Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Christy Clark....Drama Queen and uninformed child mind!

A two-part movie, American idol or a Cliff-hanger ending on the daily soap operas, all designed to bring you the viewer back, well I can tell you fine folks this, Christy Clark is running around like a chicken with its head cut off, Christy is a cluck cluck clucking here and a cluck cluck clucking there....

The problem is that the Province of British Columbia isn`t a soap-opera or a two-part movie, BC is a Province being run by a child mind, Christy Cluck Cluck Clark was up attending a BC Liberal convention/party in Penticton with Gordon Campbell as the honoured guest, the dynamics of the BC Liberal convention was amazing...First off, Gordon Campbell was a no show, Gordon Campbell is busy doing nothing with his girlfriend Lara Dauphinee, too busy to attend, I find it amazing that the BC Liberal slugs who allowed Gordon Campbell to destroy their party are the first ones to line up to kiss his feet and give tribute, all the spineless jellyfish came to Liberalland to lick Campbell`s underwear and Gordon Campbell who doesn`t give a rat` ass about anyone in the BC Liberal party except himself, these mindless Liberal sheep are too stupid to realize that they count for nothing, there they were, all hanging in their own little corners of the convention floor, King Gordo destroyed BC without any input from anyone but his pals and brother only to be replaced by Christy Clark, a selfish ego maniac who cares about nothing but power, Christy Cluck Clark with her painted smaile and travelling make-up crew are kept very busy covering up Christy Clark`s "Man hands".... and her "Man neck" added with all Christy Clark`s other manly parts, we know why Mark Marrisen left Christy Clark...... Because of all her "Manly parts and traits"...Oh indeed, the make-up department will be kept very busy feminizing Mizz Clark

Back to the convention, there was some very interesting themes happening there, first off, Colin Hansen and the Conservative side of the Party want the Liberal name destroyed, removed, so weak is the BC Liberal vote, so weak and now plumetting are the Christy Clark polling numbers that the BC Liberals can`t afford to even lose 1% percentage point of support, the Liberal internal polling numbers are so bad....I am not talking about Mike De Jong riding in Abbotsford or Ralph Sultan in West Vancouver, I am talking about every close BC ridings, the NDP are not only polling to retain every riding they possess now but they are poised to win in a landslide in all the close ridings, Ida Chomh is done....Murray Coell is done...Don McCrae is toast...Dalton is done...Terry Lake is done....You can go down the list, every riding that was close in 2009 know belongs to the BC NDP....And while Christy Cluck Clark may talk about a General Election the truth is the majority of the BC Liberals are dead in an election, they don`t want one and the proof is in the pudding with what happened in the Point Grey by-election...Christy Clark won by guile and deceit, she went dirty negative real late in the game, she used media and hype and still barely squeaked a victory...

I was listening to Sean Leslie on Saturday, Sean Leslie is Christy Clark`s newest lap dog boy, ever since Mrs Leslie got a big bonus courtesy of Christy Clark and the public affairs bureau Sean Leslie is now reduced to being a male masseuse, Sean Leslie was recruited and Michael Smyth shoved aside to make room on the air-waves for Sean Leslie to apply lavender to Christy`s feet, in fact Sean Leslie`s head is stuck so far up Christy Clark`s dress he`s choking on noxious fumes!.....Saturday past, Seal Leslie was reporting on the BC Liberal convention, Sean Leslie was trying to portray an atmosphere of unity and teamwork at the convention when nothing could be further from the truth....

It was widely reported .....At the BC Liberal convention there was no unity, the convention floor was a series of groups and cliques, the Kevin Falcon group was separate, the George Abbott group, Mike De Jong, even Moira Stilwell, all the groups segregated off, there is no unity, infact the BC LIberal MLAs and cabinet ministers are hell bent on calling any early election, the hatred towards everything BC Liberal is palpable, it`s real, an early election means an early demise of the BC Liberals .......

