Thursday, June 2, 2011

What If the BC Liberals Win the HST Referendum?

Somebody has political advisers that are leading them over a cliff, yes I am talking about Christy cluck cluck Clark and the BC Liberals, the last poll out was an Ipsos Reid poll that put the NDP and the BC Liberals in a virtual tie...

41% to 39%....The numbers were very close, however, anyone who has followed BC Polls can recognize the trends, Mustel Polls (Evi Mustel and BC Liberal Joan Mcntire from the north shore are ex-business partners)..Mustel polls are the worst, Mustel on average give the BC Liberals a 10% to 15% advantage every time, it`s only when an election is coming soon that Mustel poll numbers and the BC Liberal lead fall, it`s all about influencing the voters, Ipsos Reid polls(A partner of the BC Liberals TV station Global news, yes they have a working partnership)...Ipsos Reid polls do the same, Ipsos Reid polls are notorious for overstating the BC Liberals lead by at least 7% percentage above the true numbers, and like the Mustel polls when the election date is a mere few days away both Ipsos Reid and Mustel polls bring their gap down, this is done to maintain some, I repeat some credibility after the election...

So when the Last Ipsos Reid poll has the NDP and BC Liberals in a virtual dead heat I am pleased, I immediately add 7% percentage points to the NDP and subtract that amount from the BC Liberals....That puts the NDP at 46% and the BC Liberals 34%....

Still with polls the Vancouver sun had a poll done about the HST and they were calling it 50-50....A dead heat...Well...What if?

First off, I don`t believe for a moment that it is a dead heat, I believe that the group to extinguish the HST is much larger than those who want to retain the dreaded tax, and that makes for some very interesting scenarios, British Columbians as a whole are roughly 80% opposed to oil tankers on our precious one of a kind northern coast, again this result creates many more interesting possibilities, so again I say...What if?

Christy Clark has chosen oil tankers and pipelines over the wishes of the majority of BCers, Christy Clark wants environmental assessments gutted, she is in strong favour of oil tankers despite the risk, so what do the polls have anything to do with that?...Well here`s the deal....The last few HST polls have been misleading and unreliable, both Global TV and the Vancouver sun WANT the HST because of their corporate masters....So what if...

We all know how polls are unreliable and easily manipulated, we also know that we can`t trust Elections BC and the mail out ballot, we can`t trust Craig James and we certainly can`t trust the BC Liberals, I believe the polls are being manipulated on the HST, and even with the manipulation the most the Government can convince to accept the HST is 50%..MAYBE, if you believe the polls....So what if?....During a regular election when people go to a polling station and real public citizens count ballots it`s hard if not impossible to cheat the system, so in the event of a regular election, after the election one side wins and one loses, it doesn`t matter after a general election who or what polling outfit was playing fast and loose with their results, it doesn`t matter then....So what if?

So what if through manipulation and getting out the vote plus fear mongering the HST referendum is won by the BC Liberals 51% to 49%....Let`s just say they win through guile and or through a corrupt mail-in ballot?..What if?

If there was manipulation, if the numbers don`t represent the truth, that HST win could turn into such public anger and uproar that the BC Liberals will be blown out of the water....Let`s examine some basic facts, Christy Clark and the liars since the last election will not have won over any voters who voted for the NDP...The last election the NDP had 42% of the vote too the BC Liberals 45% of the vote...Not a total of the eligible voters but a total of who turned out to vote, as you know a mere 55% of BCers voted in the last provincial election....The Greens accounted for about 6% of the BC vote total in our last election, with Christy Clark wanting to destroy fish lake, in favour of both oil tankers and the Enbridge pipeline will certainly deny her any of that vote, after all, like the HST 80% of BC Families are strongly opposed to oil tankers and Enbridge...

Now add in John Cummins and the BC Conservative party, I presume if they run good candidates they too will receive at least 6% of the vote and probably more.

So what if?...What if the HST referendum is won 51% to 49 %....If that happens through pressure and guile all Crusty Clark and the BC Liberals will have done is solidify their opposition, and considering all the other lies and scandals that are brewing, Gordon Campbell and all the BC Liberals conned BCers with $4 billion dollar fudge budget lie, it makes Glen Clark`s budget look like pocket change....And how can we forget the tragedy of the theft of our railway and the Basi/Virk $6 million dollar cover-up, there is also the teachers dispute, closed schools, school crowding nightmare in Surrey, our paramedics, our courts, the firing of needed sheriffs, the BC Place boondoggle, cuts to gaming grants and the shuttering of 55 group homes, the list is endless, so what if?

