Monday, March 28, 2011

Vaughn Palmer and the BC Liberals are Peeing Their Pants Over John Cummins

What a good week and it`s only Monday, Stephen Harper and his harping about a coalition threat that includes the Bloc, a one day story that has backfired on Harper, but after today`s event any thought of a Federal Conservative majority all but ended .....

I`m talking about Harper promising family tax cuts 5 years from now, that is if the budget is balanced, yet his $10 billion dollar per year corporate tax cuts are on, not in 5 years but now!....That was a fatalistic mistake, people are cynical of politicians and their promises at the best of times but this lame empty promise 5 years from now smacks of hypocrisy, can you imagine, by the time this pipe dream comes to fruition people`s children will be married and have their own kids.

And of all places to announce such foolery, Harper announces this in BC..Big mistake, how many lies from Gordon Campbell, how many lies from Christy Clark, I won`t sell BC Rail, I won`t tear up contracts, Gordon Campbell just gave us a tax cut and then took it away before the ink was dry, Harper and Campbell foisted by crook the job killing HST on us BCers and the gall to promise a tax cut in 5 years from now, if the budget is balanced, just what we need, a contest seeing who can promise the most outlandish things far off in the future....I hear Iggy is promising free education for all Canadians when he uncovers 10 trillion pounds of Gold buried under the Parliament building, and Jack Layton is promising unlimited health care and guaranteeing everyone lives to 120 years of age, contingent on getting the patent on the "fountain of youth"....I am of course kidding on those last two promises, the point I am making is Harper has no idea how angry BCers are, how many Campbell promises have been broken, the Golden decade, 5000 more NEW acute care beds, the Surrey memorial hospital has been promised 11 times, Harper and his advisers have done themselves in......Even the lamest of voters know a bold faced lie when they hear it, that coupled with corporate tax cuts retro-active, well....Too bad Harper, you just blew it...

Corporations are sitting on $trillions in cash, in fact corporations haven`t had so much cash in 45 years or more, Corporations have banded together to hoard cash until Obama is gone to guarantee the economy keeps tanking, the third world war is here, corporations against the public, Rio Tinto brought down the last Australian Government over a new super profits mining tax and here is another American company threatening to leave a US state if taxes are raised, threats, money hoarding, let them go, let all those corporate bastards go to China, they can play twiddly winks with Pat Bell...

What prices have been lowered since the HST was jammed down our throat, where are those promised jobs, BC has shed so many damn jobs we are now the unemployment leader of Canada, second only to the Maritimes who have had the HST since 1996, last Saturday there was a 4 hour, 3 hour and 4 hour waits heading south at our BC border crossings, all those Canadians filling up with gas and buying goods and services at a huge savings across  the line, Alberta retail is booming thanks to BC buyers, and I read another interesting story today, the reason it caught my eye is....

I too have been complaining about corporations reducing the sizes of goods we normally buy through guile, the jar, bottle, container looks the same but they hold less product, big corporations are doing this on purpose, rather than raise their price they are reducing what you get and charging you the same old price,

A deliberate attempt to hide food inflation, no wonder I`m losing weight!

But what I really wanted to talk about was John Cummins becoming the Provincial BC Conservative leader, John Cummins has a few redeeming qualities, he`s against the IPP rape of river scam brought in by Gordon Campbell, he`s against the disease carrying farmed fish, he`s very strong on the environment, and John Cummins...

Scrares the CRAP(for Gary E) out the BC Liberals, the dreaded split on the right scenario is coming true, the BC Liberals are already in trouble without the split on the right but with John Cummins speaking to run of river ripoff, wild salmon and environment, also the BC Conservatives are running in all 85 ridings, this my friends has guaranteed the death of Crusty cluck cluck Clark and the hated BC Liberals, it`s all over and now with a Federal election here, Christy can`t call a Provincial election, after the Federal election we have the HST referendum vote, Crusty won`t want to call an election around that and in the meantime the BC Conservative party will be growing in strength and quality candidates, Crusty had the rug pulled out from her, for without a Federal election she would have called a snap election while her blossom still bloomed, now the Rose is gone and the skunk cabbage has shown it`s face, it`s a lose lose for the BC Liberals....And I love it!....

