Saturday, June 18, 2011

Vancouver Rioters to be Punished to the "Full Extent of the Law"

In the shining light of Thursday morning amongst a throng of Christy Clark paparazzi`s and PAB media spinners our premier spoke in terms of tough on crime, sparing no expense in the prosecution of rioting hooligans, ...Christy Clark went on to say...

"we will spare no expense in the prosecutions of these criminals, we won`t surrender our streets to thugs and criminals, the province will use every avenue to ensure these criminals see jail, we will use video footage to find everyone who was involved in the riot"........And Christy didn`t stop there, Clark went on to say, ....

"We will expose the families of the rioters, we will expose the employers of the criminals"....

Now before we get rolling, that last above statement by Christy Clucking Clark....Tough talk, tough talk from an uneducated buffoon, she can`t stop herself from blurting out the stupidest things without thinking, that`s the way she ran her radio show, loose lips flapping about subjects she`s clueless on, ....Tough talk alright, what does the sister or the brother of a rioter/ thug have to do with this, you can`t go around exposing families, not unless you want your asses sued off....And "exposing their employer"....If some punk works at a gas station, 7/11 or hair salon or whatever, you can`t willy nilly implicate any employer or any family member with a rioter`s action without investigations and sting operations that result in a finding that said business or said family organized the mayhem and or persuaded/forced the rioter`s action......That statement proves once again that Christy Clark is absolutely clueless and is still unable to think on her feet.......Now don`t get me wrong, the actions of Wednesday night were sick, childish, desperate and expected, cars burning, smashed bottles, looting, fires, ho hum, .....The city and Province rolled the dice on policing numbers THROUGH OUT the Canuck playoff run, all in the name of saving money, can you say...."SNAKE EYES"...

We have a thing called law, law for the guilty and law for the innocent, we have laws Governing both the crown and defense, laws on evidence gathering, laws on proving guilt, each aspect of every prosecution must follow legal procedures, the Government or police can`t simply take a picture and brand those in the pictures criminals, each and every suspect must be tried individually, with witness, with testimony, with a legal defense fighting for the defendant, that folks is the law, or at least it was the law at one time, .....Shocking behaviour, if I was at the riot I would have been jailed for incapacitating criminal suspects the old fashioned way or shot trying, however, I wasn`t there and we can`t turn back the clock and.....And it has nothing to do with this post, I`m talking about a clueless Christy Clark who beaks off before she thinks......

Where has Christy been, Gordon Campbell in his first term with Christy as his deputy premier closed down 9 prisons and 25 courthouses and fired 300 correction officers and the justice system has never recovered, our remaining provincial prisons are all over capacity, several are filled to 300% of maximum capacity, .....Trials are being scheduled 2 and 3 years out for petty crimes, murder trials and assaults take years to go through the courts if they don`t get thrown out for lack of court sheriffs or unreasonable delays..."Justice delayed is justice denied"....

Tough talk eh Christy Clark, where is the jail space, where is the manned courtrooms with an open schedule, where, where are the sheriffs, tough talk by a dimwitted premier who is oblivious to the extreme cuts and dismantlement of BC`s entire justice system, ....Christy Clark was a member of Gordon Campbell`s cabinet when 25 courthouses and 9 prisons were shuttered closed, we are short judges, short sheriffs, short jail space, short on prosecutors, there isn`t one aspect of BC Law and justice that isn`t woefully underfunded.

"We will punish the criminals to the full extent of the law"....Christy Clark June/16th/2011........There is something in law called a PRECEDENCE.....Tough talk, .....Lawyers use the precedence of past decisions and convictions of other defendants as a BASE for sentencing and or for legal rulings in current cases...

Ian Bush was shot in police custody in the back of the head and the police officer involved received a free walk as the family of the victim received no answers from the police, no answers from investigators, the Bush family received zero justice

Monty Robinson who was one of the officers who tasered Dziekanski at the airport, a police cover up, lies, obfuscation, a botched  takedown of a distraught traveler, if not for a citizen journalist who secretly filmed the whole incident the case would have vanished, Monty Robinson was one of those officers, ...But Monty`s trouble were just beginning, as you know Monte Robinson a short time later was involved in a fatal hit and run with a motor cycle driver, the bike rider was killed, Monty Robinson, a cop, a cop who knows the law, fled the scene, claims to have went home and THEN started consuming alcohol, ...Thus when other police eventually caught up with Monty Robinson and arrested him, they were unable to PROVE BEYOND a SHADOW of a DOUBT that Monty Robinson was drunk when he struck the bike rider...Basically Monty walked away with nothing, two dead men by the hands of Monty Robinson yet he remains jail free, Robinson knew the law and took full advantage of the situation, he fled the accident scene and went home, claimed drinking at home which resulted in a successful effort in avoiding the law, ...So much for punishing to the "full extent of the law.......Maybe it`s only cops who walk away free, a corrupt court system that protects their own, .....Who doesn`t remember the drunken cops who while on a big booze up in Vancouver last year, one of the rioting rampaging drunken cops shit kicked an early morning defenseless newspaper delivery man, .....A trained police officer while under the influence of large amounts of alcohol beat the hell out of a innocent man trying to earn a few bucks, the goon cop had to be pulled off the victim by his fellow drinking officer buddies, certainly the precedence of this cop`s conviction and sentencing could be used as a barometer for the sentencing of the hockey rioters....Both drunk, both acting like savages, well, this cop too received no justice and no jailtime