Christy Clark and PAB might think they can bully a win with the HST but at what cost?.....They may win the battle but they will lose the war, for the BC Liberals can`t afford to even lose 2% of their vote total, with an HST rammed down our throats, pipelines and oil tankers, crimes against humanity, crimes against the public, BC Hydro gouging rates to pay IPP contracts, ferry fares on the rise and even today Blair Leckstrom stated that Translink can add another brand new carbon tax to be put on top of our existing carbon tax all to be given too Translink, and there is also another year delay in the nevergreen line.

So Christy Clark and her gang of liars might want to think twice about manipulating the public with polls on the refendum, the Liberals might think twice about the prospects of winning a 50/50 referendum, the results will solidify 50% of the electorate  to be 100% opposed to the Christy Clark Liberals....For even after the referendum the jobs will continue to disappear, prices and fuel will continue to rise, prices won`t fall and Translink will come a digging for money, ferry rates rose yesterday despite a phony review under way...

So my question to you Christy Clark and your advisors, at what cost would an HST referendum win be, how many enemies will you create because I guarantee that none of those voting against the HST will ever vote for the Liberals, so now not only will you alienate the Greens with oil tanker and pipeline promotion, not only will you solidify everyone who votes against the HST you will also drive voters to John Cummins and the BC Conservative party, and considering how popular Stephen Harper is among many disenfranchised BC Liberals, well, they will be quite comfortable with John Cummins, ....You BC Liberals can no longer claim to be good fiscal managers, the three largest deficits in BC History, you took our debt from $28 billion dollar to over $60 billion dollars including another $billion dollar deficit this year and that is after you took $1.6 billion dollars from Ottawa and stole $950 million dollars from ICBC....So What If?

So what if you squeak out a victory on the HST referendum, methinks an HST referendum win will be the death knell for the BC Liberals.

And it couldn`t happen to a better group of criminals!

Be careful what you wish for Christy cluck cluck Clark, phony polls on the HST will lead to voter anger and solidify your enemies, the Ipsos Reid poll on the HST is skewed, as is all their polls on the BC Liberals, lastly, the Ipsos Reid poll on the HST was conducted immediately after the press release and in that Ipsos Reid poll the pollsters actually explained the changes to the HST but were very fuzzy on the time-line of events, what you had was a polling company explaining potential HST changes in the future.....Ipsos Reid Polling conducts a poll where THEY explain Clark`s way off in the future fake HST fix, the public will not have had a chance to absorb the numbers, when they realize the fix is in 2014, when they realize they have been lied too, when they realize the story keeps changing, when they figure out a revenue neutral advertised tax turned into a $850 million dollar cash grab, when they find out no cheque is being sent until late this year or ever...Well, I believe that Christy Clark is so hell-bent on winning the HST referendum and BEATING the NDP she has taken her eye off the prize, the general election, that is the fatal flaw that Christy Clark can`t remove from her make-up, for Clark it`s all about beating the NDP.

The way I see this referendum, Christy Clark and the Liberals lose either way, if she loses the referendum she has a duty to remove the HST, and if Clark goes ugly, plays games with the public and stalls without bringing an end to this HST fiasco her election chances die.

What if?.....Pleasant dreams Cluck Cluck

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. Message to restaurant owners: Why are you sitting on your collective butts while the restaurant industry in this province suffers a slow and painful death? What are you so afraid of?
    Ask yourself this. How was the restaurant business in the 90's?
    How about you real estate agents. Are you thrilled about the HST on new home sales and legal fees? Miss the 90's? I thought so.
    Chrispy got you shaking in your boots, eh? Fear tactics, Republican and Faux Noise style. Phil Hochstein style.

  2. I don't believe that the referendum will be without Liberal corruption. Somehow there will be fiddling with the ballots to ensure a HST win. The rosy post just announced for Craig James is the reward for his continued loyalty, no matter what is asked of him. That is the feeling I get around this whole ballot.

    Remember the Liberal motto; we only cheat when we can't win. Well they will be cheating because they stand to lose on this one.