So even before John Cummins announces his intentions tomorrow at a scheduled press conference the number 2 BC Liberal stooge has come to try and muddy Cummins up, that`s right folks, Vaughn Palmer came out with another one of his classic back handed smear jobs, you can expect Balderdash to follow suit on his next drivel column and I expect this Friday on the Dull edge of the ledge that Cummins will be dragged through some more mud....You can literally read the BC Liberal fear in Vaughn`s column, you can see the pages shaking as Vaughn wrote them, Vaughn Palmer is painting Cummins as a HST supporter, he may well be but that argument won`t fly, Cummins will advocate for a made in BC tax system not the Federal version of the HST, like Quebec, they have an HST but they call all the shots, they have tax sovereignty, they set their own rate, Quebec never sold out, I heard John Cummins say those things when he had a dust up with Christy cluck Clark on her radio show,( the audio vault no longer goes back any further than one month)...But that didn`t stop Vaughn Palmer in trying to put altered words in John Cummins mouth...

I can read Palmer, woodless Good and Balderdash like a book, their amateur hacks, their liars, stooges, BC Liberal paid pimps, the BC Liberals are running scared, everything timing wise has gone awry for Cluck cluck, a Federal Election, then the HST referendum and not to mention Jane Thorthwaite in court on April12/2011...And Kash Heed waiting for the BC supreme court to shoot him down...And then there is that matter of...

Christy Clark has no mandate, our economy is tanking, radiation is landing on our Province and say what you will it definitely hamper tourists from coming here, especially with those reactors all but exploding, they will have to be buried in concrete but that will take time, the international atomic agency will continue to downplay the threat, never the less the reactors are finished and tradewinds will bring the radiation here, thus further harming our beleaguered tourist industry, more job losses, bigger deficit, BCFerries and Hahn, sluggish movie industry and another world recession taking place, good luck with that......New Sensation!

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. Hi Grant,

    I can see the B.C. Liberal Mobsters soon 'replacing'
    Cluck Cluck...(IQ OF ABOUT 32 AND CAN ONLY TAKE ORDERS - no brains of her own)...with another corporate pig lover/promoter, a Campbell clone and B.C. Liberal happy, proud card-carrying member by the name of...yup, Dianne Watts. I would not be surprised if Dianne Watts leaves her job of Mayor of Surrey, said she wouldn't leave but ALL politicians lie and Watts is no exception and she hides herself behind her puppets who always speak for her on any more serious matters and loves to spend money we don't have. That sounds like the only hope of survival for Campbell and his treasonous mob. It certainly appears the people have a misguided, faulty opinion of Watts, thanks to the absolutely corrupt mainstream media and 'polls' have shown that she would win the Premiership quite handidly. Her NAME alone could win it for the B.C. Libs...and so just more of the same (Campbell, Cluck, Watts).

    Would appreciate your thoughts on this.


  2. Rather nice that we can express ourselves here isn't it?

    My Problem with the Conservatives is that they could possibly win an election and we will still have corporate welfare.It doesn't matter what you call a big business party. They are all the same and the voter loses.
    Which reminds me why is Harper (federal) saying he'll give middle income families a tax break maybe in 2015 or 2016 when he can give breaks to businesses instantly.
    There's definitely something wrong with that scenario.

  3. Grant thank you for bringing up the endless product shrink issue. Last year I purchased a package of 6 halogen light bulbs. Then when I needed more, I tried to buy the same ones. But no, they were no longer a package of 6, but now 4, for the same price of course. I was so mad!. You would think they would decrease it by 1 bulb and not 2. That is quite the hidden price increase dyt?
    Also eggs really bug me. For years now, large sized eggs are not large anymore. They are damn small and no one is watching out for us the consumer.
    The collectivization in the market place has us over a barrel now. Price controls are so common and you have no choice anymore, only the appearance of choice. I suspect we may well see the end of weekly specials in the grocery store soon.

  4. No, Dianne Watts can`t be trusted, Surrey is a crime infested sewer...Not that there is anything wrong with that...

    The media paints a picture of Watts transforming Surrey..

    The truth is Surrey is the same sleazy cesspool with a little added fresh paint to gloss over the bullets holes and blood stains.

