Monday, May 9, 2011

Hurry Up and Die Point Grey Voters

Sometimes I enjoy sitting back thinking about what has transpired and what is about to happen next and normally I would put up a shocking headline and start with an eye-popping paragraph then proceed with my daily rant but...

People, greedy people who talk one way while wanting the results they rail against, a local small business owner and I had a little chat about the HST and minimum wage, and too my surprise she(Lucy) in the past under Gordon Campbell spoke in favour of raising the minimum wage and now that Christy Clark has raised our minimum wage to the lowest in Canada at $8:75 per hour suddenly has become worried that her employees will earn too much money and lose their low income credit and have to pay for prescriptions, you know folks I am getting so sick of those arguments, that`s the same argument Kevin Falcon uses to scare people about the HST, this bullshit about low income people losing their tax credit if the HST is removed, I mentioned too Lucy that we are only talking about $1200 dollars per year and if you are so worried about low income employees losing their tax credit and prescription benefits merely rally the Government to raise the threshold so they still receive the benefit, I also mentioned.....How do all the other Provinces survive with a higher minimum wage?.....She went quiet on the subject, her business is mainly local except for late spring through summer into early fall which relies heavy on tourism to carry her through the year,.....Her opinion on the HST has changed, she claims it`s easier doing the books, everything is simplified, but what about the bottom line, her business is down, tourism is down, therefor the HST may make accounting a fraction easier but if it causes you to close your doors for lack of customers what good is it......

Have you noticed a pattern, the latest taxes all involve credits for the poor, the BC low income tax credit, the GST credit, the carbon tax credit, the HST credit, all these hideous taxes involve giving the dirt poor a tiny stipend to keep them afloat and if anyone speaks out against the taxes they claim you are attacking the impoverished by taking away their pennies, let`s be perfectly clear, there are many business owners who would never raise the minimum wage unless ordered by the law, it matters not how much they make it matters they have to pay out more therefor leaving less for their pockets....

Kevin Falcon was on the air with Racist Bill Good today and again, Falcon was fear mongering about taking away all the low income credits a family of four making under $20 thousand per year receive, Falcon and the Province have been deliberately fear mongering about these credits vanishing if the HST goes away, it`s a blatant lie, the BC low income credit remains, the GST credit stays and so does the carbon tax credit......

Kevin Falcon and Lucy are so worried about the poor that if they lower taxes and raise minimum wages these dirt poor may lose a low income stipend....Oh the humanity, can you imagine paying people enough money that they don`t rely on a hand out......The HST scare mongering from Government continues, despite how Gordon Campbell and Colin Hansen lied about negotiating the tax before the 2009 election....Despite Kevin Falcon lying about the jobs benefit of the tax, despite Falcon lying about the tax being revenue neutral, lying about the consumer hit, lying about prices being reduced, Jack Mintz lied, they all lied....Today Kevin Falcon stated on the radio, ..

"The HST if voted down will take two years to remove.......The Province may have to put taxes on restaurant meals if the HST is voted out....The Province may have to put new taxes on everything"

I have had several people send me stories about the state of our Provincial parks, over-flowing porta johns...No toilet paper, poor trail maintenance, run down parks with too much dead fall, Provincial parks treated like so much garbage by the Province, yea sure, Christy Clark removed parking fees because nobody was going to our parks, the money coming in was next to nothing, 20 park rangers for all of BC and 200 news spinners in the Public affairs bureau, our parks treated like garbage, ferry riders treated like riff raff, hydro users treated like ATMs, a BC Liberal Government under Gordon Campbell, Kevin Falcon and Colin Hansen that racked up debt, lied about everything, sold out our fish, sold out BC Hydro, closed schools, illegally sold BC Rail, expanded gambling while lining the pockets of their corporate friends, illegal pay outs, severance pay galore and the pathetic Racist Bill Good, the Vancouver Sun, Corus Radio, Global news all forget the past....

Along comes Christy Crunch Campbell to raise our minimum wage to the lowest in Canada, we were promised a BC Hydro review yet before the review even started BC Hydro let out a $400 million dollar smart meter contract...Rich Coleman has lied his face off on the file, BC Ferries ripped off regular riders of service, a blatant illegal rip-off now headed to court, we were told by Christy Clark that the HST referendum would be moved up from September 24 to June, now the referendum has turned into a two month affair running from June through August, Clark lied about moving up the referendum, Christy Clark also told the public that she would honour the voters wishes on the HST referendum but now Christy Clark has sent out Kevin Falcon to lie and scare the public about 2 years to get out out of the HST and adding new taxes to everything else if the HST is defeated.....Another lie from Christy Clark....

