Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mom and Dad fishing,or in this case,controlled Chaos!

Well as I reported earlier in the week my parents,Dad 80 years young and mom,I won`t say,let em guess have been fishing for sockeye salmon in Port Alberni,I have missed being with them even if we have had thousands of fishing trips together through my lifetime,it`s never enough!

And I certainly enjoyed eating sockeye salmon steaks earlier this week,anyways I will get over to the way way west coast to join them later this month,mom calls me every night with updates to either their success or mishaps from the day,although I have to wait until after 6.00 pm ...That`s when mom has unlimited cell phone minutes so our chats don`t cost anything(somethings never change)
Well I received a call about 10.30 am yesterday from mom,I was a little worried because it was a call that was costing money and it was early in the day.....Well apparently she just couldn`t wait to update their latest "chaotic episode" she gave me the short version and told me she would call later with more details,which she did,about 7.00 pm...........

So here my dad a recent colon cancer survivor and my mom who has had more operations than that old Hasbro game which buzzed if you hit the edges........

So here they are fishing for sockeye but a few chinooks have been showing up so they put out a mixed bag of lures,some for sockeye some for chinook (and no,I ain`t telling what lures they used) ....The boat they`re fishing on,it`s old,28 feet long with steering only on the fly bridge and mom because of a nerve problem with her legs has real trouble getting up and down the stairs so usually mom is the dedicated steerer of the boat......
Well here they were fishing away and KABOOM......the rods start screaming ZZZZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZZZ.....and not just one rod but 2 of them.......well dad grabs one rod and hands it to mom up top and he grabs the other one........
There were lots of other boats fishing near by and according to mom weren`t catching anything,so as with fishing when you have "fish on" other boats have a habit of trolling over and "checking" out whats going on!
So anyways,my moms fish was sounding,running straight down to the bottom,dads fish was on the surface make all kinds of noise,circling,head shaking,just plain old scrappy.....meanwhile these other boats,I could just imagine what they were thinking....."What the heck are these old soaks doing"
So anyways moms battling away,dad is looking for the net which just happened to have got chewed up in a chance encounter with the trolling motor earlier in the week so it had a funky mend job on it, it still worked but didn`t open up like it had in the past to accommodate large fish!
Anyways,dad,according to mom had the rod in one hand arched backwards and the gibly net in the other hand and managed to land his fish......35lbs plus......he hauled the fish in the boat,gave it a bonk, cleared the net, and traded places with mom who struggled down the stairs to take her usual position as the netter......and success,moms fish was about the same size LARGESSE......
Meanwhile the shocked,and jealous onlookers were still "just fishing",waiting for some magic to happen on their boats.......
Anyways,it was another case of "controlled chaos" ......and boy do I wish I was there,looks like another batch of canned salmon is in the works,my supply is getting low.......meanwhile,bragging rights at China creek fish camp goes to mom and dad.....Again!

Cheers-Ears Wide Open

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