Monday, October 16, 2017

Bob Mackin, Canadian Glen....and yours truly for 2 must listen to hours, Blogtalk Radio, Wednesday October 18th, 6:00 pm..pst

( updated October 19th...Blogcast archive is up...     the archive is up....    hope you enjoy the chat...)

I've been silent as of Horgan a chance to govern, a day to day grading will not be my least not now..

Under the radar, known by few, ....maybe that's best, ....when I started this website/blog....never did it for reward, or fame, was never promised anything, by any side.

My goal was to remove the corrupt BC Liberal party...success, with my own fingerprints knuckle deep in Horgan's surprise victory..

I get to live with that my entire life, hell fury shoes laid at the feet of Christy Clark, a personal touch delivered cold, for once worn, The Straight Goods shoemaker guaranteed Clark was walking away, defeated....reward enough..

This Wednesday, October 18th...6:00 pm(out here on the west coast  PST)..

Site C.....yup, decision time is coming for John Horgan...recent developments on Site C...we learned it's not "on time and on budget"'s already chasing a $billion dollars over, with less than 25% of the prep work done...with major structural problems rearng up...this boondoggle was already an economic loser at $8 billion...with costs soaring, this project could reach $12, or $15 that price, BC Hydro will go bankrupt, or ratepayers business case, no buyers of electricity lined up, no LNG and even a wave of electric cars, Elon Musk guarantees future cars will be powered by solar...Alberta won't buy it...LNG in BC is dead..electricity demand is falling....

We will delve into this on the show..

We are going to discuss marijuana's coming, but, as of now it's a gong show out there...BC Pot shops are operating a free for all money tree, a tree with endless tax-free leaves...

I sat in a Vancouver pot-shop in recent 2 hours I saw $3k spent on buds..sweet juicy buds(just a general observation)...I have no problem with people selling pot, buying pot..however, we needs bills, receipts, cash registers, we need sales tax paid, and more importantly, we need pot shop employees to be paid proper wages, with EI contributions, Canada pension contributions, income tax, and we need owners to pay income tax on profits..

as it stands right now, it's a free-money, no records, no receipts, a license to print money...this needs to be worked out by Horgan and company, and believe me, the current pot shop operators are going to howl..they will see a dark market, with no controls become regulated, they won't make as much money...doesn't matter, running a proper business, with records, receipts, quality control...there is still room to make good money....

we will also discuss the 8..or is that 7 contenders for BC Liberal leadership...what a mess, all lousy choices, ...

BC Liberals are in big trouble...they won't see power for a long long time, and here's why....

Marijuana is coming,..whoever is in power, or wants to remain in power must cater to that crowd..a huge pot crowd...when I checked out Vancouver pot shops..their customers aren't kids..not yoyng adults..the majority of their customers are in their 40s..50,s..60,s...yes there are younger people too..however..pot is mainstream and voters light up doobies...(as I observed)..

Problem for BC Liberals, they arConservatives, BC Conservatives and federal Conservatives, and..a huge segment of Conservatives are least in public...BC Liberals promoting pot will lose votes to the upstart(again) BC Conservative party....

Ryan Warawa is a good man, despite his political leanings...

What else...BC Liberal wannabe leaders going to run on no bridge tolls....daycare..more teachers...LNG..yes, many of the BC Liberals are still flogging LNG and they're are backing Kinder Morgan pipeline.....yea, I guess these BC Liberal leader hopefuls are listening..listening to their corporate bosses...sigh....welcome to the long wilderness BC Liberal/Cons...

And we are going to pay tribute to 2 individuals who struck cords, many chords, so many chords were struck it turned into a province wide symphony...

Merv Adey....he had an ability to listen, to disagree with you, without scorn, or mock...he pitched his beliefs and defended them, to the death...

Rafe Mare....what can one word sums up changed his entire life, he abandoned his Social Credit roots, he gave away big dollars by not kowtowing to the corporate sector, when cknw gave Rafe the ultimatum...toe(tow) the line or be fired...Rafe Mare....that one word...

Rafe gave up everything for Salmon, for BC wild salmon..he recognized, he saw the beauty, spirit, he saw B.C. wild salmon for what they are, what they represent, clean water, pollution free rivers, the life cycle, from river eggs to fighting giants, feeding orca, bears, eagles along their way...feeding First Nations forever....Rafe saw the salmon as sacred......

He was right....Salmon blood flows in this persuader's veins too...

We'll have lots more to discuss and you never know who might show up...

My pleasure talking the talk, and walking the walk with friends Bob Mackin and our illustrious host Canadian Glen..

Join us here, linked below, Wednesday night, 6:00 pm....

Tune in, turn on, and get angry damn it...

The Straight Goods

Ears Wide Open


  1. Looking forward to the broadcast!

  2. Will be tuning into Canadian Glen, the Breaker, the Straight Goods, and... you never know who might show up... wcould be the kicker!

    Thanking you all in advance.

  3. The frosting on the cake. Too bad Chrispy isn't around to tune in!

  4. The broadcast was a great wide-ranging discussion. Always stimulating and a refreshing change from the blinkered MSM pap served daily. Especially appreciated were the moving tributes to Mr. Gordon Downie, Mr. Rafe Mair, and Mr. Merv Adey. They will be missed.

  5. Very enjoyable couple of hours listening to thoughtful observations on BC politics.
    Thank you!


  7. Wheelers Christy? Coleman? De Jong? Out of jurisdiction,beyond extradition? OK only christy. Grifters always sniff the wind. Won't find her in the paradise papers,not in that league,however much she'd love it. May be shrewd than other two,but then her life is vapor ware, she's not tied down.
