Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Billy Good, the Toothless Tiger Roars No More!

I find what is going on to be fascinating, the leadership battles, the endorsements, the lies, the ducking and weaving and avoiding the questions.......

What is going on at CKNW is a full blown internal battle, John Macolm has been getting very angry over the obvious BC Rail unanswered questions, Macolm has been hard hitting in his demands for answers, no easy softball interviews from Macolm....And there is Michael Smyth, I give credit where credit is due...I originally had my doubts about Michael Smyth but I have to say...I have been pleasantly surprised....Michael Smyth has schooled Bill Good on the art of the interview, the tough interview, the appropriate questions.

Bill Good has now been outed as a pathetic Gordon Campbell Christy Clark butt sniffer...His interviews are weak, his demeanor is that of an amateur, Bill Good knows how to interview but he has decided to sell his reputation for political purposes, Bill Good is the sad sack of radio, no longer is Bill Good relevant, CTV dusted him off and it won`t be long until his pay masters at CKNW cut loose the fat man, puff puff daddy has entered the world of stage plays, his show is faked, his callers are stacked, Bill Good can`t even bluff his way through anymore,  for example, Pamela Martin, Bill Goods ancient sidekick and longtime Campbell stooge just happened to drop by CKNW to endorse Crusty Clark....Pamela, (Face lift surgery girl) has ruined any reputation she once had, in fact this leadership race, the BC Liberal leadership race has turned CKNW into comedy central, and Bill Good claimed that Pamela Martin just happened to be in the area, they then apparently went for lunch together....

Michael Smyth shredded Christy Cluck Clark on radio today, she attempted to talk over Michael Smyth, Clark was running from questions, running from her brother, every caller could see Cluck Cluck squirming over the airwaves, Christy than attacked bloggers, attacked Smyth, attacked the NDP, Christy was saying everybody is wrong, nothing to see, move along, anyone, absolutely anyone who heard Christy Clark must know in their minds that she could never be trusted with power, never!...

And, of all the leadership candidates, after Smyth tore Cluck Cluck a new hole Christy begged the radio listeners to pull out their credit card, go to her web site and join the BC Liberal party and vote for her...It was sad, Smyth called her on that too...

Well Christy Cluck Clark, I am asking all my readers to spend $10 dollars and join the BC Liberals...Please friends join the party, vote for Moira Stilwell, vote for George Abbott, vote for none of the above!

Let me be clear, it was a low brow amateur move to beg callers to join the party to vote for cluck cluck, it was also pathetic that CKNW let Christy get away with that tactic, Clark thinks it`s a game show...

Could you imagine, Christy Clark avoids answers, changes the subject and she`s not even in Government yet, Christy lies with the ease of a used car salesman....In fact Christy Clark today on radio claimed

"it`s the NDP that attacks family members of all BC Liberals, The NDP are dirty mud slingers"

Can you imagine, Christy Clark on radio claimed the NDP are dirty rotten mud slingers, did Clark not call everyone who signed the HST petition.."Taliban"  YES SHE DID.....Hasn`t Cluck Clark bashed the NDP over Glen Clark, fast ferries, in fact Clark`s key to her platform is...."Vote for me to keep the NDP out"...Does Clark really think people are that stupid, she contradicts herself at every turn.

Christy Clark is desperate, Bill Good either has dementia or has decided to become useless by choice....No serious leader can consider Bill Good anything but a tired old man who can be bought and sold like a "Junk Bond"...There is no reason any potential leader should make an appearance  with Bill Good, even Bill himself must realize he is alienating most listeners, how long cam Tom Plasteras allow Good to degrade the quality of their product?

Christy Clark will fail, not only won`t she become premier, the NDP will win the next election with ease, Christy Clark won`t be coming back to CKNW....The optics would be terrible, CKNW would be the laughing stock radio station of Canada, Michael Smyth has won the radio spot, Bill Good has lost his influence and his reputation is shot, especially here on the Sunshine Coast, Bill Good is considered to be an elitist, an overstuffed self absorbed elitist, the only ones with time for Bill Good are the oyster bar patio owners, the other day I over heard two old ladies talking about Bill Good, they called him.."such a liar"...."An annoying Liberal Liar".....I couldn`t help but laugh my face off, I gave the ladies a hug and said thanks, "You made my day"......

