Monday, December 7, 2015

British Columbia, The Land of Make Believe

Follow me, don`t follow me...

I`ve got my spine, I`ve got my orange crush...

Collar me, don`t collar me..

I`ve got my spine, I`ve got my orange crush..

So insipid, so subtle, so completely the machine devours all who dare to stand in its way, message control, mind control, today`s message is all that matters, contrary facts be damned..

History, a fascinating topic, archeologists, geologists and scientists dig grave sites, check tree rings, dig into mountains and dive headlong into our deepest oceans looking for clues as to what happened long ago, as in millions and even billions of years ago, the urge to map the past and rewrite history accurately...

A difficult task indeed, recording history I mean, recording accurate history from a time millions of years ago,  when the accurate recording of modern history is so woefully skewed...


Such a sad affair, a meeting of mushmellowed opticians, wagon circlers protecting the status quo, a photogenic la la land where politicians and world leaders come to spin tall tales of how in the future they will save the day, save the world.....Blah blah blah..

I wrote last week how frustrating it must be for educated people like Nobel prize winner Andrew Weaver to listen to hucksters like Christy Clark spin, lie and wiggle like a worm caught on a hook..

LNG....A world glut, 70 million yearly excess tonnes of capacity now,...Prices in the tank, millions of LNG tonnes more coming online in the next three years...An economic disaster for those fools who rush in..

Follow me, don`t follow me...

I`ve got my spine, I`ve got my orange crush...

Collar me, don`t collar me....

I`ve got my spine, I`ve got my orange crush..

ISIS....Who are they, where did they come from?....We know, those who have not capitulated, those who hold dear the truth regardless of corporate and government history rewriting..

George W Bush...A fake war, false flag, ...George Bush and Dick Cheney lied to the world, invaded Iraq on obvious false, made up intelligence, destabilized the Middle East and created a vacuum..

But now modern history recorders buckle under...

ISIS is now portrayed to the masses as some radical group that appeared out of nowhere...

ISIS is...ISIS is a result of George W Bush ripping apart Iraq, causing the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis...Seething hatred brewed, bubbled and festered until opportunity reared its head, the Americans left a broken Iraq, with millions mourning the death of loved ones..

Could you ever forgive a bully country who directly caused the death of your family...

ISIS belongs to George W Bush, Dick Cheney and Haliburton..Ah, but the history recorders say different..

Those brilliant minds, those once respected and admired thinkers fall one by one to the history recorders and rather than fight for the truth they bend, deflect and distort, then turn tail and run, hide and pretend that accurate history recording was achieved when nothing could be further from the truth..

LNG...An intellectual fraud...Fracked wells leak methane, fracked wells deplete within years, pristine habitat is turned into access roads, zig-zagging pipeline networks, the land for animals is mutated, destroyed, migratory animal routes closed out, the result is extinction of more animal species..

A frackland nightmare...

Follow me, don`t follow me...

I`ve got my spine, I`ve got my orange crush...

Collar me, don`t collar me....

I`ve got my spine, I`ve got my orange crush

And yet .....Me, a British Columbia citizen, proud, here we are, British Columbia citizens have been told that we are world leaders when it comes to environmental standards and fighting climate change..We in British Columbia are the best in the world, and it must be true because Christy Clark and Gordon Campbell told us we are world climate change fighters, leaders, the best of the bunch...

The machine, so powerful, so subtle that even Nobel Prize winning thinkers fall prey to the history recorders deception...

Marc Jaccard and Andrew Weaver....Those educated minds fought for BC`s carbon tax, they won, Gordon Campbell won his green guru election with the help of David Suzuki, Andrew Weaver and Marc Jaccard...

So....Gordon Campbell, not a green bone in his body, a politician who habitually lied, a huckster who would say anything to win, say anything to cling to power...

BC`s award winning carbon tax, all monies collected were converted into tax cuts for polluting corporations, and to the wealthy, with a tiny little trickle down to the poor in the form of a carbon tax rebate cheque...

Run of river power, there was no green agenda, run of river was never about green technology, it was a way of bankrupting BC Hydro and transferring public dollars into private hands, private hands that donated gobs of money to the BC Liberal party..

