Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Time For The NDP To Choose, Victory Road Or Perpetual Defeat

All of the above descriptions describe the situation with today`s B.C,`s New Democratic Party, I`ll add a few of my own, idiots, chickens running around with heads cut off, or a horny teenager being led by his penis, all descriptions are apt, including the media in this province who are BC Liberal operatives by any other name giving the NDP advice, advice designed to keep the big orange party in permanent opposition.

It`s clear that the leaderless BC NDP party is being run by hopeless sad sacks, leaders devoid of intelligent thought, Jan O`brien, Moe Sihota, Brian Topp and the clueless Adrian Dix, so stunned are the leaders they can`t see the forest through the trees.

Adrian Dix`s shadow cabinet/ministry critics....The most important issue requiring maximum scrutiny facing British Columbia is resources, LNG in particular, and who was put in charge of the LNG file, Robin Austin, a man who was ineffectual with the education file, a weak milktoast orator who talks with an English accent, nothing against the Brits or any nation but those who speak in soft tones with subtle accents come across as elitists, we need a firm voice arguing the facts and fiction of natural gas, we didn`t need someone appointed to the learning curve..

Michael Smyth, Vaughn Palmer, Bill Good and other BC Liberal promoting media personalities are already leading the NDP down their leadership road, a road to purgatory, a road to permanent opposition..Two names are being bandied around as the most likely new leaders of the BC NDP, George Heyman and Mike Farnworth..

My gawd, do I have to spell it out, spell it out again, last Thursday in our legislature Mike Farnworth was put front and center to speak on the opposition`s behalf after the budget update..And yes Farnworth spoke well, he does speak well when rehearsed, speaking free-style is where Farnworth suffers, it was clear after the budget update by the BC Liberals last Thursday and Mike Farnworth being handed the lead role that the backroom brass has made their choice for leader...

I want to start with George Heyman, a good speaker, intelligent, agreeable, but totally unelectable as leader, George was the union-head of the public service, let me be clear, British Columbia right now is in structural deficit, meaning deficits are the new norm, the economy is in the tank this year, next and the year after that, in fact there is nothing bright on the horizon for any jurisdiction, China is starting a long drawn slump, Europe is still in recession and the American economic recovery is a myth, only Wall Street and the big banks are recovering, wages are down and dropping, domestic spending power is shrinking and only because of $trillions of dollars printed to bailout the bankster criminals and a corrupt Wall Street, only because the Federal Reserve is buying near $100 billion in bonds every month, and has been doing so for the last year plus, only because of the infusion of imaginary pixel money has the banking community been revived, the pain of inflation will soon rear its ugly head..By 2017 British Columbia still won`t have sold one dollars worth of LNG to Asia, we probably will still be waiting for big energy companies to decide if they are even going to build in British Columbia, in other words the province, our province will be broke, or should I say broker than we already are, meaning the outlook for the next decade is flatlined wages, maybe even lowered wages, the public sector, teachers, health workers will be receiving zero wage increases...

George Heyman...The onetime head of the public sector union, our party, the party of workers, the part of the union, we have a very difficult time now with the media, Michael Smyth and CKNW and others who go out of their way to tie the NDP to big unions, the old tired mantras are bandied about, how the NDP is in bed, controlled by, beholden to the powerful public sector unions, media ramps up the war drums every election without fail how the NDP will be handing out $billions in wage increases to lazy, to entitled, to already overpaid public taxpayer dollar funded workers, the same will be true in 2017 and if George Heyman is the leader of the party the connection will be easily made, reinforced and fatal, let me be clear, BC`s debt is rising by $5 billion dollars per year, we are in structural deficit, BC Liberals have so screwed our revenue sources, wasted and created permanent outflows of money that I can guarantee the provincial bank account will be empty come 2017..

How on earth can we debunk the beholden to public worker unions myth when we might have as a leader the onetime, longtime head of the public service union?....Stupid is as stupid does, Michael Smyth has been stumping for George Heyman and Mike Farnworth..

During that last leadership contest for the NDP there was three front runners, Mike Farnworth..Adrian Dix and John Horgan....I am privy as to who the BC Liberals wanted to win that contest..In order of first to last as to who the BC Liberals wanted to fight.

