Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Bastards Just Won`t Quit!

I get the distinct feeling that a certain radio station has been going out of their way to fight and lobby for the losers we`ve put away in the last year.

CKNW has had on Gordon Hogg, Randy Hawes(new mining minister)...Mr Cobb from Williams lake and today the head honcho of Tesako mine was on with Cluck Cluck Clark...

Sheesh, I heard through the grapevine that cknw has targeted our site and specifically our little wins against the giants of industry and have made it personal, I was stunned too when I heard it, as you know last week the Federal environmental gave a scathing rebuke of prosperity mine in the Caribou, the report talked of laying waste to a 35 kilometer area, adverse affect on the watershed, ground water, leeching of heavy metals, not to mention bear and wildlife habitat and the total eradication of Fish Lake, it would take millennia to heal these scars, the federal assessment considered the scale of destruction against an offset of economic activity, there was no contest, the mine was a  no-go..

WE WON!!!.....Or did we?...The province, our mining minister, Cobb the clod in Williams lake, Tesako shareholders, I hear the same argument from this group.... Yes there will be an environmental footprint but the area needs jobs, with the downturn in forestry and the pine beetle the area is in serious need of jobs..........

Hawes, Hogg, Campbell, Cobb, Tesako, cknw, these people, do they actually hear what they are saying, the gist of their argument is...We can screw the environment and ignore environmental assessments as long as there is a need for jobs!........Because of our failing`s in forestry we BC Liberals will poison watersheds for jobs.......Any big industry needing a permit the only criteria is jobs, the environment can be sacrificed......What better way to get carte blanc permission to destroy our province then by shutting down our mills and creating unemployment.....What a slippery slope, Gordon Campbell threw the actual environment out of the provincial asessment, the criteria was jobs, formaldehyde levels killing people in Prince George last year, the criteria was jobs, have these people no souls?

Is that the criteria, Gordon Campbell`s leadership has led to 50,000 direct forestry jobs gone, let`s use the multiplyer effect like Tesako and the BC Government do, call it 200,000 jobs related to forestry and 76 mills closed since Campbell sold out our domestic forestry, gave away TFLs for nothing, a 20 fold increase in raw log exports since 2001.....Yea that phony Pat Bell is always saying...The raw logs shipped are in excess of our domestic needs, therefor they can be exported.......Well well well, cut 5 million trees when you know we need 200,000 at most, shazzam, excess logs for export, it`s a muggs game, numbers and BC Liberals, these lake killers are using a dead and tanking economy as an excuse to wreck havoc on the environment....

Think about it...think about what they are saying, eveyone of the above mentioned stooges have said ...If the economy was better and forestry was strong we would never dream of destroying Fish Lake!...

That is what they are saying, it`s sad, really sad, the CEO of Tesako on Bill Good`s show today and he said they have been trying for 17 years to get approval for this open pit mine....That is how bad this project is, how toxic, but it got me to thinking, how much was gold per ounce 17 years ago....$200 per ounce, wages for workers were about the same as today, Corporate taxes are way lower today than 17 years ago, so 17 years ago the only way the prosperity mine could make money was with a free lake to use as a dump,  even over the last few years when the BC environmental assessment was a forgone conclusion, Gold has lept over a $1000 dollar and is now $1400 per ounce, yet Tesako in their latest economic conclusion was, they needed to be able to use Fish Lake and a free dump or the project wouldn`t be economically viable.....

That is hogwash, Tesako could have spent the last 5 years making their own pit, they could mine with dry tailings, the price of Gold is so high they could mine it differently, and in fact, that is exactly what the head of Tesako is saying on the radio today, Tesako wants to present and forward a different business plan, one that doesn`t destroy Fish Lake......That is real funny, only after the scathing rejection from the Federal Government did Tesako say...Whoa, hey, we`ll come up with a new plan, we were kidding about the lake!......

Why the hell didn`t they change their business plan before,.....Greed, the provincial environmental assessment was a fraud, Tesako knew that, Tesako and the BC Liberals thought they could hoodwink the Federal environmental review, the Federal gov also approved the mount Milligan mine(why mount Milligan and not Prosperity?) Prosperity mine is just that bad and nasty!,.....My hats off to Jim Prentice and the Federal environmental asessment department, you played by the book, bravo....

Could you imagine, Gordon Campbell has been pushing to eliminate the Federal assessment, if the dictator got his way we would have a spoiled watershed and toxic water, water that is an integral part of the mighty Fraser river, home of our Salmon......