The Cliff-hanger Christy Clark, I was in the Big smoke over the weekend, a big party for my dad and the parts for the boat I needed were ready, I mentioned to people about Christy Clark making a big announcement at the BC Liberal convention, Christy Clark`s big announcement was that she was going to make a big announcement about the HST at the end of this month....Christy Clark...BC is not a game, your big announcement was  telling the stooge media that you were fixing the HST and making it better, my gawd Christy Clark....What kind of game are you playing, BC has been stuck in a rut since all the BC Liberals stabbed us in the back and you are playing announcement games, if you Christy Clark had a plan to fix the HST it would have been done already, but I blame the under-skirt gassed Sean Leslie and the remaining skirt drooling losers called media, British Columbia isn`t a joke, tax policy isn`t meant to be a cliff-hanger, this is very serious business...Christy Clark announces last Saturady at a dud convention that she will fix the HST and make everyone love it, tune in next month for the announcement...IS THAT HOW YOU RUN A GOVERNMENT?

As you know I called Kevin Falcon and Jim Dinning liars, and that is true....The Jim Dinning report, Dinning reported that BC would be up by $800 million dollars per year in HST windfall taxation, I personally still doubt those numbers but.....But, how come a private individual made that announcement, who learned about the little mistake the ministry of finance made, the ministry of finance had to have had the tax documents BEFORE JIM DINNING did......So how come it was Jim Dinning who made that announcement and not the BC Government.....The Ministry of Finance, Kevin Falcon, Colin Hansen, Christy Clark and Gordon Campbell all claimed the HST was revenue neutral to Government and Jim  Dinning claimed a $800 million dollar windfall taxation, how come the BC Ministry of Finance didn`t make that admission, why was it an outside individual who made the confession, why wasn`t it Kevin Falcon, why wasn`t Colin Hansen....I still have my doubts about this miracle surplus...Me thinks the surplus was made up as fictional and when the books are further studied the surplus will have vanished through BC L:iberal accounting  practices...

The dinner party(complete with jazz music) at a fine restaurant, the bar was a cash bar, the bill for the joint, the music, the food, everything was cash, no PST..No GST...NO HST....The parts I had fabricated for the boat, no bill, no tax, how many more have gone underground, the cross border shopping, the 30,000 lost jobs since July 1st/2010 ...The underground economy, the restaurant industry members, their income is down 22% across the board....

The numbers don`t add up, the lost jobs, food industry bleeding, the booze industry hurting, the underground economy, cross border shopping and still the Jim Dinning report makes the claim about a $800 million dollar surplus, yet to this day I still haven`t heard the BC Government confirm those numbers, have all the HST credits and pass throughs been claimed, are the numbers solid, are the Federal numbers intact?...Jim Flaherty broke one of their election promises last friday, Jim Flaherty admitted that the Federal budget won`t be balanced by 2014/2015...Flaherty admitted just days after the election that they will need an extra year, that tells me that their revenue forecasts are bunk, infact the stock markets boths here in Canada and the USA have done nothing but fall since Harper got his majority, commodity prices are falling, any revenue forecasts are worthless....So for Jim Dinning to have iron-clad numbers that extend into the future is nothing but a con job...The BC Government is hurting from natural gas revenue, job losses continue to grow, the cross-border shopping and consumer pullback and for Dinning to claim the so-called surplus....The numbers don`t add up, the numbers have not been confirmed by Kevin Falcon or the ministry of finance.....

Back to Christy Clark`s announcement of a future announcement about the HST, Michael Smyth on his show yesterday(Monday/May /16) was chirping away about what Christy Clark could do to improve the HST and save it...Michael Smyth was musing about Christy Clark dropping one point, or even dropping two points from the HST and or adding exemptions or increasing the credits paid back to the public....

First off, I think Christy Clark making an announcement about a future announcement is not only amateurish but childish, this is not a game, an entire economy is waiting for the HST battle to end, one way or another it will end and it won`t be pretty or friendly to government....

Back too Michael Smyth...Michael Smyth is not only a tabloid reporter who writes mostly garbage but he`s also not very intelligent, yesterday Michael Smyth was guessing as too how Christy Clark would improve the HST by the end of the month, Smyth mentioned lowering the HST by 1 point..By 2 points...Adding exemptions to restaurant meals, adding others point of sale rebates, Smyth also mused over having the low-income HST credits increased, however.....

However this is where Michael Smyth proved how utterly stunned he is and how he is manipulated and bent by CKNW like a wet noodle!......

The HST agreement the Christy Clark BC Liberals signed with Ottawa.....Let`s examine the deal....As for exemptions, the deal signed with Ottawa only allows 5% of items to be exempted from the HST, the BC Liberals chose school clothes, gasoline(which has a carbon tax already)....Prescription drugs and basic telephone and hydro rates, the BC Government chose what items they wished placed into the exemtion zone, the BC Government under the HST agreement CAN`T add more items to the exemption list....

