Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Next Premier of British Columbia

As much as it stresses me even thinking about it the fact is one of these four pictured above is going to be premier, well, maybe, Christy Cluck Cluck Clark would have to run in a bi-election(Point Grey, Fraserview, North Vancouver)..

Take a good look at that picture, let`s start right to left, Michael De Jong, lawyer, attorney general, solicitor general, could you imagine being in a fox hole or trench with him, most likely you would be pushing up daisies in short order, don`t get me wrong, I like Mike De Jong, picture him wearing a burger king crown flipping burgers, the speed or lack thereof displayed by De Jong to either make a decision or speak a sentence, the problem with Mike De Jong is...He is so worried about not saying or doing anything wrong that he neither does say or do anything intelligent.....The man is at best a career bureaucrat who should have never moved past middle management,

Kevin Falcon, the birdman of Cloverdale, his claim to fame was his total recall campaign he and the BC Liberals launched against the NDP...A mini Gordon Campbell?...No, not at all, in fact I think Falcon would make the best premier of these four candidates, Brian Day and private health care will celebrate, road builders and casino operators will jump for joy...... Falcon isn`t very smart or tricky, he is quite unintelligent but secretly sly, What I mean by that is Falcon is a good listener, a copycat, he watched Gordon Campbell operate and learned, but what he learned was....Big business is his master, the BC Liberals never ever called the shots in this Province, Gordon Campbell was run by Teck Cominco and General Electric, those companies are the BC Liberals and as such, they are the premiers of BC....Falcon will be a Campbell clone, a puppet to big business, a status quo premier, Kevin Falcon will answer to the same corporate masters, that does sound like a Gordon Campbell, but....But there is a difference, as much as I dislike Falcon I believe Falcon is more honest than Campbell, his marriage isn`t a sham, he loves his wife and child, where as Campbell was a life-long adulter, an habitual liar and drug abuser...There is the slimmest of chances that Falcon looks in his baby`s eyes and actually Governs for the future of children, I have my doubts, Gordon Campbell never loved anything more than himself!

George Bobblehead Abbott, a career Yes man, I watched George Abbott lie in the legislature for years, the 5000 acute long term care beds promised in 2001 that have never been delivered, instead new language was created to  give wiggle room to George Abbott and the BC Liberals, 5000 acute care beds promised were slowly turned into...5000 assisted living and incremental care beds, ...BC Liberal language meaning gobbily goop, George looked nurses in the face and repeated the nonsensical BC Liberal bed language, .....

George Abbott never once fought for seniors or children or anything in his term as health minister, all he did was explain health cuts using new BC Liberal language....Can anyone tell me what an "Incremental care bed" is?

It surprises me that people and media call Bobblehead the uniter, the middle-of the-road candidate...Nothing could be further from the truth, Abbott is one of the most partisan Liberals out there, he`s a prolific liar, the truth be known, the only thing I respect Abbott for was when he told Gordon Campbell off in a cabinet meeting, Abbott  as health minister was giving a briefing, apparently Gordon Campbell butt in and started talking over George who was giving the briefing, George Abbott turned to Gordon Campbell and said in front of everyone..."Perhaps you would like to takeover and give the briefing"....Jaws dropped in the meeting and to everyone`s surprise, Gordon Campbell shut-up and nothing more was said.....Bobblehead does have a temper....And if not for all the lies that came so easy to Abbott he would be my choice of these four runners....The one positive I see if Abbott gets the nod....I see George Abbott doing next to nothing in the way of new policy, Abbott will take the safest route for the Province, that is if big business don`t rein him in...

And last but not least is Christy Cluckster Clark, a great speaker but that is her achiles heel, the problem with Clark is she will say and blurt out anything, lies, spin, actually all the BC Liberals lie but with Clark she will defend the lie even when overwhelmed with opposing evidence Christy will charge on, ...Unfortunately for Christy, she never completes anything, from not completing any of the universities she attended, her failed bid for Mayor of Vancouver, her failed marriage, a bear hunting, Manswer watching hater of teachers, .....But what scares me is the damage she did when she was education minister, I believe that Christy Clark hated her father( a school teacher), Christy failed in school but was successful in earning money and talking, rumor has it CKNW already has guests lined up for her return to talk radio at the end of the month!