We kicked the stuffing out of Paul Taylor and Naikun wind power, Campbell brings Taylor back as his chief-of-staff and number 1 bagman, Yea, Paul Taylor needs a paycheque, Fish Lake, we blasted them, a slam dunk, yet cknw, Bill Good, Christy Clark, and upper management, they vowed to fight for Tesako, bring on Randy Hawes, Hogg, the CEO of Tesako, Cobb, ex mayor of Williams lake, everyone of them has been given a soap-box and audience courtesy of cknw.....Personal, you bet it is, Naikun, Fish Lake, Cluck Cluck and Bill Good, have you heard them lately, everyday they have been complaining about the bad bloggers, the looney left, the conspiracy theorists, the whacko`s....CKNW has been trying to resurrect Prosperity mine as a personal dig directed at me, and to help  Campbell`s friends.....

Well bring it on, Tesako and Prosperity mine is dead, go find another corrupt government to bribe, cknw....You don`t get it, Campbell lost his power with the Feds, Campbell is toxic, a tired hated old man wearing dirty diapers stinking up everywhere he goes, no one wants him around.......

Your argument fails, to use a failing B.C. economy as justification to destroy watersheds, to turn paradise into a lunar wasteland for jobs, there isn`t one town or community in the heartlands that would be spared environmental destruction because of a surplus of jobs, BC Liberal fiscal policy, turn small town BC into ghost town BC to justify poisoning them...

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. You are absolutely right! This mine is dead and it should have died many tears ago when DFO said it was a non-starter because they had no mandate to destroy lakes.

    W have let the creeps run this province for far too long - it seems forever.

  2. I didn't think that Bill Good and the rest of the MSM could loose any more credibility but I guess they proved me wrong in that regard (it appears that the vast majority of British Columbians have finally caught onto their Liberal ass-kissing puppet act. That's the only reason they would strike out in despiration against Bloggers whom unlike MSM actually report the truth.)

    On another note, as a resident of the B.C. Hurtlands ( you know, the other B.C. that exists outside of Vancouver) there are still convoys of loaded logging trucks on the highways and absolutely huge tracts of devastated forests, the only thing that has changed is there are very few jobs remaining while the rape of these resources has increased. You can lay the blame for the major loss of good paying forestry jobs squarely onto the shoulders of the Liberal Crime Family and Bill Good, you sleaze bag, why don't you ask the Forest Minister about that?

  3. still looks like gordo is still in control.

  4. Elections BC Political Contributions System

    Total Contribution For This Search: $30,150.00

    Contributer Name Date Amount Party

    TASEKO MINES LTD 2008/11/17 $3,500.00 BC LIBERAL PARTY
    TASEKO MINES LTD 2009/03/11 $10,000.00 BC LIBERAL PARTY
    TASEKO MINES LTD 2009/04/24 $1,000.00 BC LIBERAL PARTY
    TASEKO MINES LTD 2009/05/01 $1,000.00 BC LIBERAL PARTY
    TASEKO MINES LTD 2009/05/02 $2,000.00 BC LIBERAL PARTY
    TASEKO MINES LTD 2009/05/08 $2,000.00 BC LIBERAL PARTY
    TASEKO MINES LTD 2009/05/12 $1,000.00 BC LIBERAL PARTY
    TASEKO MINES LTD 2009/05/12 $2,000.00 BC LIBERAL PARTY
    TASEKO MINES LTD 2009/05/12 $2,000.00 BC LIBERAL PARTY
    TASEKO MINES LTD 2009/07/29 $1,000.00 BC LIBERAL PARTY
    TASEKO MINES LTD 2009/09/22 $300.00 BC LIBERAL PARTY
    TASEKO MINES LTD 2009/10/19 $2,250.00 BC LIBERAL PARTY
    TASEKO MINES LTD 2009/11/13 $2,100.00 BC LIBERAL PARTY

  5. Did not people notice, when Campbell said on his address to the province. He would be around for some months. He said, he would continue on with his dirty work, er, I mean work. Campbell has put another dirty vendetta, on restaurants, for not supporting the HST. Another, odure pile, on Sears for having, HST free sale days. His biggest dirty pile on, the Fight HST signatures, claiming there were duplicates. It is said, those duplicate signatures, are probably by Liberal voters. Campbell should use, the RCMP's time more usefully. Campbell should have the RCMP, do a further investigation, on his corrupt sale of the BCR, that would be of some value, of the RCMP's time. However, the RCMP will do as Campbell dictates. If they oppose Campbell, their contract with the province, will not be renewed. Yup, Campbell's ugly crap, has surfaced again. Did not people doubt, Campbell is too, spiteful, vindictive, evil and full of malice to just quit. His address to the province, was so full of s..., all I could do was laugh at it. I knew it was just another, Campbell dirty tactic.

