Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Grand Facade

Something is wrong people, drastically wrong, the numbers, the data, the economists, the spin, the grand illusion is unraveling........

Ill John Kim was recently in China, who is he, the leader of North Korea, a ruthless dictater who is on great terms with China`s leaders, he went there to introduce his son, the next leader of North Korea, ill Jong Kim is a vicious killer, he stomps on freedom, human rights, a destroyer of free expression and thought, how far has China really come, not far enough....

Approved destination status, recently China gave Canada that ranking, why, not why were we given that status by China but why did we accept it, a totalitarian state that poisons and pollutes and stifles creativity, a country that supports the actions of a North Korea, I won`t even get into the Tibet argument today....

Harper, Habitual liar Gordon Campbell, can we as Canadians who fought Hitler, fought for freedom, fought for democracy, can we be proud or accepting of China, I am not talking about the people of China, workers, those who fight on the internet, I am talking about the Government of China, I don`t know as Canadians what we stand for anymore.......

The Great recession of 2008/2009......The recovery, banks and Wall Street bailed out, money printed, what about the people, right now corporations are hoarding cash, over $1 trillion dollars of cash is being hoarded by companies in the S&P alone.......The brokerage houses are making money, recently Canadian bank earnings numbers for the last quarter were released, our banks made billions, yet the "Street" was expecting bigger profits.........

I read money.....Financial pages, the "economists"....Whenever oil falls a dollar or $2 and or when it rises, the wording used is strange, phrases like..."oil recovers from July lows"......

I remind you that oil was $23 dollars a barrel when Bush invaded Iraq......Now it`s reported as somewhat of a tragedy if oil slips to "New July lows of $76 dollars a barrel"......

Wall Street again is flush with cash, banks are healthy, corporations are sitting on wheel barrels full of cash, companies from around the world, from countries with VAT taxes(HST), from countries without VAT or HST, the miners are loaded with cash, BHBilton recently offered nearly $40 billion for Saskatchewan Potash, Rio Tinto is loaded with cash, Gold is at record highs, copper, metals are priced well for mining profits.....

Yet around the world Corporations are looking for even cheaper labour than China can deliver, their looking to Vietnam, why pay $2 dollars a day for a man when you can get one for nothing?......
The jobless rate in the US is a staggering 20%, housing prices continue to fall, equity has vanished, record low mortgage rates don`t help the jobless, and I hear the garbage from Gordon Campbell`s brother Michael Campbell, the bullshit from the Habitual liar Michael Levy, the talk about Greece, Ireland, how the people must give up their pensions, go back to work, the talk about services that are needed to be slashed because of debt crisis....

The Jobless recovery, I spoke of this last year, technocracy, we no longer need workers, automation, the US jobs market will never recover, Canadian home prices will crash too, just wait, and corporations are sitting on trillions in cash beholden to their share holders and damn the health of the nation.....

The markets, credit default swaps, derivatives, hedging, a companies value and stock price gets lowered even if they make money, if the "Street" thinks they were going to make $10 dollars but company X makes $9 dollars their stock price falls, just like the recent Canadian bank earning numbers, gee whiz, the TD only made $1.4 billion for the quarter, oh the tragedy, the humanity.......

People are slowly waking up to the stock market fraud, even though companies are sitting on mountains of cash, the brokerage houses are raking in billions, the players, the little guy with his pension or mutual fund has lost money, the stock markets are down, the TSX,the Dow 30, Asian Markets, Europe, if you bought the broad base of stocks you lost money......

The pryamid scheme is faltering, Wall street needs the little guy to keep dumping their money in the markets to prevent a total collapse, the Bernie Madoffs, Goldman Sachs, Bear Stearns, all of them are thieves, con men, snake oil salesmen.....

The HST will not create 1 job, it will cost jobs, millions of jobs, the corporation raping our rivers or mining gold or shipping our old growth forest to China for $2 dollar a day workers to mill care not about the HST, the HST is nothing but a few more pixels on a screen for shareholders to mull over...................

The Economists, Michael braindead Levy, Michael Campbell, liars, they talk about dismantling health care, removing pensions, pensions that Government agreed to decades ago, private company pensions have been faltering around the world, and or renegotiated by companies that haven`t honoured their commitments, here in Canada every other day I read about Canada`s health care is unsustainable, the beating of the drum from the Harperite`s, the Falcon`s, the Levy`s, the Campbell`s....

Consumer taxes up, hidden taxes up, utilities up, food up, gas up, city taxes up, provincial taxes up and less and less health and education services delivered yet the Corporation.......

Yet the corporation is sitting on trillions of dollars and their tax load has been lowered every year for decades, and all my instincts tell me this is by design....There are no more good corporate citizens, the machine cares not about the town, the Jone`s, the Smith`s, the public, what is wrong with a corporation making no money? How about breaking even with maybe a small profit, how much money can get siphoned from the system........

The monopoly game is over friends, they got all the money, 20% unemployment in the US will be the new normal, house equity will be a thing of the past, here in Canada heath care will slowly be privatized, pensions eliminated, no amount of Government stimulus or Michael Campbell bullshit will change anything, enjoy what`s left of the economic ride, don`t count on your home to save your retirement, the players, the elites, all they are doing is running out the clock, serving their term, as long as the collapse, the big meltdown doesn`t occur under their mandate, the economic collapse can only be held off so long, be ready my friends.......

Identify the enemy, Wall Street, Michael Levy,Michael Campbell, the banks, the BC Government, Harper, China, North Korea, Plutonic power, the stock market.......

