Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gordon Muir Campbell, Con Man

Perhaps my posts have become a little vague lately....I didn`t want to appear cocky....The Olympic village disaster...I told you so....Golden Ears bridge(yawn)...We had the story 2 years ago....Natural gas revenues plummet, yes friends we wrote about that last year too....

Propaganda....I have been beating the drum about the non-stop propaganda being used on you everyday, Michael Campbell who is filling in for Bill Good this week....Everyday, pensions are unsustainable, health care costs can`t continue to rise, people are living too long..Blah blah blah...Today Michael Campbell had on as a guest John Kesselman...An economist who just wrote a propaganda piece for the BCBC (British Columbia Business Council)..A group of business mouthpieces headed up by Jock Finlayson....Another phony paper from a pretend economist telling us how great the HST and how it doesn`t cost BCers anything....HA!

John Kesselman lied on the radio today...That`s right folks he lied his face off...He distorted facts and used political spin disguised as fact....Kesselman made the claim that poor people are ahead of the game...Kesselman made the claim that the HST cost BCers a mere  $1 dollar in tax on every $165.00 dollars they spend....In other words Kesselman said.....If you spend $1650.00 dollars the HST added costs will amount to $10 dollars...If you spend 16,500.00 dollars the additional costs attributed to the HST amounts to $100.....And if you spend 165,000.00 dollars the HST added costs are but $1000 dollars....

Kesselman is a BC Liberal con man....For example...If you bought a $1 million dollar new home the added HST on that purchase would be $70 thousand dollars(less rebate of 22k leaving a net loss of nearly $50 thousand dollars)...

A $10,000.00 Dollar used car will have an additional HST cost $700 hundred dollars.....John Kesselman paper(I haven`t found the link yet) is a joke!

John Kesselman was paid to produce a phony vague report on the HST that was nothing but spin and distortion, we have lost 40,000 jobs in BC in the last three months, the HST is a yearly $2 billion dollars per year in new taxes from the public...And simple math provides a simple answer, if the population  of BC is 4 million people...Divide 4 million people by $2 billion dollars and it works out to over $500 dollars per man woman and child in BC...Those are the facts, math can`t be spun...

John Kesselman also lied today when he said..."Business have reduced their prices and passed on all their saving`s to the public"

Food prices are up, every service price is up, fuel is up, fees are up, new house prices are up, even liquor prices are up after the BC Government increased the floor price......According to John Kesselman and his phony math BCers must be spending a staggering $330 billion dollars on taxable goods every year ....Because according to Kesselman`s math...BCers are out a mere $1 dollars in HST tax on every $165 dollars spent, well .....To come up with with $2 billion dollars according to Kesselman BCers must be spending 165 to 1......$2 billion dollars times 165 =  $330 billion dollars....

Like I said...John Kesselman is a bold faced liar, his math his wrong, his assertions are wrong.....Kesselman couldn`t name one item that had been reduced in price!...Michael Campbell and John Kesselman refused to allow any phone calls on the topic, had they allowed callers the public and this persuader would have publicly called Kesselman a BOLD FACED LIAR!

I wrote about the CBSC taking music away, lately the CRTC has been, at the same time they are gutting fair-and-balanced legislation...The CRTC is attempting to give carte Blanche permissen to radio voices and TV news broadcasts to lie on the air, not only on talk radio but TV and radio newcasts, the CRTC is attempting to gut our protections, the new legislation the CRTC is proposing .....Radio and News cast personalities ....Unless you can prove they lied on puropose AND CAUSED PUBLIC HARM...Only then can you file charges against the broadcaster, in other words lies on TV and radio  would be allowed unless it physically harmed the public...

The Campbell and Harper Governments see what is happening in Europe, in Spain, in Ireland, in France, Egypt, the middle east, even down south, the public is ready to revolt, BC is a hot-bed of Government revolt, the anti-HST revolt is a great example, the moves being made by the CRTC and the CBSC are preemptive strikes against Democracy...Governments in Canada are attempting to stifle free speech and news, he who controls the news controls the people....My blog has been attacked, I have been attacked, Kootcoot and the House of Infamy has been burnt to the ground....

Bill Good is a liar, Christy Clark is  liar, Gordon Campbell is a liar and thief, ......

The BC Rail document dump, again I believe that big media is trying to spin the story, apparently there were thousands of documents released yesterday, how can within minutes of the document dump can CTV write a story saying no cabinet minister is involved?....Very interesting....