Lastly folks, a sorry lot to say the least, two life long bureaucrats, a weasel and a deranged teacher hater who has an underlying hatred of her father.....

One more thing about Christy Clark, even the slimiest of the slimers Basi and Virk called Christy Clark`s brother Bruce Clark the greasy, dirty, slimy Mexeecan, even the slimers of BC Liberal backrooms consider Bruce Clark a sleazeball....Christy Clark, Bruce Clark, Paul Martin, David Maclean, the Federal Liberal sponsorship scandal, these are the players, Christy Clark and her connections had more to do with the loss of BC Rail than any of the others.....And despite Joe Public favouring Christy over the others, Christy Clark tears the party apart.....So who I would like to see win doesn`t matter, none can hold a candle to John Horgan...NDP`s new front runner....(Listen to a great radio interview on CKNW with Sean Leslie and John Horgan today, Saturday, February 19, 4:30pm to 4:47pm) Audio Vault here

So now...Who is my prediction, De Jong is gone but he holds the keys to the premiers office, Christy Clark will finish in third place, Abbott will finish in second place, all De Jong`s people will be sliding their support to Kevin Falcon, Falcon has guaranteed De Jong any ministry he wants, the reason I came to the conclusion I did, despite the negative visceral response the public has to Kevin Falcon, Big business, the Vancouver Sun, Global, CTV, big media and big business money still believe they can control the message and manipulate the people into voting for Kevin Falcon....Big business ran Gordon Campbell, Big business ran the BC Liberals, nothing will change, the backroom bosses are still there calling the shots......

Christy Clark will be placed back at CKNW to promote the BC Liberals and bash the NDP....And in a different world big business might win this round but not today, the middle east, the people`s revolt, France, Spain, Ireland, Iceland voted to allow their bank to fail rather than bail it out, protests in Wisconsin, in Washington DC...Republicans, Neo-cons, the Fraser institutes, the Michael Levys, the Michael Campbells, CD Howe, these rightwing nut jobs have had their way for the last 2 decades and decimated world finance and the world`s poor people are fighting back, the internet, the blogs, alternate media, everyday our readership rises while The Vancouver Suns, the Global, the CTVs all become irrelevant...

I`ll be listening for your lies Christy Clark, enjoy your short little term Falcon, how about nominating a new electoral chief officer De Jong(If you can spare the time).....And you George Abbott will make another very partisan speaker of the House.

And to all my readers, contact Google, Kootcoot`s House of Infamy was burnt to the Ground...Da House must be resurrected, demand the return of the House...Thank you for everything Kootcoot ....Words of Freedom can not be stifled

Despite Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins(republicans) bill that is giving the US Government the capability to shut down the internet

And how many more sites to be shut down by Government?

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. Grant, I joined the NDP and brought in other people to support John. Unfortunately, he is now opposed to every mineral and other resource developments because of kooky environmental backers.

    My family and friends depend upon that mineral/resource development for their bread and butter.

    I have seen the same enviro nonsense with Gregor Robertson in Vancouver and am sick and tired of that enviro bulls#it.

    I am now supporting Mike Farnworth as the best leader for the NDP and have brought almost everyone else now on board.

    I suggest that everyone else does the same.

  2. Elwood...Vote for whoever you want...But please try and be truthful...

    Horgan is against the Properity mine at Fish lake..

    So was the Federal Government environmental assessment, Horgan is against the Enbridge pipeline, so are 80% of BCers...Enbridge won`t create jobs...

    Mining comes and goes, Horgan isn`t against the dirt industries, he`s against pitting killing the environment for temporary jobs...

    I don`t care who you vote for, all I ask is you don`t make up your own facts...Farnworth and Dix are also opposed to Prosperity mine at fish lake and Enbridge pipeline...

    When the world goes back in deep recession the miners will halt operations again..

    Horgan and we at the Straight Goods believe in generational jobs..We believe in self contained salmon pens, a self sustaining forestry and not a raw log whore, a robust wild salmon fishery, tourism, Orca, Salmon....

    When the times comes the world will want what only we in BC Have...

    Super Natural British Columbia

    That will be of more value than trinkets of Gold!

  3. Elwood..Istvan...What is it with you two contributers?

    You always go astray.

    You`ll come around Elwood...

    Elwood...Go to the audio vault link and listen to Horgan first...Cue up February 19th/4:00 PM...Fast forward to 4:33 pm...

