Friday, March 4, 2011

When Pigs Fly

Perhaps some of you think I may be confused or misinformed when it comes to identifying propaganda and or   seeing conspiracy everywhere, I can`t explain it, it`s like one of those old sci-fi movies where you need to be wearing those special glasses to see really see the monsters and aliens that are there....I have those glasses!

Global news seems to only have technical difficulties when it`s a Liberal bad news story, CKNW go to breaking news if a new poll comes out with the Liberals in the lead or advancing, Michael Smyth, weeks before the leadership vote Smyth played hardball with Christy Clark on air, on BC Rail, she ducked, weaved and stick handled around her answers, ....The week before the vote, with Cluck cluck`s popularity already in free-fall, I was looking forward to a week(The week leading into the Liberal convention) of Smyth hammering away at Cluck Cluck and the others but Monday afternoon February 21st/2011 there was no Smyth, he was gone, replaced, instead it was an entire week of Gordo`s brother Michael Campbell beating the drum against the public, against unions, teachers, public servants, he talked of reducing services and health care and many new fees, all bloody week long he pounded away, nauseating at best, sickening and incorrect on almost everything he said, nothing but a corporate shill, Michael Campbell didn`t mention even once about the 7000 fake Liberal memberships, in fact he didn`t speak of the Liberal leaders at all, he only talked of taking from the masses and giving to corporations, he talked up the HST....

So here Michael Smyth, in a temporary radio spot, the week  after he slammed Christy Clark on BC Rail and her brothers involvement and two weeks before the leadership vote, Smyth knew if Christy lost the vote she would be back on the radio the following week, so why didn`t Smyth work that week, he wasn`t on holidays, if Clark lost he would be off the air the following week, so how is it Christy`s arch enemy Smyth was pulled off the air that week?

The following Monday afternoon after Cluck Cluck`s win, Smyth was back on the air and what he said was stunning, at the Saturday convention after Clark`s win Smyth went up to congratulate her, Smyth stated on radio that following Monday...

I went up the congratulate Christy Clark on her stunning victory and she gave me a nasty glaring stare, if looks could kill I would be dead

Today(Friday/03/2011), all day, all night, the lead story on CKNW news twice an hour has been about Nicholas Simons not wanting to give the party his social network passwords, the NDP have since backed off, that`s good, again the idiot Moe Sihota and Jan Obrien put their foot in their mouths....

Now don`t get me wrong, news is news but come on, twice an hour, the lead story, they even went to Sean Leslie in Victoria for the latest updates on the story....Slows news day or what?...No friends, propaganda, Libya is in chaos, Christchurch New Zealand is shattered, the police shot and killed a man in Surrey last night, an 88 year old man who drove into and killed a flag person received no jail time, oil breached $104 dollars a barrel, Vancouver gas prices jumped to over $1.30 per litre, not to mention nurses reprimanded for speaking out on behalf of patients, the point is .....Today, there are so many stories of real importance going on right now, so to barely touch the real news and pound away all day on a mean nothing story, their lead item on the newscast, twice per hour all bloody day and night.....You tell me what`s up....CKNW Liberal stooges hard at work.....

Last week, Angus Reid did a poll putting the BC Liberals at 41% support in BC and the NDP at 38%......No big deal considering all the BC Liberal leadership coverage by the media stooges, on CKNW, on their news, they reported....

CKNW on their newscast the day that poll came out said and I quote.....

"A new Angus Reid poll has come out giving the BC Liberals their first lead over the NDP in over three years, the poll has the Liberals at 41% and the NDP at 38%" Snip

That is what cknw reported on their news last week(over and over again), when I heard them say that I was stunned, surely they are mistaken I thought, they reported the same thing all morning, at 11:00am..again on their noon news....I knew they were wrong.

Folks, we had our last election 20 months ago, not even 2 years ago, the BC Liberals won, Angus Reid just before the last election polled the public and the result in that poll was....BC Liberals 45%...NDP 41%....And that`s exactly what the election results turned out to be, Mustel polls almost always have the BC Liberals with massive leads over the NDP, as do Ipsos Reid polls...

So I called up the CKNW newsroom and let rip with a rant, I told them if I hear you people say one more time that this is the first poll in 3 years that has the BC Liberals in the lead I will report you to the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council for deliberately lying, ....I went on to say...Can you Liberal Pimps prove it?..Because I can, I have several links to several Angus Reid polls that prove your lying!!!...The fellow thanked me and said he would pass on the message, I went to the computer and emailed CKNW newsroom the links.....

