a country but a subsidiary of the bank....Here in Canada we had the bold-faced liars Stephen Harper and Flaherty in 2008 claiming there would be no recession in Canada, after that election it was revealed Canada was running a huge hundred plus $billion dollar deficit, Gordon Campbell and ALL the BC Liberals in 2009 pre-election told BCers the same thing, no recession in BC, a tiny little $495 million dollar deficit....They were lying, Harper, a bold faced liar, Flaherty, a liar, Gordon and Michael Campbell are sick demented habitual liars for within days of our 2009 BC election we were told that the deficit was 5 $billion dollars, revenue sources crashed, corporate tax revenue has crashed and the only way to save BC was to bring in the HST...Lies lies heaped upon more lies.

And now here we in 2011, the people are broke, Governments are broke and corporations are sitting on $trillions of dollars in cash yet they won`t hire, not today, not tomorrow not ever, the stock markets lost $4trillion dollars in value in the last 3 days, tomorrow will be another blood bath on the markets, and guess what, when the stock market crashed in 2008 all those corporations with paper losses paid ZERO corporate tax, they wrote it off and that`s going to happen again, all those taxes Governments thought they would receive from big business are gone again, that means more multi-billion dollar deficits for BC, which means that the HST won`t be lowered to 11% next year let alone 10% in 2014....Besides, the vote Yes to Kill the HST won in a landslide....

Meawhile, the people are under attack from Government and greed mongers.... and Hacks like Baldrey, Palmer, Sean Leslie and even Harvey Oberfeld are all salivating and drooling over a temporary federal NDP leader who has ties to the Bloc....Get a damn life Harvey and company....The right-wing Charles Adler and Roy Green and Fox news of the north have got nothing effing better to do then look for smear when people`s retirement funds are decimated, no jobs, food inflation, gas inflation, a stagnant broke public struggling to pay their mortgage and clowns like the above mentioned are worried that the ....

Temporary leader of the NDP Federal opposition party will work through guile to tear Canada apart, a federal opposition (nobody) that will subvert national pride and split Canada up....Time to cut down on the meds Harvey....Canada has no more national pride....

Harper gave away our nuclear assets for free, the Harper Government just slashed  1/3 of all Federal employees working in the environmental assessments, scientists are muzzled, scientists monitoring water and garbage, fish and effluent are given the big heavo ho and Harvey Oberfeld is worried about Canada`s greatest threat!...A temporary fill in the Federal opposition party....Go crawl back under your rock Harvey(dinosaur) ...Stick to referring to bike lanes as Nazism, it`s more your style of quality journalism!(sarcasm intended) ...

And lastly folks.....British Columbian`s hold the most debt of all Canadians, a record debt per household that dwarfs the average American household debt, a debt being serviced at record low interest rates, the interest rates will rise, the BC economy will stagnate even more then now, tourism is at record lows, cross border shopping is at record highs.....Something has to give, the Republican owned S&P will destroy the US economy to bring down Obama, the Republicans are forcing Obama to slash medi care and social security on his watch...Obama won`t do it, the Republicans in a world-wide effort to destroy the middle class will destroy themselves, the entire economic structure is broken, wages, real wages for average workers have fallen for 20 years, look what happens every time the stock market rallies, oil surges in price thus hammering Joe Average, think about it, average joe would benefit so much from $20 dollar a barrel oil, remember that price, it was 2001, just before the Iraq invasion, the oil producers made money at that price and now?

The economists have it ass backwards, here in BC with the HST, business, the economists are making the assumption that the public has extra cash, they assume people will purchase the same amount of goods and services regardless of extra taxes, that premise is wrong.....Ever go grocery shopping, the shelf with the sale item is empty...

Remember a few short years ago, we were told,.....

"don`t worry about the $1 billion dollar Olympic security bill,  the benefits to tourism and investment in British Columbia will be a boon for years"......And our reward for paying for the Olympic spectacle is carbon taxes that go nowhere, HST taxes of $2 billion per year, increased ICBC rates, skyrocketing hydro rates, eco fees, outrageous ferry fees, shadow tolls, MSP increases, road tolls, property tax increases, bridge tolls while politicians like Campbell and his cronies David Hahn, Pamela Martin, Paul Taylor, Craig James sponge $millions from the taxpayers...

Time after time these economists stand up, make speeches, predict the future and never are they right, all these economists have but one common denominator, every recommendation they made for the last 30 years have benefited but one side...Big Corporation...They conned us in giving them $trillions in bail outs in 2008 to save the world, now they want $trillions in cuts to service and benefits, all in the name of saving the economy, and when that fails what`s left....Nothing!....No more effing economists, I would rather listen to clowns.

$trillions on war, on arms, Haliburton, Goerge W Bush, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair, Stephen Harper, Gordon Campbell, Michael Campbell, all bold-faced liars, yet they claim all the strife and financial ruin was caused by....

People seeking and receiving health care!

Updated here....I keep telling you people that these "economists are effing idiots, here is some smoking gun proof of just that....Today(Monday August 8th) on CKNW, in the 8:30 am segment to 9:00 am segment ..Michael Smyth had on an economist named Jeffery Sandler....Jeffery was talking markets, but then around 8:44 am JHeffery opened his mouth and let the idiot out....Jeffery Sandler said, on air and I quote....