The Straight Goods

Cheers-Eyes Wide Open


  1. At least the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a "classless" system whereby everyone is treated equally and everyone has a job.

    It's the capitalist and imperialist American puppet that calls itself South Korea that's attempting to undermine the Democratic People's Republic of Korea with U.S. imperialist hegemony!!!

  2. Grant, another enemy of the people that you forgot to mention is Vancouver's mayor Moonbeam. Did you hear what he stated today?

    quote"The surprise in all of this? That Vancouver would do so well so soon after the Olympics, Robertson said.

    "The results have vastly exceeded what we expected," he said. "This is the gift that will keep on giving."

    What a bunch of bullshit. BC's working class has suffered immensely as result of these corporate games for the elites. Billions of taxpayer's dollars squandered that otherwise could have been used for social services for the poor and impoverished.

  3. A couple more pieces of the puzzle...the IMF has been working on bringing in a One-World Currency...and expects to have it well within ten years.

    Two companies in the States are perfecting the system for iris recognition...and have stated that within ten years pretty well everyone in the world will be in their data banks. Those that refuse to have their iris read will "stick out like a sore thumb"...and it will be much easier on us if we just "go with the system." According to them, we'll be on their cameras, and in their data banks from the time we leave home - until the time we return. Total control of crime is their big excuse, though admittedly total control of a population will be the side effect.

    So, one currency, one government (Harper has been devoting much time to bringing that in), VeriChip's iris recognition...and soon thereafter, the implanted chip.

    Where have we heard of this before?

  4. On Global National they ran a story on housing in the USA. The reporter had a copy of a Washington, DC newspaper which had 43 pages of homes for sale. The catch is that all these homes were all foreclosures. Although the reporter didn't specify, I assume that these listings were for homes in the Washington, DC area. When their housing problems were being highlighted, the areas most talked about were Florida, Arizona and California, so one can only imagine how many pages some areas in these states could fill.

    The codswollop that was being fed to us by our politicians and noted economist types that Canada was doing fine compared to the US was nothing more than enticing the great unwashed to keep borrowing and spending. And by the ever increasing profits the banks are making, it must be working.

    Unfortunately, the time will come when the bubble will burst. Canadians as a whole are saving less while increasing their debt. Some of this can be attributed to the "gotta have it now" mentality some people seem to live by, but I believe there are many who are getting further in the hole just to survive.

    The bottom line, as I see it, is that we are in for a rough ride for many years to come. And yet, the banks will still be making huge profits while the talking heads keep telling us this is a good thing.


  5. I'm off topic....but, here's some welcome news! See Times Colonist article August 27th edition. Washington State is going to remove two dams. This will enable several species of salmon stocks to flourish in the Juan de Fuca straight -- numbers would/could raise to 400,000 from a few thousand. It's heartening to hear (project begins next year). Now if only we could dismantle run-of-river projects in BC and reclaim these stretches of river. We need a Danny Williams type-of-politician. He reclaimed timber and hydro rights( for people of Newfoundland Labrador) from Abitibi.


    The lieberals too need to back off and quit selling/leasing "the citizens of BC's resources".
    Good work Danny, way to stand up for your province and the resources that belong to them.
    BC lieberals continuing the way they are?
    (Didn't know where else to post this one.)

  7. The American dollar is still rated 'AAA'. Can you imagine, all that debt with no way to pay it off, and assholes who live in lala land keep the rating at triple A. Hahahahaha

    There is so much corruption in the financial sector/markets. Now is not the time to put money into the markets. Don;t buy any real estate either, it is gonna fall down.

  8. I know this is not on topic and I always like what you have to say, you need to get your message out to tens of thousands of listeners at once? ... The Written blog may not be doing it for you. If your opponents are using radio to get their message out, maybe you should too.
    Create Your Own Internet Radio Station (eRadio) with call-in, it can be done very cheap and anonymous, now is the time for you to take this blog to the next level.

  9. The HST, has caused prices to go sky high. I especially noticed that, in the supermarkets. Food costs are killing everyone, families are already doing without meat. Come winter with the high costs of utilities, I can see, many evictions and utility cut offs. The tax hikes, in the provincial budget, were bad enough. Put the budget and the HST together, the burden is far too heavy. I can't remember, where I read this. China is holding billions of U.S. treasury bills. Campbell and Harper, work hand in hand, on projects for China's easier access into Canada. I think, Fadden of Canadian Intelligence, put a warning shot, across the bow. I am wondering, if the influence he was talking about was, China's Communist influence? Campbell shut down 51 mills, some went to China, as well as our raw logs. Campbell in his time in office, has lost our mill workers, 30.000 jobs. Every time a mill shuts down in BC, another mill opens in China. Campbell has pocketed, millions of dollars, by destroying our economy, in the north. Rumor has it, there is another recession, on the way. For sure then, Harper will preach some more, on his pet theme of, global governance.

  10. maybe the chinese have a special place for harper and campbell,in their new world once they have taken over,because that's the way its looking from my window if the socialists are so bad the communists have got to be worst,you cant have it both ways,after all I'd rather have the socialist at my gate than the communists building walls around my gate?


    When are people going to wake up and see that we here in BC are also paying big time now for all the new "private" producers and with the lieberals on the way to wiping out BC Hydro, just where do you think the rates will go? I know our house has seen a "substantial" increase in our rate in the past year already.


    You can substitute BC Lieberals in this as well.
