Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Small Victories Grow Big Hearts

I can`t tell you how happy I am  that you saved Fish Lake, letters, emails, even rigged on line polls, add it all up and it was pure new media, through and through, it wasn`t the Province or Vancouver Sun newspaper taking an ethical and moral stand, cknw didn`t fight for this lake, you did....

R.A.V.E.N.........First Nations.....Rafe........ .Gary E......People willing to lay down in front of mining trucks for justice....

As our good friend Ross K said the other day, "we don`t need the mainstream media to move the message"  ...Well, he said something like that, and he`s right, one voice, one single voice chirping away will fade, one voice chirping through the magnifying lens is a little different, our finger tips is our lens, from one to another to city to town from one end of the nation to another in eye blink...

Congratulations to Laila, 10s of thousands of hits, Laila, Ross K....Kootcoot, NVG(document dump tetriever)....The big media have been hanging onto our coattails, ......We know the BC Rail scandal from start to finish, BC Mary has it all....And more...Ross has it too...

John Les has been convicted in my courtroom, together we have stopped Fish Lake and Naikun wind power.....

These small victories make our heart grow and grow, success breeds success.............Kash Heed to have charges laid against him, a bi-election to be called,  Rich Coleman again throwing his hat in the leadership ring along with the Province newspaper running an editorial begging Dianne Watts to save our province from the socialist hoardes,chickens with their heads cut off,  even all the staged calls and government promotional segments can`t change the channel on a dead BC Liberal government......

The defective retractable roof and shadow tolls have barely added another lump to the BC Liberal stench pile......

The emperor has no clothes......Gordon Habitual liar Campbell stood up last week and lied to us, Campbell has been lying to me for years, lying to all of us for years, the difference is everybody saw a liar, the mask was gone, during his televised speech while trying to be contrite he has pre-arranged phony charts, imagine that, Campbell got caught cheating with phony charts while trying to explain an election lie!.....And when Carole James called out Gordon Campbell on his phony 15% tax cut the balloon of hope for Campbell fizzled,.......

Carole James criticized a tax cut while running massive deficits as fiscal stupidity and the media.......The media backed up her stance, for the first time Badrey/Palmer and Good were unable to defend Campbell and attack James on fiscal policy....Campbell got his speech,his hail mary pass, he got sacked, Campbell can`t govern, mandate is gone....

Small victories one by one, voice of the single mother with a sick child, voices of two mothers, voices of towns, from voices to magnifying lens at our finger tips to all 4 corners of thec earth......

I have been thinking about it friends, Black Press/ Global/Corus radio, We have been carrying the mainstream media for years now, no longer do we need the MSM to verify our stories, the MSM need us to verify their articles,unfortunately theirs have been few and far between......

Watch out for Coleman and the Shank.

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. Thank you patriots!

  2. Me, too! Please add my thanks to Grant G., Gary E., and all the bloggers who stood up for the environment. That was my first thought, the moment I heard that Fish Lake has been spared.

    And (as usual), even that piece of significant information is left for bloggerworld to circulate and celebrate. Well ... never mind, it was a pleasure.

    On that other issue -- BC Rail -- I must say it was a surprise to me, the way the BC Rail Political Corruption Trial refused to die (the way Gordo was hoping it would) just because the judge said it was over. On the contrary! Almost immediately -- because we understand the issue (BC Rail) and the players (every British Columbian) -- the story just got bigger because the villains of the story are now easier to recognize.

    So, on the BC Rail story, bloggers to my place are more passionate, and better informed because people are finally free to talk. So it looks like our free time is going to be well spent, for quite a while yet. Thanks again!

    And ... just one more WhoooHooooo! for Fish Lake.

  3. Pinocchio just quit.

    "It's time for a new person to lead the province"

  4. the puke is gone wooooo hooooooo! now let's get him for fraud!!!!!!

  5. at 14:34 on November 03, 2010, EDT.

    B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell resigns, calls for quick leadership race

    The Canadian Press

    VANCOUVER - B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell says he will step down.

    He says he has asked for a leadership convention as soon as possible because too much voter anger has bogged down his government's ability to get the job done.

    CKNW THE FIRST TO POST, not my favourite station.

    Now, a few more lieberals to go!

  6. I'd like to see the look on kruegers face,well not really he's one ugly....ive seen better looking garden gnomes,that looser was sucking the wrong...looser is,is looser does ,is he on the recall?

  7. Grant! Where are you? Gordo has just resigned!

  8. I wonder how much paul taylor's buy out is this time crooks each and everyone of them,somethings up,doesn't pass the smell test first fish lake rejection now this ,is there a federal inquiry on the way into the basi virk acquittal?I mean deal,I mean sentence or is that bribe?considerable soul searching? that fuck has no soul!

  9. Now, we must continue to get to the root and the truth of what these liars have been doing the last 9 years. It's not good enough campbell resigned, we must hold them all to account!!

  10. Grant you tell us to watch out for coleman and his shank I don't think he can see it under his belly,he's been looking for years.

  11. Have you been to Holman`s place, or Ian Reid`s place...

    Coleman has been slicing and dicing behind the scenes...

    Who else..Falcon???..Abbot?...Ding Dong????...Coleman has the shank sharpened...Slim pickens for sure....

    How about a Kreuger/Falcon arm wrestle...To the winner goes the enforcer role!


  12. I am sticking to my guns, never will I buy a newspaper out of Vancouver or Victoria. There will be no listening to biased radio and TV media. All of them sold their souls, to a devil. Campbell's favorite quote of, shred, shred, shred, will be going into overtime and burning the midnight oil. The farce of a trial of, Campbell's corrupt sale of the BCR, had better be investigated anew. De Jong refused to allow a further investigation. To hell with him, and all of the other Liberal shills. The BC Liberals, need to be wiped, right off the face of BC.