  3. Good article. I agree with you totally about the polls. I have a large circle of friends and family. I walk my dog where I collected signatures for the anti-HST petition. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is going to vote YES to get rid of the HST. So I wonder where all these pro-HST voters are!

    I watched Chrispy Clark in the legislature during question period. She is such a liar and never once did she answer a question. She really should go back to being a radio talk show host. She has no substance and may even prove to be a worse premier than Campbell. She, quite frankly, scares the hell out of me.

  4. I don't trust the vote count in the HST referendum with Craig James at the helm. Guess this fat cat will be his reward for dirty deeds. Did you seen the big photo op in front of the legislature with Christy and all the BC Liberals sporting the $225 Canucks jerseys? I wonder who paid for all those jersey?; I suspect they were courtesy of the BC Taxpayer.

  5. The Enbridge pipeline and the dirty oil tankers from China, is already a done deal, even before Christy's time. So are the oil and gas wells, to be drilled off BC's coast. Harper left the back door open, for the expansion of Prosperity mine, the expansion could be reapplied for.

    Campbell and Harper have been working on these projects, long before Christy was on the scene. Do you really think, Harper and Campbell would allow Christy to handle the details of, the theft of our natural resources. Not a chance in hell. Nor, would Campbell allow his corrupt sale of the BCR, to be managed, by anyone other than himself. Anyone thinking that, is asleep at the BCR switch.

    All Harper and Campbell wanted was, to thieve BC's vast natural resources. They don't give a damn, what Christy does to BC. Everything of value in BC, is thieved and gone. And, don't think Christy is handling the HST scam either. The HST is too important to the giant corporations, Harper and Campbell work for.

    Wikileaks said, the N.A.U. is on the way. This has been Harper and Campbell's evil agenda, all along. The American citizens, saw this coming long ago. Canadians didn't want to see this coming. It is now too late.

  6. It's up to us "common" folks to get the word out on how to cast your vote. If it means plastering it on telephone poles or whatever, so be it.

    Vote YES, to extinguish the HST.

  7. It doesn`t worry me anymore, the referendum I mean..

    Think about it, if Clark loses the HST she has a huge problem, if she wins the referendum she creates enemies...

    What does Clark say if she wins a 50/50 vote split?

    She can`t celebrate, she can`t gloat, if she does the public anger will boil, and(Cluck cluck can`t change her spots, of course she would gloat, another one of her fatal flaws)...

    And, the world is on the cusp of another economic slide, the US job numbers are brutal today, consumer spending is down, US housing prices are down again, Chinese manufacturing is really getting slow, no one is spending.

    Food inflation, super inflation with energy and commodities, the BC Government is broke now and revenues are still falling, natural gas prices are in the tank, tourists will avoid BC like the plague(Americans will stay home or travel south)...

    There are black swans everywhere!

    Clark won`t be in a position to spend any money, the budget won`t have any..

    The bottom line is...If the referendum is won by a 50/50 vote the Liberals are done like dinner...

    The NO HST side are not Taliban...We are voters.

    Good day

  8. Thanks, Grant, as I sit here trembling the NAU IS a done deal like Anon. 10:34 AM states. Everything Jesse Ventura and his Conspiracy Theory said is true. I believed HAARP/New World Order were responsible for the earthquake in Japan by changing the weather and all of those tornadoes in the U.S and all the crazy weather globally. For anyone who doesn't know, HAARP is in Alaska and is a massive site with hundreds of antennae that can change the weather, earthquakes, tornadoes, rains/flooding, etc. A few days ago the U.S. news said that China is going to suffer a drought like never has been seen before. I haven't read anything about HAARP yet but there is so much out there by Wikileaks that it will take forever to take it all in. The guy who started HAARP I think around 1963 was a good guy and has since died and his son said his father would never have meant it to do what the new world order is doing with it...and the new world order wants the global population which if I remember correctly is something like 6 billion and they want the global population down to a 'manageable' 500,000,000.

    9/11 was an inside job and Ventura had said they could find tiny fragments of bone amongst all the rubble but they can't find almost indestructible 'black' really orange boxes. People had seen them at the trade centre and they were never to be seen again. I also remember Oliver North warning the U.S. government two months before 9/11 that this was going to happen and they brushed him off and I haven't read anything about North since then.
    Obama is shutting down all domestic use of the internet and of course his evil partner in crime, Harper, will do the same, only he was calling it 'monitoring' the net. I guess the U.S. finally 'found' Obama because he knew too much.