  6. They found deformed fish in Lake Athabasca, and have now found oil in the mighty Athabasca River. So, the Athabasca water shed is contaminated. There have also been another flock of ducks, that have perished. Alberta's dirty tar sands, is taking it's toll on the eco system. We know the S.O.B. Campbell, is pushing the Prosperity Mine. He had better be prepared to drink the water from a nearby stream, poisoned by the toxic mine waste. Are people idiots? All of that poison is going to leach into the eco system, are they that anxious to poison themselves and their children? All the wildlife, animals, birds and fish will also perish, for Campbell's greed. Campbell has given our mill industry, to China, destroyed forestry jobs, to force people into fighting for the Prosperity mine. Look at what happened, in Campbell's beloved China, when a copper mine. spilled into their river. Wake up people, clean drinking water, will become more valuable than oil, gold and copper, we sure as the hell can't drink that. The First Nations People have a lot of support from many others, to stop this insanity.

  7. Paul, isn't it interesting as to how often one can link a questionable decision by Gordo & Co. to contributions to the BC Liberal Party? It is also interesting that the province issued its environmental report on Dec. 17,2009, after which Taseko donated bupkis.

    The one thing that has come of all this is that the environmental assessment employed by the provincial government seems to be a sham. I suspect that the decision to give Taseko the green light was determined long before the environment squad's boots hit the ground.


  8. I didn't rah rah rah for Jim Prentice, he has only given Teztan Biny ( FISH LAKE) a stay of execution while he exits for a job that was created for him within the banking world of CIBC, which has very close ties to the mining corporations. I don't care what the conflict commisioner said to Jim Prentince in their meetings, he was and is, in a conflict of interest. That is probably why the decision was stalled for so long. It should also be noted that Taseko Mines Ltd, has 3 board members that worked for Teck Cominco for years, the newest addition to Taseko, David Rouleau, comes from a 17 year stint with Teck Cominco at the end of this September.
    Please have John do a search for donations from Teck Cominco paid to the liberal party of BC. I have heard it is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. These bastards will not destroy Fish Lake. That I can assure you. There will be thousands of people who will come in her defence and protect her from these scum.

  9. Teck Cominco has donated $629,170.00 dollars to the BC Liberal Party between 2005 and 2009. They have donated $0 to all other provincial parties during this period.


  10. It has the appearance of a political party payoff while holding office to me. Were they??buying all their environmental approvals for Fish Lake from the Liberal Party? Surely to god a sane government would have had the same findings as the Gov't of Canada's wouldn't they have? Not this insane bunch. They will seek to destroy all necessary environmental regulations in Canada and BC to appease the rape of Canada's resources for profit and shareholder greed. Take a closer look at CIBC's interests with Teck Cominco. It is pretty blatant if one chooses to see it.

  11. Thanks Wendy.....You know, you write a few simple words, express yourself elequently, a polite rant .......

    And your words light up my heart and comment thread, you have a beautiful soul....

    It drips from your words.....

    Thank you

  12. Thank you Crankypants for that information on Teck Cominco's donations.

    Why, Thank you Grant G. Noone has ever said nice things like that about my rants before..LOL..I appreciate it. I too am very passionate, just have a hard time expressing it in written word when I have to be polite. Cheers Grant, you kind words go a long way.

    I love reading your writings. Are you on FB?

  13. Hay hay hay Grant can't get into your remembering how to fight comment's,someone f%cking with your site?

  14. Yea there are many attackers....Some sophisticated, some not....

    Cool Hand/Luke/.Luke/Luke Skywalker/Luke redux/Brad....

    That one alias above writes the mock web site dedicated to me...Then there is fatfrog preppy boywonder and his mouth, who cares about him, he writes nothing but hollow words about nail polish and creases....

    And others from the PAB...CKNW have targeted me, in fact I have the whole damn BC Liberal party is pissing in their shorts and hoping their not in my crosshairs...

    We have brought down some big targets, Naikun, Fish Lake, and us bloggers have ended Campbells third term in power.......

    Who`s next?......



  15. You don't have to print this, But, FYI...If you haven't seen it! See it. At the 33 minute mark listen to what Bill Bennett has to say about Prosperity at Fish Lake!! Bastard..Oh poor you and your beat up status in caucus. Boo Hoo.
