Thursday, March 3, 2011

Walking Tall and Carrying A Big Stick.

Did you enjoy that set by Frank Zappa, man does he play a mean guitar, sitting here fully immersed in verbiage, spirits and deep thought, I see our girl Mary Ellen Tru Lafond is at it again, she is really getting angry and has finally called out both Mary Polak and the Liberals...I love her statement to the press..

"The Government is more interested in controlling the message to the media than addressing the problem"

More innocent children dying and the Campbell Gang is in full spin zone, why, why, why, these stories and excuses rear their head every year and the same lame cop-outs and excuses are used again and again, why would anyone ever believe a single word from this Government, did you hear about the food inflation, a Mr. Weston of Weston foods, Loblaws back east and Save On foods here in BC, ..And the Presidents choice brand, he announced an across the board increase of 5% on all foods..But, in reading the story I almost fell out of my chair, yes prices are going up, true true true, but perhaps you could explain to me why Mr. Weston is raising prices 5% to 7% when his company profits are up 23% this quarter? Isn`t the HST helping Mr. Weston lower prices, what about passing on the savings....I drove by our 1 gas station and regular is now $1.29 per litre.......All the other food chains will follow suit on those food increases.

What happened to all the businesses lowering prices after the HST......Let me know if I start slurring my words, funny don`t you think, as long as I press the right key no one has any idea of my mental state, well, a Girl needs to keep a few secrets I ain`t talking, where was I....Oh yea, food inflation because of a drought in China, a grain and rice shortage in China, sugar and coffee have spiked too because of spiking energy costs, yea ok, ...

So let`s have a look see, food inflation, I eat very little rice and don`t we grow grain in Canada, what about those wheat pools down at the port of Vancouver.....No folks, I`m not trying to play stupid, the HST, prices will fall, the economy will boom, that`s what the lying BC Liberals stated, that`s what flip flopper Jack mintz said, Hocstein, Winters, Finlayson and all the other liars said the same thing, all of them lied... And what were some of the counter arguments from the anti-hst forces...

We said, the HST will cost thousands of jobs, how many job lost in BC over the last three months...40,000 jobs.

We said, the food industry, the tourism industry, small businesses, border towns, service industries would all be hurt and lose jobs.

We said that the prices of metals, minerals, energy, commodities are all controlled by international markets.

Who was right, unrest in Africa and the Middle East and energy spiked, China has a drought and our food goes up 5% in one fell swoop, Gold, Copper, metals, all at record highs, not one price has come down in BC because of the HST.....

The BC Liberals also said we would save money because our Provincial tax collectors were now employed by the Federal Government, that savings would amount to $30 million per year, ........Well friends we better have a look at that one too...

I read a story in last night`s Province paper,the Ontario provincial tax collectors are all moving to the Federal payroll(CM) too.....Hear me out....BC`s population is about 4 million people, about 1/10 of Canada`s population, so in actuality, we pay about 1/10 of Canada`s taxes, a little more actually, so we have to pay 1/10 of those now Federal tax collectors that Ontario sent to Ottawa, a little savings right, wrong!!!....Because Ontario is moving all their tax collectors to the Federal role too, Ontario has almost triple our population, they have triple the tax collectors, so now we as part of Canada, we are paying tax dollars to the Federal Government, there is only one pie, whenever Ottawa`s expenses go up they are passed to the Province, now we are paying 1/10 of Ontario`s tax people too....There is ZERO savings there, another HST lie.

Can`t BC Ferries as a private company write off all the PST/HST they pay and give us reduced fares, oh yea, Admiral Hahn wants to raise ferry fares by 50% to 100% next year, gee whiz, you think he would be more generous after ripping off BCers for $1.2 million dollars on pre-paid faresavers passes, imagine that..... People, no not people, regular travelers, valued frequent users of the service who bought bulk ferry passes to save 10% on their fares...

