Tuesday, January 25, 2011

BC Liberal Pimps..Keith Baldrey/Bill Good/ AGT...Backstabbers and Stooges

Pressure mounts, bit by bit the BC Liberal propaganda machine pushes back and attacks democracy, people`s anger is slowly subdued, the drum beats messaging from the enemies....

Many have said to me...Don`t go after fellow bloggers....And I ask why, the enemy is everywhere....I am going to give you some current examples of pure hypocrisy...

Today AGT is defending Keith Baldrey, AGT defends Baldrey`s opinion and calls him a straight shooter, AGT also downplays Baldrey`s wife role in Government..

For a so-called "rebel" AGT has shown his true colours today, everybody with even a few connected brain cells knows that the "apologist" Keith Baldrey is a full blown BC Liberal stooge, in fact Baldrey with Palmer and other Global stooges regularly plot as to how to manipulate each and every story into a BC Liberal plus, Baldrey distorts, lies through mis-information and rewriting of past history...Anyone who calls Baldrey a straight shooter has either no brains or an agenda...

AGT`s agenda is to elect the BC Liberal party...As soon as the leadership battle for the Liberals ends, AGT will be in full force electioneering(for the Liberals)....Despite AGT going after Clark and Campbell over BC Rail...The truth be known, Gordon Campbell snubbed AGT and it became personal, as soon as Campbell is out of the picture AGT will go about trying to elect NPAers and BC Liberals...And if AGT denies these facts he`s lying to himself, or he is the biggest idiot online..(Or both)

AGT is a big flip-flopper...Last year he attacked Bill Good...Then he praised Bill Good thinking he might secure a radio spot, only when Bill Good dissed AGT again that he flipped back into the I Hate Vanilla Bill Good Camp...

That is how AGT  works, a back stabber, a brown noser, a suck face for favours, AGT will throw away all his beliefs for polical favour...It`s tacky and cheap....Maybe Baldrey will buy AGT lunch and they can re-hash the glory years under the corrupt BC Liberals!

I talked about the slow drum beat from PAB and the stooges...Today on CKNW news...The news department was advertising more drivel...CKNW news...according to the conference board of Canada..BC is second on the consumer confidence index.....This is the type of mis-information that gets spewed to the public everyday...No mention about restaurants closing, no mention of 22,500 full time jobs vanishing in BC Last month, no mention of the 15,000 jobs lost this month....What we have is the slow drum beat...

The HST...Everyone hates the HST, the Government and the media keep pushing the HST as good...CKNW and Bill Good is the biggest HST pimp in the province, Bill Good is the enemy of the people and should be jailed for mis-information...If you haven`t figured out the pattern...Bill Good spends weeks and weeks promoting a brutal tax...Then Bill Good plays the cool line for a week and like a tsunami....CKNW and a tsunami the HST push keeps returning over and over again to CKNW,,Disgusting, partisan lying and mis-information...

Yesterday Bill Good had on the owner of Carmello`s restaurant on for a segment, the segment was how the restaurant owner loves the HST...He claims the drinking driving penalties hurt his business and not the HST...Also on that segment was BC Liberal MLA/..Ralph Sultan from West Vancouver, and of course Sam the Scam called in....

The same tired old arguments were brought forward, Sam the scam talked about "No legitimate economists are against the HST'.........Even the restaurant owner didn`t praise the HST, he merely said it didn`t hurt his high end food slop joint...But the most interesting part of yesterday`s segment was from Ralph Sultan(BC Liberal old MLA)..

Ralph Sultan said..And I quote....

"Even if the people vote against the HST in September`s referendum it will take years to unwind the HST" SNIP

Today on the Bill Good show he continued beating the drum promoting the HST, this time his guest was from the taxpayers association, they are in favour of the HST because it lowers business tax...Although they want the rate to consumers lowered by at least 2 1/2 points to make it fairer for consumers...The drum will beat everyday on CKNW promoting the HST...They have a political agenda, Bill Good lives and breathes inside Gordon Campbell`s underwear...That will never change...

But I really wanted to talk about what Ralph Sultan said on the Bill Good show(Monday January/24th)...Ralph Sultan said even if the HST is defeated by the people it will takes years to unwind!...

The HST isn`t going anywhere with BC Liberals in charge, .....There is a showdown going on in Ottawa over the upcoming budget, Harper and the CONservatives are running record deficits, they have added more debt to Canada than any other Government in Canadian history...Their upcoming budget is proposing massive corporate tax cuts...The NDP and Federal Liberals are talking about rejecting the budget over the corporate tax cuts....Corporate tax cuts.....

