Sunday, November 14, 2010

British Columbia Government Takes Year Off


 Updated here

 Dianne Watts has just made it official, she`s out of the race(booby prize) for leadership of the BC Liberals..5:12 PM Sunday evening...Eat Cake Frog people!

The below was cut and pasted from my post last week(November9), one of many posts where I told you Dianne Watts is out

"And the big name Dianne Watts, let me spell out it to my regular BC Liberal MLAs who read us.......Dianne Watts and her husband Brian Watts got a good thing going in Surrey, they love her in Surrey, she has no challengers, her husband Brian Watts is a `preferred` contractor and supplier for the city of Surrey....From everything I read he does good work for a decent price, his plastics company is doing just fine,  but the bottom line is Dianne Watts does not want to raise Gordon Campbell`s poison spawn babies, the hst, unsustainable tax cuts, Translink digging in pockets, car levys for over-priced transit projects with still nothing south of the border,and the tolls, those darn Port Mann tolls will crush many,with shadow tolls on the sea to sky highway you can bet the Fraser valley will expect the same relief.......massive deficits, education budgets stripped to the bone, health budget woefully short, many many seniors moving to Surrey,  BC Ferries in disarray, many questions on tax indemnity and BC Rail....Falling hydro prices with cheap power aplenty, a BC Liberal fiscal disaster!.....

Dianne Watts will not be a 4 year sacraficial lamb while the BC Liberals rebuild.........One of the four horsemen will have to throw their hat in the ring, toss Campbell aside, reject his policies and give up 4 years of life sitting as opposition, that is a best case scenario for Coleman, Falcon, Ding Dong or Abbot"

British Columbia Government takes year off

What a disaster, since July of 2009 when Campbell stabbed us in the back with the deficit lie and the HST the Government of B.C. and the business of the Province has been on hold......

The Liberal party in a special week-end meeting have decided that Campbell will stay on as premier until at least February12th 2011.....On that date there will be a convention to decide on the new leadership contest rules,.....Who cares what rules they use for electing a new leader!.....

The point being, Cambell will still be premier until mid February and probably until at least May1st..2011.....Which means a lame duck premier will bring in a lame duck throne speech and budget, why when the world is in economic flux, the US is about to flood the world with currency, the US greenback is about to deflate, depreciate, a win win for Canadian consumers shopping in the US, cheaper imports and and a high Canadian dollar, great for consumers but a death blow for Canadian exporters, a high Canadian dollar is bad news for all Canadian Governments......This could have serious implications and Governments must be ready, how does that affect the electrical trade market, new ministries and a big shuffle with everything falling under the premier`s umbrella, a lame duck defeated man holding back our Province.

So meanwhile we here in B.C......The home builders, home buyers are waiting in limbo for the HST referendum, recall campaigns are starting this week, record line-ups of credit card carrying Canadians at the border heading south, the food industry, the bar industry has been ravaged by the HST and even more so with the new drinking driving penalties.........

All this going on and our legislature has been sealed shut, another no-session fall, no bills going through, no debate, the people`s house is closed at a time when Government must be on their toes and  eargerly responsive, but what we have is a lame duck premier sitting in soiled shorts with a party of downtrodden Liberals hemming and hawing over who steers the ship over the waterfall.....

The house needs to sit, the Government must bring forward plans for when the HST gets defeated in the referendum, we as a Province are sitting in limbo waiting for recalls to bring down the government, the referendum to over-turn a tax, home builders, home buyers, investors, even plain old average Joes are waiting and wanting certainty on tax structutre, there has never been a more important time in B.C. history for a Government to be ahead of the curve rather than stalling and playing placate the soiled one until May and pension top-up day....

For a Government to put the fututre of a Province on hold while a defeated man lays in wait for his top-end pension to kick in, this isn`t a 7/11 or an ice cream parlour, 4 million people depend on Government to work on their behalf...

The BC Liberals need to send out an on-line vote on the new leadership selection process and pick a new leader or interim leader today, the legislature needs to be opened and let`s get to work, one way or another the HST is going to be defeated, ......We have a draft question for the referendum, or do we, ...Maybe we want to keep the HST..

OK, before you shoot me hear me out, maybe we can have the best of both worlds, how about we keep the HST but bring back all the previous exemptions, the exemptions on labour and food, on services, on vitamins, everything that was previously exempt becomes exempt again, remember folks the GST  is on everything, so we are only talking about affecting Provincial revenue not Federal revenue....

The low income HST credit gets cancelled, the food industry, the service industry,  those who are not charging the HST(those that are exempt) they will not be allowed to claim any input credits, ..........

So everything goes back to the way it was but the taxes remain harmonized, yes there will be a slight shortage to the BC treasury, the last 15% income tax cut Campbell announced gets cancelled and is used to pay for HST input tax credits, that`s $600 million per year and if there is still a slight shortage in the treasury we raise the PST (the provincial share of the HST) to 7 1/2 %.......