That`s right friends, Admiral Hahn didn`t rip off foreign visitors he ripped off average BCers who bought $600 dollars minimum of pre-paid ferry passes to save a few dollars, you couldn`t buy one faresaver at a time, you had to buy an entire book of passes, 10 round trips, the cost for that book of faresavers is about $600 dollars to $1000 dollars depending on the ferry route.....BC Ferries best customers got ripped off...In case you didn`t hear, last April Hahn made a change to the pre paid passes and put an expiry date on them, on the news tonight was a woman who lost $600 dollars, the entire value of a book of faresavers...Canadian law, American law removed expiry dates on gift cards and the like where as BC Ferries went the other rip off way! They added expiry dates where they never existed before! ...They then interviewed Hahn who was rude and disgusting....David Hahn said and I quote..

"We announced the change to the faresavers last year, if customers didn`t hear the announcement on the news that`s not our fault, it`s been aired three times, how do I know anyone will see this newscast" snip

Hahn wasn`t contrite, he basically said tough luck losers, another Christmas gift from Gordon Campbell...

So 900 restaurants are closing, hundreds already, prices are spiking on everything, the Province is blaming inflation and price rises on factors outside of our control, wasn`t that another one of our arguments against the HST from our side, indeed it wasssss.

What about BC Hydro, can`t BC Hydro reduce our electrical rates by 7%, don`t they get all that PST/ HST back, that`s what Colin Hansen said, instead we get a 53% rate increase over 5 years, well folks, Colin Hansen and Blair Leckstrom would tell us that Hydro rates would have risen by 60% without the HST...

Shouldn`t the tolls on the Port Mann bridge have had the tolls reduced by 7%...Aren`t the builders of that bridge writing off all that evil PST /HST, how come the bridge cost and tolls didn`t budge one penny downward after the HST...

Hydro rates spiking, Ferry rates rising, road tolls coming everywhere, gasoline spiking just in time for the driving season, what is the driving season, total gridlock in the GVRD all year long, is July gridlock worse than November gridlock...Never mind.

My oh my, we British Columbian`s must have been really naughty last year, Santa Claus Campbell left us such nasty Christmas gifts, I believe I will be returning all the gifts to the sender.....

The HST...53% in Hydro increases over the next few years.....40,000 lost jobs in the last three months alone...50% to 100% increases in Ferry fares coming too...Surrey school district in a state of code purple for at least the next 5 years....Tim Horton`s triage....Lowest minimum wage in Canada....The most death among children in Government care in Canada...Worksafe BC killing dozens of injured workers through stress related suicide...$60 billion dollar debt....Highest average household debt in North America...I could go on and on...

What will it take, how many children have to die, how many criminals are too be left on our streets, how much more can we take, Gordon Campbell and all the BC Liberals have been lying while destroying the very fabric of our province, when will the media ever start reporting the truth, when will Vaughn Palmer return to the land of the living, when will Keith Baldrey ever grow up, when will Les Leyne stop fetching the water bucket....

I implore all of you to call out Bill Good on the cutting ledge tomorrow, tell Palmer what a stooge he is, call Baldrey a pathetic BC Liberal apologist on the radio, complain to the Canadian Broadcast standards council, Norman Farrell just filed a complaint against Global news, Bravo....!!

Don`t ever buy a Vancouver Sun or Province newspaper, boycott CKNW advertisers, call them out everyday, email, pick up the damn phone and shout at them to shut up, stop spinning, tell them we are as mad as hell and we aren`t going to take it anymore....And when the day comes, martyr, who among us will sacrifice, don`t answer me friends and don`t worry, everything is fine...

We have spent a lot of time together, nearly 500 stories posted and I can`t believe you are all still here, you fine folks have made me grow and I thank you for that, blogs, this site,  the power of the blog isn`t with the writer it`s with you, this is your blog friends I am merely the narrator and story teller.

Time to kick it up a notch......

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. Campbell and crew have done what they set out to do, impoverish the average person living in B.C. In my opinion, that was the agenda, they are achieving their goal and Christie Clark will simply continue with the program.

    Why shouldn't the rich get richer? Who is going to stop them. People get what they deserve and the people of this province have voted for the lieberals three times.

    Triage in Time Horton's, if it isn't happening to you, people don't care or they forget the next time there is an election.

    Kids stacked up in schools, lieberals don't care, they can send their kids to private schools. Of course we could ask the parents of these children how they voted last time.

    With the increase in food prices we can expect more people going to the food banks. I don't o expect the lieberals to increase welfare rates or the min. wage so we can expect to see more children going hungry.

