Monday, February 28, 2011

Christy Clark To Run In Fraserview?

Well here we go, the era of change, that makes me laugh, hasn`t every politician from Harper to Bush to Obama, everyone promised change but no one has delivered anything but deja vu and more of the same, the Cluck Cluck era will be no different.

I listened to the pundits all day, Smyth, Good, Holman, Hocstein, Finlayson, Schrek, Teileman and the rest of the usual suspects, but you know what, not one pundit mentioned that Christy Clark barely beat the second, maybe third most hated person in the Province, Clark barely beat a disgusting little dweeb with a bad hair cut, a twirpy little Gordon Campbell mouthpiece who was front and center in a brutal Government whose leader was thrown to the wolves, this victory, the spin and rabble from the chit chatters, boy have they missed the mark, inside the numbers, the longer the campaign went on the smaller Mz Clark`s lead became, in other words friends, Clark started out as the people`s little barbie, our darling Christy but as more time went by and more people heard her gaffes and flip flops and witnessed her hostility....

Christy Clark`s popularity was already starting to wane, if the contest had lasted one more week Falcon would have won, Clark peaked and waned, that bodes well for the NDP, it amazes me, the talking heads babbled on and on  about the widespread support Christy has, she barely beat Kevin Falcon, she won by a whisker over a man even BC Liberals hate....

The era of change, there will be no family day holiday, big business have already killed that one, STRIKE 1...As Christy picks her cabinet, remember folks, BC has the largest cabinet in the universe, how many ministers are there, 40?....Somewhere around 25 ministers, Leckstrom and Bennett are out, Sultan is retiring, so there is 25 ministers and 40 MLAs to choose from, every current cabinet minster will remain, although Von Dongen and Bill Bennett are definately out as cabinet ministers, Kreuger will be stripped of his ministership...

If you didnt hear it already, Von Dongen talked of resigning if Christy won, and Randy White (BC Conservatives) on Sean Holman`s Sunday radio show told the listeners that Bill Bennett told him in person just last week that if Christy Clark won he was joining the BC Conservative party...Are Von Dongen and Bill Bennett going to keep to their word or flip flop, both Bill Bennett and Von Dongen so far have flip flopped and kissed up to Christy Clark.....Cue up Holman`s replay of his Sunday show and catch racist Bill Bennett flip flopping like a large mouth bass on the end of a hook!

Hansen, Abbott, Falcon, De Jong, Bond and Bell, McDiarmid, Stiwell, Penner, every Cabinet minister will remain in place or perhaps a minor little shuffle, none of the top guns in the party will lose out, none will be demoted from being a cabinet minister so how much change can there really be?

Christy Clark has already flopped and lost on the stat holiday, she will be campaigning for the HST, she won`t change the education or health file, she has already spoke in favour of the massive BC Hydro rate increases, ferries rates too....Where is the change?

I was listening very carefully today folks, Gordon Campbell was doing a photo-op, the opening up of a Autistic center, Campbell spoke to the press or should I say the press asked of Campbell if he was giving up his seat for Christy Clark and his response was rather puzzling which got me thinking and fretting, Gordon Campbell said that  

he would consider giving up his seat if that`s what she wanted, Christy can come and talk to me when she`s ready 

I got the distinct impression that Gordon Campbell doesn`t want to leave, I heard something about he needs to stay until at least May 2011 to receive a full pension however I have also heard Campbell say that he wanted to serve out the remainder of his term representing the people of Point Grey which brings up the distinct possibility of Gordon Campbell not going anywhere until 2013, I don`t believe Harper is in a big rush to hire Campbell, Gordo is toxic right now, maybe in time, so who is the premier, Christy Clark and Patrick Kinsella or Gordon Campbell and Patrick Kinsella, think of the optics, Campbell stays on keeping his eye on premier Clark from within....Like I said, Gordon Campbell didn`t say he was resigning his seat, what he said was that if Christy WANTED HIS SEAT HE WOULD STEP ASIDE....Campbell didn`t say he was resigning at all today.

Wouldn`t you announce your last day if you were premier, Campbell left the door open to stay on as MLA.

So where does Christy run, outside of Ralph Sultan resigning his North shore riding, unless, unless the buzz I heard from a couple of insiders is true....

The BC Liberals are a party still in tatters, the Kash Heed affair is toxic, there is no clean out with Kash Heed unless he falls on his sword, at present Kash Heed is hiding behind the BC Supreme court, they will eventually rule against Kash , the BC supreme court and or the BC appeals court has no authority to overrule Elections BC...So, what we have is this, Christy Clark, the last thing she needs as premier is a defiant Kash Heed hiding behind the courts embroiled in election fraud all while Clark campaigned on a theme of CHANGE and OPEN GOVERNMENT...

So the buzz from a couple of insiders is that Kash Heed is being pressured to fall on his sword and resign his seat, that friends does two things, it opens up a seat for Christy Clark and it removes the Kash Heed stench, it makes perfect sense, the last thing Clark needs is two bi-elections being run at the same time, her running in Point Grey and Someone running in place of the disgraced Kash Heed, the optics aren`t good....

