Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Brad Zubyk, Christy Clark`s Co-Campaign Manager Hits the CKNW Airwaves for the Last Time!

Billy racist Good and CKNW have crossed over the line between ethics and organized crime, no longer is CKNW a source of news, every story is presented by a spin doctor, falsified facts and blatant lies......

Billy little boy Good at 8:30 am presented another biased thoughtless editorial this morning, his target was no other than the NDP, not Provincial but Federal, Billy boy was attacking Jack Layton for not supporting the budget, Billy puts all blame for the upcoming election at Jack Layton`s feet, not one word about the Bloc voting against the budget and  of course Billy boy gave Christy Clark`s Federal Liberals a pass, why is it Jack`s fault, I give full credit to Layton, Harper is a bold faced liar, bring on the election, with the Cons involved in an election leaves less opportunities for them to destroy Canada....

But for Bill Good to blame only the NDP shows just how far into the sewer Bill Good has descended, before I get started let me explain why CKNW is no longer to be trusted with anything but sport scores...Sean Leslie, CKNW`s legislative REPORTER(You are no journalist or bureau Chief, you are a paid stooge)...Sean Leslie`s wife works for the BC Liberal PAB...How can Sean Leslie be a straight up radio voice when his wife is giving Sean Leslie direct Government talking points....Rebbecca Scott, a 6 year CKNW employee who produced Christy Clark`s(and Billy Good) show is now working for Christy Clark as communications director.....How many more media have wives and relatives working for PAB...Keith Baldrey`s wife works for the BC Liberals....Michael Smyth has been sent to the Goebells school of mind retraining and depending on the success of purging Smyth`s cognitive brain cells and replacing them with NDP hatred and BC Liberal talking points will determine whether or not his voice returns to the airwaves...

Brad Zubyk...Christy Clark`s campaign adviser and NOW Federal Liberal Communication`s director  has been on CKNW newscast the last two days, according to Christy Clark`s co-campaign manager Brad Zubyk......Brad Zubyk believes he can elect here in BC a whole new batch of Federal Liberals, Brad claims they can take many ridings from the Conservatives, including Kingsway riding once held by floor crosser and large stock holder in the smart meter company David Emerson....

I was informed by one of my sources that Christy Clark`s people contacted CKNW and ordered them to not air any more statements from Brad Zubyck that promotes the Federal Liberals on their newscast, according to my source Christy Clark is still trying to con the public that she has no involvement in the Federal liberal party, nothing could be further from the truth, Christy laid down the law(Of Government advertising dollars) to the minions at CKNW.....Brad Zubyk with his tail between his legs has agreed to keep off the public airwaves, unfortunately for Christy Clark ....Brad Zubyk has already damaged Clark`s reputation, and it also shows you people to what extent CKNW and Bill Good will go too spin and distort the news! You can hear Brad Zubyk on the CKNW Audio vault here..  (Cue up March/22/7:00 pm, Zubyk speaks on CKNW news, about 7:03 pm)....Now what were you saying Cluck Cluck about not being a Federal Liberal?...More lies Cluck Cluck?

This is going to get very interesting, here we will be having a Federal election(An election that Christy Clark is dreading) ...Brad Zubyk, Clark`s co-campaign manager is traveling the Province promoting Federal Liberals, Christy Clark was expected to help elect Federal Liberals in BC but Clark hadn`t figured on a Federal election before we had a BC General election.....

Here`s the deal, with a Federal election the Federal Liberals and Federal NDP and all the independents will be hammering away on the BC Liberal`s and Federal Conservative`s HST, all this will be happening just before our June 24th HST referendum, ....This should be juicy, all those politicians hammering away on the Conservative/BC Liberal HST just before we vote the tax down, Christy Clark will be stuck between a rock and a hard place, Clark will be asked to help her Federal Liberal party and at the same time Kevin Falcon will be promoting Federal Conservatives and the HST.....

This my friends is and will be the catalyst to the break up of the BC Liberals....BCers hate Iggy and the Federal Liberals, a huge chunk of BCers hate the Federal Conservatives and then there will be the Federal NDP fighting for the little guy, fighting against the HST, reminding every BCer about all the job losses, the price spikes, our growing deficit, skyrocketing hydro rates and massive corporate profits.....

So what does Christy Clark do, promote the Federal Liberals and create enemies in her party, does she promote Federal Cons to keep the party together, does she promote nobody and both the Federal Liberals and Cons lose seats to the NDP.....Harper has a big problem in BC over the HST, BCers can`t stand the smug elitist Michael Ignatief, the protest vote in BC is going Orange......And when that happens Christy Clark will have offended both the Federal Liberals and Federal Conservatives......

Which brings me back to Bill the racist Good, his editorial this morning was a con job, his first guest was a paid stooge con job planted to scare Jack Layton and the NDP into not forcing an election and capitulate, Bill Good and his guest insinuated that the voters will make the Federal NDP pay a huge price for causing/forcing an election....

Stephen Harper can prevent an election on his own with amendments to the budget, Billy Good was in full blown propaganda and spin zone this morning in an attempt to persuade the Federal NDP to cave in, Billy Good`s motives are to protect Christy Clark from the approaching nightmare of a Federal election weeks before our HST vote, the nightmare of no mandate, Clark is stuck in nowhere land folks, everything is going according to plan and my connections in the Federal NDP are well aware of what Billy Good was attempting, .....Poor old brain dead Billy Good trying to blame the Federal party with the fewest seats by a long shot for causing an election.....