"Punish to the full extent of the law".....The Precedence of past legal decisions, .....So exactly what punishment would any rioters or looters receive, all those damaged buildings, all that stolen loot, it`s a good thing those big retailers and businesses are fully insured and ALL their loses will be reimbursed, we wouldn`t want to cause any business to lose their store or go bankrupt over the actions of others, a democratic British Columbia Government wouldn`t allow businesses or a business to go bankrupt by the actions of criminals or liars, or would they.....How much justice did Susan Heyes and the Cambie street merchants receive....Translink`s builders when building the Canada line said, in their bid they said the  transit line would be built using a method called  "bored tunnel"...In other words it would be business as usual with but a few minor interruptions, but then the builder in an effort to save money went to a new construction method called "cut n cover".....The builder then told the affected businesses around cambie that this construction method at most would result in disruptions in front of their stores for a couple of months at most, the builder told bold faced lies to the business, the result was dozens of businesses lost fortunes and many went bankrupt, people`s livelihood taken away,,there was a construction nightmare and customer barricades for years ....Susan Heyes fought the builder, she won in the supreme court, the big bad friend of the BC Liberals...A corporate beast runs roughshot over a small business owner, a brave Susan Heyes fights back and wins, only to have the corporation appeal the ruling and drag the case to the supreme court of Canada, a moneyless /lawyerless Susan Heyes had her win stripped, where is her justice, where was the BC Government to fight for  Susan Heyes and those other affected businesses, I guess it`s ok for the Government and their friends to stomp on Democracy and the law, tough talk,  ..."Punish to the full extent of the law"......Well Christy Clark, what past case, past sentence, past Judgements and case law precedents will you use to punish the Vancouver mob.....

Perhaps you think my case comparisons and legal decisions are not the same, comparing apples to oranges rather than apples to apples, well maybe a case like this as a comparison would be more apt...

A relative of a business owner who.....The business is in financial difficulty, the relative on behalf of the business  sneaks into the building with a large container of gasoline, he then spreads fuel around and is going to torch the business for the insurance, the arsonists/relative is an amateur, the plan goes awry, there`s an explosion, hundreds of windows are blown out, the building is almost destroyed, surrounding buildings are damaged, $5 million dollars in property damage, the potential to kill dozens of nearby residents was real, the risk to firefighters, emergency response teams.....Fortunately no innocent people were hurt, only the arsonist was hurt....Severe burns and a month in the hospital for the arsonist and insurance fraudster, ....But there`s more, two weeks after the planned explosion the wife of the business owner apparently committed suicide and jumped off a cliff in Lions Bay.

So let`s examine that "PRECEDENT" setting case....An arsonist, the relative of a in financial difficulty business owner, a planned arson and insurance fraud, blew up several buildings, got severely injured and cost our health authorities $tens of thousands of dollars in medical costs, self inflicted injuries received while engaging in fraud, arson, terrorism, an arsonist who endangered the public, endangered firefighters, paramedics and all emergency response groups, an arsonist whose actions led directly to a suspicious suicide(maybe murder)....An arsonist, a bomber, a terrorist who set off a bomb, blew up buildings, risked public safety on a planned crime, alone, not egged on by thousands of onlookers, a criminal who caused $5 million dollars in property damage, a suicide, costs on our health authority, $ tens of thousands of dollars in costs to emergency response team budgets, not to mention court costs and court space in a woefully underfunded legal system.....Certainly this case compares and the finding of guilty on this criminal and his subsequent sentencing and punishment is a perfect example of a precedence to use on the sentencing of the Vancouver rioters and criminals......

Like example, how much restitution did the guilty arsonist have to pay back, how much of the damages is he on the hook for, how many years were added to his sentence for contributing to a suicide or worse?....How many years would a sick twisted arsonist/terrorist and endangerer of public life have to serve, $millions in damage, health dollars, a massive explosion, expensive trial, a tough court system, tough sentencing....

"We will punish those responsible to the full extent of the law"snip......Certainly we have precedents in sentencing in which we can apply to the Vancouver riot thugs.....