So what we would have is ........Everything thing would be like it was before, food would be exempt of PST, labour exempt, vitamins, etc etc etc.....Everything that was exempt before will be exempt again, the difference is there would be only one tax, the HST, the low income tax credits disappear, the 15% income tax cut disappears, companies and industries who aren`t charging the full HST(like the food industry) won`t be able to claim everything for tax inputs....

And the Government shortfall would be made up by raising the PST side of the HST up to 7 1/2 % and as the economy recovers, if it recovers and Government revenues rise we reduce the  pst side of the hst back to 7%..Maybe 6%...Baby steps first, restore public and consumer confidence.....Make the tax shift from business to consumer $700 million per year rather than  $2 billion.......Let`s shift over a decade, or revert to pre July 2010...Something, anything!

We wouldn`t have to hire back tax collectors, the simplification for business would remain, those who can claim back tax inputs will do so, those who can`t, so be it, ......And the Province of B.C. would theorectically keep it`s taxing authority, the ability to exempt or not exempt, industries that need help like forestry could claim input credits, small domestic companies not charging the HST wouldn`t claim all PST tax credits......

Things we use everyday without choice, telephone and cable, meals, Tim Horton`s, labour on our plumbling bills, taxes on funerals!!, strata fees, no! ......Bring back the exemptions, cut the low income HST credit, cherry pick who claims input tax credits back, possibly raise the PST up to 7 1/2 % to make up the shortfall, that and rescind Campbell`s last 15% tax cut......Campbell must resign, appoint an interim leader, recall the legislature, put ministry of finance  officials to work devising new tax stratagies, debate the options, move the referendum up to January or February 2011.....And why not several questions on the referendum....

1) Should we keep the HST or return to the GST/PST pre July2010===Yes or No

2)  Keep the HST but bring back all the exemptions that existed before July 2010  and possibly raise the PST to 7 1/2% to cover any shortfalls--YES or NO

Folks, we could have the best of both worlds, a harmonized tax system with all our previous exemptions, maybe the PST would rise a 1/2 % to make up the difference, shouldn`t we be spending the time now crafting tax policy, finance department can craft a new form of taxation, a hybrid model, one that takes care of business and the consumers, crafted right we keep our exemptions and maybe the $1.6 billion dollar bribe, we could bring back consumer confidence, a hybrid tax structure to be proud of .........

If I was premier that is what I would do, move up the referendum, put one, two, three choices on the referendum ballot, have the BC Finance department work out the different scenarios and be ready to change the tax structure within days of the referendum.......(I`m sure you contributors have some good tax policy ideas too)

That is what a responsive and responsible Government would do, we need certainty sooner rather than later, the Business of British Columbia is not to sit on hold because you have a Lame Duck Gordon Campbell sitting in his stinky soiled diapers with food all over his bib who is too cranky to change.....

Time to open the people`s house, time to appoint an interim leader, time for the finance ministry to work out one two or three different scenarios, time to ask the public........

Time to clean up stnky baby tantrum, time for his baby bath, lolly and put him to bed.......

Time for one of the four horsemen(The Rat Pack) to put the business of British Columbia first, to hell with appeasement!

It will be 29 months in this BC Liberal term by the time the referendum happens in September, the Premier and Cabinet have had over a year off, it`s time to start to Govern for the people, not to govern for diaper boy`s pension!

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. Interesting suggestion. Compromise on the taxation may be a reasonable way forward - but there is no reason to keep any of the BC Liberals around. If we don't recall asap GC will continue to pillage this province for his masters (the real reason he has not disappeared).

    The HST is just icing on the cake - they have been selling us out in every conceivable manner for a decade and their puppeteers like things just the way they are. If we don't get rid of the BC Liberals asap simply put - more of our shared public assets will be sold for a pittance.

    Corky has my vote:

  2. I like your proposal, Grant. I have put forth pretty much the same thing to anyone who would listen (lots do).

    However, I am not holding my breathe - King Gordo the Thug will never do something so reasonable; and any of the boot-lickers in the LIEberal party will do whatever King Gordo the Thug tells them to do.

    King Gordo the Thug just showed us how phony his "stepping down" was - he did NOT step down, he is still in CHARGE.

  3. Grant, this sounds like a reasonable way to go but we are not dealing with a reasonable or sane person.

    I believe, IMO!, there is no 'four B.C. Liberal rats' planning to replace Campbell, the poster boy-man of abuse of power. They know Campbell is staying on for as long as he wants.

    He will ink out any laws he needs to 'make sure there is never another NDP government in B.C.' He will ink out the set election date and move it up as long as he needs/wants to complete his evil destruction and sell-off of our province and our people. Kinda like ruling from the grave.

