Monday, August 17, 2009

The silence from David Suzuki and Tzeporah Berman is deafening

Lets flash back to to the beginning of the 2009 BC provincial election,or as they say the dropping of the writ........Who launched the first salvo in the election campaign,it wasn`t the BC liberals,it wasn`t the NDP,it was no other than the great David Suzuki and the charismatic Tzeporah Berman............
My mouth dropped open in shock,here was 2 of BC`s most prominent environmentalists stumping for Gordon Campbell,not only stumping for the Liberals but actually attacking the NDP over the "Axe the tax" part of their platform,now I can understand their support of a ineffective gas/tax but to stump for Campbell and his road building coalition was amazing,if anything I would of expected the dynamic duo to promote the Green party........

So what really was going on in the background,Tzeporah Berman (The cutie of Clayquot) and her latest group :Forest ethics: seems to have developed a love-in with IPP private power,now perhaps her motives were financially motivated who knows but Tzeporah seems to have left the environmental harm of large industrial sized run of river out her arguments........
which brings me to David Suzuki,Suzuki usually stays out of the political fray but not this time,it seems for some strange reason Suzuki was hell bent on protecting the carbon/gas tax........And I can respect him for that stance as mis-guided as it is,but what about the more glaring issues facing BC.........Like sea lice from fish farms,unregulated gas flaring,proposed Enbridge pipeline to bring dirty tar sand oil to Kitimat for export to Asia,the ten lane behemoth port mann bridge,the assault on burns bog with the SFPR road,coal bed methane in the Flathead valley,the Campbell push for offshore oil and gas drilling,the 500.000 hectors of BC crown land forest given away to forest companies for development,or the gutting of environmental standards at the ministry of the environment,could it have something to do with the fact the James Hoggan(Chaiman of the board of directors of the Suzuki foundation)has donated large sums of money to the BC Liberals and the fact that the James Hoggan and associates company received some very lucrative contracts from the Campbell government?
Story here

Who really knows what David Suzuki`s motives were,yet there were some REAL ENVIRONMENTALISTS screaming about these things, BC heroes like Alexandra Morton and Mr Foy,but of course the media all but ignored these environmentalists,I mean how can you compare the demise of BC wild salmon against a useless carbon/gas tax that even BC Liberal spokesperson Marc Jaccard states that " It will not have any effect on emission levels in it`s present form,the carbon tax has to be at least 25 times more expensive"

So now that the BC election is over and premier Brown jeans and the road building coalition won,I have been waiting patiently for a response from David Suzuki and Tzeporah Berman over the latest Campbell environmental moves.............Which are as follows, The Campbell administration has announced a massive reduction in royalties to the gas drillers to promote more fossil fuel it here

As well as this last friday the home smart program was cancelled without notice (this programs was to help people make their homes more energy efficient)....And energy efficient appliances were PST exempt are now going to be taxed at 12%.....and that goes for solar panel,heat pumps,everything,all green items are now to be taxed at 12%,WOW what a way to promote going green.......and this is the big one.........Campbell and his pre-election lie about the HST .....Well I am not going to argue pro or con at this time but........The deal with the feds allowed for 5% of the GST base taxed items to be exempted from the HST.................

Campbell could of put those exemptions on green items,solar panels,bicycles, he could of put the exemptions on anything,but what premier brown jeans has chosen to do is to use up almost all of the 5% exemption totals and put it on GASOLINE! .....That`s right,under HST fuels at the pump would go up in price but Campbell has chosen to exempt fuels from HST which flies in the face of the Carbon tax strategy......Now don`t get me wrong,I am strongly opposed to the HST because BCers are already suffering enough but............isn`t fuel something that shouldn`t have been exempted? Remember Campbell`s statements over the last 2 years "Global warming is the single biggest threat facing the world"

I guess Premier brown jeans has changed his mind,"DRILL BABY DRILL"

Which brings me back to David Suzuki and Tzeporah Berman,..........

YOUR SILENCE ON THESE ISSUES ARE DEAFENING......and those are the straight goods


  1. You should run to become leader of the NDP and replace that douchebag James

  2. Powell river persuaderAugust 17, 2009 at 2:27 PM

    I would like to be their leader,but someone might find a picture of me with a hand on a breast or some other fun things from my youth,the media doesn`t care about anything to do with policy or integrity.....

    They want the mud,or at least what they perceive as mud......

    Cheers-Eyes Wide Open

  3. I never understood the okay from Suzuki, it just didn't make any sense to the environment at least as the Liberal Motto is nobody does the public better than private. And its right on as ICBC and WCB divide up the spoils of victims turned away and better off dead. No one does the public better than private especially when private gets to dip into public funds with out the worry of competition or government for that matter as Liberal's steal the day.
    Carol James has my vote of confidence and would be the premier of this province had Campbell not been able to govern behind closed doors as public left in the dark. I bet the Canadian Line cost a great deal more than the 2 billion but public has no way of knowing as the private gets to keep the public in the dark. The last thing the public needs is private as buyer beware turns into voter beware as what you hear and see isn't what your getting as TILMA ensures private does public like its never been done before while Suzuki gives Campbell his blessing.

  4. Suzuki is obviously not a scientist at all, he's a snakeoil salesman. I think the entire scientific community already knew that. And Powell River Persuader, nice blog, first time I've seen it, but I will bookmark, cheers!

  5. In defense of Suzuki, he was a guest of the Haisla Nation at Kitimat Village a few months ago. The Haisla, like most First Nations are opposed to Enbridge, and Suzuki was speaking out against the project.

  6. the Georgia Straight has been censoring any posts linking the DSF to the Campbell Liberals. Try posting for yourself.