    Everyone should go to Wikileaks and read up.

  9. Grant, Anonymous is me in south Surrey as you know. Google still has me blocked from your site.

  10. I don`t know why you are blocked...

    Our stats are still recording thousands of page views per day..

    As for the HAARP weather machine...

    Record tornadoes, floods, .....

    I`m not so sure however....

    As for earthquakes....

    All the deep drilling and does raise questions, like what happens to the empty space in the ground?...What other purpose does oil have in plate tectonics...Lubrication, smoother movement of the plates, man has created huge voids in the deep earth...

    And I have read several stories how "fracking MAY" cause earthquakes...

    World war III is coming soon, it won`t be bombs or conquest, it will be monetary and protectionism...

    The day will come when Canada and the USA will join as one and share OUR resources...

    As for the alternative, Asia is causing nothing but harm pitting nation against nation in a race to the bottom...

    I am wary, very wary...Who do I trust more, the Americans or the Asians...

    At this point we will never compete with 3 billion Asian slaves...

    So...The NAU(North American Union) is more appealing too me then the race to the bottom with Asia.

    The melting pot is a myth...

    Multi culturalism is a myth..

    "Birds of a feather flock together"

    Take today for example...The "Asians" held a press conference today in Richmond.

    Their complaint is a small Hospice for 15 people at a time is being built next to their high priced condo building near UBC...

    The "Asians" claim bad vibes from the dead, they`re claiming they are suffering from mental illness over the hospice, they are making every excuse in the book...

    Several units in the building are now up for sale, starting price..$890 thousand dollars..

    The "Asians" are worried about their property values, everything else is a lie, I recently studied Chinese death culture and ritulism and they don`t fear death, it`s part of the life cycle.

    Multiculturalism is a fraud, it`s created sects and classes all over the GVRD...Look at of Surrey..Abbotsford.

    So...I believe that protectionism and a joining of "CIVIL" societies is best in the long run...

    North America needs nothing from any other nation..

    Ever since the "Global economy" the quality of life has diminished...

    Time for change.

    Good Day

  11. Further too my last comment...There is no way in hell Canada will prosper with the American economy on the ropes.

    The myth of Canada being a super nation walking lock-step with Asia while the USA goes down the dumper, ain`t gonna happen...

    We need to choose our friends fast.

    Remember, Asia is patient and world domination is their goal, we are nothing but a cheap resource whore for Asia.

    Lastly...My comments aren`t racist, I am talking about Governments and mindsets, not individuals.

    Canada has betrayed our long-standing goal of putting human rights over trade, Canada could care less what the Chinese Government does to their citizens, all that matters is corporate profits and today`s politicians feeding in the public trough...

    Today`s politicians aren`t thinking about 20 years from now, all they think about is the here and now...

    Where as the Chinese Government thinks in terms of 100 years from now.

    Canada has lost its moral high ground.

    And I must reiterate...Chinese people are not the Chinese Government, one is good and the other is pure evil.


  12. Talk about feeding in the public trough. If anyone had any doubts about how the BC Liberals corrupted Elections BC under their toady Craig James well you can put those doubts to rest. The Victoria View reported that his friends are giving him a job as a Legislative Clerk at $250,000/yr and as Adrian Dix and John Horgan pointed out, "without open competition or consultation from the Legislature". One has to wonder what other damage James could do to the reputation of Elections BC while he is still at the helm? Judging from his performance as Chief Electoral Officer he isn't qualified to run a peanut stand.

  13. Grant,

    I hadn't tried Google profile today but I just did and still the same. I use the same username and password, and it just keeps going back to Google Blogger unless I use Anonymous. How can that be?

    Herb and Eileen Spencer, their daughter, Sybil and I went to the debate at Kwantlen tonite. What a show! The pro HST had 3 debaters, all quoting Campbell/Hansen/Falcon word for word. They all claimed to be small business owners and they read off their notes, told us how the HST is great for everyone including their small businesses. Not one word of truth came out of their mouths. For the anti side, a pleasant surprise, Bill VZ...AND....Bill T. What a team, they did a perfect job. At first it seemed like we were outnumbered but about 1/2 an hour in the room almost filled up. About another 1/2 an hour later it sounded 80% our side (except what I think were PABBERS), the Bill's as you know did that good of a job. Wish you were there, when they opened up the mics you would have stomped all over them. Herb got up and asked a question, sat down and the pros did a Campbell, talking in circles about whatever so Herb and I were screaming - answer the question, which they of course never did, in fact they looked like they really didn't know what Herb was talking about. Stupid is as stupid does...