    His term and the Recall has to go through his now corrupt Elections B.C. and the corrupt absolutely corrupt mainstream media who will enable him to stay on and Elections B.C. will rule the Recall is on permanent hold/invalid or whatever, ie. B.C. Railgate, because the terrible 7 case is 'before the courts'. I posted my thoughts on this on another site about a week ago and I still believe this is the way it will go.

    Grant, if you were premier, well.....we can only wish.


  4. I haven't researched yet, but is there not some way that the opposition can get the legislature back up and running?

    This is utter BS the way these guys operate. It is wrong, and the citizens of this province should be demanding the house sit!

    Campbell has said he resigned, THEN LEAVE, NOW! The Deputy takes over. This bunch hasn't got the balls to do anything!!!! None of them are worthy of re-election when the time comes. None of them respect the citizens of this province. SHAME ON EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Grant, I might be wrong but if we keep the HST but bring back all of the exemptions, the HST rate would have to go to 15%.

    Because HST is a $2 billion tax shift to consumers and because of the business tax credits, we have to make up that $2 billion somehow. Each HST point is about another $700 million in revenue times 3 = $2.1 billion.

    So bring back all the exemptions and then go to a 15% HST to keep it revenue neutral?

  6. Who cares about the revenue neutral part....The low income HST tax credits go..That`s $200 million..Restaurants and other exempt services industries wouldn`t get the extra tax inputs......

    The rescinding of Campbell`s last 15% tax cut would bring in $600 million per year, that and the low income HST vanishing, add the extra 1/2 point to the PST would pick-up the slack,.....

    The point is...The HST is going to disappear, but disappear to return as what....

    Time to get creative, time for the Government to get their fingers out of their butts and get to work..

    What do you suggest...Wait until September then go to work on a replacement tax....

    Find the compromise first

  7. Grant, could Diane Watts be saving herself for the Right Wing Lunatic Party aka The BC CONs ? I had know doubt she would'nt be interested in the leadership of the BC Lieberals they have disgusted her as well. But we all know she won't stray far from any party who is hell bent on destroying this province in the name of money and lots of it.

  8. Watts will remain as mayor in Surrey.....The BC Liberal bloodletting begins tonight, no knight or Knightess to ride in and save the day...

    Who wants to steer the Liberal boat over the waterfall?...The Shank does.


  9. First of all, I have to admit that I was wrong on Dianne Watts. I was sure that the Howe streeters would present her with an offer she couldn't refuse. It looks as if they are now relegated to choosing one of the incumbent BC Liberal MLAs to act as their frontperson, or throw caution to the wind and choose another party to do their bidding. Maybe they will just back off and see what eventually shakes down. They have had a good run over the past ten years and may just choose to sit on the sidelines for a bit until they can see which party shows the best opportunity for them to further their agenda.

    I don't think that trying to make the HST emulate the PST will work. The HST only works when the government can eliminate as many exemptions as possible to subsidize the business entities that will reap the benefits of harmonization.

    For instance, the reason that the reataurant industry is so against the HST is that the write-offs that they could claim amount to a fraction of what they would collect in HST. Even if they get exempted from both collecting the tax and from claiming their inputs, the combined result would put a gigantic hole in government revenues. It would be the same for funeral homes, barbers and hair salons, and a host of other industries. I also suspect that such a hybrid HST system would require the federal government to need more staff to administer the rules, which would likely make them less than willing partners.

    No matter how one spins it, the HST is nothing but an assault on Joe and Mary Sixpack and must be removed. The PST system of taxation is no bed of roses for many, but we do need some form of taxation in order for the government to carry on its duties. I would personally prefer income tax to be used to fund everything, but it seems that I am in the minority. I assume that too many people hate to admit that the job they are doing that pays a salary of $25.00 per hour really yields only about $12.00 per hour of after-tax income. They fail to realize that their net income is not really what they get deposited into their bank account every couple of weeks, but what is left after they pay the various fees and sales taxes for everything they utilize or purchase. There are too many people that do not realize that whether one pays taxes in one lump sum or bit by bit, the net result is virtually the same.

    The problem with consumption taxes such as the HST, or even the PST, is that they do not portray any ability to pay such an imposition. Only an income tax can do that, but those that make the big bucks balk at this concept. The argument proffered by many is that one can curtail their expenditures and therefore their taxation by buying less. This would be a valid stance if only non-essentials were being taxed on a consumption basis, but such is not the case. A consumption tax such as the HST, PST VAT or whatever one wants to call it, are ultimately a much bigger drain on the have-nots than on the haves.