All Christy Clark has done is lie to the public everyday she has been premier, she lied about moving up the refendum, she lied about honouring the results of the referendum, she lied about a BC Hydro review, she lied about BC Rail and her involvement, Christy Clark has acknowledged the theft of gaming grants was wrong by partially restoring the shortfalls, she acknowledged the problem the BC Liberals created with our parks by removing the pathetic parking meters, but as for new Government from Clark, forget about it, the severance packages continue, the public affairs department continue, the corrupt courts continue, the assault on students and teachers continue, the same non-answers from Government in the Legislature continue, the same avoidance from Christy Clark continues.....

In other words Gordon Campbell and his public rip off schemes are continuing, the BC Hydro fiscal nightmare continues, the BC Ferry collapse continues, tourism continues to bleed, BC Rail remains unanswered and sometimes I have to sit back and say....Go ahead Point Grey, vote for another drop-in premier, who gives a rats ass about democracy as long as you get a new school and representation by a premier, a premier who avoids debate, a premier who hates teachers and public education, a premier who has lied her face off about everything since taking power, a premier who couldn`t graduate from university, a premier who can`t debate, a premier who failed at everything including marriage, a premier who Point Grey will vote for because their old, tired, grey-haired dinosaurs waiting to drop dead.....

I can`t help you Point Grey residents, you are old, you are not online, you have voted for a convicted Drunk, a liar and adulterer so for me to expect any different from you with Christy Clark would be naive, the Gordon Campbell Liberal corporate party ran the BC economy into the ground and now they require a massive new tax regime to pay for the many fiscal mistakes made by Gordon Campbell and his financial advisor Michael Campbell......

I waste no breath on you Point Grey, I waste no breath on you pathetic voters who quit on ``recall in the fall`` because you believed there was a binding people`s choice referendum but you were wrong...You had your chance and I have had enough...

The HST, the forever lying Kevin Falcon, according to Falcon, big business will flee the Province, the treasury will be broke, there will be job losses, it will take 2 years to get out of the HST, taxes will have to be raised, Ottawa will have to be paid back,hear me out, what Christy Clark and Kevin Falcon are actually saying is this... 

The BC Liberal Government so screwed up the economy, we racked up so much debt, we bankrupted BC Hydro, BC Ferries is drowning in debt, things are so bad that if BC didn`t adopt the HST we would have stopped being a Province, bankrupt, sold, caput, the economy gone, no prospects, no future, without the HST BC would have to be sold to China or some other multi-National

How many more bullshit scare tactics do we have to hear to justify Gordon Campbell`s election lies...Remember these...``A deficit of $495 million maximum....The best economic performer of any jurisdiction in the world, no recession for BC....HST isn`t on our radar.....No cuts to health and education...And after the election we have a $4 billion dollar deficit, cuts to charities, cuts to parks, gaming grants, hydro rates going up 50%...Ferries up...MSP up...Carbon tax..HST...user fees...BC Rail trial fraud...Kash Heed..Jane Thorthwaite...Ida Chong...

BC survived a hundred plus years and overnight life is over in BC if the HST wasn`t adopted, a short ugly lying sack of garbage Kevin Falcon foaming at the mouth preaching his rabid right wing crap on BC Liberal radio with Billy Ball licker Good....BC has the worst economic performance of all Provinces in Canada year over year and these forward looking lies from Government need to be denounced.....The BC Liberals are Bold faced liars and their time is coming fast...Watch what happens with Dalton McGuinty come September this year.

Christy Clark lied about the HST being revenue neutral, Christy lied about the jobs the HST would create, Christy lied about the poor people losing the tax credits from Government, Christy is lying about the cost to the consumer, Christy Clark is lying about the investment in the Province the HST will bring, Christy is lying about the harm to all the other BC businesses, food and tourism, services, health foods, Christy Clark lied about the increased costs on all consumer goods, Christy lied about moving up the referendum, Christy lied about honouring the referendum results, Christy Clark is lying about ever removing the HST, Christy is lying about BC rail and her involvement, Christy Clark lied on her radio show and was caught, Christy Clark is the same habitual liar Gordon Campbell was, no change, no difference, new wrapper but the same old lying politicians.

So enjoy Point Grey, enjoy your new sensation, I will continue to avoid the HST on boat repairs, cash deals and cross border shopping, I will continue to avoid buying anything and offer cash to all, no bills, no receipts, no tax...

