Thursday, September 3, 2015

Stephen Harper Fiddles While Canada and Canadian Values Burn

Written by Grant G

I wrote an article when the federal election writ was dropped....

The gist of that posting was thus...

Canada`s economy was in recession, Canada was in deficit, massive record breaking trade deficits every month, price of oil had crashed, Alberta`s economy being hammered, Alberta farmers were/are reeling with crop losses in the $billions, British Columbia and other provinces had/have wildfires raging, British Columbia in the midst of the worst drought ever recorded...Canada, according to Stephen Harper was waging a war(Bombing campaign) with the biggest threat to humanity(ISIS)..

Stephen Harper was promoting fear, frightening Canadians with claims of domestic terrorism hiding behind every bush and shrub in Canada...And yes, there was an ongoing humanitarian crisis going on in many parts of the world....

I don`t blame Stephen Harper and the Conservative party for the death of refugees, there are countless needless deaths arising everyday from all parts of the world...

Canada can`t take in unlimited refugees, there are far too many victims, do I believe Canada can do more for refugees, yes I do, much much more but that is not what this post is about...

Today Chris Alexander, Canada`s immigration minister suspended his election campaign to return to Ottawa, apparently this world humanitarian crisis required his return to the department of immigration, in other words the federal Government needed to function, needed a decision maker, needed someone with the ability to govern, to make decisions, in this case life-saving humanitarian decisions..

That is what this posting is all about...Stephen Harper failed, Stephen Harper`s robotic trained seals failed, Stephen Harper`s group of useless slugs elected by the people of Canada failed...

Stephen Harper, the man who claims to be a great leader, rather than govern Canada, at a time when the economy was brutal, recession, deficits, record trade deficits, at a time when the environment was burning, wildfires and droughts, crops failing, provinces like Alberta reeling, at a time when humanitarian tragedies were raging around the globe, with Canada engaged in what Stephen Harper calls the "fight of our generation"....With all that going on Stephen Joeseph Harper chose to ask the Governor General to dissolve parliament, to shut down the Government of Canada so he could hold the longest and most expensive election campaign in Canadian history...

That is not leadership, that is cowardice, a puny man with no moral conscience, it sickens me...

I have been listening to the speeches being made by all parties on CPAC...and this isn`t me asking you or telling you who to vote for, everyone reading this article has already made up their mind...This article is about a man who is not a leader, Stephen Harper has been lying his face off at every campaign stop and in every campaign speech, we are not the best economy in the G7, we haven`t created millions of jobs, there are less people working today than there was before 2008, job creation hasn`t been this bad for nearly 70 years...Canadians are drowning in personal debt, the corporate sector has been shedding jobs, fewer and fewer people are being employed by the big corporate sector while more and more tax reductions and subsidies are being gifted to them by rightwing Governments, give more and more to a whining corporate sector while receiving less and less in return..

Disrespect.......I can`t believe what my eyes are seeing and my ears are hearing...I have never heard in all my life a leader be so disrespectful as Stephen Harper...In his campaign speeches he refers to the federal Liberal leader as "Justin"...He refers to the federal NDP leader as "the other guy(s)"

I haven`t heard Justin Trudeau or Thomas Mulcair even once refer to the leader of the federal Conservative party as just Steve, or Stephen....I hear them use the term Mr. Harper, or Stephen Harper, or Prime Minister Harper...

Even in the excited states of America (USA) during their presidential campaigns we didn`t, we don`t hear residing presidents seeking re-election or new candidates vying for the position of president calling their opponents by their first name only in campaign speeches...We didn`t hear people calling George Bush just George....Or Barack Obama calling John McCain just John...Candidates in all parties deserve to be addressed or named in a respectful way, either by party, as in the leader of the Conservative party, leader of the Liberal party or leader of the NDP party or even the leader of the Green party or if one is giving a campaign speech and is referring to another person in another party by name it must be used in a respectful way...As in Mr. Trudeau, or Justin Trudeau or Thomas Mulcair or Mr. Mulcair, Elizabeth May....You Stephen Harper are not Justin Trudeau`s father so please stop calling him just Justin...It`s very disrespectful and very deliberate...

