Saturday, August 22, 2009

Get Ready For The Big HST Push Coming From Goverment And Big Business Mouth Pieces.

Get ready folks,I have heard the news and seen the subtle or in the case of the Vancouver Sun,not so subtle push to promote the HST,apparently Gordon Campbell has called in a few favours,this monday/aug/24th you are going to be bombarded on the radio,on the TV(paticularly Global News) and in the print media,a full frontal assault from business leaders promoting the HST.....

You will be hearing from : The boards of trade,Phil Hocstein,jock Finlayson,Mr. Winters,Leaders from the mining industry,the forestry industry and the oil n gas industry,the film industry and of course the road builders association.........

And you will be hearing these statements over and over again.....

Every independent economist in Canada is in favour of the HST

Every single accountant in Canada is in favour of adopting the HST

This is the single best thing we can do for the economy

Adopting the HST will increase productivity,it will make us more competitive in the international market

We have to stay competitive with Ontario,every other province is on board with the HST

Businesses have embedded PST in their costs,prices SHOULD come down over time,business will have major compliance savings

The PST is an outdated cumbersome tax,the PST is a labour intensive drag on business

Adopting the HST will result in job growth,as business lowers their costs they SHOULD be able to hire more workers

You will hear lots of gobbily goop,you`ll hears lots of words like,SHOULD and COULD and OVER TIME,and we will hear about all the other countries with value added tax(VAT) and how were lagging.....

And of course are American neighbors to the south don`t have a VAT......And believe me,with the state of the public`s purse,they won`t be going to a VAT anytime soon.......

Lets examine the corporate giveaways from Gordon Campbell to big industry and why they will be going to bat for him come monday......

The big three forestry companies have been given 500.000 hecters of crown forest for free,free to develop and sell to the highest bidder,land giveaways that our auditor general has described as "Not in the public interest,without consultation with the public or first nations" these forest giveaways were illegal in my opinion.....20% of Vancouver island has been given away,but it doesn`t end there,last fall Campbell lowered industries school tax load in half,that means that the public has to pick up that slack.....Still with forestry,in case none of you have heard,forestry companies are suing municipal goverments over their taxes,Catalyst has given Powell river,Port Alberni,Campbell river only 25% of their tax bill,they refuse to pay up,it`s still before the courts as we speak.

OIL n GAS- What has Campbell done for the oil n gas industry,well,lets start with 2 years ago when natural gas was about 13$ per million BTU,the gas drillers were rolling in cash,making money hand over fist,what did Campbell do? He gave them over 300 million$ in subsidies,thats right,when they were rolling in dough Campbell gave them more,and what did Campbell give them last month.....He announced that all new production from september to september(one year) will be charged a 2% royalty rate rather then the usual 20%...Say what!...

So with the price of natural gas so low,the province will be getting next to NOTHING from these new wells.

We will hear from the film industry,now with the film industry they will break about even with HST,they will get many flow throughs but they will be paying higher cost on so many more items,so why will they be stumping for Campbell? Simple answer here.........

Ontario has doubled the Film industry tax credits,the film industry is pleading for Campbell to match Ontario tax credits(Ontario is wooing our film industry)...So of course they are going to stump for Campbell........

So this is a heads up on the monday barrage,and remember that Campbell used Ontario to justify all the massive civil servant wage increases(We have to attract the best and the brightest,we have to stay competitive with Ontario or our civil servants will FLEE to Ontario).........

This is the game Mcguinty and Campbell are playing.....

This HST is the so-called called "trickle-down economics" well believe me,were getting trickled on alright buts it`s not money.......

The late Canadian economist John Kenneth Galbreth described the trickle-down concept as the "Horse-and-sparrow theory," which promotes the notion that "if you feed the horse enough oats,some will pass through to the road for the sparrow,"

Well my friends,haven`t we all eaten enough Gordon Campbell road apples? I have........

Bring on the revolution of change,either through recall,referendum,general strike,or an old fashioned pelting the politicians with raw tomatoes,whatever it takes!

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. You should help lead a revolution for the people and by the people against these croks. We also need top set-up re-education and labour camps for BC's crooks starting with the government. The poeple shall prevail!

  2. Powell river persuaderAugust 22, 2009 at 10:28 PM

    I will be at the rallies and fight tooth and nail to stop this fraud,we under Campbell`s corporate sell off are headed for third world status.
    I must continue to expose the facts,it`s our best weapon,if we prove the economic falicy of this HST the rest of the pieces will fall into place,Campbell can`t dazzle us with brilliance so he is attempting to baffle us with bullshit,lets clobber him with the facts.

    I want hard data from the goverment,not hypothetical arguments......

    We need people 24/7 at Campbell`s haunts,he needs to see the people where ever he goes,he needs to be nervous.

    Cheers-Eyes Wide Open
