Thursday, June 23, 2011

Harper by Appointing Gordon Campbell Sealed Christy Clucking Clark`s Coffin Shut!

A short post...You are all aware of Stephen Harper giving BC traitor Gordon Campbell a cushy gig as high ambassador to Britain...Well, Just like I explained in a previous post, it was a stupid move by Harper..It will hurt his Federal party and bring new support to both the Federal and Provincial NDP....Now I am no fan of the Vancouver Sun paper, ...

Well, the Vancouver Sun ran the story complete with comments, none are mine, the CBC ran the story complete with comments and....

 And both comment sections are loaded with furious anger towards both Harper and Campbell....Well, I guess with Harper it doesn`t matter, he has his majority and won`t run again(Unless his sellout of Canada isn`t complete)...

But it will hurt his Federal party badly....CKNW`s Gord MacDonald took calls on Campbell`s patronage appointment and every caller ripped Campbell and were genuinely disgusted....Now remember, CKNW is a BC Liberal shill radio station.....But the CBC website is a more social oriented site, more lefties hang there than corporate righties, the CBC comments are like 90% angered at both Harper and Campbell....But the Vancouver Sun...A right wing corporate BC Liberal rag tag paper....Well blow me down, the comments are just ripping Gordon Campbell and Harper and Crusty Clark....I thought Harper was smarter than that...Anyway, this is all good news for the BC NDP...A disgraced drunken premier who resigned in a nasty fit...A premier who was at 9% support, the lowest ranking for any politician in Canadian history....Really dumb Harper but this persuader is smiling away, you just put the final nail in Christy Clark`s coffin....Read the Vancouver Sun comments here

And you can read the CBC comments here

You can hear the radio calls here....Cue up 4:00pm June 23....Fast forward to about 4:40 pm to 4:50pm

HST anger is boiling over and  Harper appointing the most hated man? in BC to that cushy gig complete with a chef, a residence, driver and big pay package is the final straw, the HST battle ended today....  The public have now clued into part of the biggest public betrayal in Canadian history....The HST special on CKNW, they couldn`t find anyone to phone in to support the HST, the Vancouver Sun readers, the CBC...Yes folks, you can read the tea leaves too...

Harper would have been smarter to wait until after the HST referendum, but I`m glad he did it, thanks for the help Harper....You just gave the people the final push....Bye Bye HST....Bye Bye Crispy Clark...Pleasant dreams !

The BC Liberal tide has receded, there is nothing left but a stinking rotting smell....

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. Maybe the British press will do some investigative reporting on this joke. Something our own fawning media won't

  2. Amazing just goes to show you, CRIME PAYS.

    Walter v E.

  3. If the Dippers were smart, they would hire a film documentary crew to film and present to the media "A Day in the Life of The High Commissioner". One half hour of watching Gordo in his new lifestyle.

    That would get under the skin of 70 percent of the BC'ers and will have some effect on voting patterns with regards to the Provincial Liberals and Federal Conservatives.

    Would be nice too, to ask John Cummins what he thinks about the appointment.

  4. Harpo must have known that this 'anointment' of GC would seal the fate of the HST vote in BC.

    Does his dislike for women in power (and in general) really trump his handlers edict to get the VAT(HST) in place?

    Or is he just being spiteful because he realizes the HST is done like dinner in BC, and this is our punishment?

  5. It clear that Gordo sold us down the river and crammed the HST down our throats because Harper promised him a future reward. This should greatly affect our voting on the HST referendum but I'm afraid most British Columbians have their heads in the sand and don't even take the time to know whats going on in our province. This latest maneuver is the most cynical and blatant political move ever.

  6. The people are waking...Read this article...It even sounds like Falcon knows the HST is done...

    Even the Victoria Chamber of Commerce admits the HST death is all but inevitable...

    The last straw was the slap in the face to all BCers with the Campbell appointment..

    Trust me, the Anti-HST side is gaining steam..The poll numbers are back too...

    75% opposed...25% for..

    Or if you like..

    75% are voting YES to KILL the HST..

    25% ate voting No.

    Good Day

  7. We knew forever, Campbell was working for Harper. That was in our faces obvious. Campbell and Hansen worked on several projects. One is, forcing the Enbridge pipeline, and the dirty oil tankers from China, onto the people of BC.

    The two of them stripped BC, of our assets and resources. The BC citizens own nothing, everything, has been thieved and given to the giant corporations, Harper and Campbell are working for.

    The HST was a scam of, Harper, Campbell and Hansen's, to give to big business. The three of them colluded on the HST long before the BC election.

    Harper and Campbell, just came out of the closet, instead of hiding their close relationship, they made it official. Don't you remember, Campbell's face just beamed, when he and Harper got together. Harper even gave a speech, in the BC Legislature.

    Harper and Campbell are both fascists, and dictators. They both use dirty tactics, lie, thieve and cheat to win.

    Has anyone read, Harper delivers speech of, Global Governance for Canada? Wikileaks has said, the on the way. This was Harper and Campbell's evil agenda all along.

  8. Grant, Adrian Dix comes out today and says that El Gordo was a "good pick" for British High Commissioner. I can't believe it.

    I've just e-mailed Adrian and basically told him to shut-up and let the LIEberals and HarperCons take the political hit!

  9. Mr. Elwood....It does the NDP no good to bash Gordon Campbell....Let the people bash the BC Liberals over it..

    It`s all about strategy Elwood...We wouldn`t want Billy Good bashing the NDP and calling them bitter and negative...

    Let`s keep our eyes on the prize...

    It`s strategy...Personally, If I was Adrian Dix I would have said..

    "No Comment on Gordon Campbell"

    Good Day

  10. Just listening to the three douche bags, man have they no shame? Hilarious, oblivious to their own bias and all. Blaming a fellow announcer for the public's scorn of the outreach appointment. There is a very foul odour emitting from the black tower indeed...yeesh!

  11. Word dictionary...

    Toobad some people use language without knowing the meaning.

    good Day

  12. Mr. Campbell may have been handed a plum but fruit does go bad.
    The UK newspapers are all now aware of the type of person who has been chosen by Mr. Harper to live amongst them. My response from some of these publications is that they are not amused some even going as far as to say they are insulted that Canada would send a man to their country with a resume like Mr Campbell has to offer.
    The UK publications all received a story, True story, about Mr. Campbells exploits here in BC and Hawaii. This story was written by a retired photo journalist originally from the Uk who still has some contacts at some of the UK publications. Story was also offered to the New York Times. No reply from them as of now.