"The US deficit can be wiped out by charging each American a one time charge of about $120 dollars" snip

I did a little math, there are roughly 300 million Americans, if you charge them all $10 dollars it totals  $3 billion per year...If you charge them all $100 dollars per year more in taxes or a one time charge it totals $30 billion per year....The USA is running $trillion dollar deficits...Even if you charged each American(300 million of them) $1000 per year it only totals $300 billion per year...And of the 300 million Americans how many are broke, seniors, children, etc etc..There is not 300 million American taxpayers, to create $900 billion dollars in new tax revenue each of 300 million Americans would have to pay $3000 dollars more each year in taxes...Jeffery Sandler is an idiot, and I suspect a bold-faced liar used to not being confronted with facts!.....

Jeffery Sandler, Michael Smyth`s first guest on his show was a bold-faced lying economist who doesn`t know his ass from his mouth, the man failed on the simplest math!

$1  Xs 300 million =  $300 million dollars

$10 Xs 300 million = $3 billion dollars

$100 Xs 300 million = $30 billion dollars

$1000 Xs 300 million = $300 billion dollars

$3000 Xs 300 million = $900 billion dollars.......My question to you Jeffery Sandler is this....How on earth can you say a one-time charge of $120 dollars per American taxpayer solves their deficit problem? Hmmm

...My advice, if Jeffery Sandler is your financial advisor, RUN AWAY FAST, DUMP HIM!

This is exactly what I have been talking about....Never trust or believe any economist, especially ones that CKNW promotes!

"Send in the Economists"

The Straight Goods

Eyes Wide Open


  1. Grant G - I am new to your blog since last week and you have enlightened me to Laila Yuile whom has tuned me to Bill Teilman etc etc. It' real nice to hear the truth as it is so hard find in this day of Armegadon.The Mainstream media is so onesided that you never get to hear the real story as everything that is important to the mainstream public is covered up, manipulated and lied about. I look forward to your blog every day and want you to know that I appreciate the effort and work that you do. So I thank you, thank you , thank you Oh Yeah THANK YOU - But you are right about this Corrupt government of ours

  2. Does anyone under the age of 50 actually listen to AM radio anymore? In a few years, NW will be no more. The propaganda machine will fade into oblivion as 21st technology replaces AM static and the older boomers pass on.
    On another topic, Christy will not be having a snap election now, unless the HST goes in her favour. But that is quite unlikely. Unless someone does a major fiddle.

  3. What really irks me is. Campbell, Hansen and Harper, scammed the HST from the people for big business. That tax was forced on us. They have the gall to whine and say, because of you stupid people, we have to pay Harper back, the 1.6 billion dollars. Campbell, Hansen and Harper colluded on the HST, long before the BC election. How could the HST payback, possibly be the citizens fault? The citizens said no, we are overburdened with taxes already. The three scammer's said, to hell with you, you will pay it anyway.

    The same as, De Jong lifting our tax dollars. He paid the two patsies, who took the fall for Campbell's theft and sale of the BCR, their legal bills. In other words, the people paid the BC Liberals, to steal from us.

    I don't know why anyone listens to CKNW. All of them are pathalogical liars. They feed off each other and grow more bizarre every day. I just quit listening to them long ago. I couldn't stomach them. Christy called the BC people, who opposed Campbell in his insanity, the Taliban. Well, if the BC people are the Taliban. The BC Liberals, are Nazi's. I can't remember the last time, I ever believed anything the media said.

    That this province, and yes our country, is a deep abyss of corruption. You are absolutely right Grant. What really worries me is, the referendum ballots are with Craig James of Elections BC. We know beyond the shadow of a doubt, the BC people do not want the HST...But, how can we trust Elections BC. We caught James in corruption, re: the recall?

  4. Your right about Harvey O. He appears to be a badly camouflaged Harpo mole. I wonder how many bikes he's ridden lately.??

    Keep telling it like it is, a lot of people out in cyper land who don't comment that often read but you every chance they get. Thanks for the effort.


  5. Excerpt:

    In our little corner of the world, Statistics Canada released the July Labour Force Survey the same day balloting closed for the HST referendum. The survey is interesting because it showed the change in BC employment a year after the introduction of the hated tax. When July 2011 is compared to July 2010, employment in BC increased by only 0.3% compared to 1.5% for Canada; full-time employment increased by only 0.5% compared to 2.6% for Canada.

    Employment is one of several indicators that has gone flat or worse for the BC economy. Annual growth rates for retail trade, as measured by Statistics Canada, have been below the Canadian average since August 2010. As of May 2011, the most recent available data, BC had annual growth of 1.4% compared to Canada’s 4.0%.