    I called Walter vE. who I hadn't seen since last summer and 12 of us did a walkabout at 152 and 16th, pamphlets, getting email addys and about 30 signs, half of them Walter had his pro friend make up. They're so great, about 2 1/2' x 2 1/2', red lettering on white board. I have my favorite one 'HST IS CORPORATE WELFARE' in my front window.

    I don't know if Walter told you but I gave him your blogspot last summer. He lives on a main road 160th a few blocks away from me. He got his pro sign guy to do his van. He has 'powellriverpersuader/' on both his side windows, easy to read, and another slogan on his back window something about nasty Campbell. He always parks it sideways in front of his house where there is lots of traffic going to and from White Rock. If you would like some pictures I will call and ask him (he'll be reading this anyways), if we can take some pics and send them to you. Both of us are hopeless on the computer so would need an address to send them to you...or perhaps I could find a friend who could email them to you. Let me know, you would love it, it's also just that great!

    Anyway, I haven't been to bed yet so I need to STFU and give it a rest, well maybe a little more Wiki stuff first.

    Best, Jean

  14. Post a comment with your email and I will set you up, I won`t publish it(promise)...I think that`s great..

    And...May I suggest you try clearing your cookies, go to tools, or options..

    It might work..But..When you clear cookies you may have to reset your logins at blog/web sites.

    And remember...Christy Clark has no idea what she is up against.

    Have a look at my side-bar on the right, check out the JLS report...

    They have link to hundreds of anti-hst articles, in fact there are few of my articles there.

    And...We WILL win the referendum.

    Good day

  15. Grant,

    I was reading a few days ago about Campbell and his fracking in north eastern B.C., hundreds of feet down and horizontally for hundreds of feet or something like that, unnaturally forcing the oil out. He needs to be charged and hung for treason.

    Yes, Canada will never prosper, just continue to be raped and left a barren wasteland, when you count Mexico in on NAU, Campbell and his organized crime family, just what we need, we're already #1 in the world for organized per capita, add Mexico to the mix, it truly will be the wild west.

    And...the pro HST's were wearing Cluck's blue 10% stickers, wish she said 9% like Campbell cuz they will never do it anyways.

  16. Actually, they drill down thousands of feet into the earth, then they drill sideways...

    But it`s not oil they are after it`s natural gas...

    After they drill their holes, they pump millions of gallons of water into the hole at high pressure then...

    Then they drop into the hole a water bomb that causes the water to literally explode(Remember the movie THE SCORE with Robert De niro when he used a water bomb to blow open a safe in order to steal a scepter)...Same concept..

    When they drop in the water bomb the pressurized water fractures the shale thus releasing the gas...

    Nobody but Bill Good and the other BC Liberals stooges believe Clark will ever lower the HST....Actually even those stooges know it will never happen...

    But...As you know... Good, Baldrey and Palmer are flaming Liberal pom pom girls!


  17. One more thing about the NAU..

    When North America unites, we better have an NDP federal Government and hopefully a REAL Democratic president in the USA..

    Gawd help us all if the NAU happens with Harper and Palin at the helm..

    Sheesh....I just had a gross image flash in my mind...

    Harper and Palin cuddling and smooching...

    "Drill Baby Drill"

    Is smooching still a word?


  18. Grant,

    My son is staying with me right now and we're both sitting laughing our heads off, cookies, tools,options,thousands of feet, not hundreds, gas and not oil, second Obama s/b Osama, pom pom girls add Fletcher in a tutu. I even had to check with him that I had horizontal sideways and not up and down. He's a heavy construction pipelayer, and as you would know, they use fracking when they are laying pipes in the mountains and/or rocks.