Lastly, I will shed no tears for you grey haired BC Liberal voters, hurry up and die, your brain is polluted with brainwash and no matter how many times the Christy Clark Liberals beat you with a stick you mark an X besides their name, some call it stupidity, some call it the Stockholm syndrome, I call it the land of the living dead...

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. "20 park rangers for all of BC and 200 news spinners in the Public affairs bureau"

    I think you may be overstating the rangers and undercounting the pabulum Brigade. According to info I received from BC Mary this morning, the woman who should be our woman premier because she actually LOVES British Columbia and isn't a greedy, thieving liar, total full time ranger staff is TEN!

    And what's with this crap of the already underfunded (and not upgraded due to lack of funds or concern for energy or earthquake concerns)school districts having to transfer taxpayer funds in the millions to the actual cause of the pollution. Are the students supposed to stay late and work weekends for free with salvaged materials and upgrade their own schools or pay a penalty in less teachers, buses, and other resources. Encana and those others should be paying those millions into the education and healthcare funds to SOMEWHAT atone for poisoning and creatiing wanton destruction to everybody else's land and water.

    Has the planet reversed its spin, will the sun rise in the west tomorrow?

  2. One thing that really surprises me about this by-election is the lack of polling information being thrown out by the MSM. Maybe pollsters are not hired by the media for run of the mill by-elections, but this one is to supposedly legitimize Christy Clark as the Premier of the province, sort of anyways.

    During the leadership campaigns of both the BC Liberal Party and the BC NDP Party, Mario Canseco was almost a staple on the evening news. Mustel weighed in at least a couple of times as well. And yet, this by-election has has been poll free.

    Did some of the MSM elicit polls, but refuse to broadcast the results because they didn't produce the results they wanted? Did the provincial government, read BC Liberal Party, issue an edict to the MSM to not have any polls conducted on this political battle?

    Something smells a little fishy to this cowboy. Maybe the new sensation is coming across to the Pt. Grey voters as more like yesterday's leftovers.

    I suspect that she will prevail, but the margin of victory will be a lot less than Gordon Campbell's was last election. When one considers that a leader of any of the major parties probably starts out with a 5-10% advantage, based on the fact that they are a leader, winning by a relative miniscule number of votes will show how revered she really is.


  3. Whew! I loved your shooting from the hip Grant. And right on target too. Time to drop the niceties, I say. The dumb-ass people will follow like cows, the trail of good-smelling shit right into the barn, and then.... boom!

  4. Well put Grant. I am so sick and tired of 'the economy' being everything. Even Michael Campbell is sounding more bitter and frustrated than ever and thinks we are all stupid not to follow his line of reasoning. Perhaps if he walked in our shoes for a year, then he might be able to figure it out. The federal CONS received the self-interest vote from ONtario to get their majority and boy will they find out how worse things will get from that action. They actually think that taking 'the economy' global, giving more tax cuts to the rich and selling out Canada's resources will give them a steady, decent income. Instead they are managing to kill the middle class and we will see everything begin to collapse around us. Those with big debt will be the first to go, which happens to be many Canadians nowadays. People aren't successful anymore, they just work longer hours, depend on double incomes, carry more debt and think they are doing things right. The hamsters are about to come off their wheels, and the rabid right wingers will all shake their collective heads and wonder what went wrong. Not to worry about that top 5% though, they will mange to keep the stock markets going, with gambling away our future and ensuring that the thieving continues unabated. The corporate jet-set will continue to hate employees, seeing them all as expenses that need to be taken down to keep profits up and to contribute as little as possible to our society. Christy bought her way into the premier's office, with donations of $519,000 given to her. Wow. I guess anything can be bought nowadays.

  5. My friend told me to Google, Real News Reporter P.M. Harper N.A.U. May 2011

    Has anyone ever heard of them?

    They say, a judge is being looked for, to prosecute Harper and Peter MacKay, for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

    The U.S. was waiting for Harper's majority, to merge the three country's, Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, into the North American Union. (N.A.U.)

    This is the Federal Reserve Bank, forcing the merger. The American people, don't want we Canadians at all. Our new currency will be, the Amero dollar.

    They say, the Canadian Federal Election was rigged.

    They say Harper has committed treason. They call him a criminal and corrupt. The Americans really despise Harper.

    If this is legit, then I'm scared.

    I would leave the country except. There is the South American Union. The Asian Union and the European Union.