Adrian Dix WAS the BC liberals first choice to win the NDP leadership contest, the reason was his baggage, his demeanor and appearance, the Liberal party deemed Adrian Dix as the easiest to beat, and they proved that to be true..

The second choice for the BC Liberals in that leadership contest was Mike Farnworth...

The third choice for the liberals, the candidate they most feared was John Horgan, the one leader the Liberals feared was the honourable John Horgan, no baggage, a good family, sons, a pretty wife, an average made in Canada family..

As of today the same backroom idiots who ran Adrian Dix`s campaign, the same clowns who refuse to take responsibility for the stunning defeat are leaning towards Mike Farnworth as the new leader, a leader that will doom the NDP to another 4 years in opposition..

When will the NDP in British Columbia wake up, when will they start making the right moves, in 2017, during the next election the scandals as many as there was, the scandals of the past are just that, the past, off limits, the imposition of the HST..The lie of selling BC Rail, the Basi/Virk payoff, ethnicgate scandal, Burnaby hospital scandal, election lies, torn up contracts, illegal bills, all those past scandals are gone, Adrian Dix and party brass squandered that opportunity and the next election will be fought with personalities, spin and media bias, without the best candidate, a candidate with no baggage, a candidate that can portray an image of family, of fight, of stern resolve who can speak on their feet, no stuttering, no stammering, a leader with quick sharp wit, without that leader we are doomed...Mike Farnworth can`t win the next election..Party brass pushing for Farnworth are living in a bubble of defeatism..

As a party who historically struggles to get above 45% of the electorate we can`t risk alienating any fractions of the vote, not 5%..not 4%..not 3%..not even 1% of the vote..we can`t afford to surrender even one vote.

Don`t shoot the messenger, this isn`t a gay bash or homophobic rant, this post is derived from a view of the present reality in British Columbia, Mary Polak`s campaign manager quit during the 2013 election writ, the man was gay, he complained about the Polak camp catering to the anti-homophobic crowd, and yes they do exist, the bible belt, the Fraser valley, the interior of British Columbia, the north of the province, there is an estimated 10% of the populous who will not vote for a gay premier, we have a Catholic religion that discourages homosexuality, we have Islam and the Asian culture which despises gay, lesbian and transgender communities...

NPA`s Ken Denike and Sophia Woo created anti-gay videos targeting Asian voters in Vancouver, subtle and obvious, these are gay community haters, they, through their propaganda tried to plant images of the Vision party and lefties promoting gayness in schools, a shocking display of bigotry, a shocking display that cleary is embraced by many, especially Asian voters, religious all mighty my shit doesn`t stink dinosaurs, yes those people do exist..


Mary Polak won in Langley with a huge majority, the bible belt could care less if Mary Polak wanted books talking about gay or lesbian issues censured, or if her campaign manager quit, the bible belt could care less if city councils dumped chicken manure on homeless camps, the bible belt is full of self righteous racists, racists against those who are different, racist against poor, against the gay community..Todd Hauptman wrote...


"you see, the very base of voter who will likely help Mary get re-elected in one week`s time are made up of individuals who hold hateful attitudes towards the community I am part of"


Mary Polak won a landslide victory...

Abbotsford and Coquitlam dumped chicken manure on homeless camps to chase them heathens away, so here again, the bible belt and other communities rather than adress the problem of poor homeless people all they did was pollute their outdoor hovel and drive them from their town to another, yes indeed, the true colours and attitudes of the "community" shone through..Yes, drug dealers, grow ops and violence are accepted but homelessness and homosexuality are shunned and chased away..

he City of Abbotsford has apologized for dumping chicken manure on an unofficial campground for people experiencing homelessness.
News of the dump broke earlier today in an opinion piece on Abbotsford Today, an online newspaper, written by local homeless advocate James Breckenridge.
Breckenridge told The Tyee the move was just an escalation of the City's constant attempts to drive people experiencing homelessness out of the city.
- See more at: http://thetyee.ca/Blogs/TheHook/2013/06/05/City-of-Abbotsford-admits-dumping-chicken-manure-homeless/#sthash.ohOWpBCD.dpuf
he City of Abbotsford has apologized for dumping chicken manure on an unofficial campground for people experiencing homelessness.
News of the dump broke earlier today in an opinion piece on Abbotsford Today, an online newspaper, written by local homeless advocate James Breckenridge.
Breckenridge told The Tyee the move was just an escalation of the City's constant attempts to drive people experiencing homelessness out of the city.
- See more at: http://thetyee.ca/Blogs/TheHook/2013/06/05/City-of-Abbotsford-admits-dumping-chicken-manure-homeless/#sthash.ohOWpBCD.dpuf