    Ray Blessin

  6. The global financial mess was, and has been created by the right winged governments who have been in charge over all the years, well before any "socialist" "left leaning governments" came in. Now there is a democrat in charge in the US and they blame him for all the mess!? Not so. This was created by Bush and Bush and all the bandit buddies. Now the world blames Obama, NOT.
    Same thing here in BC. Blame the socialists for poor money management, blame the unions. Give me a frickin break. The lieberals have had free run of this province for over 10 years and look at the mess! The debt. The lies, deceit, theft, you name it, all under the supposed "good money managers". NOT. It's time to kick these A$$holes out once and for all.
    Am I mad? Damn rights. What a disgusting bunch. And the NDP are put on notice, that if you continue in the same manner, you're out too! It's time the "PEOPLE" of this province are looked after and not the corporations and the connections, nor union leaders and their connections.
    It's time to stand up and be heard people.

  7. Adrian Dix came to Langley on August 2nd to talk about the HST. Three camera crews (from CTV, CBC and City TV) were there to my great surprise. Adrian gave a fiery speech taking runs at Campbell, Clarke and all the Liberals for 45 minutes. He was then interviewed by reporters for another 30 minutes.
    I watched the CTV evening news on that day out of curiosity. CTV actually did show a 10 second clip of Adrian Dix. In it he reminded everybody that the HST ballots needed to be in the hands of Election BC on Friday at 4:30 PM. Nothing else was allowed to hit the airwaves.
    I guess CTV can now say that they covered the opposion leader during the HST debate.

  8. The media in this province and country is a joke.
    Run by the elite, for the elite. The BS they run is just that, BS. The journalists haven't a clue on journalism.
    Cancelled papers a long time ago, and am now considering cancelling cable too. Tired of the lopsided reporting, and there is "nothing" on tv anyway. All "reality" crap.

  9. Good grief if the main stream prestitutes are afraid of an NDP'er who was once a separatist, what can one say about Harper the former head of the National Citizens Coalition. They want to scrap Medicare and the Wheat Board and it was created to do such. Harper is their man and there is not a peep from the mutts who call themselves journalists and economists. I have seen better men carved out of bananas.

  10. I read somewhere where if all the people in Greece would have to pay $43000 dollars per person to pay off their debt and the Americans were over $45000 per person to pay off their debt. So that would be 300 million x $45 thousand + "Ah" I'm stuck need help here can't do the math?

  11. Your numbers are accurate...Per person debt IS that much in those countries.

  12. Was he not talking of $120 each to pay off the deficit, not the debt. Keep in mind they are two different things.

  13. There aren't many country's politicians, who have any use for Harper. Other country's have taken notice and have said, how badly democracy in Canada is being eroded.

    Campbell has stolen our BC assets and sold them, with Harper's blessings. That's why Harper chose Campbell, as his partner in crime. They are very much alike. There is nothing beneath their dignity, they won't do to the people, for their own benefit.

    Campbell has done a lot of dirty work for Harper. Campbell's reward is a very nice position as, High Commissioner to England.

    Who ever said crime doesn't pay, should have their mouth washed out with soap. Crime and corruption in Canada, pays very well indeed.

  14. Debt and deficit...The USA is running $1 trillion dollars DEFICITS...

    $120 one time charge raises a mere $20 billion dollars...

    Jeffery Sandler is a brain dead economists, he said what he said, it wasn`t me who put Stupid in Jeffery Sandler`s brain and it wasn`t me who went on CKNW and proved to the world that Jeffery Sandler is not only a math failure but a moron..

    CKNW has turned into a rabid rightwing disease....

    Michael Smyth is being a good little toady filling in for Billy Good, all rightwing NDP hating red meat spewing radio...


  15. It's the giant gas and oil company's, mines and the other huge company's, that are causing, the global financial meltdown. They are behind every war and recession. Every country should seize their assets and kick them off the planet.

    I read an article in, the Leader Post. Canada says, it is the giant oil and gas industry, that have organized the P.R. strategy for the oil sands....The filthiest energy in the world. Strangely, Harper poo,poo's, all the negativity about the oil sands. Hmmm Last I heard, Harper wants to peddle the dirty oil to every country, around the globe.

    There is a Canadian group in England, lobbying the dirty tars sands oil to Europe. Right now, Europe is peed off at Canada. Europe is angry at, Canada's unprecedented lobbying, and the false statements.

    There were more very interesting articles, in the Leader Post. I do believe, that is a paper, I will buy. I canceled all of my other papers. I couldn't even read one line, before the same old b.s. surfaces.

  16. And I wonder who may be heading up that group in England? No other than the corrupt,lying Campbell I'm sure. Stevie and him are in bed together with "big" industry. The hell with everyone else, the hell with Canada, the hell with the citizens of Canada. It's all about corporate greed and lining their pockets and their corrupt friends. Bilderberg mean anything?

  17. Thanks again Grant for making a difference and fighting the good fight!

  18. It would be nice and educational if more people would log on to David

  19. You bet, a new post out Saturday,....

    The rightwing takeover is on..

    Sharpen your pitchforks.


  20. Heads up Grant - that David Duke website is about racial divisions. It incites racial hatred.

    The right wing uses "divide and conquer" methods... if we fight amongst ourselves there is no need to subdue us by other means.

    I hope you do the right thing.

  21. Look at David that "hydr0l1c5" posted.

    Don't let a random poster make you look like some racial extremist.