BC`s Carbon Tax

I don`t know of one person who said to me over the years, I`m not going for that drive because of the carbon tax...

Nobody changed their polluting way because of a carbon tax, nobody, British Columbia, a place where gas prices fluctuate from $1,60 litre to $1,20 a litre...What is this carbon tax, ...A carbon tax in greater Vancouver where a modest home is a cool $million dollars..Yea, tell me what is this carbon tax and how it made people change...

If the carbon tax monies collected went towards transit, retrofitting leaky buildings, river restoration or even tree planting, but not one dime of carbon tax money went to any green initiatives...not one red carbon tax cent!

And what of Gordon Campbell the green guru, a man who created Pacific Carbon Trust, a BC Government entity that stole $millions of dollars from under-funded school and hospital budgets, those $millions stolen from public entities were redirected as gifts to polluting companies like EnCana Gas..A company that has donated $hundreds of thousands to the BC Liberals..

Fish Farmers destroying BC`s wild salmon...Fish-farmers who get more and more licenses, Fishfarmers who donate $hundreds of thousands to the BC Liberals..

BC Liberals gutted mine inspections, in particularly to mining companies that donated large sums of cash to the BC Liberal Party, I sense a pattern here, pay to play, pay the BC Liberal party to look the other way...

BC Liberals who knew Shawinigan lake water was being poisoned, ..BC Liberals don`t care about green they only care about $green political party donations..

Legislation brought in by BC Liberals to exempt so-called resource towns from any environmental assessments., even fake towns were created to sidestep environmental assessments, complete with mayor and council, funny though, the town has no people....A make-believe town with taxpayers footing the bill for BC Liberal appointed council and mayor....

Site C dam

BC Liberals exempted that and many other polluting projects from any oversight or scrutiny..

Gordon Campbell wasn`t green, he was a corporate owned whore who facilitated the theft of  $billions from British Columbia residents...

And when the stench became unbearable...Gordon Campbell departs British Columbia politics because he was now hated, despised and reviled, and who comes to Gordon Campbell`s rescue?...Stephen Harper appoints British Columbia traitor Gordon Muir Campbell to a cushy $300K per year Ambassador gig in London, complete with a home, a chef, a driver, a very large expense account and.......And exactly what was Gordon Campbell`s number one directive in London,

Directed by Stephen Harper...?

Gordon Campbell spent almost all his time in London fighting against improved fuel standards!!!!...In other words Stephen Harper placed Gordo in London to lobby for Alberta Tar Goop oil and dirty fuel..


Last month, the EU's executive arm approved legislation which officially recognized that fuel from Canada's oil sands has a significantly higher carbon footprint that conventional oil. That decision cranked a years-long Canadian government lobbying offensive into overdrive. Led by Oliver, federal officials, including former B.C. premier Gordon Campbell, have traversed Europe, trying to rile up support for its campaign. The United Kingdom, Estonia and several other Eastern European countries now support Canada's fight against the Fuel Quality Directive, a policy that aims to shrink the carbon footprint of Europe's transportation sector. The rationale is that the law, in current form, would create legal incentives against using high-carbon fuel, particularly from Alberta. "Again, it should be stressed that almost no Canadian oil is exported currently to the EU," Alberta energy minister Ted Morton said recently. "But we’re concerned about standards being set that might be copied elsewhere in the world, where we actually do export to." Since 2009, the Canadian government has engaged in at least 110 lobby events against the Fuel Quality Directive, according to a Friends of the Earth Europe report. - See more at:


Follow me, don`t follow me...

I`ve got my spine, I`ve got my orange crush...

Collar me, don`t collar me.

I`ve got my spine, I`ve got my orange crush..

So, to my surprise, last week I turned on the car radio, it was Linda Steele on air and her guest, her guest to talk about British Columbia and COP21 was no other than Andrew Weaver and what he said shocked me...Andrew Weaver was giving Christy Clark an earful and was complaining how Christy Clark was taking credit for and riding on Gordon Campbell`s coat-tails on climate change..