A normal federal election campaign in Canada is 37 days, campaigns should be as short as possible because we are country that needs governing, that needs leadership, we are country that has major problems from coast to coast and it was bad enough that Stephen Joseph Harper saw fit to spend $800 million dollars of taxpayer money on partisan ads over the last decade to promote himself, along with the power of the government bully pulpit, the power of the public purse to promote himself, to hand over $5 billion dollars to Canada`s top 15% of earners in the form of income splitting when we are in recession and in deficit...

That is not "proven Leadership"...It`s a failure of leadership, that is not governing that is running away from governing so when Chris Alexander suspends his re-election campaign to rush back to Ottawa so he can pretend to be governing or leading rings hollow...

So here we are, 5 weeks of this ridiculous election campaign gone, 48 days left, still 11 days longer than a normal 37 day federal election writ period and a picture of a dead child floating in the ocean blazes across my screen, it offends, it saddens and scares me, the disrespectful campaign of the Conservative Party of Canada also offends, saddens and scares me...

 Chrissy rushing back to Ottawa to "govern" and Stevie campaigning on "leadership" spewing lie after lie to muzzled, screened, dog-sniffed captive disciples while showing nothing but childish disrespect to his opponents and to Canada as a whole offends me!

It`s time for change, time for leadership, time for Canada to vote out a man who isn`t mentally fit to govern and a Conservative party that was led astray...

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes and Ears Wide Open



  1. Hear Hear!
    (Fists on a Big Big Table)
    Throw that Bum OUT
    ZERO income since Mar 2010
    Where's my Welfare? Kafkaesque Trough-Hog Traitor Bastards.

  2. Thanks for this Grant, for your clarity in connecting the dots and your calling out of the Harper Cons. It is glaringly clear how inept, corrupt and contemptible this deaf, dumb and blind this 'Party of One' bulldozes our democracy.

    Locally, provincially, nationally and internationally Harper has been an epic fail. The Cons are good to go - Canada needs a Harperectomy and return to the traditional values that once made all Canadians proud of their country and respected throughout the world.

    Good on you to post links to your blog on Vanc Sun and Province stories...keep banging the drums. Truth will out!


  3. Great point Grant and one most would not have come to on there own in that the long election have taken them from governing our country at a time when it needs it so badly. The other side of it I suppose is that they can't hide as usual as they are now in a position where they have to answer and those answers seem to take the form of lies. Lies about the reality versus what they led the canadian people to believe. It is coming forward their immigration policy is flawed and different depending on where and of what faith those needing help follow.Lies of the numbers they help and more lies and more lies.
    This will play out over a longer period for them now, the opposition will make sure of it, so I take solace that mr Harper by calling a ridiculously long and expensive campaign has assured his demise.
    Thanks for pointing out what we may not have seen.

  4. Thanks for all the comments...

    Don F....Having the longest most expensive election campaign in Canadian history would be bad enough if the country was running smoothly..

    I can`t understand why the mainstream media never jumped on this angle..All the burning issues, economy, drought, fire, provinces in recession, record trade deficits..

    All this turmoil and Stevie(wonder why) Harper runs away from leadership and hits the campaign trail in the beginning of August when E-Day is October 19th...

    Harper should have been lambasted for calling an early election..My theory is...

    The media must have figured a long election period would create more sales, more advertising...

    Hey Don....Nice to hear from you.


  5. It would be nice to see the media that pay harper $70,000 so they can ask 1 question, ask why yesterday {sept3} at the herr harpers BS session a man was arrested, tossed in a cell and was told he was being charged with obstruction of justice for wearing a tee shirt that offended the cons! This is Canada? Wake the fuck up folks! this is not Canada! and after asking the the dicktaytor stevie why his goons are arresting folks for wearing t shirts I think its time for the media to totally ignore this POS! Why should he get to dictate a 5 question max at all BS sessions? Maybe if the media said 0 questions and ZERO coverage for a few days and see if stevie changes his tune. And just to add I would like 1 person to point out 1 thing that stevie has said this whole campaign that can be said as undeniably true? just 1.