And that precedence and punishment for that apples to apples comparison is....

Kamalijera Singh Josan received NO JAIL, NO RESTITUTION.....He was sentenced to 2 years house arrest in which he can watch TV and play house with his lovely young wife and children, he can take limited outdoor trips, ....

Oh the humanity!, the harsh jail time, the financial costs, ......Cops walk, extreme killers stay home, Basi and Virk stay home, $6 million dollar Basi/Virk legal fee, $24 million dollar prosecution legal fee and house arrest, Susan Heyes has her business destroyed and the Government doesn`t care......

Christy Clark vows to punish the criminals "To the full extent of the law" snip

Perhaps Christy Clark hasn`t been paying attention.....To all you Vancouver riot thugs, I hope you are all shaking in your boots over your possible house arrest, locked in a house with your Play stations/Facebook and texting....

Oh the humanity!

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. With Christy its all sound bites and photo ops; I'm surprised she didn't get up on top of one of the burning police cars during the riot and tell the vandals to cease and desist; it would have made one great photo op. She had to settle for a photo op the next morning sweeping glass on the sidewalk outside The Bay. But seriously, what justice is there in BC?; you could do an unprovoked attack on an innocent person and leave the person brain dread and be given a 2 year conditional sentence.

  2. My thoughts have always been that these riots are federally and provincially instigated. The Necro no show concert, Vancouver, 2009, the G20 and G8 riots and now the hockey riots.

    I do not believe that those two people were making out, as the corrupt media would have some believe, the crowds conveniently held back by the riot police, 'Vancouver's Finest'. They are fully clothed and the second story is most believable, that the riot cops had brutally beaten the young lady down and her boyfriend was only comforting a very distraught girlfriend.

    Thanks for coming to the 'big smoke', a fun day it was!


  3. I don't want to appear to condone rioting and violence but there seems to be a bigger problem at the very roots of our society. As BC Mary pointed out our youth have become disilusioned with their future and seem to be as mad as hell. Our Provincial and Federal Goverments have put Corporate Profit and Legal Systematic Corruption ahead of all social programs in this country but especially in BC. Under the BC Liberal Goverment any future for our youth (unless their parents are members of the elite or well to do)looks bleak in terms of employment and education (as the BC Liberals have now made it unaffordable for the vast majority of youth). Some of these young people seem to be turning to the only option that in their minds they have left (and it appears is happening in other countries),protest and violence. We need to engage all youth today by commiting more resouces towards them in the form of job training and education like we used to before the BC Liberals created the class system in BC.

  4. RE: Our mayor and police chief trying to claim the riot was instigated by anarchists...

    Anarchists don't wear Canucks jerseys and stand around posing for photo ops. Christy Clark and BC Liberals MLAs on the other hand; do wear Canucks jerseys and pose for photo ops.

  5. I agreed with Mary too. We have angry students with huge student loans to pay back. There are no jobs for them. They can't even use the education, they have paid through the nose for. The way things are going in this world, they may all be conscripted, into the armed forces. I'm far from young, and I am angry too. Angry about my children and my grandkids futures.

    I don't condone, rioting, looting and the destruction of property. However, there is anger seething, just beneath the surface of this province. I thought things would blow up, long before the rioting. Every where I go. I hear the anger expressed, in the peoples conversations.

    Christy's is famous for flapping her gums, before she even stops and thinks of the hole, she is going to fall into. She shut down courtrooms, there aren't enough Sheriffs to keep order. This was her own doing. Where are these hundreds of rioters, going to be tried?

    I think BC is in a deep abyss of debt. However, forcing the HST on her, "family's first" false agenda, will just dig a deeper hole of debt. Thousands of us, don't even have enough to live on. We can't support, the small business industry. Working parents also have to rely on the food banks. So do seniors and other low income citizens.

    BC has gained no jobs, as was said on TV. Grant also, did an excellent post on this subject. So the HST scam, that promised good paying jobs, and oodles of saved money for the citizens, is just another BC Liberal lie.

  6. We have to be a little fair. Some of the rioters, did come prepared. They had face coverings and gasoline. Many of those kids were drunk and perhaps high on drugs. Their inhibitions would be very much lowered. That is still no excuse though. They did what they did, by their own choices, to drink and/or do drugs. Some of these otherwise good kids, were in tears and offered their apologies. Some even lost their jobs, because of their foolishness. Some will learn their lessons, to have minds of their own. Others have taken pride in their stupidity.

  7. This post has nothing to do with the rioters.

    It`s about a lip flapping non-thinking birdbrain who thinks her tough words can change a woefully underfunded legal system where criminals walk free...


    You give an arsonist/terrorist/fraud artist/and destroyer of private buildings to the tune of $5 million dollars and you get to stay home, eat dinner, have sex with your wife, play with your kids, plus outdoor ..