    Farnworth is OK...He`ll make a good House leader and Attorney General...


  4. Grant, John has flip-flopped and is now a strong supporter of the carbon tax. Not only that, but he now wants to expand the carbon tax. Yes, the LIEberal scam carbon tax however you want to slice and dice it. That was another bombshell.

    You have written over and over again that the carbon tax is a scam at the gas pumps!!! How the hell can you then support John?

    On top of what I said earlier, whoever repeals the scam carbon tax at the gas punps gets everyone's vote. I'm frankly fed up with the Gregor Robertson greenie scam enviro lobby invading BC. Enough said.

    You're still the best Grant.

  5. Elwood...Come on buddy, think outside of the box, listen to what he said...Let me explain Horgan`s position on the carbon tax...

    1)Horgan was against the carbon tax when it came out, here`s why, Horgan and the NDP position was if there was going to be a carbon tax the money collected should go to green retrofits or transit projects....

    2)To charge people a carbon tax and then return the money in tax cuts was nothing but an effort in futility....(Talk to Farnworth about the carbon tax, his position is the same)

    3)Remember Tzeporah Berman, Suzuki, and all the other enviros that attacked the NDP for being anti-HST...I do...And we don`t want to see that again do we?...I do...

    4)There are two more small legislated increases left on the Carbon tax, what Horgan wants to do is direct all the monies collected from the next two scheduled increases to go to green projects or retrofits....

    5)The only expansion of the carbon tax Horgan talked about was to the Oil n Gas industry, he wants them to pay for gas flaring, a small carbon tax to have them pay their fair share and to nudge them to carbon storage and flaring reductions...

    6)why should mom and pop pay a carbon tax when Ecana gas and Rio Tinto does not?

    7)Elwood my friend...The election, the next provincial election is in 2013 and there are two more scheduled increases to the carbon tax and it`s the BC Liberals in charge not the NDP...So...So the next increases are coming and Horgan is thinking about improving the tax(Rather than increasing the business carbon CREDIT)

    In a nut shell Elwood...Horgan is the only one trying to improve the carbon tax...

    And to be truthful to you Elwood...

    I was strongly opposed to the carbon tax...But if the carbon tax had collected hundreds of millions of dollars and that money went to say the....

    Evergreen line...Port Mann bridge..Light rail for the island, light rail for the Fraser valley...Think of all the homeowners paying Translink on property taxes, hydro bills...Hundreds of dollars to Translink every year...

    If the carbon tax was designed that way from the beginning my opposition to it would have been none!

    Gordon created a phony carbon tax that rewards big polluters....

    And lastly Elwood...Whoever cancels the carbon tax will also hear the howls from the Liberals and the media and the poor about taxes going up and low income carbon tax credits being taken away!...

    Horgan found the answer, or at least part of an answer...

  6. I think that John Horgan has shot himself in the foot by embracing the continuation of the carbon tax. It unduly punishes the people that live in areas that have either inadequate or non-existent transit. The carbon tax also adds to the cost of transporting food and drygoods, which adds to the cost of living for everyone, which just compounds the impact of this tax. Seeing as BC is the only jurisdiction in North America that has a carbon tax, it also unfairly penalizes BC businesses compared to those that operate in any other jurisdiction. I also can't see too many people living in Fort Nelson, Cranbrook or anyone else living outside the major centres jumping for joy to know that the carbon tax they cannot avoid will go to fund transit in the big smoke. There is already enough conflict between the rural and urban residents, and this would just add more fuel to the fire.

    The other problem with the carbon tax is that it was rolled out as revenue neutral by Gordo and supposedly accompanied by income tax cuts. What this did was enable the government to segregate the carbon tax to who knows where, but also show an equivalent reduction in income tax revenue. Less income tax revenue equals less money to put into government programs.

    Maybe if the NDP had been a little better at explaining the impacts of the carbon tax as noted above, during the last election, rather than hope emotion would carry the day, the results could have been different. The babbling by Suzuki, Berman, etc. would have fallen on a lot more deaf ears. Unfortunately, that ship has sailed.

    The other issues he spoke of regarding aquaculture, BC Hydro, the proposed Enbridge pipeline and improving environmental assessments should be winners. The carbon tax, not so much.