    In the last election in the US, Washington State had a proposition to be voted on where they would impose an income tax on its residents. They have no state income tax at present. The proposition was that those that earn $200,000 or more would pay,I believe 5%, and those earning more than $400,000 would pay a higher percentage, around 10% if memory serves me correct. Well, even though I am sure that the majority of those that voted would not have been impacted by this tax, they voted it down. It makes no sense whatsoever, but the lobby that gains the most by keeping their jeans full of cash won the day.

    The battle against the HST is one thing, but I think it is now time for us to fight for fair taxation. It is time for those that have benefitted from being subsidized by the working class to step up to the plate and pay their fair share.


  10. The people of BC signed a petition to reverse the HST...there is no provision for what is being suggested.
    Is the author suggesting we scrap the petition in favour of another solution...just how does that fit into the current legal process?

  11. gordo reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George gets fired and keeps showing up for work finally they put plywood on the doors and he gets in through the vent calls his sec. and tells her if anyone wants me I'm in my OFFICE!,is this what politics has come to in this province,what a joke that man is and turning the province into,the cons don't get it it's not just gordo it's all of them now the asking colon(although I think he's more of a rectum)hansen to take over as interim leader<is bennet some kind of a comedian or is he as stupid as they say he is? just askin?

  12. Hello.

  13. Well said anon @ 6:53 and you gave me a good laugh with my morning coffe thanks

  14. Anonymous said... November 15, 2010 6:41 AM
    The people of BC signed a petition to reverse the HST...there is no provision for what is being suggested.
    Is the author suggesting we scrap the petition in favour of another solution...just how does that fit into the current legal process?
    Fair question Grant.

  15. Look folks, there are many possible solutions....

    I can live with going back to pre July 2010 tax regime, however, why not look for a compromise, the job of Government is to better the economy for everyone in the Province......

    Why not just bring back all the exemptions, limit the business input credits, cut the low income credit, reverse the last 15% income tax cut....

    Let`s see how close we can come to revenue neutral to Government, add 1/2 % to the PST to make up the shortfall...Maybe it won`t work, maybe it will!

    The point being, the post, it`s about a Government working or in this case not working for the people...

    Life and decisions aren`t always black and white, there are many shades of grey, don`t kid yourself...

    Blair Leckstrom will be proposing my solution, "The big compromise"....

    Play the game,come first to the table with ideas and win....

    Sit back and wait while smelling the stench emanating from Campbell`s soiled diapers and lose.....!


  16. Give Dianne Watts some credit. She's not a member of the Liberal party; she's not party of the Liberal power structure, and I don't think she wants to be.

    I've met her and talked to her on a number of occasions (all social) and was quite impressed.

    Her decision doesn't surprise me. Why would she want to lead a party of losers?

  17. Anon 2:51 pm......

    No where have I cast aspersions at Dianne Watts, I am neither impressed or thrilled with Dianne Watts, nor do I think she has done any harm.

    Her decision was easy, who wants to sit as opposition leader?

    If the BC Liberals could win ......They would run, but the facts are the Government will fall before the referendum and the NDP will take power....

    Watts/Taylor/Furlong/...Their not stupid!

  18. Does anyone know how much the BC Rail trial cost British Columbia?

  19. The BC Liberal government, needs to be, totally obliterated. Campbell robbed this province blind. Much of what he has done, can't even be repaired. We BC people will have to pay for decades, to try and clean up Campbell's mess.

    There was a First Nations young girl, just on CBC TV. She said, they have to wear their jackets and mitts, in their portable school class rooms. It is dammed cold up in the north, those kids, should not have to suffer freezing in their classrooms. We all know how much Campbell cares about, children living in poverty. He gave his useless thieving self, a 53% wage hike. What kind of a bastard, would hurt, those First Nations school kids, or hurt any child in poverty?

    The BC Liberal Taliban party, can piss away money, to close down, Campbell's corrupt sale of the BCR trial. They can waste millions on Campbell's corruption of, having his patsies get away with, no fines, no jail time, and legal fees paid by us, the tax payers. But, no warm school for the, northern First Nations school kids. BC citizens, know Campbell belongs in prison, for his fraudulent sale, of the BCR. Campbell is frantic, that the RCMP confiscate all of the documents, so he can say, shred, shred, shred. The RCMP, should further investigate, Campbell corrupt sale of the BCR. They should investigate, Campbell's dirty work of, the sea to sky highway. Now!!! That would be worth while.

  20. Have you ever watched, the Liberals in the Legislature? They put on such a disgraceful exhibition, I could hardly keep my stomach down. They made a mockery of everything, the legislature is supposed to represent, they were down right disgusting. Besides which, Campbell is too much of a coward to have, a sitting of the Legislature. He pulls the same dirty tactics Harper does. Harper prorogues parliament, to avoid the hot seat. Campbell refuses to open the Legislature for the same reason. Canada is a morass of corruption. BC is the most corrupt province in Canada. It's long over due, Canada needs a good purge of corrupt governing officials.