    The msm continues to perpetuate the lie of general wealth in this province. We do not see them holding the lieberal accountable for their child abuse. If a child's parent is on welfare and they are not given enough money for food for the child, then in my opinion, the lieberals are guilty of child neglect and abuse.

    The lieberals lowered taxes for companies, gave away B.C. Rail, set tolls on bridges people need to use to get to work; want to increase ferry fares and hydro rates.

    Inspit of all the things the lieberals have done, which have adversly effected the people of B.C., there are still lots of people who think its o.k. just as long as the NDP isn't in government.

  2. Loblaws is Super Store in Western Canada

  3. Pay role? How about payroll? Sheesh!

  4. Hey CMorris....You have nothing better to do than worry about a DAMN Letter...An L against an E...

    Get a life, do I go around correcting and editing hundreds of comments?

    Class can`t be taught...English lit can but Class, that`s a how new ball game!

    Go correct Rafe, AGT, Smyth, Palmer, and every other big league scriber who make almost as many mistakes as EYE(I)SIC....Go...

    Over Their,over They`re,over there, Two, Too, To Damn Dam Baaaaaaaaaddddddd....

  5. For a very short time in this Province we had Corporate Citizens, Corporations that contributed to the well-being of it's employees and their communities. I'm pretty sure that these Corporations wouldn't have given a rat's ass about anybody or anything if not forced to do so by a Government of the People. Now these Corporations have taken control of the Government and have turned once again into Corporate Parasitic Scum, sticking and leaching off of the Province and it's people at every opportunity provided by a willing Provincial and Federal Goverment.You hear these BC Liberals like a broken record repeating the Urban Legend about the evil NDP years and how this Province was driven to ruin by the Socialist Hoards. Well I remember when the NDP was in power and as a tax-paying citizen of this Province I remember those years as good years (good paying jobs, good healthcare, children receiving a good education and ample nutrition,seniors and the not so well to do being taken care of and even with all this I still had money in my pocket after "paying the bills"). Now compare that to today and what do you have? You have a corrupt Goverment controled by the aformentioned Corporate Parastic Scum that suck the very life out of this Province while getting the vulnerable, unemployed,and tapped-out citizens to pay for everything.What kind of sick society have we become under this BC Liberal Government.Please can we have the nineties back.

  6. "White Lightnin'"--?

  7. Grant, do you think maybe your blog is a little too much above the comprehension level of CeeMorron or is a slow day at the PAB and they're trolling for spelling errors?

  8. They understand JonH...They know that we are bringing down the Lying BC Liberal party..

    They are getting scared, Christy cluck cluck`s polish is already falling..

    The more people see her and hear her the more they are turned..

    Queen Christy loose lips Clark is toast!...

    Expect a snap election...BC Liberal party have just seen internal polls with Clark`s support plummeting.


  9. Campbell has purposely destroyed this province. People don't want to see this...Harper is setting Canada up for Global governance. The Global government will be huge corporations, known as the Bilderberg Group. Campbell was invited to attend their last meeting. Why does our government, give billions of our tax dollars to, banks, mines, big business, gas and oil company's? I saw this motion passed by, the entire House. This was on the House of Common's TV channel. These outfits are also given huge tax reductions. Harper, just gave them another reduction. These are the wealthiest outfits in the world. This latest reduction, will be taken off our paychecks. Harper has spoke of this, Global governance more than once. Campbell is Harper's best buddy and Campbell works for Harper. BC's people get no benefit out of the HST. Campbell, Hansen and Harper, colluded on the HST, in March before BC's election. Campbell gave Harper our HST, that should have been kept in BC. As we now see, everything in this province, is a total, BCR train wreck. We needed the HST to pay down BC's debt, for health care, schools and a thousand more things. As it is, the HST, that was thieved from us, goes directly to Harper and his Global governance plot. Everyone knows big business governs. Many of you have said just that, we are being thieved from, to give to big business. Ask yourselves why. Brace yourselves, things are going to get a hell of a lot worse. Why do you think, other country's are rebelling? They are drowning in the same corruption, that Canadians are. What is the difference between, Hitler's thousand year Reich, which he would have ruled supreme, and Global governance? I see no difference, what-so-ever. The German people, refused to see, until it was too late. Canadians refuse to look at the big picture as well. BC is being pillaged, right down to the bare bones. And, you dammed right the BC people are being tapped out. Ask yourselves that too, why? Harper has taken a page from Campbell's book, he is also cheating to win, the next election. You had better believe, this society is sick, because of our politicians. Campbell is going no-where. He even had said, he will stick around, as an adviser for the BC Liberal government. Christy will do as she is told.