    Have you heard about the corruption at Surrey City Hall, an ongoing investigation, rarely mentioned in the local papers. Now Brar who I think is OK who bolted from Panorama when Campbell gerrymandered Crescent Beach, extreme right wing into NDP Panorama by a slight margin and Ralston and Sue Hammell have brought the dreadful 230 portables, by 2015 will be 340, up in the ledge, you would have seen it, but when darling was asked to comment a few months ago, she had NO Comment. I think those portables cost or at least Campbell pays his favourite contractors, probably American Kiewit, $100,000. each. When Jesse Ventura had his CT on the bunkers in the U.S. for the not elite Kiewit is one of the builders.

    I really should have gone to bed, I won't like it when I read myself tomorrow.

  19. Clearing cookies...I couldn`t get into my site at-all last week, I was on my old half-dead back-up computer..

    I finally went to the (tool)bar..options and clear...My old Windows millennium browser called the clearing "Clearing Cookies"....

    Then I clicked clear cookies button(yes, it actually says that) waited for it and I got my access back.

    As for drilling, they drill vertically into the ground, they have a target depth where they believe the gas is...

    The drill VERTICALLY until they get close to the desired depth THEN....

    Then they start to turn the drill....

    Their aim is to curve the drill path until they are right on the required depth....It`s at that point when they want to be drilling HORIZONTALLY...

    They drill a long way(sideways) along that depth........

    The gas is contained in layers, not a pond or well....Frackers cover a huge swath area from the original hole.

    Anyway...You ain`t playing me are you?


  20. My wife and myself (with 2 children)were comparing our life financially between before the BC Liberals came to power to present day and I don't care what BS anyone tells me, the BC Liberals have screwed families (real numbers don't lie).Everything has gone up by a minimum of twofold (for Christ's sake they're even resorting to taxing children's sports programs, how desperate is that?)while ordinary working peoples wages have stagnated. Which brings me to my point. I come to realize that when Crusty says "Families First" what it means is, that's the group that is first in line to milk for all the BC Liberals disasterous fiscal policy.I don't know who is second in line but I do know who will be last or probably not at all and that would be Big Business.

  21. I was polled last night by Smart Tax Alliance. I had fun telling them that I was for the HST. If everyone did the same, they won't know what the hell is up or down. They also wanted to know if the lower tax rate had anything to do with my decision. I said no.

  22. For over ten years, the BC Liberals forte has been, lies. deceit, stealing, corruption, dirty tactics, criminal charges, unfair taxes, and everything evil in the book. Even when their crimes have come to the fore, nothing is done about it. The media spreads their lies, and they are as disgraceful to their professions, as the BC Liberal politicians are.

    Campbell and all who aided and abetted him, with his theft and corrupt sale of the BCR, belong in prison. However, with corrupt courts and corrupt judges, they will not be prosecuted.

    Campbell and Harper will pollute this entire province for money. They are demented and rabid for power and money. They hope to be big shots, in the N.A.U.

    The problem is, the Americans say, Harper is a petty gasbag. Harper doesn't have the ability, to work with others. He is too arrogant and vindictive, the same type personality as Campbell's.

    Obama does not like Harper, and, Harper may find himself, thrown out of his, P.M. office, on his butt. Because, it is a fact, Harper is far too stubborn, to work with anyone. Harper has issue's with his character.

  23. Grant said: "I immediately add 7% percentage points to the NDP and subtract that amount from the BC Liberals....That puts the NDP at 46% and the BC Liberals 34%...."


    And that's what the world's most accurate pollster, Robbins SCE Research, also shows:

    Which British Columbia political leader and party do you support most?

    Adrian Dix and BC NDP 40.9 %
    Christy Clark and BC Liberals 31.9 %
    John Cummins and BC Conservatives 17.4 %
    Jane Sterk and BC Greens 5.5 %

  24. John H.

    So much for Christy's family's first. Christy is far more concerned, with keeping the HST, which really hurts family's the most.

    Since Campbell, we have never been able to trust a BC Liberal. Mind you, Campbell really works for Harper. Campbell, Hansen and Harper, colluded on the HST, long before the BC election.

    Now Christy has shut the Legislature down. She says, she is far too busy, to do her job in the Legislature. Campbell wouldn't even call a fall sitting of the Legislature. His best buddy Harper, prorogued Parliament twice within a year. This is a cowards way out, when they can't answer for their crimes. The BC Legislature, will not likely be called, perhaps next year, or perhaps not as long as the Liberals, are in office. Seems Christy doesn't want to answer for, Campbell's theft and corrupt sale of the BCR....Hmmm...I wonder why? And the HST is another sore spot for Christy. She knows the HST is the worst tax in the history of BC. We can proove, it was just a scam, to steal from the citizens, to give to big business.

