Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mike De Jong sees,hears or speaks no evil about HST

A somewhat interesting radio day on CKNW,the Sean Leslie show was active today,it was all HST,starting with Bill Vanderzalm then the NDPs Mike Farnsworth and finishedwith BC Liberal Mike De Jong.

With the unpopularity of the HST fraud of course their phone lines lit up,Bill Vanderzalm was promoting the HST initiative rally at Canada place and the calls were for the most part on board,then came the NDPs Mike Farnsworth and the calls again were anti-HST,there were even a call or two that said they disliked the NDP but disliked the HST even more.........

Then Came BC Liberal snake oil salesman Mike De Jong,like I explained in an earlier post about all the "catch phrases" the government would be using to sell this con were on full display with De Jong......

He used the phrases "Every economist is Canada is in favour of the HST" and "It will improve productivity" and " We have to remain competitive with Ontario" and "29 of 30 OCD countries use the VAT(value added tax) and we can`t isolate ourselves" and " The PST is an outdated cumbersome tax that is a drag on business" and he rattled of the list of groups in favour of the HST....

The board of trade-the mining association--forestry council-road builders association etc etc...and Sean Leslie asked a few tepid questions but he did admit that he`s too nice of a guy to ask the tough questions so he invited callers to ask the tough ones.....but one question Sean did ask Mike De Jong was......

Are prices going to be lowered by business as a result of these HST flow throughs to which Mike de Jong responded " Well I believe so,it`s my belief that they will" ----Remember I told you faithful readers that the "spinners" would be using phrases like "should-Could-possible---Well you can add " I believe" to that list......

The callers to Mike DE Jong were all anti-HST to which he responded with "your entitled to your opinion even though your wrong and mis-informed"......And the last caller,an angry woman who said...."your a smooth talker,you could convince me that a bite from a rattlesnake is a good thing" then she launched into him.......

So here comes the spin,Mike De Jong edition....: See no evil,hear no evil,speak no evil of the HST:

Which brings me to the next radio show that follows Sean Leslie......It`s called (Your money your wealth), now I don`t normally listen to that show and it has nothing to do with the fact that I have neither of those items but today I did because that had on two special guests----

Bill Vanderzalm and David Ingram (the tax guy)...And the show was about the HST which really surprised me because I have listened to the show a wee little bit in the past and it`s usually about investments,money talk,financial advice and self promotion......

So I was figuring that the money boys(and girls) would be in favour of the HST if anyone at all was,anyways I have great respect for David Ingram and we have to cheer on Vanderzalm so I didn`t know what to expect from the callers.....

Well was I surprised,David Ingram tax guy was warning how wrong this tax was,the host was warning against this tax,now these people know how the economy works so I do trust them,David Ingram also warned of surrendering our taxes to Ottawa,and he reminded me and listeners that Quebec,even though they went HST in 1997,they kept control of their tax dollars and exemptions,they went on to warn that by relinquishing control to Ottawa is so risky,if Ottawa changes government,or is in need of tax dollars(which they are) could raise the GST which would drag all the PST items along,the GST could be raised to 6% or back to 7% then our HST on EVERYTHING could rise to 13% or 14%!

But what surprised me the most is that every caller on the :Your money your wealth show: was strongly against the HST except one,who said the government needs money for health and education(HA)....With Campbell,right,sure thing,well he was quickly reminded that the government claims the tax is revenue neutral so where would increased services come from?

So for those out there that say it`s only the poor or the needy or the only the NDP that are against this tax are wrong,it seems even the bigger boys are against the HST!

In the mean time I will...." See the Evil,Hear the Evil and Speak the Evil of the HST"

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Ears Wide Open

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