I didn`t hear them report it again that day, they didn`t even mention the poll at all after I threatened them.....How on earth could the newsroom last week say and actually believe the BC Liberals finally moved ahead of the NDP for the first time in 3 years when the Liberals were elected just 20 months ago, 1 minute of research at most would it take to de-bunk that lie.....

What CKNW was attempting to do was.....They were trying to give the impression that the BC Liberals have been trailing the evil NDP for years and years and finally with the help of Queen Christy loose lips Clark the BC Liberals are back in form....If I didn`t call them the lie would have continued on all night, it took me 30 seconds on google to prove cknw were liars again!

The three stooge stage play today, the cutting edge of ledge will Billy Good, Vaughn the pawn and the apologist Balderdash....Before I get started, my same source who told me about Smyth being turfed soon also told me something very interesting, the cutting edge of the ledge isn`t live in a sense, before each cutting edge Friday show the three stooges get together for strategy sessions, they plan and calculate almost every word, every timed laugh, all a stage play, winks, nods and collusion....

Today on the stage play...We love Christy hour, all is united with the Liberals, Blair Leckstrom is back, the party is unified, ....Blah Blah Blah....Then Bill Good mentioned to the listeners and to the other stooges...

"The leaders of the New Democrats went into the lion`s den this week Vaughn,  how did they do"

Bill Good was referring to the NDP leaders Q n A session at the BC Business council.......I mentioned that story in comments last week and there is a link to the article over in the John Horgan`s house section...It`s called {Horgan hits a home run}....The business leaders were very impressed with John Horgan, their words not mine, the quotes are in the article...And it is true that the business leaders were not happy that every NDP is against the HST.....

So Bill Good asks the stooges...How did they do?.....Vaughn Pawn Palmer mentioned they weren`t happy about the ndp being against the HST...Then immediately Balderdash butts in and blurts out....."The NDP want Nicholas Simon`s social network passwords"!!!!!

Are you still with me friends...The Stage play stooges spent 10 seconds on the NDP leaders and the Q n A session with big business and then quickly moved to Nicholas Simons non-story for the next 10 minutes!

Finally they take some calls, a caller complains about the HST and starts talking against it...They cut him off, talked over him, argued with him, another caller mention the 2 expensive restaurants that are closing(Lummier`s and another one)...Bill Good states..

"Those are expensive restaurants, the people who go there aren`t affected by the HST....Restaurants close all the time"

Then Baldrey chimes in...Restaurants come and go, some open some close...Blah blah blah....Yet none of those Liberal pimps mentioned that over 700 restaurants are closing around the Province and there have been thousands of lay offs....

You see folks, the strategy session today that Good/Palmer/Baldrey had .....They discussed exactly how the show would go and what topics to key on, they set the stage for Nicholas Simons to lead the news all bloody day with the story of the year....NDP WANT SIMONs`s PASSWORD FOR FACEBOOK...Oh the humanity...

Today it was reported that Cluck cluck Clark said she was moving the HST referendum up to June 24th....And now there is talk about a mail in ballot(to save money) on the referendum, look how well the BC Liberal mail out went, cats, hockey teams, nearly 7000 fake memberships, a late mail out, people didn`t receive their PIN numbers, can you imagine trusting Election`s BC and the BC Liberals with a mail in ballot?...Right!....

Which brings me to my last two points.....If indeed we are going to have a mail out, mail in vote on the HST...Why do we have to wait until June 24th?....A mail out ballot could be done in a month easy, there is no argument Election`s BC can make about how it takes 12 months to prepare for an election.....

And my last point, CKNW  never stop pimping the BC Liberals, Sean Leslie`s wife works for PAB.....Bill Good(You know, no need to say anything)....Gord MacDonald, gumby boy, bend him twist him he don`t care....Michael Campbell(Gordo`s brother and corporate stooge)...Michael splinter ass Levy...A Corporate shill and Liberal Liar and.......CKNW`s number 1 advertiser is the British Columbia Government and the Crowns...ICBC..BC HYDRO..Teresan(now Fortis)....The BC Government ads...The next biggest advertisers are investment firms....

The ICBC ads ran for months on CKNW, and the ad was telling us how fair ICBC is...How fair BC Hydro is.....These were not public notices...Why does ICBC need to advertise for months on Global News/CTV/CKNW...For months telling us ICBC is fair....How many millions to advertise to a captive audience and with no choice but to buy mandatory insurance from ICBC....