  7. Cam...It`s not the NDP choice to continue the carbon tax...No one is talking about getting rid of the tax...

    Including the BC Liberals...They are talking about not continuing with further increases past the already present legislation...

    Farnworth..Dix..Neither has called for the elimination of the tax...

    At least Horgan is proposing putting the next two SCHEDULED increases to good use....

    The remaing tax cuts go to big business not people...

    The next two scheduled increases come with corporate carbon credits(tax cuts)

    What is Farnworth or Dix saying about carbon tax?

    Bring their platform or a quote!

    And if Horgan called for killing the tax, something no one has done on either side...

    The media, the BC Liberals would be screaming to the world about the low income carbon credits, and the workers would be inundated with claims that the NDP are adding $700 million a year in new taxes!

    Horgan has not said one word about adding new increases for anyone except industrial polluters..

    Kudos for him trying to create new Government revenue not from individuals!

    And lastly...Horgan is talking about 2013 after an election, the last increases will have already been applied...

    If anything, Translink should be funded through a carbon tax, at least John has ideas!

    Farnworth and Dix have said what?..About anything? Exactly!

  8. Last 'election' was Carole James, a dictator, who demanded everyone vote the way her and the Moe said and never a bill of The Campbell criminal's did she not sign....and gerrymandering....and the greens supported Campbell.

    I live in the (south) Surrey area, where the transit is almost non-existent and on occasion do take a bus, a few weeks ago from New Westminster to home, took me 3 1/2 hours (maximum 1/2 hour by car) but a small price to pay to get rid of the Liberal mobsters for a JOHN HORGAN NDP government. I have a problem with the carbon tax but if it is put to proper use, Translink, so be it. Either way we pay through whatever taxes. Campbell is the one who screwed us on the carbon tax. The massive increases in the cost of everything in B.C. is caused by corporates and the Liberals and here by Watts, with of course the corrupt media's help.


  9. I realize that he has no control over the scheduled increases coming later this year and next, nor the carbon tax in general. That is in the hands of the BC Liberal Party until such time as they get their collective asses booted from power. I just think that embracing the carbon tax isn't a good idea by him or any other candidate, Liberal or NDP.

    BC's contribution of CO2 into the atmosphere is miniscule, as a percentage of all CO2 emissions produced by the rest of the world. Combine this fact with the dwindling acceptance of global warming, or as it is now known as climate change, by more and more people as being a direct cause of CO2 emissions, and condoning this tax is a ludicrous position to take. Gas prices have been on the rise for no apparent reason in the last few months, and will no doubt continue to increase as the socalled driving season approaches. As with anything, there is a breaking point. Applying a tax on a product that affects so many and based on a premise that has been proven to be ineffective, is a prescription for failure. There will be a backlash, and some enterprising political party will do what they do best, which is jetisson the carbon tax. I suspect that one of the four you picture in your article would not hesitate to do this if it meant getting re-elected. Would John then be stuck in the position of running on retaining the tax? I doubt that this would not be a winning formula.

    Inevitably, the voter will cast their vote based on their current financial situation. If their choice comes down to paying more to supposedly save the planet at the expense of feeding and housing their family, I'm pretty sure that I know which option they would choose.

    The carbon tax, much the same as the HST, hits the lower income families disproportionally harder. The reason this is so is that no matter how government tries to mitigate the impact of taxation policies, the proportional impact cannot emulate reality. If a person making $25,000 per year has to pay the same carbon tax as a person making $100,000 per year, who do you think feels the greater burden?


  10. So Horgan is going along to get along on the carbon tax just like George Abbot was doing gritting his teeth under der Fuhrer.

    Horgan turned over his balls over to Carole James, supporting her to the bitter end, doing her bidding and thus sharing responsibility for the stupidest election campaign in BC history, and the enormous irreparable damage to our province that is happening today. You accept that from Horgan yet reject Abbot for doing the same thing.

    Instead you'd rather replace one dishonest Fascist with a more truthful (bullshit) clone - Der Furher II the Neocon dream - than support the only flawed as he is progressive available. Near as I can see Falcon is another wacked out religious nut Harper clone.

    Since it is maybe another three years to an election and a Horgan victory the question I have for you - Do you hate your country and province that much? Have you thought for a fraction of a second the damage another fascist could do in three years? How many $tens of billions in Pirate Power contracts do you think will be signed in the first week Falcon has the pen?