    And you think rioters in group funk will see any jailtime?

    Good luck with that.

    Good Day

  8. Is she sure that's what she wants to do? Half those rioters probably belong to the people who voted for her. I mean, after all, they are just following the example they've been given......

  9. Hopefully the Premier's tough talk will start the ball rolling in changing the law and pressure judges into making the punishment fit the crime. As several people here have already pointed out, our penal system needs a major overhaul. Maybe that is partly Christie Clark's fault. Regardless she is now in a position to do something about it, so I hope she helps make changes while her heart is in the right place. The sentences in many cases are laughable and there is no deterrent to these crimes. Still though, I'm tired of hearing about our poor, angry public that is just venting their frustrations. They obviously haven't been very far out of Canada if they think we have it rough. As crappy as things are here, its better than nearly anywhere else on earth. Thats a fact. We've become a bleeding heart society. There is no excuse for violence. We have become so engrossed in protecting human rights that the innocent end up paying for the criminals. We don't have to form a firing squad for every offence, but the soft approach to our justice system obviously is a huge failure. I want to live in a society that protects the innocent and punishes the guilty. As for the Vancouver riot, there is No excuse. Saying you are sorry after the fact does not make it better. Why should we have to pay for the criminals that caused millions of dollars in damage and are unbelievably lucky that no one was killed. They should have to pay for all of it. The black eye they gave Canada's tourism industry is probably priceless. Maybe we can't change the justice system overnight, but the provinces and Ottawa need to work together to give the system some teeth. Making an example out of these morons is a good start. Write your member of parliament (provincial and federal) and let your voice be heard. Lets do our part to make sure this never happens again.

  10. Grant, you could occasionally use the word "precedents" as in previous decisions (One decision creates a precedent, more than one are precedents - just my semi-monthly nit picking party, sorry)

    ".Maybe it`s only cops who walk away free, a corrupt court system that protects their own,"

    Well BC liaRs do pretty well by the (in)justice system as well. BC liaRs like Kash Heed, Jane Thornwaite, John Les, Gary Collins, non-responsive and/or perjuring witnesses in front of Annie Mack - when they are on the right team, and Gordo hisself, who could appropriately be hung for treason in earlier times.

    Well, Ken Dobell, the man of many hats at least had to write an essay for violating lobbying regulations while not even registered as a lobbyist.

    I fully expect more riots in the future, and once folks start rioting for the right reasons, for social justice like they are in Spain, Greece, Ireland, England and all around the Middle East, I may even join in the festivities.

    When it comes to hockey the violence should stay on the ice. But as Wisconsin and the ongoing attack on the middle class and working people continues, due to the greed of the richest sliver of society trying to get their hands on the twenty percent of the wealth that they don't already own, expect more people to take justice into their own disorganized hands and bring marshmallows and hot dogs to roast over cop cars!

  11. Let's face it, Christy Clark has never let her lack of knowledge about most things get in the way of spouting nonsensical bravado. I expect the fact that she prevailed in the leadership race and then won what should have been a slamdunk seat in a relative squeaker, she now figures that she can impose her will on any and all institutions.

    I've come to the conclusion that the only reason she awarded Harry Bloy a cabinet position was not the popular belief that he was the only MLA to support her, but that he was the only one she could relate to intellectually.


  12. There is a two tiered justice system in BC. One for corrupt politicians, who extort their own citizens, and thieve entire railroads. Look at the justice for Susan Heyes, who lost her business. For corrupt police who commit worse crimes, than the citizens they arrest.

    For the BC people, justice is only for those who can afford it. The BC Liberal crime family, have FIXES, for all their dirty deeds.

  13. What was Mr. Bush DOING when he "was shot in the back of the head"? This has never been reported. We only get one side of that tragic evening.
    Was he signing a Release Form, and the Member walked around behind him and "shot him in the back of the head"?
    Was he tying his shoe laces? At which point the Member thought this would be an opportune time to shoot him in the back of the head?
    Was he reading over the Promise to Appear Form?
    What was HE doing. I think the time has come, to report HIS actions the moments before.........
    I await someone to inform us, the Public.

  14. And now ICBC has offered their facial recognition software to help identify rioters. Hmmm.....a crown corporation, who promised the software wouldn't be used for occasions such as this if we permitted them to purchase it. A Premier who promises to use everything at her disposal to find the rioters. Anybody doubt that Christy has instructed ICBC? Purely political. what crap!

  15. The Latest anti-hst ad, check it out.

  16. She ain't dum, she knows EXACTLY what she is doing. She used to be the head of the singularly corrupt MCFD, she knows how to play the media and the bozos who watch Nancy Grace. Watch out, this woman is much more cunning than you could ever imagine. She has an excellent chance of being elected by stupid British Columbians.
