Thursday, November 18, 2010

What`s good for the Party, What`s Good for Cabinet, Somehow the Province and People got Lost

What a wild ride this week has been and it`s not even Friday yet.... Many questions have been asked, few ligit answers have been forthcoming, .....And I have noticed since this afternoon the big media have been ordered to stop asking questions or reporting the obvious facts about the Bill Bennett "confession"....

I`ve read many opinions today, lots of people coming forward to praise Bill Bennett, Bill Bennett gets no quarter from me or The Straight Goods.....Yea sure Bill Bennett described a Gordon Campbell led Cabinet as a  "house of horrors".....So what, as Les Leyne would say,......Bill Bennet is a racist, a scum dog, a partisan pit bull who attacked the NDP and assaulted the B.C. public.....It takes no courage to go after Campbell when he has sorta resigned, no bravery in telling Campbell to leave sooner than later....As Bill Bennett said on the Sean Leslie show on Sunday......

"If Gordon Campbell leaves sooner than later it will give the BC Liberal party a fighting chance and time to re-gain the public`s trust before the next election" snip

Sure and Bill Bennett talked of Campbell bringing Caucus and cabinet members to tears, how Campbell was a domineering womanizer, he talked of Gordo`s vicious temper, ruling with an iron fist, ignoring all advice from caucus and being a one man show, Bennett talked how his pride and morality could no longer stomach Gordon Campbell`s dictorial ways.....Well.....

Too late Bill Bennett, you voted on a weekend session with no media present and shredded the HEU contract, you have been repeating George Abbott`s lies about building and adding 5000 new long term care beds, Well Bennett, there are less long care beds today than there was in 2001....You have no problem lying with your buddy George Abbott, BC Rail, how many no comments it`s before the courts have you made, what about minimum wage, closing woman`s shelters, the deficit lie from last year, the biggest toxic fudge budget in B.C. history, ...You Bill Bennett have defended those lies, repeated those lies, we have led the country in child poverty every year since Campbell took over.....And you Bill Bennett speak up now!.....Did you say the people of B.C. deserve better Governance right now? What Governance?...Did you say the public have been getting NO representation by their MLAs? did you say the people of B.C. come first?..... Just once did you say the people of B.C. come Before "party" before "Cabinet" before anything?.....

No Mr. Bennett, you said none of those things,..... I hear you and the cknw stooges talking about the party, talking about the BC Liberals, talking about cabinet, talking about keeping the NDP out of power, not once Mr. Bennett have you said the people of B.C. must come before party or cabinet......You merely described what Gordon Campbell is like, "so what" you knew, everyone in the media knows about Campbell`s temper and womanizing attitude, ....That`s right Bill Bennett, everyone knows that Gordon Campbell is an adulterer(with Lara Dauphnee) ...A Liar, a criminal, an habitual liar, a brute of a man with an ugly temper, we all know that, Bill Good and Cluck cluck know that, but the gullible public does not.....You Bill bennett, Baldrey, Palmer, Les Leyne, Gary Mason, everyone of you stooges knew what Campbell`s bedside manner was,  but none of you had the balls or testicular fortitude to inform the public, you spineless blind mice deliberately withheld the truth for fear of losing your jobs!!!!.....Mr. Bennett, what took you so long, your government has tripled our debt, the economy is in the tank, your party has allowed Campbell to destroy and remove any legitimacy from our environmental assessments, .......

You Bill Bennett are nothing but an enabler, your one and only concern by speaking out was your future hopes for a MLAship and the party, not once was your concern over protecting the people of B.C.......You will receive no quarter here Bennett.....The gas chambers have been used already, the salmon streams killed, the rights of towns gone, the rights of taxpayers gone, municipal authority all but stripped away, gag laws came and went twice, and you Bennett voted for all of this....You and your cohorts, Shirley Bond, Kevin Falcon, Pat Bell,Hansen, Coleman, Abbott.....You kept quiet on secret road tolls, on giving an unelected Translink authority to tax people on Campbell`s behalf, you inked bills that override any community`s right to object to a project that will affect a town.....You Bill Bennett sat back and watched every shred of worker protections, people`s rights, you watched Democracy get flushed down the toilet and now you want Gordon Campbell to leave sooner rather than later for the sake of the party!.........Flock the BC Liberal party, you can`t undo the mess, the eggs will not magically become unscrambled........Go back home Bennett, shut your mouth, say nothing until you are ready for the complete confession and admit your sins, all your party`s sins!