So if anyone believes that CKNW is going to allow Michael Smyth to hammer away at the HST, at BC Rail, at all the other scandals, including Kash Heed or BC Liberal drunk as a skunk driver Jane Thornthwaite who is in North Vancouver Court on April 8th/2011 for her trial, she plead not guilty even though she apologized and admitted drinking and driving, hundreds of witnesses saw her drinking, she wasn`t in the warn range she was way over....

If anyone believes that CKNW and Christy revenge Clark is going to allow Michael Smyth a bully pulpit from which to launch grenades at Christy Clark and the HST and at the BC Liberals....

When Pigs Fly

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. But Grant, who listens to NW anymore. Sorry to say, I have written off the once great 98, as it is now a giant infomercial for the Liberals.

    Got better things to do than listen to bill Boring and the three amigos - it ain't news anymore!

  2. Grant, when I listen to a radio station for music or news or whatever, and if I don't like what I hear, I simply change the channel.

    Why butt your head against the wall and listen to crap CKNW and their shilling BS??? Haven't you heard? Nobody wants to listen to that slugfest anymore!

    Nobody listens to that fascist crap shilling station anymore and neither should you. CFAX 1070 has better guests and public affairs. Just dial up the radio 1070 live.

    Better yet, CFRO co-op radio, 102.7 FM, provides progressive radio that you will absolutely love! Forget about fascist Billy Bad! Listening to that fascist crap is like hitting your head against the wall and enjoying it! And that's insanity!!!!

    Why do you continue to expose yourself to such pathetic pain? Again, you will be much more relaxed listening to progressive CFAX or CFRO - they have what the people want and you can listen to what the people of BC say! And they are the same people, like you and me, that will give us a progressive NDP gov't!!!!!

    Come on Grant. Join the rest of us!!!!!

  3. Good Post.I have quit reading the Province,Sun and watching Global.How anyone can even believe any of this shit they spew is beyond me.No mention of any of the crap these guys have brought down onto the people of this once great province.I would gladly have the 90s back.I had a lot more money in my pocket.These media hacks never mention the huge transfer payments the Feds have given this current bunch,it's all about the big bad NDP who can't handle the money.And if I ever see that Phil(deep throat) Lochstein in person I think I'll throttle him for being a cheap whore.The bullshit he spews and then takes a lucrative post from Gordo is beyond belief.I've heard that 9 inches is a light snack for that goof.I mean how could a person not want to really smack that cheerleader.

  4. NW just needs competition! There has to be some reincarnated "Pat Burns" or "Jack Websters" out there that another station can pick up for a few hours a day. So in the mean time I'm going to boycott their advertisers. Not so hard to do since I can still pee straight, don't need some security outfit eavesdropping on me, or some slime bag willing to do business with me when even my mother won't lend my money. How stupid do they really think we are?

  5. So the BC Liberals won in 2009, but not by all that much.

    Since then we've had the HST, BC Rail coverup/scandal, huge increases at BC Ferries and BC Hydro, massive debt increases, stadium roof, etc.

    After all that, I don't see how the BC Liberals could still be ahead in the polls.

  6. The problem is that these MSM BC Liberal Cheerleading Lackeys are still being listened to by Technology Illiterate upper middle aged and retired people who sit down in front of the TV and eat dinner while watching the propoganda they think must be true because "they heard it on the news". It's these same people that polling firms are contacting to survey, resulting in "and the survey says!" unfortunately it's probably this demographic that gets out to vote. Most of these people are or will be on fixed incomes and when they come to realize how "in the poor house" they really are it will be too late and too bad. But I do take hope because much to my delight my 17 year old son said to me the other day, "dad I can hardly wait to vote so we can kick these corrupt sleazy Liberals to the curb so they can wash down the gutter where they belong". that tells me that maybe the young are starting to take notice of the direction this Province is going and don't like it, let's hope they get out and vote and really show these scum the way people really feel about them.

  7. Great comment JonH...Thanks..And thank your son for me.

  8. As soon as people realize, Michael Campbell is Gordo's brother, the b.s. goes with the territory. NW is where you get, the chuckle of the day, their stupidity is laughable. That's all that station is, total pathetic fools. Newspapers are the funny papers. The media are just Gordo butt kissers. We know that, and so do they.

  9. My grand kids, are furious at Campbell, over the HST. Everything they want to buy, costs them more now. That they understand. Their dad explained, how Campbell and Hansen lied to the people. The kids get into a lot of doo doo, if they lie about anything. They will not be future, Liberal voters. They don't understand, why Campbell got to stay as premier, because of all of the bad things he has done. That's the fine example, Campbell and the BC Liberals, have set for our BC children.