"In a situation that reeks like the one that blew up in Abbotsford last week, officials in Port Coquitlam now find themselves having to explain why fertilizer was dumped on a homeless camp earlier this month.
Dan Scoones, the city's manager of bylaw services, told the Tri-Cities NOW Thursday that a fertilizer similar to peat moss was spread over a spot where a homeless man had set up camp along the Coquitlam River earlier this month."


Let me be perfectly clear, I`ll be the first to dance with Mike Farnworth in celebration when the NDP win an election, cheek to cheek, he can lead, it is not an issue for me but it is an issue with many, far too many voters will be written off if Mike Farnworth is elected leader...The media have a knack of vilifying teachers, vilifying unions, every bad teacher story gets headline coverage, Christy Clark when on CKNW made a career of attacking teachers, day in and day out, that was her standby issue.

The media, our BC Liberal cheerleading media can run story after story on inappropriate touching, man on boy touching, priest on child touching and heart-strings can be pulled, we can`t afford to surrender 5% of the vote, that is the minimum amount we would lose with Farnsworth as leader..

Yes gay candidates can win in certain ridings but the NDP can`t win a general election with a gay leader...We can`t use the old scandals, the next election will be fought on personalities and vision, Christy Clark will play the families first routine again, Hamish will be trotted out, Christy will make appearances with children, with mothers and fathers and family, traditional families will be soup de jour, churches, faith, Catholic, Islam, Hindi, and many many more..

The media, the Vancouver Sun and Province will plant written pictures of Mike Farnworth bedding down with his male partner, no children, no grandchildren, a picture of man on man sex,..And I don`t care but large segments of the public will, by the time E day comes in 2017 every voter will know in detail of Mike Farnworth`s personal life..mailout flyers will go out to Asian and Indian communities, there will be whispered talks of a leftist gay agenda, the same Ken Denike and Sophia Woo sex card will be played out on a provincial level..

And the media knows this, that is why Michael Smyth is promoting George Heyman and Mike Farnworth for leader, they, the media have, the BC Liberals have plans to defeat those potential leaders,..

They have no answer for John Horgan, they fear his leadership, they have but one angle of attack against John Horgan, the same angle Sun News media and the Federal Conservatives use against Thomas Mulcair..

They don`t call him elitist, or unqualified, or over his head, those attacks successfully used against Michael Ignatief, those attacks currently used by Federal Conservative smearers against Justin Trudeau..The only attack line used against Thomas Mulcair and John Horgan is "angry"..Angry Thomas Mulcair, angry John Horgan...When they have no mud to toss, no smear, they resort to "angry"..as in angry John Horgan and angry Thomas Mulcair..

And goddamn it...We need angry politicians, the pathetic Governance of Stephen Harper, muzzling scientists, $500 million on non-stop advertising over two years, assaulting seniors and pensioners, assaulting the environment and selling out Canada on a national level, only a insane man wouldn`t be angry..

And here in British Columbia we should be rioting at the legislature steps..Worker`s rights stripped away, BC Hydro drowning in debt for the sake of IPP Liberal insiders, BC Ferries drowning in German held debt, schools under-funded, healthcare being diminished when the need is greatest, waste after multi-billion dollar waste on un-needed projects, a stupid non-functional $billion dollar roof..a $billion dollars wasted on computer system upgrades that don`t work, our environment being sacrificed for farmed fish and private power thieves, wheelchair fees for seniors while political insiders fill their boots with monies, our railway stolen, utilities bankrupted, roads province wide in a state of dis-repair..

Vicious bridge tolls, user fees and taxation for the drowning in debt poor, fake Bollywood awards shows, fake budgets while this current Government racks up debt upon debt, while a corrupt media sleeps through the fraud and scandal and cheerleads a fantasy paved in gold $trillion dollar prosperity fund..

