Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Mega Casino is a Done Deal, Forget Shitty Hall!

Good evening friends, before we get started I would to thank you all of you, without the collective goodwill you contributers bestowed upon me I don`t know where I would be today, an internal strength has been growing inside me, I found out that cheering up and supporting others who are even sadder than me(if that`s possible) a relief mechanism.....It`s a feeling a can`t describe, there is pure bliss in using the power of words to stop tears......

I see we made quite a buzz with the Michael Smyth story....First off, I see Michael Campbell is filling in for Smyth this week too.....Is it just me that thinks that CKNW is in complete conflicts, both in reality and perception....Think about it folks, Gordon Campbell was ousted from office in disgrace, his corporate agenda, Gordo`s attack upon average BCers...Gordon Campbell is the most disgusting, sickening, mentally deranged habitual liar in BC History and CKNW has Gordon Campbell`s brother Michael Campbell pounding away hour after hour, day after day on how health care isn`t sustainable, how entitlements need to be slashed, how taxes have to rise and the constant push From Michael Campbell to lower corporate taxes even more...

CKNW... IS in a conflict of interest, is it illegal?..No but it`s proof pudding that CKNW no longer even cares about the appearance of fairness...It`s not right, period, I refuse to listen to the bald faced lying piece of corporate garbage named Michael Campbell...Go jump off a goddamn bridge Michael Campbell and hold your brother`s cold dead hand hand while your doing it...

It`s bullshit, you know it, the media know it, other stations know it, even BC Liberals know it... As for Michael Smyth, I know what I was told and I don`t give a rat`s ass what any other bigmouths think....

Michael Smyth is a great radio guy when it comes to made up tales, lies and the putrid stench of BC Liberal Government but as for Michael Smyth`s ideology we are oil and vinegar, Smyth is pro Enbridge pipeline, pro fish farms and is favour of destroying the environment for a few jobs, in particular Fish lake prosperity mine...Unfortunately Michael Smyth is a stunned idiot on those topics, he hasn`t researched a damn thing, Smyth is unwilling to read factual data, he`s a hack, period....Smyth is too stupid to understand that fish farms can be land based and make money, Prosperity mine can get gold without destroying a huge swath of BC...And Enbridge can go south with their pipeline and their 50 full time jobs and will never be missed in BC....Because unless you give the corporate bastards an ultimatum they will never change....Try reading a book Smyth!.....

However....There were two reasons I reported the Smyth scoop....Number 1)....I will still take Smyth on the radio over Cluck Cluck Clark and Michael Corporate ball licker Campbell in a heartbeat.....Number 2)..With us being ahead of the curve and putting CKNW on notice..... I was trying to save Michael Smyth`s job because after we reported the story ....We put CKNW in a box, if they remove Michael Smyth and replace him with a completely partisan Michael Campbell or Liberal Kool-Aid distiller Alise Mills CKNW`s credibilty would be gone for years...That was the plan, to this day Michael Smyth has signed no contract with CKNW....Why NOT?...Hmmm....As for lowly CKNW newsroom workers being privy to the facts about Smyth, they aren`t privy, my source was much higher in the food chain...I will be saying more on this down the road..Stay tuned....

(I also would like to thank Paul for correcting me on my last post, it was two weeks before the BC Liberal leadership vote that Michael Campbell was in for Michael Smyth not the week directly before the vote...I don`t know why I erred, stress, maybe I messed up the CKNW audio vault, they did change it from a 1 year archive to but 30 days, I will be more careful....However Paul....It doesn`t change the Michael Smyth story...My source is solid and connected).......Thanks Paul

I heard Ida chomp chomp Chong this morning spinning words and being totally disingenuous...

British Columbia has the highest student tuition in Canada...Adrian Dix was talking about restoring the minimum bank tax and allocating $100 million dollars towards students and tuition and or interest rates on student loans..What Ida Chomper said was....And I quote....