  10. I heard part of that radio show as well. Keith Baldry was on and it was mentioned that he broke the story about using Tim Hortons for medical procedures in a hospital. On of the other commentators said that there were other rooms available (no mention of what kind ) for use. Baldry replied that he wasn't told that, he was only told of the former Timmy's.
    I believe this episode clearly shows that these people esp. Baldry will report what he is told, he doesn't do any investigative reporting. The others do very little.
    By the way it was also good to hear Michael Smyth's rant against C. Clark for disregarding his questions.

  11. You know Grant, I tend to agree with you but I have my own view of the bullshit that CKNW is peddling. It comes with the name Michael Levy. This guy is put up as the authority on all things business yet every time I hear him talk, he's making excuses for the Energy Companies or the freakin' Banks. He's not calling them out for the outrageous energy costs jammed down our throats, no, he's telling us that the trouble in Lybia is the reason we have expensive gasoline, even though all of our energy is produced inside Canada. We import none, yet we need to "Understand" the problems of the Middle East make investors nervous. This would not be happening if it were not for the Free Trade Deals and Globalization. These are our resources yet we are being gouged at the same time people in Israel are paying a fraction of Market Price for their gas. Same holds true for Venezuala. He should be telling us we are being robbed by these multi-national agreements. The same holds true for our electricity rates. It's all false. BC Hydro is lying though their teeth about the reasons for these increases. Michael Levy should be telling us the truth, these increases are pay-back for the Independent Power Producers and nothing more.
    Ya, you right Grant, CKNW is full of misleading infor.

  12. Now here's something that is really telling about how Government can move on an issue if it wants to. I just heard today that the HST Vote will be held in late June. So, here we are, brand new "Almost Official Premier" Christy Clark has the ability to move up the vote on the HST at the snap of her fingers. Well, isn't it refreshing to know this "Family First Almost Premier" will put an end to the outrageous Hydro increases that are crippling families. She will one day soon, snap her fingers and gasoline prices will come down to where they should be in order to allow "Families" to drive the kids to school safely, drive the kids to hockey, soccer, dance classes etc. "Families First Christy Clark" has a magic wand now and the rest of the Liberal Caucus better take note, If it's good for families, Almost Premier Christy Clark will wave it and our costs of living will finally be reflective of that which our fore fathers died in the two World Wars for. It's called a "Canadian Economy" not a World Economy.

  13. Michael Campbell is elling the country that we can not afford medicare and that three recent studies back him up (could they be Fraser Institute studies). What he never mentions is how we can't afford healthcare due to Harper's $60B in corporate tax cuts. He also never mentions his brothers massive corporate cuts in BC or the $180M per year Carole Taylor gave to the big banks in tax cuts, right before she was appointed to the board of TD Bank. I saw her on the street and could barely keep from calling her a corporate wench.
    Mubarak's fall in Egypt was in a large part due to Facebook. Tell everyone you know what the lying class is up to and why you don't listen to Canned West or CKNW. It's all Shite

  14. The MSM is no longer relevant. People who want real news and insight are turning increasingly to the internet.
    Newspapers radio and TV, along with their controlled puppet propaganda spewers, are the dinosaurs of communication.
    The CBC is the only current 'mainstream' media in Canada that even comes close to telling the truth. Unfortunately they seem to be more concerned and preoccupied with international events than with local issues that matter most to most Canadians.
    The cadre of internet bloggers and some online newspaper outlets are the future of the news we need to know and respond to.
    If the trained seals, that we love to make light of,(they know who they are)don't get online soon and respond with honesty and integrity, they will become as irrelevant as the media they now work for.

  15. Grant, regretably when we do kick these Liberal Scum to the curb our idea of the gutter and theirs are two different realities. Ours is either in jail or all corrupt assets siezed, preferably both. Theirs is some cushy Corporation Figurehead Job complete with at least a 6 figure salary for dirty deads done on behalf of the Corporations (ie Carol Taylor and others in the BC Liberal Party and their friends)

  16. Even Jack Layton let the Canadian people down. He supported Harper to give large corporations, even more of our tax dollars.. I refuse to vote for the BC Liberals, with their lies and deceit. The BC Conservatives, are really Liberals. Seems the NDP support the HST. The Federal NDP are now supporting Harper. Well, in BC we have a new party to look at and we have Independents. BC has been stripped right down to the bone. Everything is in ruin and corrupt.

  17. A unionized public employee, a member of the Tea Party, and a CEO are sitting at a table. In the middle of the table there is a plate with a dozen cookies on it. The CEO takes eleven of the cookies, looks at the Tea Partier and says, "Look out for that union guy, he wants a piece of your cookie."