The big media, the radio voices, certain bloggers like AGT are freaking out about the document dump, you see folks, everybody except for a few wise people are falling for the propaganda...And of course our fine contributers know what is going on, was the BC Rail scandal ever about two ministerial aides?...Was BC Rail not about an election lie?...Should`t  a trial been about devaluing a public asset, about lying, about betrayal, Who..Why...When...How.....How did an election lie, how did selling a $billion dollar asset for pennies that belonged to the public to Gordon Campbell`s campaign financer get turned into a $40 million dollar mock trial against two dirty aides.....Why has no one looked into the David Maclean Gordon Campbell campaign connection, .....Who cares about the in-between......The day Gordon Campbell won the 2001 election BC Rail was gone.....$40 million dollars and 7 years, $40 million dollars to avoid the real question....

`Gordon Campbell.....What deal did you make with David Maclean for financing your Provincial election runs in 1996 and 2001

Dave Basi and Bobby Virk don`t matter, the sponge Bruce Clark doesn`t matter, forget about the ultra rich ex husband of Christy Clark Mark Marrissen, forget about the liars Brian Keiran and Eric Bornmann, forget about Omni Trax....Forget about the $40 million dollars in legal fees to both the defence and prosecution...None of that matters!

The BC Rail tragedy is about Gordon Muir Campbell and David Maclean....Gordon Campbell lied his face off in 2001 and said he wouldn`t sell BC Rail, the problem is Gordon Campbell had already made a personal promise to David Maclean to give him and CN our Railway in exchange for massive amounts of election campaign cash!

Everything  after that doesn`t matter, it doesn`t matter how all the BC Liberal MLAs had their balls cut-off and had their voices silenced, everyone of the BC Liberal MLAs in exchange for cash looked the other way and lied to the public!

And what we must remember, Gordon Campbell in 2001 should have stood up and declared that the Province of BC is going to sell BC Rail.....Campbell was the premier and he had the right to make the decision to sell BC Rail, (I don`t think any one person should have that power).....But....But Gordon Campbell did have the power to make the decision....

But instead of Gordon Campbell being a man and standing up and telling the public BC Rail will be sold for as much as we can get for it.....

Instead of that happening Gordon Campbell spent Government money, money from the BC Commons was spent by Gordon Campbell and his spineless MLAs to travel the Province talking down BC Rail, in the Legislature day after day in 2001 and 2002 Gordon Campbell bad-mouthed our asset and drove down the price, that my friends is the story, not the lie, not the sale but Gordon Campbell spending your tax dollars and two years to drive down the price and value of our asset.....

And that is why we need an inquiry, nothing would have happened without Gordon Campbell lying and deliberately devaluing BC Rail as a favour to his friend and campaign finance man David Maclean...

Who puts their business or house up for sale and tells the world it`s debt ridden, the basement leaks, the walls are thin, the appliances don`t work, BC Rail is not the Olympic village....

Gordon Campbell committed a crime against the commons by single handedly devaluing public assets as a personal and financial favour to David Maclean......Gordon Campbell is British Columbia`s most prolific thief and criminal!

If Gordon Campbell was going to be selling BC Rail he and the Government should have been talking up BC Rail, talking up the future, the access, that is what a leader does, so meanwhile the media and propaganda machines spins and twists the BC Rail document dump about cabinet ministers with clean hands, pundits, media, confused bloggers who think Basi and Virk were innocent fall guys.....Memo...Schmemo...Who cares

BC Rail is about the Liar and thief Gordon Campbell...It`s about BC Liberal MLA`s who lied to their constituents and the General Public, it`s about ethics and honour.....BC Rail is gone, the Tax indemnity issue must be resolved, there is no way in hell CN Rail will receive one dime of the $670 million dollar and growing tax indemnity......

If David Maclean and CN Rail want to claim that Gordon Campbell gift tax indemnity.....Take us to court....Lets talk in 10 years Mr. Maclean, ....."No comment, it`s before the courts"

.The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. Kootcoot gone and now when I try to send this post of yourS all that sends is the back page showing the EIGHT BALL and no message of yours, only the government one.

  2. There it is--the Straight Goods: "The BC Rail tragedy is about Gordon Muir Campbell and David Maclean....Gordon Campbell lied his face off in 2001 and said he wouldn`t sell BC Rail, the problem is Gordon Campbell had already made a personal promise to David Maclean to give him and CN our Railway in exchange for massive amounts of election campaign cash!"