    It sounds like the globe will be sectioned into 4 parts. 1% of the, trillions of dollar corporations will oversee the 4 sections.

    This has to be, The New World Order?

  6. My 81 year old Grandmother has resided in Point Grey for approximately 30 years. She has been on her own the last 7 years.
    She has always voted and will once again when the Writ is dropped.
    Your advice to her is "Hurry Up and Die Point Grey Voters."

  7. 10:46

    Meant to say. I don't have the experience to research to see, if this is legit. I just stumbled upon the site, and was downright shocked and horrified.

    It sort of fits into other comments such as. If Harper wins a majority, Canada will be the largest state in the U.S.A.

  8. Of course the economy is not the most important problem facing us,only speculaters think so.They only produce paper,you can't eat it or live in it.Anon 10:46 take a deep breath friend.

  9. It`s about time Point Grey voters sent a message, your dear old mother will wnnder down to the poll and vote for a lying Christy Clark because they only care about themselves...Selfish brainwashed boomers who vote against self-good..

    Yea...Hurry up and die!

  10. I was born during the war. I am not brainwashed. I had three brothers, two brothers-in-law and a sister in the armed services during WW11. All these old veterans that are still alive, who saw their buddies being blown to hell, see this country as fascist and as a dictatorship regime. I'm afraid, it is the younger generation, who are not seeing what is going on, right under their very noses.

    I loathed Campbell and his BC Liberals. I considered Campbell, an arrogant, vindictive, petty dictator. Christy is totally useless, and so are her henchmen. If you think Christy is making her own decisions, you are the one that is asleep Grant. Christy does as shes told. Never would she be trusted, to make any important decisions. Christy's road has already been mapped.

  11. Well...Point Grey residents can be forgiven for the 2001 election, everyone voted for the Campbell Fiberals...Even the 2005 election people could still be forgiven for voting for Campbell...

    But to vote for Campbell again in 2009 after all their lies and corruption, all the stinky deals...

    There is no excuse for 2009 except one...

    Stupidity or brainwashing and unless you can go online and avoid the Global CTV CKNW spin cycle..

    I voted for Campbell in 2001.....I knew he was a cruel lying SOB after 6 months...

    A decade of record built on lies...

    I can only lead so many horses to water....

    The rest they have to figure out on their own and when they vote in Christy Clark tomorrow my point will be proven..

    Politicians are supposed to work for us...How many old Point Grey males will vote with their penis....

    It`s not supposed to be entertainment and American idol...

    Let Point Grey prove me wrong, I`ll be the first to apologize.


  12. Well, I guess that gives this old senior, a one upsmanship on you Grant. Never was I ever stupid enough to vote for the likes of Campbell. The wealthy money people and businesses, are who support the BC Liberals. I don't live in Point Grey, nor am I wealthy. From what I have gathered, the Point Grey people, aren't having to count their pennies to get by. That's what we are up against. Money!!! Seniors I know despise the BC Liberals, as much as I do.

    If you think Christy and the BC Liberals are corrupt and evil. Take a very, very close look at Harper.

    And don't you ever judge all of us, like that again. You behave, not a whole lot different than Campbell, arrogant and demeaning. Shame on you.

  13. No one admits voting for Campbell, someone did in 2001..77 to 2..

    Yes friend, I know I brushed Point Grey with a broad stroke however...

    However it only takes a few morons to change history...Bush versus Gore in Florida...

    I will have a retraction ready for Thursday morning if needed..

    My gut tells me it won`t be necessary.

    Amazing, Christy Clark while running for leadership preached running positive campaigns and positive messages...

    How long did that last...

    Christy has tossed the kitchen sink at Eby...He`s a hard drug promoter, child bride promoter, cop hater, Clark can dish it out but runs away from return fire.

    Who the hell is voting for her?

  14. Christy is a typical BC Liberal. So It stands to reason, why she would use dirty tactics against Eby. Name calling is Christy's forte. She called the people, protesting Campbell's insanity, the Taliban. Christy is already famous for ducking and hiding from debates. She doesn't have a fair nor, a decent bone in her body. BC even beat Quebec out as, the most corrupt province in Canada. Does that not say it all?

    Christy says she is very, very, busy being a faux premier. How can she ever find the time, to look after Point Grey?

  15. My sincere apologies for all those that voted for David Eby...

    Unfortunately my retraction will have to wait.

    Close doesn`t count in politics.

    Point Grey ended a 30 year drought for Government, a ruthless lying Government and you still voted for them.

    Enjoy your lashing.