The HST agreement Christy Clark`s BC Liberals signed with Ottawa doesn`t allow for a reduction in the HST, even the Provincial side of the tax ledger, the HST agreement doesn`t allow our PST to be reduced, the earliest the BC Government could reduce the HST would be July 1st/2012...At that time the BC Government could reduce the HST  from 12% to 11%....The earliest BC could reduce even the Provincial end of the HST (The 7% PST) would be July 1st/2012.....

So....The BC Government is locked in and can`t add more exemptions without negotiating(ahead of time) with Ottawa, BC is stuck, like Ontario by exempting by 5% of items from the HST....BC Government is locked in to the rate, they have no legal authority to reduce the rate even by a point without extensive negotiations with Ottawa.....

So for the idiot extroardinaire Michael Smyth to muse about more exemptions and a one or two point reduction is nothing but airy fairy bullshit....Jim Dinning is claiming that BC is making a $800 million dollar per year taxation windfall because of the HST....Well, if the BC Government COULD reduce it one point they wouldn`t, a one point reduction will cost the BC Treasury $850 million dollars, .....The $800 million dollar bounty would turn into a $50 million dollar deficit, a two point reduction would mean a $900 million dollar hole in the budget....A Government that is broke, taking bribes, robbing ICBC for money, stealth taxation everywhere and to muse about them cutting 2 percentage points off the HST when one, they can`t afford it and two, they legally can`t do it under the agreement they signed with Ottawa.

So for idiot Michael Smyth to muse about these scenarios without examinig the allowable legal options merely proves how mentally stunned Michael Smyth is.....The BC Government can`t reduce the HST rate at all, the earliest legal date would be July 1st/2012 and then they could reduce the rate by 1% percentage point(maximum)....By the law of the BC Liberal/BC Conservative HST deal no more exemptions from the HST can be added, the BC Government is limited to exempting a mere %5 of  Provincial items from the HST....

So what do you say now  Michael Smyth? Michael Smyth is so stunned, he is unaware that BC is locked into the HST rate until July 2012, the option of reducing the rate before then doesn`t exist....BC is locked into the amount of items they can exempt(5% of items, the items have been chosen already)...BC doesn`t have an option to add more exemptions.....So the only thing Christy Clark can do as to the HST is give money back in the form of low-income credits, Christy Clark can double the low-income credits, she could give this so-called extra tax money($800 million dollars) out as more credits, but who would qualify, $60,000 per year earners, $100,000 per year earners, who will Christy Clark extend tax credits to......For theorectically, Christy Clark could return any tax windfall back to the public in the form of credits but that would throw out the argument about this money being needed and used for health and education funding, for if Christy Clark gives away all the extra HST tax revenues the Government bank accounts will remain as empty as ever!.

So listen up idiot boy Michael Smyth....Christy Clark can`t by law reduce the HST until July of 2012 and at that time the most she could reduce the tax would be 1 point, Christy Clark by the law of the deal can`t exempt anymore items that the 5% that have been allotted.....Christy Clark can increase the low income tax credits or extend the credits to wealthier families but I am sure the rich boys would be crying foul, Cheap rich boys like Bill Good who drives to Bellingham to save money on air flight tickets, what`s the matter Billy Good, you don`t like all the Canadian taxation so you drive south to save money, but you sure promote the HST and claim the money is needed for services.....Billy the racist Good, do as I say not as I do!

The HST is a fraud, lie after lie, the BC Liberals are in big trouble, there is no unity, the MLAs hate Christy Clark, the public is turning against Christy Cluck Cluck Clark, particularly the female voter is turning away from the fake hockey mom and ego-maniac Christy Clark...The HST rate can`t be reduced, exemptions can`t be added, Christy Clark can give away surpluses but only if the surpluses trully exist and from what Jim Dinning has presented the proof of an ongoing tax wind-fall  isn`t there....Jim Dinning has seen but a snapshot, the tax wind-fall doesn`t exist, the myth of lowering the rate doesn`t exist, the myth of adding tax exemptions doesn`t exist.....Any tax relief or increases the rebates in low income credits will eat up the money the BC Government claims too so badly need!