    But as for Dianne Watts joining the BC Liberals, I don`t think so...

    I could see Dianne Watts joining with John Cummins and the BC Conservative party..

    And if that happened....The BC Liberals would be reduced to maybe 10 seats...


  5. Campbell and Hansen knew damned well, the HST would kill this province and the people. If citizens could see it, so could they. Campbell's election lie, the HST wasn't on his radar, was just a scam by, Campbell, Hansen and Harper, to thieve from the people, to give to big business.

    In a recession, there should have been a freeze on prices. All the HST did, was drive up costs. The food scams are disgusting, a smaller loaf of bread, for the same cost as the larger one.

    Will BC forever, be governed by criminals. Campbell belongs in prison for, his corrupt sale of the BCR. The fate should be the same, for all of those involved in the theft.

    How many ministers have been under investigation, since Campbell has been in office? And yes, I think Campbell is still around, governing this province. Christy Clark, is merely his mouthpiece.

  6. John Cummins is an interesting chap. He is a maverick, which scares the S*** out of the corporate types and of course the BC Liberals.

    He is a WAC Bennett type of chap and could steal votes away from both the NDP and Liberals.

    This is one reason why Horgan must be elected for the NDP. He is a fresh face, and hopefully fresh ideas, and would do very well.

    Sadly for the NDP, Cummins would really make Dix or Farnsworth look like a yesterday's men and thank god James has retired!

    As I have said before, John Cummins is the best MP in Delta that I have never voted for. He has the pulse on real issues and always treated his job as a servant of the people. (ALL POLITICAL CANDIDATES PLEASE TAKE NOTE!)

    Cluck-cluck-crusty-Clark is getting very tiresome and I hope for once the NDP see through their dated thinking and vote for a fresh face, with fresh ideas.

    The next election is for the NDP to lose.

  7. Bill Boring, in his editorial this morning, said that a vote for the BC Conservatives would be a vote for the NDP. And he referred to the NDP as "socialists". Complaint to station is next (after he ignores the email I sent to him), and after that to CBSC.

  8. I see that Bill Boring is striving to get his "Order of Canada".

  9. Bill Boring needs an "Order OUT of Canada"!

    China perhaps?...his criminal buddy Campbell's favorite country.

  10. Gary E

    Yes it sure is, what a guy!

  11. Just got an interesting email from the HST captain:

    Go People Power Go!


  12. There's not a damn thing wrong with the word "socialist". In a democratic society, when it means seeking the greatest good for the greatest number. I've heard that Jesus was a socialist.

    And there's not a damn thing wrong with the word "Coalition".In a democratic society either, it means co-operation on vitally important issues. Remember Britain's WWII government coalition: Churchill as P.M., and the Leader of the Opposition (Clement Attlee) as Deputy P.M.

    These are dangerous times ... and citizens must think for themselves. We dare not let the spin doctors bamboozle us with their own nasty fears. "Coalition", for example, might be the very thing we need ... if it means co-operation to resolve vital issues of the day.

    Grant: thanks for explaining the Third World War as "Corporations against the public". None of the old names like Fascism were working for me ... but your "Corporations against the public" exactly explains in clear language, the heartlessly cruel things I'm seeing in our rapidly-changing world.

    You work hard on this blog, Grant. It's greatly appreciated.

  13. The most desirable position in the current federal election is occupied by the NDP.
    For they can freely criticize and offer silly policies, such as capping credit card rates at 5% over prime. Fodder only for the logic-challenged, secure in the knowledge they will NEVER have to deliver on anything anyway.

  14. Yes Jim,I can see why you arn't (famous!).I just do'nt get your point.Whats wrong with capping intrest rates on credit cards?Please explane to a logic-challenged person.

  15. Jim Taylor(Not the famous one), what do your comments about the federal NDP have to do with the article? Cummins will become the leader of the provincial Conservative Party, which has nothing to do with the current federal election.


  16. Jim Taylor, judging by your comment it appears to me that the reason Federal Conservatives and BC Liberals would get elected is because of logic-challenged people like yourself. Like istvan stated, I can see why you aren't famous.