  11. For clarification purposes, Weston owns Loblaws back east and Superstore, Extra Foods and No Frills in BC. Save On Foods is owned by Jimmy Pattison. I don't want to see someone from the Pattison empire going after you for linking them directly with Weston.

    As you state, the supposed rewards of the HST on consumer prices were greatly exaggerated by Hansen, Campbell and the rest of their sycophants. Bill Good seems to have taken it upon himself to become the official spokesman for the pro-HST side if his guests are any indication. Today, he had some dude that represents some security outfit lauding the HST. This guy started out strong, but by the end of his segment, it became obvious that he didn't have a clue about what he was talking about. Then came the three stooges, Keith, Vaughn and Bill. First, we got the kissing of Christy's feet and kissing of Gordo's backside. Then Keith and Vaughn brought up some proHST online site that has a quiz on the HST, which seemed to set the tone for the rest of the show. Some woman phoned in and basically stated that the HST was killing the restaurant industry citing the announcement that Lumiere, a high-end restaurant in Vancouver, was going out of business. An article in either the Vancouver Sun or The Province quoted one of the owners stating that the HST was part of the reason, along with the crackdown on drinking and driving. After Bill Good raked this poor woman over the coals intimating that she was likely never a patron of this restaurant, which she slapped down in short order, he went on to state that the owners were in financial trouble a couple of years back, then stated that 4 out of 5 restaurants were doomed to failure, and finally fell back to his usual antidote of going to lunch at some unamed restaurant for lunch the previous day and citing that it was a packed house. Of course, bobbleheads Palmer and Baldry were quick to chime in that the HST had no bearing on any of this. Who is zooming who?

    As for the problems highlighted in the Fraser Health hospitals, one has to ask why the hospitals in Vancouver, under the stewardship of Coastal Health, I believe, are not facing the same problems? Is it because some health authorities are better funded than others? One of the hallmarks of the Gordon Campbell led BC Liberal Party has been to create wedge issues amongst the electorate. They have mastered pitting one segment of society against the other, and used fear as their ultimate weapon. I suspect that they have used the fear tactic to coerce people to abandon logic in favour of survival.


  12. That is what big corporate CEO'S are paid to you off. BC Ferries is not the only one....anyone else notice all the nickel and diming going on everywhere else? Telus, Bell, Rogers anyone? Cable, cell, internet? Product shrink? Smaller amounts of food in the same packaging for more money? Now that our government has it fascist roots firmly planted we are now feeling it with BC Ferries, BC Hydro etc.

    Nothing is going to change unless we change the government. Get used to it and for all your sakes stop spending money on useless things like restaurants and entertainment or needless items. Contract, contract, contract. Save yourselves and your family, don't buy any real estate either.

  13. No worries Cranky Cam....Save-On foods and every other food distributer is following suit with across the board food price increases too.


  14. People have to set up, an underground system. Why pay $16.00 for a chicken in a supermarket, when you pay only $5.50, for a big hen through the underground. $1.75 for a dozen eggs. Everything is available, right from vegetables, to every kind of meat. I saved, $2,000 on my bathroom reno. There are every kinds of tradespeople. Hair dressers and all. We have to revert back to WW11, plant your backyards, into victory gardens. We knew at least two years ago, there would be a shortage of food started, and prepared for it. We knew about the coming Global governance plan on it's way. People seemed to have missed, Harper's plans for Canada. There is much worse to come people, so, start paying attention. The President of Bolivia, visiting a mine, they set off two sticks of dynamite, protesting, the shortage of food. There are citizen's rebelling in many country's. Just like Canadians, they are also drowning in corruption. Anyone trusting Harper, are right out of their minds.
