Thursday, June 9, 2011

Christy Clark and the Media, Beating a Dead Horse!

Let`s talk polls, bullshit polls, the problem with with polls is, at least in BC is that they are designed for manipulation, but at times they can be revealing, especially for the keen observers.......

As you know the BC Liberals have been carpet bombing British Columbian`s with ads on the HST riddled with lies, lies about the tax being 10%...Big expensive ads by Government, by big industry and many more from the flaky shills at the smart(dumb) tax alliance....These ads are running on radio, on the news hour and on Canuck broadcasts, and with that latter item means but one thing, almost everyone in BC has seen these ads and still....

I mentioned in an earlier post how the Vancouver sun 2 weeks ago conducted a poll on the HST where they called it a  50/50 coin flip, Global News(BC Liberal TV) had Ipsos Reid conduct a poll where Ipsos explained to the people they called how Christy clucking Clark fixed the HST, in that poll the phony Ipsos came out with results of 52% against the HST and 44% for the tax, ......Yes, we totally debunked that poll, we also had the media promote that conman from UBC who did a youtube video attacking Vanderzalm and defending the HST, we have had mining, forestry, the council of shelf stockers, we have had the chamber of commerce, boards of trade, and we also have the stooges, Vaughn stooge Palmer, Keith no balls Baldrey and Bill the racist Good defending the tax, and let`s not forget the "economists"...Michael Campbell, Sam, Fraser institute, even the stamp salesman Michael Levy, Jack flipping and flopping Mintz, ..Jim Dimwit Dinning and a pack of lying dirtbat BC Liberals lying about the HST and after all of that....

As you know, Ipsos Reid overstates BC Liberal support by on average 7% percentage points until we are at election day and then they close their gap in order to retain even a little credibility, Mustel Polls overstate BC Liberal support on average of 12% percentage points,.......Never-the-less...Sometimes the polling outfits out themselves by not paying attention to their competitors polls, and it`s when that happens that keen observers can read polls, read between the lines and come to the right conclusion....For today while listening to Billy racist Good and his hockey talk show there was a blurb from Gord MacDonald about a new poll ......Gord said...."There`s a new poll on the HST out and if you can believe it support for the HST is rising"snip.....My ears started tingling, it was between newscasts so there was no elaboration, however I couldn`t wait for details and went googling, (is that a word) ...I checked Mustel, I checked Ipsos Reid, then I checked Angus Reid and there it was....The latest HST poll and...

And then my phone rang and it was Mom wanting to talk about politics, sheesh Mom, your almost 80 and you want to talk about politics, we talked, how`s Dad I asked, ..She responded with..He`s getting bored, he`s fixing things, he`s eating peanut butter in the middle of the night, things he`s done forever, all good signs.....Meanwhile Mom was on one of my ears and the other was listening to CKNW elaborate on the latest Angus Reid poll during the newscast.....

Pollster and now political pundit Mario Canseco was on the radio news explaining how the gap continues to tighten on the HST and boy oh boy did CKNW try and oversell this poll......So after Mom let my ear go.....I went back to the Angus Reid poll and looked at the questions and methodology and what I saw not only confirmed all my assertions on the true level of HST support but made me grin from ear to smiling ear...

I will leave the link to Angus Reid and the detailed tables but first.....Now remember, this latest poll is after the carpet bombing and HST saturation advertising blitz, all the ads in the Canuck games, ....The detailed tables despite Mario Canseco`s commentary tell the real story...

#1) Female voters are 65% opposed to the HST Province wide.

#2) The aggregate results are..56% percent opposed to the HST.. 44% percent for the HST.....That is after saturation carpet bombing with ads that blatantly lie, Mario Canseco`s poll has a 12point spread, two weeks ago Ipsos reid/Global news poll had a 8 point spread...2 weeks ago the Vancouver Sun called the HST referendum a 50/50 split, a coin toss...Well, Angus Reid has a 12 point spread....And there is so much more...

This latest Angus Reid poll breaks down its poll for different areas of the Province....In the interior, 60% are against the HST....In the North...78% percent are opposed to the HST....Vancouver island is solidly against the HST too...

So let`s examine those results, Christy Clark is female(I think)....Females are 65% opposed to the HST and that`s after the carpet bombing ad campaign.....So much for Clark appealing to woman....But those numbers in the North..78% opposed....Blair Leckstrom and Pat Pimm will be in big trouble if the BC Conservatives run candidates there....60% opposed in the interior....The highest level of support for the HST is in the lower mainland, 45% in favour of the HST....