Anyway, CKNW will soon have to make a choice, get rid of Bill Good or continue to lose listeners to the internet, to the blogs,.....I know we are getting to them, everyday Bill Good complains about the nasty internet, Baldrey  is outclassed by better writers everyday on the net, Vaughn Palmer, like Bill Good has become irrelevant, his writing, his stories have been weak, cut and paste, Vaughn Palmer`s pockets have been greased by the Liberals, the only time Palmer critiques any BC Liberal is after the bloggers have done the story, then comes Palmer to steal(borrow) articles from the net....Soon both will be off the air, and not a moment too soon....

Bill Good won`t roar again, how long can he treat listeners like idiots, when will management step in, everyday callers complain to the other hosts about Bill Good, the cutting ledge has lost it`s edge, they have no courage to take real calls, Baldrey nods his head and apologizes for the Liberals, Vaughn makes light of everything except the ndp radicals....The show lost it`s edge once the real callers were removed, it`s been downhill for a while...

Time for Simi Sara to take over Bill Good`s spot, that woman has more courage and honesty than 10 Bill Goods! Ratings would soar,  honesty sells on radio, Bill Good gave that away, sad really......And speaking of pathetic, Kootcoot slams the NDP spies and bias media

The Straight goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. Just for the RecordJanuary 6, 2011 at 1:47 AM

    Von pawn just threw de Jong under the bus.

    Like watching rats starting to eat their own out of desperation.

    This is the year when it all goes differently.

    Be well, and wise, folks.

  2. I read Palmer`s article(old news)...De Jong is finished as leader, BC Rail has done him in, for leadership anyway.

    Can you imagine, De Jong was both attorney General and solicitor general, as attorney he is the Province`s top legal man, De Jong claims to have never talked to Berandino?...De Jong never signed off on the deal by junior members of his office, Loukedalis is a new hire, Whitmarsh?...

    But you know what, De Jong was ordered out of the way, Gordon Campbell called and made the deal, nobody does that deal without Gordon Campbell calling it,....There in lies the rub, it was De Jong`s job to make the call, he should have been the point man, every Liberal has the same problem, carbon tax, hst, deficit lies, corruption and every Liberal sat on their hands and voted in lock step!

    BC Rail will destroy each and every BC Liberal leader, the HST wounded them badly, BC Rail ending this way plunged a knife deep in their backs.

    Christy is toast, she is being grilled like a steak, the so-called outsider(Cluck Cluck) is deeper in the mud than the rat pack, look for abbott to come up the middle....

    And....Abbott can`t win, not the general election..

    With good "advisors" the new NDP leader can cake walk to victory!

  3. never liked bill good Jr EVER. well maybe when he did the sports, but the guy did come across as an arrogant elitist.and Pamela too, go away you useless "repeaters" Like we don't know you only READ what they hand're not some "authority" Like we should give you respect because you "read" what your taskmasters give you to read....MSM...wake up sheeple...look at Gordo's buddy Ahnold...the terminator...did the same to Cali...are we surprised Campbell was at the bilderberg conference with another repeater...Peter Mansbridge?

  4. This is so much fun! After these 10 long years I am enjoying myself immenseley! It's amazing to watch NW turn on its own!

  5. Why in the world, does the media persist with bias? They have really let the BC citizens down. There is no way, I will ever trust anything they say or print. They will be remembered the same way, the BC people remember Campbell and the BC Liberals. I did read the Globe and Mail. However, reading the terrible and insulting, bias of Gary Mason against the people of this province, I have just bought my last Globe and Mail paper. I am still in disbelief.

  6. Consider the following Crime Syndicate Blue-Print for Taking Over any Locale (circa 1929; courtesy of Murder Inc. out of NY).

    Control the Media.

    Control the top Politico(s).

    Control the Boss of the Courts.

    Throw in a few uniformed armed-guardians.

    Biz'ness it up to the hilt; and then, dump it when over-done.

    There's something vaguely reminiscent about the m.o. above--no?

  7. the globe called my business last week,i told the nice call centre worker quite politley that i would`nt wipe my bum with that the globe and mail. have`nt bought it or sun/province in a decade,won`t pay money to be insulted, thank you.I wish i could enjoy these liberal rats squirming as they currently are, but so much misery and poverty has been inflicted on this once decent province and there`s so much more coming our way with no recourse that it just makes me sick.

  8. The sight of Gordon Campbell or Bill Good brings only one word to my mind, pathetic.
    Why anyone could be stupid enough to vote for anyone associated with Gordon the Liars "Liberals" completely defies common sense. Who would vote for another Fraser Institute quisling, other than a brainwashed true believer?

  9. Love the new format Grant.

  10. Echo of CherylB's comment above - the new format is GREAT!