Yes indeed, history rewritten and now corroborated by Nobel prize winner Andrew Weaver...We, the award winning climate change fighting Nation of British Columbia... now, because Andrew Weaver...David Suzuki and Marc Jaccard were all pro carbon tax advocates when Gordo the green was duping the public into believing he cared about the environment and climate change...When nothing could be further from the truth..

Andrew Weaver is now in praise of Gordon Campbell as a green climate change fighting guru..

Andrew Weaver and Marc Jaccard can`t come to grips that BC`s carbon tax measure did nothing for the environment... Rather than admit the truth they cling to failed policies they advocated for, even when the evidence is clear that BC`s carbon tax was never about greening anything, it was merely a tax transfer from the middleclass to the corporate sector....

Any carbon/GHG reductions that happened in British Columbia were a result of the 2008 scam perpetrated by crooked banksters and Wallstreet traders running amok, the corporate world of banking and finance caused economic disaster worldwide, BC`s pulp mills closed, saw mills closed, the B.C. economy shrunk  in 2008
and has yet to reach pre-economic disaster levels...Any carbon/GHG reductions were not brought about by BC`s pathetic carbon tax...

Follow me, don`t follow me...

I`ve got my spine, I`ve got my orange crush...

Collar me, don`t collar me....I`ve got my spine, I`ve got my orange crush..

Funny, now Andrew Weaver sees Gordon Campbell as climate change fighter, a good guy, while Christy Clark is bad...


Climate change, GHG emissions....

Do you need more funny, as in how history is rewritten and facts altered, the illustrious Vaughn Palmer last week wrote how the exempted from scrutiny, exempted from a business case Site C dam project is about having a green LNG industry?????..Oh to laugh at Vaughn Palmer..

All of a sudden a $15 billion dollar public works project is about something completely different, Site C Dam was/is NOW about making LNG as green as possible, it was all part of the BC Liberal plan years ago, even as Gordon Campbell was exempting all his favored corporate party donating company`s projects from any and all scrutiny, even though Gordon Campbell never ever mentioned LNG, LNG wasn`t on his radar, BCers never knew what LNG was...According to Vaughn Palmer...

Now the Site C Dam was really about greening up LNG....Oh Vaughn Palmer, really..

Well Mr. Palmer, riddle me this?

How many Large Petronas size LNG projects could the Site C dam power?..

Answer.....The answer is 1

Yes, Site C Dam could supply a dribble of power to each of the 16 LNG projects the NEB has recklessly approved, but that would not green up a dirty methane leaking water abusing LNG industry..

Vaughn Palmer, Andrew Weaver......The History rewriters!

The LNG industry is a fraud, it will never be a bridge fuel to the future, prices will never rise back up to levels of $16 to $20 per MM BTUs...Never again will those prices be seen, any rapid rise in LNG prices will merely drive Asia to burn cheap coal, thus leaving even more unsold, unused LNG on the market..

So here we are, standing tall and proud, we BCers are patting each other on the back for being such a green caring land, worldclass climate change fighters we are.. ....Meanwhile we watch our wild salmon disappear, watch snow barren ski slopes show off their brown dirt...gasp in horror as preventable Mining disasters like Mount Polley destroy a pristine environment, for decades destroyed, only time, only generational time can heal the scar, and rivers like the Skeena, Canada`s second most productive wild salmon producing river slated to be sacrificed for LNG..

$15 billion dollars of public money wasted on Site C dam, all to facilitate free electricity for the dirty LNG industry, an industry already destined for the dustbin of history...

Meanwhile Vaughn Palmer, Marc Jaccard and Andrew Weaver persist in rewriting modern history..

Follow me, don`t follow me...

I`ve got my spine, I`ve got my orange crush...

Collar me, don`t collar me....I`ve got my spine, I`ve got my orange crush..

Written by Grant G

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open


  1. You've got everything right in this piece, as you invariably do.

    As pointed out, taxing the middle class on their use of carbon dioxide has not reduced energy consumption nor protected the environment in any way whatsoever. Yet they persist with this line of reasoning and Weaver stands firm in his support.

    Now, with all due respect, i want to politely suggest that the reason Weaver's position doesn't make sense is because he's working a fraud of his own. He's just working it from another angle.