"BC had one of the smallest increases in tuition costs in Canada, our increases in tuition have been the lowest for years"

What she was doing was trying to con the public...Read carefully what the chomper said...Ida Chong isn`t talking about tuition itself, she talking about the year over year increases...So who gives a rat`s ass about how small the increase is, the tuition prices in BC are so darn high that very few regular Joes can afford to send their kids to Universities at all, BC Students carry huge students debts, other Provinces could raise their tuition costs for years and years and never reach the tuition cost in British Columbia....

You should be ashamed of yourself Ida Chong...You PAB talking points and spin make you look like a typical Habitual lying BC Liberal,....I dare you Ida Chong to take to the airwaves and make that statement again and take REAL questions from listeners....You are "OUT TO LUNCH" Ida Chong....Sorry Folks...Ida Chong is completely incompetent and IQ dumb as a sack of hammers!

But what I really wanted to talk about was the Sunday, February 7/2011 Sean Leslie show on NW...He had on as a guest David Podmore, CEO of Pavco, Sean Leslie asked David Podmore this question about the Mega Casino(I`m Paraphrasing)...

Is it  true that the Province of British Columbia doesn`t need any permission from the City of Vancouver to go-ahead with the mega-casino, the land is owned by the Province, in 2007 the Province changed the zoning in that area to what they call an entertainment zone and also, the Province has the Authority to  overrule all towns, cities and Municipalities

Perhaps you folks forgot about that Gordon Campbell right stripping bill he rammed through the Legislature in 2005....I forget the Bill number...I`ll dig it up later...If one of you remember what the bill number is you can tell me in comments...Anyway...

So here`s the deal friends, what`s going on down at Shitty Hall is nothing but a stage play, the city of Vancouver has no authority to stop the project, it doesn`t matter if 200 people speak against the mega-casino or 200,000...

The City of Vancouver are wasting nothing but time....

David Podmore danced around the question from Sean Leslie and refused to answer it(To avoid angering the people) ....What David Podmore said was...

There are lots of legal papers signed but we expect that we will reach an agreement with the City

So you can huff and puff, you can scream and yell at City Hall it matters not....The Mega-Casino is being built...I too(we) am against this monstrosity of a casino, we were also against the $900 million dollar retractable roof...

So rather than continue in this charade Gregor Robertson...Why don`t you admit to the people of Vancouver that you can`t stop the mega-casino even if you wanted....Stop wasting valuable resources on a fake-stage-play at City Hall...

Maybe speaker number 100 can ask Juice boy to come clean....

(PS...The Will To Live is Still Winning and Our Family Hasn`t Given Up, There is No Quit)

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. OMG, I just realized the similarities between Scott Walker and Michael Campbell. They both ooze self-interest and the ability to be led around by the nose without complaint. Scott Walker is going down BTW!

    As for who will replace the temporary Michael (greed is good) Campbell. My guess they will go for Alise Mills. She loves the Korp Kool-Aid and is more rabid than Christy was on air. She will surely ensure a CKNW implosion! Can't wait to hear that dead air!

  2. How much better off politically, financially and environmentally, BC would have been if only the Campbell brothers had just followed in their father's footsteps.

  3. Yes, this government has tied the hands of all municipalities. They will ram anything through even if the city, municipaliy, village, band or taxpayer says no.
    They set this in motion along time ago.
    "My way or the highway" is the lieberal philosophy.
    They have bankrupted this province.


    Grant, I am working for the NDP by-election campaign in West Point Grey and I would like a contact e-mail address I could use to pick your brain on a few things regarding Ms Clark.

    Thanx in advance


  5. @Dave....Leave another comment with your email address...I won`t publish it, I will delete the comment after I get your Email address...

    And you can remind by saying..{Not for publication}...

  6. Grant, we of Squamish are so,so sorry and wish to express our apologies for GC's hammer to the whole province through our objection to making the Ashlou River a run of river for electrical power because it is a river that flows into the great Squamish River which in turn gives a welcome to many large fish habitats. We did win that one via Regional Government but he just had to step in and overturn our protestations and inevitably rulings to all other pre-independent BC communities.
    Sorry from bLady of the Upper Cheakamus River, home to CN's toxic derailment affecting many polulations of water beings.