Bill Good(Racist pig)....Michael Smyth, too stunned to examine any facts, a tabloid hack who can`t write anything worth reading....Christy Clark...Liar extroardinaire, Drama queen and now HST scammer.

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. I'm not at all surprised Campbell was a no show. Campbell was working for Harper. That's why he didn't give a damn about the BC Liberal party or the members. He is laughing at them, behind their backs.

    Campbell thieved this province and the people blind, for Harper. Harper wanted the HST so badly, he drooled at the mouth. Jack Layton even said, it is Harper's HST scam, right from day one. Harper, Campbell and Hansen colluded on the HST well before the BC election.

    If Campbell was a BC Liberal, why did he destroy the party name, lying, and cheating and thieving everything he laid his hands on? Instead of the BC Liberals all getting together and kicking Campbell out, they covered and lied for him. Changing the party name, won't do a bit of good. I sure in the hell won't forget who they are.

    Harper and Campbell worked together on many projects. Such as the dirty oil tankers from China, and the Enbridge pipeline. Harper has approved now, as I knew he would, with his majority. Rafe Mair has the story on his web site. Harper and Campbell also worked on, drilling oil and gas wells off BC's coast. Expect that too.

    Expect the internet to be monitored as well. We are going to be living in a, dictatorship regime. Dictators are control freaks. We know what a control freak Harper was with his minority. With a majority, be prepared to kiss this country good-bye.

  2. You're right: Crispy's a light-weight; Dinning is paid-off prevaricating putz; and Leslie is in a gross conflict of interest.

    But i would respecfully suggest that we look beyond these clowns cluttering our immediate horizon; because it is my sense that they're being put there in order to trap us in a nasty dialectic that has yet to play itself out fully.

    i Think we should consider the possibility that these minions are just being paid to play for time, whether wittingly or not.

    And to me, it looks like crispy, and her ego, are being set-up to take a timely swan dive; which will bring about the end of Part 1 (the Crisis we're in now).

    Then comes Part 2, (the Re-action) when the good guys have to come in and do they're best to clean-up the terrible mess that is going to be facing the next government.

    And, that's when we'll be staring at Part 3--the Solution, ie., harsh austerity measures; even-higher taxation; and greater consolidation of authority, all of which was the goal to begin with.

    1+1= 3

  3. We will not know what Christy is going to announce until such time as she holds court before her fawning stable of MSM spin doctors. The thing is, all she can really do is promise future relief for the consumers of BC or increase the rebate program.

    Promises of future relief are nothing more than buying time in the hope people will forget. Increasing the pool of people that receive rebates does nothing more than magnify the fact that the HST is nothing but a disaster. There are already 25% of BC's population receiving a HST rebate. What next, increase that number to 50%? That makes no sense. The more people that get relief from a taxation policy indicates nothing other than the fact that the tax policy isn't worth the paper it is written on.

    On last night's late news on Global, I believe, there was a story about Christy Clark pursuing a business arrangement with the Chinese government. I was only half paying attention to the television while perusing some blog sites, so I only got the gist of it, but it seems that China has been making deals with various jurisdictions where they send container loads of pre-made parts for various items which are then assembled at the chosen site. These sites are chosen based on major tax concessions and I suspect offer nothing but minimum wage jobs. The story did offer comments from a couple of people stating that they were nothing but a losing proposition in every jurisdiction they have set up shop. I figured I would get a little more information on this in either the newspapers, newscasts on the radio or some sort of follow-up on today's television newscasts. No such luck, as nobody seems to have bothered covering the issue.


  4. Campbell certainly did destroy the economy of, central and northern BC. Some of our mills were shipped to China. When we once shipped lumber to China, we now ship our raw logs. BC mill workers don't even get the processing jobs.

    With mills installing automation, many, many more mill workers will lose their jobs. But, Campbell and Hansen did promise, there will be good paying jobs because, of the benefits of the HST for big business. I guess they forgot to say, which century.

    The HST has been in for nearly a year now. We are still losing jobs. Business are still closing up shop.

    Campbell and Hansen promised we would save gobs of money, because of the HST. The HST has only forced prices to go way up. They must have lied about that too. I can't even think of one time, the BC Liberals didn't lie.

    We have seen no benefits trickling down from big business to us. Instead, the BC people are paying big business, to have higher bonuses, buying new vehicles, renovating their places of business.