    I had e-mailed and asked for proof, of how the HST was saving me money and where are the HST jobs, because I really need a job. Strangely, i was sent no reply. Guess they don't know either.

    It seems to me, Campbell's theft and corrupt sale of the BCR, ties in with the U.S. Canada and the Mexican N.A.U.

  25. Hi Grant

    This website is 85% accurate
    15% selling silver and gold and his books,but if you take in whats happened
    on Wall street this week. The republicons and about 41 tea baggers for not
    raising the u.s. dept ceiling are willing to crash the world economy unless
    they get their way on social security and medicare,next vote August 2`nd
    keep up the good work and so will I on the street debating every body I can
    on the HST and why they should vote yes.

    WAlter v E.

  26. Make sure everyone reads the letters to the editor of Fridays Surrey Leader. June 3. Interesting letter about what the HST now applies to. A VERY LONG list. Interesting read.

  27. There are two things that worry me about the HST referendum.

    The first is that it will not be handled above board by Elections BC. I find it extremely curious that Craig James will be at the helm until after the vote after which he will move onto a sweetheart appointment. Seeing as he got both gigs without being properly vetted, one must assume all is not as it should be.

    The other thing that worries me is the fact that too many people don't realize the scope of the HST versus the old GST/PST system. I get the feeling that many people just don't realize how much more in provincial sales tax they have been paying since July 1, 2010. Even I have no idea how much more I've paid out in extra taxes since the HST became a reality. I was going to keep track of it for personal interest, but because it hits from so many angles, the record keeping would have amounted to a full time job. The government knows this and has been using it to their advantage.

    The government's so-called "FIX" of the HST may sway some voters with their smoke and mirrors tact, but I suspect the lack of understanding on how much more expensive the HST will be on people's bottom line may work to the BC Liberal Party's advantage.


  28. Grant,

    If I may:

    Come and support Adrian Dix who will be addressing the HST issue. The NDP is now firmly opposed to the HST and is campaigning for a 'YES' vote to scrap the HST in the upcoming referendum.

    Date: June 7, 2011 (Tuesday)
    Time: 5:15 pm
    Location: Courtyard of downtown SFU campus (Woodwards building). Corner of W. Cordova and Cambie.

    Come and learn more about the HST.

    Bill Vanderzalm & Chris Delaney (Fight HST)
    Will review the Issues and answer your questions on the HST.

    Date: June 12, 2011 (Sunday)
    Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
    Location: Kent Street Activity Centre Auditorium
    1475 Kent Street, White Rock, B.C.

    Bill Vanderzalm will be at the Kent Street meeting, not sure about Chris Delaney due to a rally that coincides with the Kent Street meeting.
    A rally will be held in Vancouver at the Stanley Park Georgia Street entrance. Please join us and show the government and the public that the fight is not over! HST is BAD FOR B.C.

    Date: June 12, 2011 (Sunday)
    Time: 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
    Location: Assemble in parking lot of the Devonian Harbour Park on Denman @ W. Georgia Street.
    Transit: Just a pleasant 15-20 minute walk from the Burrard Skytrain station or if you prefer to take the bus, grab the #19-Stanley Park or any of the many other buses available.
    Parking: Plenty of pay parking in the area.

    It's a rain or shine event.

    Please RSVP by email to: so that we have some idea of the size of the rally.



    Thanks, Grant

  29. WE should all be prepared to expect corruption surrounding the HST ballots at Elections BC. You cannot trust them any longer.

  30. I can`t make that rally (Jean)....I don`t need any information on the HST, perhaps I can attend a future rally, I did partake in last night`s phone town hall meeting with Adrian..

    Cam...Don`t underestimate the public anger....

    I`m not worried about it, it came too me last night, the people, families, seniors, students, they are silently terrified of the BC Liberals...

    They know the Christy Gordon Campbell Clark Liberals must be removed from power, the HST referendum will be won easy...If we lose it will be through fraud..

    The biggest risk for the BC Liberals is they win the referendum...

    Think about it.