    You're right--it's truly that simple.

  3. Cyber attack....China, like crap, what's happening on the political blogs here is homegrown.

  4. WRright on Grant.How about the GM blocking comments on this issue? It seems the court only gave out documents to clear the bc 'liberals'.There is something more to this story that is not being told.Where is mr T?He saw the origials?

  5. Yvette Wells' Notebooks
    These are the notebooks of Yvette Wells, who was Executive Director of the Crown Agencies Secretariat at the time of the sale. The Crown Agencies Secretariat is responsible for the governance and accountability of B.C.’s Crown corporations.

  6. Of course all the lieberals are innocent,THAT'S WHY WE PAID 6MILLON TO SHUT THE TRIAL DOWN!It looks like Italy's justice system is the model we're using in B.C. now.

  7. Grant you are so right in focusing on scaambel and mac not so clean, but the other lieberals must be held accountable.I believe that a day of reckoning is coming because there is so much suffering and poverty in this province. We're all just a payday or two away from living in our cars.This is why the crtc is moving towards the fox model of lying without consequences.The people have had enough and like all tyrants they fear the people.

  8. WTF - Gas this morning 1.25????????

    Feb 18/11 - Crude: Crude drops below $86 as Middle East tension prevails.

    Big Oil/Gas ripping us off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Time to start writing to the MLAs, MPs, Stevie. Total Rip Off.

  9. Glad to see you're still up and running this morning Grant. Bastards!

  10. It is understood by the BC people, Campbell is a criminal and belongs in prison. Big business does very well in BC. Campbell steals from us, to give to them. Campbell, Hansen and Harper thieved the HST, and that money went directly to Harper, the other snake in the grass. The HST does absolutely nothing for the BC citizens. All the HST did, is drive costs up. And, if you think gas and oil, mines and run of the rivers, is going to benefit the everyday BC person? It won't. Those big company's, don't even keep their money in Canada. Mining company's, hire their own people first, they move from mine to mine. My son once applied for a job in a mine. He was told, they brought their own people that were working in, a New Zea Land mine, that was reducing staff, because they were closing the mine. BC has had 71 mills shut down, by Campbell. Some mills were shipped to China, along with our raw logs. Have the people benefited by that. No we didn't, the money is gone, and so are the jobs. So, BC is a fine province, if you are wealthy. If you are not wealthy. Your money will be taken from you, to pay for the sea to sky highway, so the wealthy will have a super good highway, to the Whistler ski hill. Instead of a toll, the tax payer will pay, 25 years for a highway thousands of us will never use. We are also, paying for the new bridge in Kelowna. BC also has the highest gasoline prices. Campbell's theft and sale of our rivers, will put our hydro up, to 55% more. It would take a total moron, not to see the HST, has killed this province. I tell kids with a trade, or a profession, not to stay in BC. There is nothing here for them. My son is, an Electronics Engineer, no jobs for him here. He went to Alberta, and, now is going to go overseas. He was snapped right up.

  11. It's hard to believe that anyone could even consider 'calling their MLA's, MP's, Stevie' or any other government criminal, provincial or federal......THEY ARE THE ENEMY, they are the one's doing us all in and they are moving in for the kill. Yesterday's killings, beatings, all yesterday's news, replayed today, reminding us just how dangerous it is in B.C. - scare tactics but it is for real, controlled by organized crime/corporates/governments, governments we pay for. Any other news is about how wonderful the B.C. Liberal criminals are. Where are the cops?...ticketing the good citizens of B.C. Even more corrupt media, Fox News North - Gailus would be good for that, bloggers shut down, internet censored....and still everyone you talk to still just don't get it or don't want to. Gas, hydro, taxes, taxes, taxes, fees, levies, tolls, bus fares, ferry fares, food prices keep tripling, 'shortages', cotton 'shortage', internet and TV priced out of the market for most. Kids starving, schools keep closing, portables, taught by the Fraser Institute. There will be no jobs here for anyone, all slave labour is being imported either through the governments or the corporations. And today...another dead baby.

  12. The longshoremens' labour battle is about....their leaflets say "Canada's waterfront labour relations are being underminded by outside foreign shipping lines".
    "As a worker I want my union to negotiate freely with the employers I work for! Not a self-serving foreign shipping company", reads the leaflet.