Wake up people, corporate taxes are going to be lowered, that means two things, ether massive cuts to transfer payments and cuts to services or more consumer taxes....

And what that means for BC.....It means the feds want and will need the HST, it means that the BC Liberals won`t enshrine in law that the HST referendum will be binding, the BC Liberals will leave the door open for the big business lobby to sue the HST referendum results...Let`s go back to what LONG TIME BC LIBERAL MLA from WEST Vancouver Ralph Sultan said just yesterday...

"Even if the HST gets defeated in the referendum it will take years to unwind"snip

That my friends is BC Liberal truth, that`s why the BC Liberals won`t make the referendum binding in the legislature, that`s why there was no fall session, ....That`s why none of the BC Liberal leaders want to talk about the HST...Shouldn`t the legislature be opened up today to discuss the HST and what happens after it`s defeated in the referendum....

Ralph Sultan also said we would have to pay back Ottawa and cut services and pass debt onto future generations....

So because of the Effinng liars and criminals Gordon Campbell and Colin Hansen and Stephen Harper...They are quickly lowering corporate taxes left right and center, they are cranking up Federal and Provincial deficits...The debts and deficits are money shortfalls caused by lowering corporate tax rates to the unsustainable level...

So as soon as Harper goes through with further corporate tax rate drops, the Federal kitty will be empty, the Provincial kitty will remain empty and Bill Good..AGT...Baldrey and the other Neo-Con Criminals will continue to beat the drum on the HST and how great it is .....

Well my fine feathered friends, the gambit will fail, Harper and corporate tax cuts are reckless and dangerous, record deficits and a shaky world, Canada lowers corporate tax rates, China lowers corporate tax rates, Americans lower corporate tax rates, the race to the bottom....Conservatives can`t run a country, they are fiscal idiots, record surpluses to record deficits, BC Liberals went from record commodity prices to record debt, record deficits around the world and Neo-cons are competing to lower corporate taxes around the world...We can`t win that game...

John Horgan and the NDP are a lock to win the next election, Harper will never get his majority and the corporate tax cuts must be stopped, the BC Liberal leaders need to tell the truth on the HST...I want to hear from George Abbott, Christy Clark, Kevin Falcon..

I want them to answer this question(Today)...What happens the day after the HST is defeated in the referendum...If the answer isn`t the HST will be gone immediately then Recall will continue until the BC Liberals are removed from Government.....

Every BC Liberal MLA is lying their face off about getting rid of the HST....Bill Good and Keith Baldrey are the biggest BC Liberal pimps in the BC....AGT is playing the public and will soon be pimping for the BC Liberals.

And unless we go hard at Stephen Harper`s Fiscal idiocy, unless we make it clear to every BC Liberal that the HST must go or there will be 85 MLAs elected and there might be but 5 BC Liberals...Payback is a bitch!

And I...We...You...We are not interested in being a third world banana republic rife with Government corruption at the expense of quality of life and freedom......Corporations want a low tax rate...Go drill and pillage on the moon, you want to live in a Canadian paradise....You can pay your fair share...

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. I can't find it at the moment, but business has already excpects the residential homeowner should pay MUCH more taxes and lower the corporate/business taxes. They've been given all the (tax)breaks since the liebs and Cons have been in power where us hard working stiffs just keep giving and giving through fees, levies, tolls, pay on what we didn't before, increased taxes on everything, carbon taxes,HST, you name it.And they continue to jack up prices on home heating, electricity, medical (MSP), insurance etc. The companies take the big payouts/bonuses and go offshore. Or like in the states, declare bankruptcy, doesn't cost them a cent, it costs the taxpayers for the bailout, and still get huge bonsues. Shameful. Yes People, you better start thinking hard and forget the "It won't happen to me" mentality because it will. There will be 2 classes left if we continue and I can bet that most of us will not be in the "elite" class, but we middle class will join those in poverty already. Campbell/Harper - CONS and so are the party members who sit idly by and do nothing.

  2. I can't believe anyone would support Keith Baldry and all the propaganda he spreads knowingly on Global TV. The man does'nt know unbiased reporting from his ass and like many others is spreading the crap to the public via the 6 oclock news. Funny though my inlaws and many of their elderly friends have him pegged now and consider his political views biased towards the liberal camp. Finally the older generation can see the bullshit being spread. By the way,I love the last paragraph Grant.