Well Goodly with no more woodly(Try the blue pill with your chianti)......The game is over Bill Good, you have been outed, CKNW has been exposed for what they really are...BC Liberal stooges....

Lastly folks, one of the locals in our little town on the sunshinecoast said something too me that made me smile, something I really hadn`t thought about.....

What this woman said was....."Hey Grant, do you know that you are the only person in the Province who can claim that they made the Premier of British Columbia retract on air for lying about BC Ferries, and who else in the Province can say that Premier Clark out of anger had a temper tantrum and took your Olympic prize you won on CKNW away out of spite for making her look the fool on radio"

It definitely put a smile on my face....Meanwhile, bring on the Federal election and remember this Federal Liberals and Federal NDP candidates...HST HST HST...JOB LOSSES JOB LOSSES JOB LOSSES....PRICES UP ON EVERYTHING...RECORD CORPORATE PROFITS WHILE BCers DROWN IN DEBT....

Better luck next time Foolish Billy.....Enjoy the Federal election Cluck Cluck....

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. Grant, that CKNdoubleBOO crowd is attempting to fleece BC with their Lieberal talking points. Good, Palmer, Baldrey, Scott, Nichol.... they pretend to be indepdendent newscasters but they are in the Lieberal back pocket.

    And then they bring on Lieberal snakes like Zubyk... Do you even know what that guy is all about? You should find out some more!

    There should be an in-depth 60 minutes type show to do an expose of CKNdoubleBOO so the public will find out what's really going on.

  2. Well, I nearly toppled over. I turned the telly on. All I caught was, some guy on CTV press gallery said, Harper will win. Harper will double the salary of the cabinet members, if they support him. I just caught the tail end, I didn't catch his name. Would Harper be that corrupt? Ignatieff did say, Harper very badly wants to win this election, and he will do what ever it takes to do so. Because of Campbell and the BC Liberals crap, I tend to be suspicious of Harper. Campbell did work for Harper, so I find Harper suspect, because of their very close relationship. Harper prorogues Parliament twice to avoid what he doesn't want to answer. Campbell refused to have a fall sitting of the Legislature. They both use underhanded tactics. I certainly hope that man, was joking.

  3. Just google Brad Z. What an eye opener.

    I see he crossed the floor like Emerson did. Was NDP at time. I guess the offer was better??

    Very interesting reading.

  4. Frankly Grant, I'm surprised that you haven't been sued. Not that I disagree with your general assessment of the Liberal party. What is troubling at the moment is that the media is giving very little attention to Mr. Horgan. Just as they quietly paved the way for Christy, they are completely ignoring John. After awhile it starts to look more and more like Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown and I hope BCers aren't really that stupid anymore. Keep up the good work!

  5. My facts are in order, everyone and their dog has threatened to sue me...

    I tell them all the same thing..BRING IT ON!

    The Horgan express will heat up soon...


  6. Let us remind everyone, the defense against libel is the truth.

    You can not successfully sue for libel if what the person one is attempting to sue is saying, is true.

    Maybe this is the reason that Mr. G has not been sued.

    Good and his cabal seem afraid of the truth, they squeal libel, but do not attempt to sue.

  7. For a while I used to get upset when I read anything from the MSM concerning Provincial Politics, especially how blatantly biased they are. Now I very seldom read or listen to anything Good, Baldrey, Palmer, CTV, Global,CKNW,(and it appears even the tax payer funded CBC for whatever reason is turning right-wing) unless I want a good laugh because it's actually unbelievable how patheticaly desperate MSM have become to make their handlers, the BC Liberals look good. Christy Clark must have hired to her staff the writers from the Red Green show as it seems that even though the Province is in need of emergency surgery in several areas her solution is to "duck tape" it (minimum wage, BC Rail Corruption Trial, etc.) and then say," see I told you I would do something". How stupid do Christy and her MSM toadies think the citizens of this Province really are? I guess we won't know that until the next general election.

  8. Running, ducking, hiding, thieving, sneaking, and corruption, is the BC Liberals mantra. I can't even think of one of them, that has any honor.

    There used to be a time, when the media could be trusted. They used to be honorable and, had a sense of pride in, good honest journalism. Good honest journalism and reporting, is now in the long ago.

  9. "BCers hate Iggy and the Federal Liberals, a huge chunk of BCers hate the Federal Conservatives and then there will be the Federal NDP fighting for the little guy, fighting against the HST, reminding every BCer about all the job losses, the price spikes, our growing deficit, skyrocketing hydro rates and massive corporate profits....."

    Hell, the NDP could even take Penticton now since its retiring dinosaur breeder, Stock, has pissed off half of the local PseudoCons with rigged nomination process. Thus the right could split into three (Liberal, real Conservative and Stock's personal PseudoCon choice - labeled Conservative on the ballot).

    Now that the Harper Party has changed "Government of Canada" to "the Harper Government" why not go all the way and just call it the Harper Party or maybe the SPCD (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Dinosaurs).

    "Billy Good was in full blown propaganda and spin zone this morning in an attempt to persuade the Federal NDP to cave in"

    Good luck with that Bill, as if anyone important in the Federal NDP listens to Bill Bad. Why would they, nobody else does, other than Grant - just so he can call him on his bullshit, and the PAB so they can make sure he is toeing the line!