Yes, John Horgan needs to be angry, we all do, maybe new leaders will present themselves , but for now there are three contenders but only one real choice..

George Heyman presents too easy a target for those who will label the party union controlled, beholden to big labour, media will scare the public with stories of a NDP wage bonanza coming to the public sector..

Mike Farnworth, although capable, passionate, his speaking ability and sexuality are fatal liabilities, we as a party can`t surrender any portion of the vote..We already have most of the public sector vote and the alternative sexuality vote..

I have it on good authority that John Horgan does want to be leader, yet he too is aware of the direction that party brass is leaning, or should I say, being led by a BC Liberal cheerleading media..

The same failed NDP party brass are leaning towards Mike Farnworth and or George Heyman because the media has placed bread crumbs for the three blind mice to follow...a bread-crumb trail that leads to....

The road of purgatory and perpetual opposition...

Newsflash idiots, why do you think the media want Farnworth and Heyman, why do you think the BC Liberals want Farnworth or Heyman..Why in the hell does the BC Liberal party fear John Horgan?...Start there party brass and the rest of the answers will come too...

Please friends, readers, to all those reading this post, this is not about racism or hatred on my part, I`ll sleep with just about anything, I`ll dance cheek to cheek with both sexes, I`ll go fishing with, invite over for dinner white, black, gay, straight, transgendered, gay, ....Anybody...This post is about winning the next election.

We need a powerful speaker and critic on the LNG file, not a milktoast accented speaking Robin Austin, we need a leader who is angry, angry over the BC Liberal crimes, we need a someone who can speak on their feet, one who doesn`t stammer or stutter, we need a quick-witted in your face leader who has a family, a wife, sons, someone with no baggage, no labels of a union leader past, we need a leader that doesn`t scare away any voter percentages, ethnic, the bible belt, redneck interior or the traditional north..

Unless new potential leaders present themselves, right now there is only one leader available, his name is John Horgan.

If Mike Farnworth or George Heyman is elected leader of the NDP party, I will officially leave for greener pastures, I can`t watch those same loser party brass dimwits take us down another election losing path..

The Straight Goods

Cheers Eyes Wide Open

You see, the very base of voters who will likely help Mary get re-elected in just one-weeks time are made up of individuals who hold hateful attitudes towards the community I am a part of." - See more at: http://thetyee.ca/Blogs/TheHook/2013/05/07/Polak-Campaign-Manager-Quits/#sthash.4ecDPHqD.dpuf
Todd Hauptman, a gay man, has resigned as campaign manager for incumbent BC Liberal candidate Mary Polak in Langley, saying that many supporters of the party hold hateful views towards people with his sexual orientation.
"I simply cannot in good conscience support a campaign made up of people who think of me as less of a person because I am gay," the 26-year-old Hauptman wrote in an emailed release today.
"While I can say without hesitation that Mary has always shown me respect and love, and was a source of strength and encouragement when I 'came-out,' I have been conflicted beyond words these past weeks," wrote Hauptman.
"You see, the very base of voters who will likely help Mary get re-elected in just one-weeks time are made up of individuals who hold hateful attitudes towards the community I am a part of."
- See more at: http://thetyee.ca/Blogs/TheHook/2013/05/07/Polak-Campaign-Manager-Quits/#sthash.4ecDPHqD.dpuf
Todd Hauptman, a gay man, has resigned as campaign manager for incumbent BC Liberal candidate Mary Polak in Langley, saying that many supporters of the party hold hateful views towards people with his sexual orientation.
"I simply cannot in good conscience support a campaign made up of people who think of me as less of a person because I am gay," the 26-year-old Hauptman wrote in an emailed release today.
"While I can say without hesitation that Mary has always shown me respect and love, and was a source of strength and encouragement when I 'came-out,' I have been conflicted beyond words these past weeks," wrote Hauptman.
"You see, the very base of voters who will likely help Mary get re-elected in just one-weeks time are made up of individuals who hold hateful attitudes towards the community I am a part of."
- See more at: http://thetyee.ca/Blogs/TheHook/2013/05/07/Polak-Campaign-Manager-Quits/#sthash.4ecDPHqD.dpuf
Todd Hauptman, a gay man, has resigned as campaign manager for incumbent BC Liberal candidate Mary Polak in Langley, saying that many supporters of the party hold hateful views towards people with his sexual orientation.
"I simply cannot in good conscience support a campaign made up of people who think of me as less of a person because I am gay," the 26-year-old Hauptman wrote in an emailed release today.
"While I can say without hesitation that Mary has always shown me respect and love, and was a source of strength and encouragement when I 'came-out,' I have been conflicted beyond words these past weeks," wrote Hauptman.
"You see, the very base of voters who will likely help Mary get re-elected in just one-weeks time are made up of individuals who hold hateful attitudes towards the community I am a part of."
- See more at: http://thetyee.ca/Blogs/TheHook/2013/05/07/Polak-Campaign-Manager-Quits/#sthash.4ecDPHqD.dpuf
Todd Hauptman, a gay man, has resigned as campaign manager for incumbent BC Liberal candidate Mary Polak in Langley, saying that many supporters of the party hold hateful views towards people with his sexual orientation.
"I simply cannot in good conscience support a campaign made up of people who think of me as less of a person because I am gay," the 26-year-old Hauptman wrote in an emailed release today.
"While I can say without hesitation that Mary has always shown me respect and love, and was a source of strength and encouragement when I 'came-out,' I have been conflicted beyond words these past weeks," wrote Hauptman.
"You see, the very base of voters who will likely help Mary get re-elected in just one-weeks time are made up of individuals who hold hateful attitudes towards the community I am a part of."
- See more at: http://thetyee.ca/Blogs/TheHook/2013/05/07/Polak-Campaign-Manager-Quits/#sthash.4ecDPHqD.dpuf