    Give your head a shake man.

  11. Mr. Seth, you return to joust!

    Well...And if Horgan was really wise he would promote nuclear power..Cheap, effective, profitable power, but a politically toxic move.

    One of those 4 Will be premier, that is a fact..

    And as for Falcon destroying the Province...

    Sometimes a person in need, or in this case a Province in need...

    We must reach rock bottom before we change, perhaps 2 years with the Falcon will show people the light...

    And as for Horgan supporting Carole James...

    Dix didn`t?..Farnworth?

    We must learn to crawl before we can walk.


  12. Grant,
    I listened to John on CKNW and I must say his proposed policy on the carbon tax is somewhat flawed for me and I would think anyone outside of the lower mainland or lower Vancouver Island.
    He had my vote up until I heard this. Everyone views the carbon tax as a Campbell rip off which it indeed is and to continue with it is a slap in the face. We are the only province in this country faced with this ridiculous tax, now the HST and still our programs such as Health Care and Child Care diminish daily.
    We see on the news daily how Translink wastes our money and couldn't tie their shoes let alone run a proper business, to even suggest the carbon tax go to people like that to squander is an insult to say the least.
    My vote in the next election will go to someone who will play hardball and demand British Columbia is returned to pre Campbell pillaging and brought back on a level playing field with the rest of Canada. Tell the CEO's of Translink and the like that if they can't get it together with what they have to work with than get the hell out and we'll find someone who can because the people of B.C. are tired of being held for ransom! To suggest giving them this tax is a mistake.
    This stradegy will in fact separate further the people of the Victoria and Vancouver ares from the rest of the province more so as have and have nots and isn't a fair solution, the only fair solution all around is to remove it entirely.

  13. I`m not going to argue with any of you..

    You must think about how an election campaign will be run, where will the attacks come from,...

    Fiscal policy, the key is getting elected...

    As for the carbon tax, name one leader from any side who has they will remove the tax and rescind the low income carbon credits and raise income taxes up...

    For fiscal responsibility is where the election will be fought....

    Meanwhile, perhaps you fine people should investigate where the money from the next two scheduled carbon tax increases goes to....

    It goes to corporate tax cuts, not to the people, the first two years of carbon tax collections went mainly to individuals...

    But the income from the next two increases all go to corporate tax cuts...

    Find me your candidate who will remove the carbon tax and remove the carbon tax rebate cheques and raise personal income taxes!

    The prudent thing is to take power first, no more increases and slowly put the carbon tax collections into specified green areas...

    Never-the-less....The eggs were scrambled by the Liberals...No one will have them unscrambled in short order, it will take years...

    Baby steps first

  14. KootCoot said:

    Cranky has a point about how the carbon tax negatively effects those who don't live in the smokey hole where everybody's money goes, the Lower Vainland. Part of the supposed justification of the tax was to modify behaviour and encourage energy frugal choices. However in the North, the Kottenays, the Cariboo and pretty much everywhere outside the Lower Mainland and a few urban centers people have NO options other than driving, and in resource industries it has to be a truck, a logger can't even get to work in a hybrid, much less take their gear and once at work the equipment uses fuel also, from the chainsaw to the feller buncher.

    People in the interior, especially the north also have UNAVOIDABLE higher heating costs, and even higher lighting costs in the north where the nights are longer in winter. It is also completely inexcusable to force school districts to pay for carbon offsets in buildings for which the funding isn't available to upgrade the physical plants. Much of the BC liaR touted increases in education funding wind up being returned to government because of old inefficient schools in the form of carbon taxes.

    The carbon tax as rammed down the throats of BCers in HST fashion is no more than greenwashing, an attempt to make Gordo look as green as his also deposed buddy the Action Hero governator to the south in the almost bankrupt Republic of California. It is too low to actually change behaviour, even where people have options and if it was a sincere attempt to do something about the environment the monies collected would go to solving energy and evironmental issues.

    "these rightwing nut jobs have had their way for the last 2 decades"

    This trend got underway full steam over three decades ago, right after Ronnie Raygun's people committed treason and negotiated with the Iranians behind the sitting president's back in order to steal the 1980 election, allowing the union bashing and de-regulation to start in earnest.