Those are just a few of the items I picked up on.....And now the juicy stuff, Angus Reid in this poll asked about credibility, the credibility of Christy Clark, Kevin Falcon, Adrian Dix, big business, economists, and the media and boy oh boy did that section make me smile....

Kevin Falcon was found to be the least credible person, the media ranked a close second behind Kevin Falcon as LEAST CREDIBLE.....

So let`s quickly review....After a carpet bombing advertising blitz with lying ads played on Canuck broadcasts(which means everyone has seen them)..After all that 65% of female voters are opposed to the HST, 60% percent opposed in the interior, a whopping 78% opposed in the North, Kevin Falcon, who is the chief promoter of the HST is polling as the least credible with the media a close second! And every single category and age group oppose the tax.

So, the public doesn`t believe a word Kevin Falcon says, Christy Clark hasn`t wooed any female voters to accept the tax and the media are as trustworthy as Kevin Falcon....That says it all!

So as far as this Powell River Persuader is concerned, the HST referendum is over, the ballots go out starting on Monday, game set match!

Here are the detailed tables from the Angus Reid poll

That polish has worn off Christy Clark`s apple and the worm is showing.....Let`s go to the polls for a general election.

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. I am afraid, the HST referendum will be cheated, by the BC Liberals.

    Craig James of Elections BC isn't exactly lily white. The BC Liberals are certainly corrupt. Falcon is put in the same mold as Campbell, another liar and dictator personality. Falcon threatens the BC citizens, the HST has to be paid back. Harper said, the HST did not have to be paid back. Unless, that was just a Harper campaign lie. We have heard those type of election lies before.

    I don't care where i go. People are so sick of the BC Liberals. They are fed up with the BC Liberal HST lies. For God's sake, we know how much more money, the HST has taken away from us. We are paying HST on goods, that used to be exempt. The BC Liberals, do nothing about the price gouging in BC, they have no right, to inflict the HST on us too. The carbon tax, is going up July 1st.

    So much for, Christy's family's first b.s. Christy's HST fight, comes first. I hope the HST has jobs for the mill workers with wives and children, who will be laid off.

  2. Hi Grant,

    Surrey by-law officers are now picking our anti hst signs up and their doing the same thing White Rock,this means war.

    These are signs payed for by the tax payers I am pissed.

    Walter vE

  3. Hey Walter, it`s a mass attack arranged by the BC Liberals...I just got off the phone ....

    It was a robo-poll phone call, an outfit called prime research or something like that...It was about the referendum, the robo-call asked three questions....First thing the robo-call did was explain that voting yes is to remove the HST and no keeps the HST

    The first question was..Are you going to vote NO for a 10% HST or yes for a 12% GST/PST....I pushed the #3 button for YES(Yes to remove the HST)...Then they asked age group ....Then they asked...Female or Male.

    Their getting desperate!


  4. Hey Grant ,keep up the posts! I'm putting up anti hst signs here in Mission.We have some very dedicated people here and in Maple Ridge who are pushing back.I bet if I go out later I just might see randy Hee-Hawes stealing signs snookered on tequila.

  5. The posts will keep coming, we are witnessing/embroiled in the biggest fraud BC has ever seen,...

    Ipsos Reid did the same thing last week, their poll takers are telling people the HST is 10% with Crusty Clark`s fix...Sheesh, it isn`t even 11% let 10%...

    This Prime research did the same thing through robo-polling.

    Chilliwak has been sending out by-law officers to remove signs against the HST there too...put them in your windows, on private property..

    Spread the word, BC Liberals are now Nazis...Propaganda, abuse, strongarm tactics, lies, what next, gas chambers for NDPers!

  6. Christopher MassopJune 10, 2011 at 9:54 AM

    How can we ever be sure that the results will be honest. Who can we trust ? . BC Liberals have never not told a lie about anything . I have a good vibe that Adrian is an honest man and will be good for BC . The Liberals have burnt all there bridges and are now clinging to the canyon walls . I truly believe that the Liberals will cheat . Bring on an Election !

  7. is it me or are these signs deliberately confusing? vote yes to say no???? WTF are they hoping seniors or anyone for that matter will be confused and vote no thinking it's a no to the hst?

  8. BC7

    Ontario Progressive Conservatives are in the lead to win the next provincial election in Ontario...

    Because the"""" HST """ was pushed down their throats by the Ontario Liberal's.

    The lying BC lieberal's have dug their own grave with the HST just like the Ontario lieberal's have done...

    The NDP are looking better & better as each day goes by.....


    Remember you will be paying the HST for rest of your life IF YOU DON'T GET RID OF IT NOW, your children will also, plus your grandchildren & great grandchildren all because of you not voting YES to get rid of it once and for all....