  3. I used to think this kind of stuff didn't happen in our "best place on earth" but sadly we are just another pushpin on the global elitists map....anonymous' comment at 2:03 says it all...quite chillingly.

  4. When is Kash Heed going to resign?

  5. Hi,

    I spoke a nieghbor yesterday about BC politics. His comment worried me. I would never vote for the NDP he said. I asked why, and he responded b/c of the 90s. I tried to explain shit to him but like my parents he is brainwashed by the media.

    Sad and scary state of afairs.


  6. You would have to be, a colossal idiot, not to see the HST has killed this province. BC is the dregs, of all the other provinces, dead last, lowest on the totem pole. BC has lost the most jobs, than the other provinces. BC people spend millions, in the U.S. and Alberta. All of that, because of the HST. Small businesses are still having to close their doors, because of the HST. Where are all the jobs, the HST was to provide? There aren't any. Where is the money Campbell and Hansen said we would save, by the merits of the HST? They lied, do you think? Our cost of living has gone sky high, because of the HST. Harper has an evil agenda, and Campbell works for Harper. We now know, Campbell, Hansen and Harper colluded on the HST, before the BC election. Hansen finally admitted the HST papers were on his desk, before the BC election. A lying scam. The people knew the HST was a killer. However, Harper wanted the HST forced on the people. Campbell the killer and his cohort Hansen, started the lie process. We only had a small deficit, while the rest of the globe crashed. Ooops, we lied. The HST lie was then put into place. Harper, has an evil agenda. He is no Christian, just wait and see. If we think things are bad now, wait, things are going to get a hell of a lot worse.

  7. Global governance anyone? Harper, harps about it, every chance he gets. Oh!! We need global governance. We've got to have, a global governance. This country has gone to hell, because of Harper. Two M.P's from the east said, Harper is a fascist, a dictator, and too stubborn to work with. He is selling Canada out.

  8. Campbell/Harper are selling Canada out. Selling? They've frickin given it away, and they will end up on a Board as a Director to one or more of their "corporate" bosses. To hell with everyone else! Smarten up everyone and don't be brainwashed by the media, they're puppets for the corps.

  9. ""No legitimate economists are against the HST'.

    There are no "legitimate" economists. Economists cherry pick data to create fictional formulae to support the piper that pays for their creative voodoo.

    Perhaps free market capitalism would work, but it has never been tried. Today's version is socialism for the corporate elite, and other forms of collusion to impede any semblence of competition in favor of monopoly corporate rule assisted by bought and paid for government posing as democracy but more accurately labeled fascism - the merging of the state and corporate interests with the majority of the people being disposable consumers or cannon fodder!

  10. Finally I have discovered a Blog that has the same type of attitude that I have. The time has come to scream from the mountain tops.I am 58 years old, born in BC and grew up in Coquitlam. I got married young, had a family, built a beautiful home in Maple Ridge and now, being disabled, I can barely afford to live. My local government has no effing brains when it comes to holding the line on taxes, up 6% this year. The BC Assessment Authority producing assessments that have nothing to do with my ability to pay. It's all arbitrary. Gordon Campbell could not give a dirty Goddam about us Middle Class, (soon to be poor). I agree with the comments about Bill Good and friends. That Sam the scam makes me puke with his corporate view on finances. And by the way, why does he get such air time and preference when he calls Bill Good every Friday like he is one of the scheduled guests?
    We need an NDP Government who will not only go after the BC Rail Deal but take back all of those Run of the River Power Facilities and put them back in the hands of BC Hydro. We need Hydro Rates to reflect the fact that it is our birthright and not some "Commodity" to be sold to us at "Market Prices". The same goes for Terasen Gas with all it's phoney charges, ie: Distribution, Mid stream Distribution, Midstream gas etc., etc. we own that product because it comes out of the ground in BC. It's time to bring back POWEREX. Municipalities must stop increasing taxes to the homeowners. Translink needs to be audited and investigated and when any politician is found to be guilty of criminal activity, this includes lying, they should be jailed for life with no parole, EVER!

  11. Big business has a plan. Hitler had a plan, a thousand year Reich, to govern the entire world. Google, Harper's global governance plan. Google the Bilderberg group, they have the same plan, Hitler had.

  12. What or who is "AGT"?