    Grant sez:

    "When the times comes the world will want what only we in BC Have...

    Super Natural British Columbia

    If we don't get rid of the sleazebags who have been in charge the last decade and reverse their policies we won't have anything left, we'll just be a gutted used up province sitting next to the equivalent of a depleted gravel pit next door in Alberta. A jurisdiction larger than Washington, Oregon, and California combined with no salmon, poisoned rivers and a population of beggars living outside the walled estates of the rich who don't just move to more tropical climes. The lucky few might find work at destination resorts like Jumbo Pass in the Purcells catering to the rich for room and board and tips.

    I'd rather see a revolution than watch big parts of BC turn into mirror images of the slums of Mexico City or Mumbai.

  15. Also, if i might interject a related point, i would add that--we're going to want to have a look-in-zee at what that ole' deputy.of.min.fin supra-mandarin, chris trumpy, is getting up to these days, working away in the shadows, as he does so well, doubtlessly busy with all of those so-called carbon credits, that were created out of thin air--quite literally.

    The chicago trading scheme is out-of-business. The eu scheme is in its death throes. And the corruption is sticking onto everything involved in this agenda for the great work:

    Yet the crown corporation known affectionately as Pacific--not British Columbia--Carbon Trust is still a solid, going concern?

    Just for the record.

  16. What did happen to House of Infamy? I enjoyed reading it and now its gone.
    I would be happy to write Goggle if Iknow why I was writing and how they are involved in House of Infamy disappearing.

  17. KootCoot,

    I couldn't agree you more. The northern BC communities utility bills, are a hell of a lot higher than, Vancouver, Victoria and the Okanagan.

    Campbell's sea to sky highway scam means, thousands of BC people who will never use that highway, will be paying for 25 years, out of our tax dollars. Why was there not a toll?

    BC people were ripped off for the HST too. Our HST goes directly to Harper, another back stabber. You would have to be, out of your gourd not to see, the HST is killing this province. The carbon tax, is just another Campbell tax grab. Campbell and the BC Liberals, a mire of, corruption, lies, deceit and theft. Cheating to win, isn't beneath their dignity either.

  18. Anon 9:01 AM

    Make that 'Cheating to win, isn't beneath their dignity either' read....EVERY TIME....2001, 2005, 2009 and 2013 or sooner. Always remember The Mobster Campbell said he will do WHATEVER IT TAKES to make sure there is never another NDP government in B.C. (or any other party for that matter). Now the Corrupt Campbell Controlled Elections B.C. has online voting to fool around with too so 2013 is looking just as grim as the last 10 years of mob rule.

    Perhaps that will move the negligent people in this province TO finally REVOLT...

    Go Horgan Go!

  19. The carbon offsets are separate from the carbon tax.

    The Pacific Carbon Trust ( buys and sells carbon credits or offsets. The BC Govt (includes schools, hospitals) is the major buyer.

    Private companies who make upgrades to reduce emissions are able to sell carbon credits.

    So money is taken out of the public service and handed over to the private sector. About $25 million in 2010.

  20. The carbon tax is not a game breaker, but that effing S2S highway should have toll booths.

    I have never been to Whistler and probably never will go there, but I am contributing a portion of the extortion regardless.

    I read the 'costs' borne by all taxpayers will be $125 million a year for 25 effing years!

    Make the users pay more and make the beneficiaries of the extortion, Macquarie and the Mclean Family 'Group' (who own most of the enterprises and real estate up there, including helicopter services) pay.

    Yes, that's the same McLean that stole our railway!

  21. Is this Mclean the same MClean that has a close connection to Pamela Martin?

    Qualicum Beach Fan

  22. "And how many more sites to be shut down by Government?"

    This reminds me of a few years back when the Western epitome of an evil telecom, telus, at war with its own workers shut down the website of its unionized workers, which they were using to communicate during the extended LOCK OUT by telus.

    It was apparently irrelevant to telus that in doing so they also shut down hundreds of web sites hosted on the same server by PAYING telus customers. Of course anyone who has had to deal with telus knows that customer service is far down the list of priorities for that company, if indeed it is even on the list at all!

    Don't be fooled by the cuddly cute creatures featured in all the telus promotional material on paper and TeeVee. If anything telus makes one remember old BC Tel as if they were a humanitarian organization comparable to Mother Teresa.