  1. Grant, always the best political analysis as usual! I just googled up a poll from the leadership race but it states that Farnworth was tops for NDP leader. What are ur thoughts on that?


  2. Elwood, I could care less what the poll says..

    The media want Farnworth for the reasons stated above.

    Farnworth is capable, I would hazard to guess that most of the province doesn`t know he is gay..

    Come election time that issue will be front and center, as in..The alternative lifestyle Farnworth..

    Mike Farnworth and his longtime male companion..

    It is not an issue with me but it will be with the electorate, just picture the campaign, the Liberals will be talking about marriage, children, traditional families, faith and the like..

    Nobody has(excuse my French) the balls to speak to truth, look at Langley, Abbotsford, the interior, Ken Denike and Sophia Woo..

    If the NDP in the past got 55% or 60% of the vote, but when we regularly struggle for 44% of the vote we can`t go this route..

    We need a husband on stage, we need a leader with children on stage, we can`t piss away even 5% of our traditional vote.

    Like I said Elwood, the media are deliberately putting out Farnworth breadcrumbs for the obtuse NDP backroom boys, and girls to follow.

    And imagine this question in the TV debate..

    Mr. Farnworth, as a gay man with lifelong partner, what is your position on the faith and the traditional family..

    The media are licking their chops in anticipation of planting visual imagery in people`s minds.

    Bottom line, we lose the religious vote, we lose ethnic votes, just like what happened in the Fraserview riding..

    Susan Anton`s team sent out flyers in Chinese tongue warning the people of the evil drug-pushing, taxing, prostitution legalizing NDP..Well..

    You can add in the gay agenda pushing NDP in their next election mailer.


  3. You are SO right on Grant.

    For want of a wheel chair it looks as if my 'support' for Christy in West Kelowna at the Public Meetings on the 4th & 5th has fallen through.
    I then thought I'd take my walker and a sign "WHAT NEXT? A $15 RENTAL ON WALKERS?"

    But there doesn't seem to be any support for dissension or controversy.

    I urge all you ABC voters in West Kelowna, get out there and stir up some fire in the belly. Get on the news! Can you imagine the furor if ten or twenty seniors with wheel chairs or walkers showed up and shone a little light on the irresponsibility of the new "Premier".

    No, I guess not. I thought it was a good idea at first. Not so much now.
    John's Aghast

  4. Great post Grant! It's so good to read your stuff.

    I thought the exact same thing when the dark side was/is promoting Heyman and Farnworth. Trying to lead the NDP "elite" astray---again.

    Every regular person/voter I know is a big John Horgan fan. He's a great combination of regular guy and super-hero. He's got the Liberals shaking in their boots and he would have won the election. No way he would have held back from the Liberal record.