  17. Don't be so sure Jim Taylor. The NDP may very well end up holding the balance of power after the election, and I for one would be very happy to the Shylock credit card companies reined in. You may agree with the fart power put out by the MSM in response to any idea which would return some of the wealth to the people who live here, but lots of us believe that any inroad, however small, might be the spark which ignites the fuse which will return Canada to Canadians.

  18. If anything, Jesus was a communist. A true Communist.

    Think about it.

  19. I was over at and read a very interesting comment in this article:
    The comment:
    "On the ballot here in Madison one week from tomorrow:

    Dane County Referendum
    “Should the United States Constitution be amended to establish that regulating political contributions and spending is not equivalent to limiting freedom of speech, by stating that only human beings, not corporations, are entitled to constitutional rights?” Yes No

    City Of Madison Referendum
    “Shall the City of Madison adopt the following resolution: Resolved, the City of Madison, Wisconsin, calls for reclaiming democracy from the corrupting effects of undue corporate influence by amending the United States Constitution to establish that: 1. Only human beings, not corporations, are entitled to constitutional rights, and 2. Money is not speech, and therefore regulating political contributions and spending is not equivalent to limiting political speech.” Yes No"

    Which got me thinking; is there any way we could have a similar referendum in BC. You all know that right now any corporation, foreign or not, can contribute any amount they like to the Liberal Party of Corruption, and that is how our railway got sold for political contributions. Imagine if someone in the public eye like Corky Evans started a petition to reclaim our province from its current corporate owners by limiting their political contributions to, oh, say as much as the average worker can afford to contribute.

  20. Grant,did you make up this guy Taylor to get us going?I wonder if he answered that craigs list add and is being paid.WOW!

  21. You can be as partisan as you like folks, I voted NDP in the last three elections and that is how I will vote again. look at how voting liberal has worked for you!!!
    I am not a partisan person, I just look for common sense. Common sense, things like no fish farms, no selling of public assets, no mega pipelines, no IPP run of the river bullshit!
    Common Sense!

  22. Mr. Taylor(not the famous one) has a way of saying very little but at the same he reveals volumes of information...

    I choose not to argue with him, you can`t win, he`s that good.


  23. grant, while I agree that dianne watts is not the be all and end all and yes she's a media darling,(that's why i personally don't trust her) but to slag surrey as a crime infested bullet ridden cesspool is just a tad over the top don't you think? that's like me saying powell river is an inbred infested hick town with a bunch of unemployed billy redden's (the kid from deliverance playing the banjo). I love your passion but maybe think twice before slagging an entire community based on a somewhat stereotypical image.does bad shit happen in surrey? sure, like everywhere else....but not to the extreme you have described...and hey I don't live there, but if I did and I read your description,I might decide that you're not worth reading. maybe tone down the rhetoric. (ok flame suit on)

  24. bob said...

    I live in Surrey and Grant is correct in his assessment of Surrey.

    If you want everything sugar coated perhaps you are at the wrong site.

  25. I used to work in Surrey, close to the Surrey Central Sky Station. When folks used to come and steal stuff outa the company parking lot, we'd say "have a nice day" to em; 1) the employer was a jerk 2) didn't wanna get hurt.

    Parts of Surrey are still a dump. Glad I don't live there anymore.

  26. Since 2001 in Campbell's lawless, corrupt B.C. organized crime has been left alone and allowed to flourish and will continue to get more deadly every day.

  27. Hey Bob, I live in Powell River and my sister (whom I'm married to and we have 12 kids) and I were talking to our uncle Billy Redden at the food bank where he plays his banjo for unemployed people in the line-up and he said he would never go to Surrey because it's a crime infested bullet ridden cesspool. Gawsh, you have to believe him because he's the Dean of the local University.

  28. Bwahaha! told ya I had the flame suit on! No I don't need anything sugar coated or i would be reading the MSM...:o) all i was trying to say is Surrey is f'n HUGE! To paint the whole municipality as a crime ridden cesspool is over the top...dontcha" thunk? Please don't get me wrong here, I may not be a regular poster but I'm a regular reader, I side with just about everyone on this board except for that not so famous guy. left of center union member, totally PO'd about the Lie-berals. bring on the rants I love it (and am pretty good at 'em myself, when ya get me going) just thought it was a little stereotypical that's all....ok?