    Disagreement on what i am about to write is almost certain but i feel i owe it to you to call it like i see it (just as you do).

    To my mind, what's missing in this piece is the fact that Anthropomorphic Global Warming is a hoax. It is a known negative. And to lay it out, it is my studied view that carbon dioxide is not even close to a significant factor in any sort of supposed problem we are having with the weather changing. It is a nasty, unhealthy pollutant to be sure, one that we would all be better off without health-wise; but it is not driving climate change in any important way that can be proven by empirical evidence. Rather, CO2 is just the most convenient handle for getting hold of necks and imposing a globalized taxation regime on the rubes. What's more, Weaver's hip to this cunning hustle and yet he continues taking full advantage of it so as to gain a hold of some little bit of power for himself (MLA's salary and pension, or an 'NW radio appearance anyone?). He knows his role is to be the opposing pincer to the right-wing corporate malfeasance, while also going along with the basic agenda of grabbing ever-more tax from the middle-class. He's staying onside with the agenda because he supports the ruse to rip-off the middle-class as fully as el Gordo has. Abuse can occur on either the left or right side of the spectrum. What they all agree on is keeping a hold on their power over the rest of us.


  2. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

    Joseph Goebbels, father of mass media propaganda.

    This fits the BC Liberals and our media perfectly.

  3. @Evil....agreed, the BC Liberal government and a lucklustre media turn their election spin and hype into an evolving lie...Site C dam scam...Now the sycophants are using the greenwash to make Site C a little more palatable to the public..

    Remember smart meters Evil Eye...They made the claim of grow-op theft as a motivator..Then the smart meter lie evolved with the BC Liberals and BC Hydro lapdogs made the claim that smart meters were/are vital for BC Hydro to locate outages and be able to know what type of equipment/truck to send for repair..How many BC Hydro power outages have we had..Plenty, and Smart Meters helped none, ....

    Mr. Ghun..

    Like you, I believe there is a greenwash at play, however...

    I`m a strong advocate for leaving the world`s remaining pristine paradises alone, time top clean up the messes we have made, set a goal for no more Tar goop tailing ponds..No more old growth clear cuts, no more river diversions..

    I`ve seen the oceans in BC become barren.

    Wild fishstocks in decline everywhere, ....

    I want tailing ponds cleaned up, rivers restored, I want Victoria to stop dumping 18 million litres of raw sewage each and every day..

    We need each and every polluted eyesore cleaned up, we need to protect water, protect the oceans from garbage, sewage..

    That way at least we can say we accomplished something...Rather that then listen to petri dish deep thinkers who talk about targets going out to 2020...Then moved to 2030 and now new targets are geared for 2050..

    Confab fabrication, confab tomfoolery.....

    Mr. ghun.....Let`s clean up the messes of the past, how that for a starting point...

    "A good plan today is better than a great plan tomorrow"


  4. The plan is to mandate BC Hydro to be 100% clean and renewable.

    So they can get BC Hydro to supply clean, renewable, GHG-free electricity to LNG plants.

    That means phasing out BC Hydro's Burrard Thermal plant, except for emergencies.

    If LNG is exported to Asia, one of the uses is generating electricity, in plants similar to Burrard Thermal......

  5. i absolutely agree.

    It's long past the time to get clean in what we do to survive; and if big corps(e) don't like it, then they can go away and corrupt some other jurisdiction.

    No more goop. No more collapsing tailing ponds. No more clear cuts, not down to the river's edge. No more hazardous waste dumps anywhere near aquifers.

    Sounds like we're on the same page.

    So while we're at it, let's put that cap-n-trade scheme in the ground and bury it along side anymore rhetoric about carbon taxing for the greening of the environment.


  6. Speaking of Smart Meters (somebody was), they don't work out here in the Hinterland - the heart of the grow-op business. Mind you, most of us don't rely on Hydro, either legally or not. We grow it outside!
    I hope all is well Grant. I look forward to your blog daily.



    Weaver stumped for Gordo back in the day, in this link he confirms his support for site C. I also recall his support for run of river projects and his recording for a Liberal candidate to help oust Carol James.

    Whats to like about Weaver? Nothing.
