Monday, October 18, 2010

Let`s Repossess Basi and Virk`s Home to Help Recoup Legal Fees

Amazing, absolutely amazing, a very interesting read over at Ian Reid`s place, according to the "law" the special prosecutor has no authority to waive legal fees for the guilty defence, a waiving of fees had to be cleared through the attorney general`s office, yet Mike De Jong said different.....

I have many questions for the attorney general.......

  1. Do the defendents own their homes outright
  2. If the defendents have a mortgage how are they making their payments
  3. Do the defendents have any government pensions and have they been forfeited
  4. Do the the defendents have any government income besides welfare payments
Now I was doing a little research and as far as I know the Government can seize homes for non-payment of taxes, they can seize homes if the government deems the home was paid for by the proceeds of crime......

In fact the lawyer for Willy Picton(pig farmer) put a lien on Willy`s farm to make sure he got paid(read that story here)

So Mike De Jong agreed to waive legal fees for a plea bargain, De Jong must have known about this deal for at least a week, if not years,.....

Mike De Jong has also flatly refused to hold a public inquiry, De Jong cited the cost of the inquiry as a deterent and De Jong also said that all the questions in regard to the BC Rail deal have been answered in court!...Really Mike De Jong, you think so.....

On Global news at 6:00 PM there was an interview with Basi and Virk, I don`t know where the interview took place, it wasn`t outside the courtroom, it looked like the interview was at the Global news room studio, there were no tough questions....

I have another question, why were Basi and Virk at the interview, aren`t they supposed to be under house arrest...Are the defendents going to wear ankle bracelets to make sure they ARE at home?

And the BC Liberal Apologist Keith Baldrey was in spin mode today, actually Keith Baldrey was a sad pathetic stooge, bags under his eyes, Baldrey didn`t even believe the bullshit he was trying to peddle, but like a good little stooge he followed the script to the letter...

Baldrey on Global news at 6:00 pm said  ....When asked about a public inquiry Baldrey said....

The public has no interest in a public inquiry.......The BC Rail trial never did capture the public`s imagination......The NDP are calling for a public inquiry but it`s not going to happen.....It`s similar to Bingogate under the NDP, the BC Liberals never did pursue a public inquiry after they were elected, I doubt the NDP will pursue a public inquiry if elected...

To which Chris Gailas responded, ...."Thanks for that Keith, another one for the archives".......

And with that Global news put to bed the BC Rail corruption trial and all the tentacles.....

Ian Reid over at the Real Story provided us with the information how only the Attorney General`s office can waive legal fees, NOT THE BC LIBERAL APPOINTED SPECIAL PROSECUTOR....Cut and pasted from Ian`s Post(read his entire article here)
: Ian Mulgrew is reporting that Mike DeJong is saying that the Special Prosecutor made the decision to pay the defense’s costs.
But the AG should know that’s not possible.  Under BC law only Cabinet and the minister can make that call. Here’s the relevant section of the Financial Administration Act:

Guarantees and indemnities

And there is a regulation that governs how this can be done:

Approval for indemnities on behalf of government

1 An indemnity may only be given by or on behalf of the government if
(a) prior written approval has been given by the Minister of Finance, or
(b) the director of the Risk Management Branch of the Ministry of Finance, or a person specified by the director for the purpose of this section, has given prior written assurance that the proposal for the indemnity has been reviewed and accepted by the Risk Management Branch

Now I am no legal scholar but there must be a way to garnish money or seize assets from the guilt ridden pleading defendents!.....

And lastly, this is a special message to the PAB...A special message to all BC Liberals...A real special message to the habitual liar Gordon Campbell.....

Mike De Jong has flatly refused a public inquiry....That`s a real shame because......Drum roll please......

The NDP are going to make a public inquiry into the illegal BC Rail sale and Campbell election fraud and lie......The NDP are going to make the public inquiry  part of their election platform!

And guess what, the BC Liberals Could call for a public inquiry, if they did they would be able to "appoint" one of their people to run/oversee/control the public inquiry but......

If the BC Liberals don`t call the inquiry, the NDP will and guess what, the NDP will be appointing their "special appointee" to run the BC Rail inquiry!
After all, the BC Liberals spent hundreds of $millions displaying the fast ferries on the north shore, the fast ferries were part of the BC Liberals election platform in the last 3 elections, they went out of their way to display, write, talk about, and if memory serves, the BC Liberals answered about 10,000 questions from the NDP in the B.C. Legislature with 1 stock answer...Fast Ferries, no matter what the question was about, questions on education funding, on health budget, questions on fish farms, question on the childrens ministry, 10,000 questions asked in the BC Legislature by the NDP and evey answer was...."Fast Ferries" snip

Indeed, revenge is a dish best served cold! 

Just a little food for thoughts friends, actually it`s a shot across the bow from your friendly neighborhood persuader, and if the BC Liberals attempt to sweep this under the carpet it will do great things for...

"Recall in the Fall"...

Pleasent dreams Mike De Jong and Gordon habitual Liar Campbell.......

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. I agree that Basi and Virk need to accept responsibility for their legal fees. They pleaded guilty after all. If they can't pay, then bankruptcy. If the taxpayer picks up the tab, then it is merely buying the guilty plea through the back door. How sick is that? Sick enough for Campbell and his minions to do! Corrupt assholes. Buying a guilty plea to cover up their past dirty ways. Enough already!


  3. AGT at the BC Conservative convention on saturday,speaking to businessmen? Too much lies from da fatman, he loves you Grant, you`re in his mind 24/7 he can`t stop, he loves you, he is one sick lying puppy dog

  4. Anon 7:33....I could care less if AGT has joined the BC Conservative party..

    He will do for them what he did for the NPA...Off a cliff and splat!

    And remember,

    "They don`t shoot dead ducks"


  5. Hey Grant they don't shoot dead ducks,but agt's very protective of his sheep,he was really pissed when henri paul mentioned them,I wonder if he owns a couple pairs of rubber boots.Can he make a yew turn on hornby st. no but he can make her eyes bulge.

  6. I think Ian is right Grant, he's very astute. I think you are right too, about the retirement on the 27th. BTW, you've been getting some awefully strange anons lately. Think they are trying to discredit you by denegrating the debate? We're too smart for that! Stay cool, victory is coming quickly now...

  7. Grant G. is far too honest and upfront, for the comfort of his opponents. His readers are aware, of the ones, trying to discredit him. We see right through their efforts. Keep on digging for the truth Grant.

  8. Thanks for that friend...The list of media, politicians, PAB, whackos, and angry little Danny Devito`s trying to get to me is growing longer everyday...

    Water off a duck`s back!

    Cheers-Eyes Wide Open

  9. Grant,

    Sure sign that you're the top political blogger in B.C.! Thanks, keep up the good work.