  13. The exodus has barely started. The first to move out of province will be people in rented accodation. Then homeowners - if they can sell, will move on to somewhere else.

    There is nothing left of this province to speak of. Overseas multinational companies and the major Canadian companies and banks - all send their money either out of province or overseas.

    Campbell is very lucky to be alive - had he done the same thing in may other places around the world, he would be pushing up daises.

    I hope he has to look over his shoulder all the time - he must be at least a little bit worried - but then being a psychopath, who knows what he thinks. He cartainly doesn't have any conscious that is certain.

    If Campbell does step dow as MLA - that will provide a chance for another party to get an MLA elected - maybe.


  14. If you need to work in construction in this province you must be a member of Campbell's CLAC (CHRISTIAN Labour Association of Canada)'association' who cuts deals directly with employers on 'contracts' where the 'members' have no vote, 50,000 strong all stolen and forced by Campbell/Falcon from the once decent union Construction and General Labourers, be an imported foreigner willing to work for scab wages or if you are a local you too must work for below poverty wages 'non-union' if you're 'lucky'.

    Abbott and Randene should have been playing pin the tail on the donkey on the noon news propanda machine today.

  15. Congrats on another great article - you just get better and better! Tying it together with what is happening in the world and mentioning that our pensions are now at risk - I guess the richness of our resources are not enough. Who paid the taxes to make this province? Who did the actual work? Us. Who made the mistakes which threw away huge chunks of our province for nickels on the dollar? Them; meaning various right wing neocon governments of which the Liberal party in the last 9 years was the absolute worst. I know we're all too stupid to think things through but I have thought this through: If we had been given a vote on 'privatizing' BC Ferries, we would have said no. If we had been given a vote on giving one third of Hydro to the same accounting firm which cooked the books for Enron, we would have said no. And we all know that we would never have given away BC Rail. (polls)

    First they rob us of what is ours, then they say there isn't enough money for health care or they have to close schools to save 'costs'. It is happening all over the world. In a nutshell: We are in this mess because we are manipulated into voting for a buncha greedy nutshells who shouldn't be allowed *by law* to make decisions which are bad for everybody else who lives here, and which are sure to lower everyone's standards until... well, as someone above noted, until we are another Italy or, dare I say it; another America? I like Americans (and Italians); have known many fine Americans, but their government, like ours, is one big den of corruption, due to political lobbyists and unfettered campaign donations which destroy even a semblance of democracy.
    Best of my recollection (meaning I read somewhere, maybe here) is that over the years the CN Rail Company donated 400,000 dollars to the Liberal Party of BC. I do know for a fact that the liberal party in the last election received almost two thirds of their contributions from corporations. The only reason that can happen (large companies buying the government they prefer into power) is because BC Election Law (which you can find on elections BC if you look for five minutes) states that there is no limit on how much a company, foreign or domestic, can contribute to any party. Government for sale.
    What I don't know but would like to find out - what can we do about it. One of the richest areas in the world and the highest child poverty rate in Canada. We have to do something. Or end up like Ecuador or Nigeria - also rich in resources but full of poor hungry people who don't have the common good sense to hate their neighbours and cheat their friends. As Grant said, too much propaganda makes a very poor bed fellow.
    Religion: I don't believe we have to be religious to act humanely toward other people. It is human nature in the majority of human beings. (but not in the sociopaths who rise to the top) And I certainly don't believe that we should elect people who believe in the 'Second Coming' and arrange their politics accordingly. We are just another species on a small planet in a universe which has billions of them. We are not special (spoiled) and we better get used to it before religion sparks World War Three and wipes us out of our delusions. The alternate internet brings us all together and pushes us towards our common humanity.

    True, it is tainted by the same private medias which controlled us for so many centuries; but it is far better than anything which came before it. Odds on that we win this round.

    There ya go Grant: Just when you thought you were the only one who could 'rant' (although you haven't for awhile) along comes a complete nut case to contest your right to the throne. I did have the help of a fine bottle of Merlot from New Zealand though. Cheers, and if I could write like you do, day after day and week after week, facts at my fingertips; well, you are the the absolute best site for BC politics on the net. And a serious nod to your commenters who also see it like it is. What can we do about it?

  16. As ingracious as it is too say, I cannot help but feel the province of BC would have been a far, far better place than it is now, if Gordon Campbell had just followed in his father's footsteps.