With Kash Heed being forced out Campbell stays on, the Legislature won`t likely open until late spring, we don`t have fall sessions, heck we don`t even have spring sessions, Campbell could theoretically stay on for the entirety of his term and never be seen, yes friends the scenario exists, I go back to Campbell saying when he resigned he was serving out his term in Point Grey....Oh indeed, Campbell needs to make sure Christy Clark doesn`t spill the beans on the BC books, a caretaker Premier with no mandate but with Campbell lurking in the shadows making sure that the future is about anything but change.

So that`s the buzz friends, Gordon Campbell stays and Kash Heed falls on his sword and resigns in disgrace, that my friends kills two birds with one stone.

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. watched the news (ha ha) on glowball,again a story about restaurants closing,high end ones at that,hst and new driving laws were the cause all of a sudden,story problems tech difficulties we'll have the story later,just wondering,is that a message to politicos to tow the line or else? black mail?

  2. Very interesting 6:59....

    Global news has a habit of technical difficulties arising on aired stories critical of Government..

    there was the infamous 12:00 noon Global news broadcast where Baldrey was slagging Vander Zalm and the HSR canvassers, then Baldrey started talking about Recall and all of a sudden there was no sound, just Baldrey`s lips moving but no sound..

    Just before our last election Global ran(tried to run) a story, it was about Hydro increases, Ferry increases, property taxes, Carbon tax, ...

    They started the story only to have gibbled tape and tech difficulties, at 11:00 pm I watched to see if they would re-run the story, they did, 5 hours later and the technical difficulties were still there..There were several more occasions where Global had technical difficulties with stories not favourable to Government...

    Yes, 90 food joints alone are closing in Vancouvers, hundreds and hundreds around the Province..

    The HST will be pushed up you know what by Clark...

    Global and CKNW are rigged propaganda stations.

    Cheers...Good eyes and ears...I`ll watch at 11:00pm


  3. Grant, if I may,

    "Billy" says:

    February 28, 2011 at 2:02 pm

    Posted on Laila's blog

  4. Did you hear that Gordo couldn't even bring himself to call Christy the leader? ha, ha.

  5. Grant,

    Check out this part of that post if you haven't already

    re (your) February 16/11 post, Big Brother is Coming to a Town Near You

  6. It was a little longish but a good read, his history and facts are correct.

    Thanks eh, I implore everyone to call out the media every chance you get, when they are wrong they must be admonished, only until the people stand up and demand the truth will we see change....

    I am but a single voice, you friends are 1000s of voices, spread the word and be careful..

    Our mortal enemies are among us.

  7. Grant you're right, our mortal enemies are amoung us. We're just lucky they're easy to spot. They walk and talk like Liberal Zombies and the only thing they can say is "brains, I need brains!"

  8. This is so strange. I knew Campbell wasn't going anywhere. I knew Campbell would never allow Christy, to complete all of his and Harper's schemes and plots. He will be steering Christy and the BC Liberals, all the way. Christy will not be running this province, Campbell will. So people, the nightmare isn't over yet. Things are about to get much worse.0

  9. I believe, Campbell always did work for Harper. Campbell and Hansen's election lie, the HST wasn't on their radar. We know the HST papers were on Hansen's desk, before the election. And, as much as Harper, portrays himself as a christian, the three of them colluded on the HST, long before Campbell's re-election. We must all watch out for Harper, his agenda is an evil one.

  10. I'm afraid its worse than that. Campbell, Harper, Ignatieff, McGuinty, they all work for the international bank cartels. Paul Martin, Mulrooney, all of them.

  11. unscrupulous,msm cashing in on systematic bureaucratic court and govt.(party)corruption?

  12. keep up the good work. i really think what is going on is the decay of our way of life as we know it. not only here in b.c. but all over. to convince people of a better way when some people are so entrenched in their ways, as the liberals are is a hard task. when you get the government in bed with the media, it is a tough rode. there is always something that comes after gold but never anything that comes after love. until that happens there is not a chance that the common good of man will prevail. however that being said a person does not want to give in to people who would rather step on you than give you a helping hand of any kind. the government of the day are a mean bunch.they are all crooked.i hope in the furture that all your work will not be in vain. you have given me hope that there are good people who are taking up the fight for a better way. keep it up. rick

  13. I'm not so sure that Kash Heed has the moral fiber to do the right thing and resign his seat, and he owes Christy no favours. I think that he will ride out his predicament until the bitter end. His future is not looking good as I doubt that he can go back to being a member of any police force in BC, considering the way he left West Vancouver, and his days are definitely numbered in the political game. It's also questionable whether a BC Liberal candidate could win the next election in that riding. The Chinese component that resides within its boundaries were the victims of the fraudulent flyer, and that is just not going to sit well with the majority of them. People that have been deceived are usually the least likely to forgive and forget.

    I think that she will just bide her time, sitting in the peanut gallery until she is told by her handlers that it is time to go to the polls to get a mandate from the electorate. Remember, one of her pledges during her campaign was that no sitting BC Liberal MLA would be automatically anointed the candidate come next election. They would have to be vetted by their riding association or more likely blessed by her majesty. I also suspect that Colin Hansen will all of a sudden decide that he has served his time in public life, and wishes to pursue other interests. His riding is one of the most secure Liberal ridings, which would suit Christy just fine.

    Gordo will just run out the clock unless Kinsella and the Howe streeters demand otherwise. He will just lurk in the shadows, decline to run next election, and reap the rewards bestowed upon him by those that profited most during his time at the helm.