The reversal of the 15% tax cut, fiscally it was a very smart move to cancel these income tax cuts, buy why.....

Why the hell isn`t the media screaming from the rafters, Gordon Campbell was prepared to spend $2 billion dollars if it would increase his popularity, where was cabinet, where was caucus, the vindictive child mind has a trantrum and takes the tax cut back, everyone knows why the tax cut was rescinded, because people still rejected Campbell, we have seen this play before, announce a tax cut only to steal back double through user fees and hydro increases, that game is over......

But it speaks volumes, the BC Liberal cabinet and caucus is still prepared to look the other way, cabinet was willing to let Gordon Campbell spend $2 billion dollars to win a popularity contest, where is the media demanding proper governance, where the hell was Bill Bennett then ?...I didn`t hear any criticism from Bennett, .....I heard nothing....

The night of Gordon (soiled diapers) Campbell`s televised speech I was live blogging at Sean Holman`s place(it was fun)....And I also had the radio on, tuned to CKNW, they had advertised that they were having a special evening program with......Sean Leslie, Vaughn Palmer, Keith Baldrey, Gary Mason, Christy cluck cluck Clark, I wanted to hear what those stooges had to say about Campbell`s speech....

Sean Leslie was first to speak that night, he was drooling with glee over Campbell`s tax cut announcement, he called it a homerun from Campbell,.....Cluck cluck said the same thing, Keith Baldrey was tripping over himself trying to praise Campbell, Gary Mason was a pathetic garbage man that night, the greatest leader in BC history Campbell is(according to Gary Mason) even Vaughn Palmer was all gushy and believed the game was saved.....All the stooges promoted Campbell and lauded his 15% income tax cut.....

Yet they ignored Campbell gulping and gasping while lying on TV, there was no mention of the very misleading charts and graphs designed to con the public.....And then Carole James came on the air responding to Campbell`s televised speech.

And I give Carole James "kudos"...A two thumbs up....Because despite the stooges of cknw sniffing and licking Campbell`s junk Carole James spoke the truth, she called the tax cuts "vote buying"..."Fiscally irresponsible"....Before the speech had been dismantled by the real media, "the bloggers"...Carole James lashed out against the tax cuts and....

And Christy cluck cluck Clark, Vaughn Palmer, Keith Baldrey, Sean Leslie, Gary Mason, everyone of those paid Campbell stooges said to Carole James...."Are you going to vote against the tax cuts"..."Is that your stance, you are against the tax cuts"......

And Carole James said..."Yes, I am against the tax cut"...."Yes, as of right now I will vote against the tax cuts in the legislature".......

And then it started, CKNW ran that item on their news that night and the next day..."Carole James and the NDP to vote agaisnt the Campbell income tax cut".

And it wasn`t until polling the next day by Ipsos Reid done for Global TV that it was revealed that Campbell flopped, his income tax cut flopped, his approval rating fell even further into the depth`s of hell.....Only then did the cknw stooges back off on Carole James, it was only then when Bill Bennett and other BC Liberal insiders realized that Gordon Campbell is toxic, detested, the most unpopular politician in the history of North America, the floodgates opened.....

It was then and only then when some BC Liberals spoke up, but they didn`t speak up for children, for schools, for seniors, for starving kids living in poverty....No one spoke of a Province in need of a Government, of the people`s business, no friends.......... It was only when Carole Taylor, Dianne Watts, John Furlong, it was only when their saviours in waiting said thanks but no thanks, you hit the iceberg, you sink to the bottom, it was only when the party itself was ready to self destruct did a few speak out to save their own skin.