    PS John Aghast, it is a great idea. Even if it's just you there in person, you'll have the hearts of thousands and thousands of British Columbians with you.


  5. The reason the NDP lost the election? Simple. A rumpled suit, a poor haircut, and scruffy shoes. No review necessary.

  6. Horgan Horgan Horgan-Nuff Said!

  7. John Horgan is angry.. can't see that he is more or less angry then any other sane person. Anger seems to be equating to mental instability which is wrong - of course. There is no opposition in BC at the moment. It will only change with a new credible party. The NDP will never be elected again.

  8. I agree with you completely. Heyman would lose to the anti-union sentiment and Farnworth is a wet noodle.
    I voted for Horgan last time and would do it again in a heartbeat. If Dix stays on my membership with the NDP is over. Why would I continue to waste my time with this party if they allow Dix to stay?

  9. yes, Adrian Dix is hoping time heals our wounds and he will be granted another shot..Wrong, he hurts the party more and more the longer he stays on.

    The party gets no money from me until they show a path forward.

    With Adrian Anchor Dix dragging down the ship we are doomed.

    A interim leader put in place might have saved the Kelowna byelection.

    We can`t wait until the November NDP convention to turf Dix, we need action now!

    And yes, Adrian Dix IS the WALKING DEAD, the knives are sharp and plentiful.

    Adrian Dix is being a coward by hanging on!


  10. And now we have this new thing. Two junkies plot to bomb Victoria. the rcmp sit on this for 4 months then just in time for a photo op by the 'premier' they tell us about it. WTF...

  11. Istvan is right. The police knew of this person according to his rap sheet for a long time. Co-incidence? I think not just days before a by election. Corruption continues on with the Liberals and CC.

  12. King blogger bought the bullshit too, Harper and Vic Toews are using this action to justify their actions, Harper bootlicker sees no evil.

  13. Note to the Anon poster(whose comment wasn`t posted)..

    This "bloggie" thing you referenced,

    You must be stunned, you criticize blogs in general, call it a thingy, suggest to do anything but a blog, yet here you are, reading "the blog" and "commenting on the blog"

    By the way, I know who you are..

    You might try writing a post worth reading, your last bunch are all garbage, we see right through you, and it ain`t pretty.

  14. Hey Grant...great article!! You're spot on with Farnworth/media..and why they are salivating at the thought of him as NDP leader. Personally, I think he's a very nice man...but not leader of any political party with intentions of being anything other than opposition. Something the NDP has become good at. Get paid better than a huge number of the population, a pension only a few can dream of...stand up and do your schtick for 5 or 10 minutes a day. Great gig! Opposition ain't such a hard thing to be!

    I've said it before, I'll say it again - one last time. It's Horgan, or take my membership and stick it. After 44 years as an NDP supporter, they have a very short window of opportunity to get it right this time...or the words I can be really good at using will be used for another candidate with another party.

    An aside Grant...something that I thought/think rather strange about the last election, and I called someone just prior to the last election to talk to him about it. His take: "not sure it's something to be worried about, but let's see how the election goes..I might call you back for more info". ????!!!

    This was the issue: I do the mail for the company I work for, 3 months prior to the election 2 pieces of mail come addressed to two people at my place of work. They do not exist. Their names were run, they've never worked there, they've never been there in any capacity...my work address is their home address. They have not ever been there...again...according to all I could find, they do not exist. So where did Elections BC get their name/address from? How many more of these types of voter registrations were sent out? How many were used to vote with? Sorry, but to me - it stinks...regardless of how the election turned out.

    We MUST have a housecleaning of the NDP...from the attic to the basement.

  15. @Byrce...This post has nothing to do with a gay agenda one way or another, this post is about winning the next election.

    I hope Farnworth is happy, I hope everyone is happy in their personal life..

    The NDP struggle to get 40% to 45% of the vote, Conservative media and rightwing radio have a way of making issues about anything.

    Gay, lesbian, transgender, I love them all..

    This post is about winning an election, we have many religious and ethnic people who won`t vote for a gay leader, and that`s a shame..

    As for your comment, I don`t know what it means, if hetro-sexual men or straight woman auto workers can sign up spouses to benefit plans than so should alternative lifestyle partners.

    Good Day