    However, we people of BC saw this and objected to the HST. Campbell, Hansen and Harper forced the HST onto the people anyway. The only way the HST was intended for the BC people, that we pay it to benefit the huge corporations.

    Campbell and all the BC Liberals have proved to be liars, over and over

  5. The sad part of all of this is that voters may HAVE to support the expanded HST because going back or reducing it will only add billions more to the massive debt caused by the B.C. Liberal Party.
    I believe that we now have to support this tax, but, instead, send every single MLA that supported it to the unemployment line for being so freaking incompetent. Then stop more big business contracts 'till we pay off the debt in full. Although this will take longer than most have left on Planet Earth. Quite sad indeed.

  6. To 11:29, we must never quit, even when things don't look so good. They've taken to the streets, and we can too.
    We must remember who brought on and instigated the recession(s). Not you, nor I, nor any common person I know. It's manipulated by big business, global business, big governments and our fine so called fair? media". But the little guy suffers.
    We must never give up as hard as that is to believe. People are angry all over. We are all Egyptians.

  7. "The sad part of all of this is that voters may HAVE to support the expanded HST because going back or reducing it will only add billions more to the massive debt caused by the B.C. Liberal Party."

    You sound like a PAB rat. This is nonsense, the Liberals are bad money managers and must rely on massive tax increases like the HST to balance the giveaways to corporations. Tax by stealth is more their usual style but this HST tax-grab turned on them. Christy Campbell will have to just reverse the damn thing when it is voted down or watch out. Don't you people ever admit you're wrong? Sheesh

  8. Who are you referring to as "you people"? I have never voted for the B.C. Liberal party in my life. I just do not believe in borrowing huge amounts of money to create work without the ability to pay for it.
    It's not rocket science there buddy. If you borrow money, it must be paid back. Till it's paid back, interest is piled up. Interest that could go to more important things like our social safety net and health care. Borrowing this quantity of cash is just plain bad economics. Anyone thinking it's a good idea should get their heads examined.
    So Mr. economics expert, please explain your way to pay off the debt without serious cutbacks. The NDP had the debt and defecits in this province under control. The economy was stable. Now we are broke and jobs are being replaced with McJobs, and more taxes. Neither will help the province.

  9. One more thing. Show me a government anywhere in the world that is doing well with massive debt. You cannot. Fool.

  10. Politicians, provinces and the country, are doing just fine. There is no recession for them. The recession is only, for the citizens to bear. What does the government and the politicians do without?

    There is lots of money. How else could this country spend $36 billion on Harper's wars? There will be billions more spent on the wars. Harper has extended Canada's time in Afghanistan. Harper's jets WITH engines, will be $40 billion. We have no clue, how many billions Harper will spend on his prisons. Why was the billion dollar fake lake necessary? This country isn't broke by a long shot.

    Harper gives billions of our tax dollars to, banks, mines, large corporations, gas and oil company's. That motion to give our money away, was passed, by the House of Commons, seen on the House's TV channel. Layton said himself, this is Harper's agenda, to give Canada away to the wealthiest corporations in the world. Harper just gave big business another tax reduction, to be charged to the Canadian people.

    This country couldn't go broke even if it tried. We have vast natural resources, vast farmlands, oil and gas wells, ranches, orchards, timber, mines and everything else in the book.

    What was explained to me was...The giant corporations hoard all the money, which stops cash flow around the globe. This causes a recession. Huge gas and oil company's hoard the gas and oil, to drive up fuel costs.

    Follow the money, who's pockets gather all the riches from our assets and natural resources? Not the citizens. Who benefits from the HST? Big business does.

    The everyday citizens, are thieved from, to give to the already wealthy. corporations. Have the over paid politicians taken a cut, because of the recession. Have the politicians put a freeze on prices, because of the recession? Not on your Nelly. The greedy, thieving gas company's have hoarded the gas, to cause a shortage, to put gas up to, $1.40 a liter, and possibly even higher. Their damned excuses are pathetic, short of fuel my ass.

  11. Is anyone else having difficulty logging into Tyee?

  12. I understand and agree with what you say, but if the government is not broke, then why do we continue to borrow and pay millions on interest?
    Sorry but I just don't get it.

  13. "but if the government is not broke, then why do we continue to borrow and pay millions on interest?"
    One, to pay for the massive corporate tax cuts, wars and other nonsense.
    Two, it's an easy way for the banks to make money?