The BC Liberals are done friends, Watts, Taylor, Muhammad or Jesus Christ himself couldn`t save the liberals, you get what you deserve Liberals, you sold out the public,you put your paycheques and position ahead of starving children, you put your party ahead of Democracy, the people will not be soothed until the BC Liberals have been eradicated from office, every recall will succeed, the Campbell Government will fall very shortly....Go cry to your maker Bennett!

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. Excellent commentary

  2. Also Grant ,I think that is a toad,not a frog.Toads don't need a bad name and frogs don't either.S.

  3. Thanks for saying it like I never could say it!
    You live up to your blog title - the straight goods!
    Go Grant go!

  4. Grant, you are absolutely correct. Bennett's tirade is "a day late and a dollar short".

    If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would almost think that the antics of the last couple of days may have all been orchestrated by the BC Liberal braintrusts. Think about it. This whole debacle has hogged the headlines while Berardino and the Basi, Virk and Basi lawyers were to meet to discuss the destruction of the evidence the defense lawyers obtained before the pseudo-trial began. We also know that the RCMP was chomping at the bit to eradicate all that they collected. I think it is food for thought.


  5. I thank you for your insight into how you see it from your angle. A great written piece. This must just torment you? It does me and I am just learning it all! Getting involved in the anti HST petition awakened me from a long deep sleep of what the hell is going in this province! Kepp yelling and screaming Grant G we are listening :)

  6. awesome Zepplin tune under the Bennett link :)

  7. Very well put...The Liberal actions are all about them and no one thought goes to the impact of their decisions on the province or the people of BC. Our only weapon to fight back with is recall since our words go unheard.

  8. Grant, your writings will make a bestseller book.
    Honesty will win, as it always does.
    Keep up the good work

    You are just amazing.

  9. Nice contributions friends....Let me be clear.

    My word are your words, I only repeat the message and add a little spice...

    One day....One day I will become a writer...

    Right now we have a job to do, I have critical change coming in my near horizon...

    The tears flow.

    "We will never surrender, we will defend our island, whatever the cost may be"

    Thanks Folks

  10. The mainstream media are nothing more than an appendage of the BC Liberal Party, which is merely an appendage of international corporations.

    Campbell is/was a mere puppet, whose strings were pulled from CEO's. The problem with Gordo, he became corrupted by the power and all its trappings; 1st class travel; ample vacations; mistresses hidden away for personal pleasure.

    But Gordo's usefulness is gone, he is reviled by the public and (oh my god no) may catapult the NDP in power after the next election.

    But Campbell is not going quietly and the new joker in the deck is the blog.

    The media has been neutered by the blog and for a while, real news is being aired; but not for long, as Internet restrictions are soon coming, via federal legislation.

    Can't have too many freedoms in BC/Canada can we!

  11. If Basi+Virk are the only wrongdoers in the BC Rail case, wouldn't the evidence that crankypants refers to show that to be true?

    So why would the prosecutor want to destroy it?

  12. I had the opportunity to listen to Crusty the Clown Clark's interview with with Bill Van der Zalm on Monday and what a pathetic piece of journalism. I thought journalists were supposed to be unbiased, yet she would not let up about the anti HST group wanting to bring down the government, even though she was told they would back off of recall if the government did away with the HST. Pure propaganda from the pathetic squaking schill of BC

  13. Internet restrictions?? I guess everyone knows, Canada is a huge morass of corruption. I heard two M.P's from the east on TV. They said, Harper is a fascist, a dictator, and too stubborn to work with. We all know, Campbell works for Harper. Harper has a job for Campbell, any time he wants one. But, first Campbell has to cement the HST for Harper, that was a part of Harper and Campbell's bargain. Harper wanted the HST to be rammed through, for his own coffers. BC being a province of natural resources, the HST does not benefit the BC people, what-so-ever. Besides which, BC's HST goes directly to Harper, as was prearranged, by Campbell, Hansen and Harper. BC is the most corrupt province in Canada. The BC Liberals, are the worst crop of politicians, in Canadian history. And, we can ad Harper to the list of, Canada's snakes in the grass.
